• urn H far COTfTASS UmT-fctw-n tkia rMy mm4 Pilot Mountain Sonday after by Mr. and Mm. H. t ru-aall. af Wtaatan-Balam Ittura far ra-| to Arthur 1 owry at P. M lava Mount Airy, N. C. M (Ml Ma • |iwl 'an. Laak M Tha Naw WklywM. Jwt Ni-Ht Baa B at B A H ' GRCCN RIVER, LOBT— ABOUT > waaka In whit* C. W. Darta at Mount Airy C*„ Mate 0tra*t ^ J-TaaT -ran part it POB BALE—8 C. arkit* ana. Alaa aapa w April hatcfcad pullat* 8. Barton. Mount Airy. M. C.. So. t 7-»0-c ■BNT—My labia bona* of aavaa rooma. Ap wiy to Donna Bolt I0S South ft. Mount Airy, N. C. phoaa TO 7-«4* isC rwward for information Mw arraat and conviction of any par-1 •an chargad »*k tha thaft of eMrk-1 aaa or any art id* from oar , Poultry Parma 7-»-e. I tfc tKN IN Need of any thin* to tka ». Aakbw farm Man. Ha will delHn B ta you bafara dinnar fcai tha vina and thay arlll ba la ITALIAN QUBSNB Par aala—«1B»| aaak or N.00 par doaaa, aatiafac Maa goarantaad or monay back. W. I. and D. L. Bowman. Tha Hallow,, Ta. tfc. to* DR. J. P. COX m MS Rn, m • kNT< I U A. H. S-S P. M. 5 ONOR * SPARGER ** AIRY, W. C Bf"| M. HolltPfswoiIti DENTIST MOU. NT AIRY. N. C WBK. UTi S AWD AUTOMOIII* I POORE * ASHBY POW of All Kinds k of Meant Airy WL J. S> AANMn MOUNT MKT. ft C ML J. ijOGAjT Dr. R M. LANCASTER Pfitirit Ptiyiiciaa Office In City Hall ,i " 101 0 turn K» mmm * Wmm^ : 1 M* J - to tto prixm by Mn Wmn A. who vae ami to aaye hi * WttT to (V in t—xi. war* kjr i de alt* to im (to |WMf (*Hm of tto JnM L.Lit |kall .nv pnnviJIIiMi i "wn uwn "7 wiy rwi»w»wp ^ that Im mM • loaf lahment Royal m i »rf*« of falae proton—. It to < Grady. belief that tto drag habit] «m hack of hia downfall. Tto Hoy la 8 Ink'a o*re today and aantod tto lattor writton him JM(f Grady afte% tto parele gran tad Tto toy. who haa a of artfa aad to rhlldraa, la for tto roarta aad iun llneai eat. A| portion of Judge Grady'* letfa "I believe aM of year traablea tow* | taan, not from an arH aatora. of aoaaa mlaerable i of a doctor la Durham. wto atartad yoa to tto dnf habit. I may to wraac; but that la my optolea. I did not aand yoa to tto ponltontiary u-r pwalahaiint; bat far a eara. If poaaiMa of your drag tohlt Tto prtooa phyaiciann aay yoa are May tto rood Lord keea you In that j ctnditioa. 1 know It la hard to qaK;{ I have aaaa hundred* af dru« addict* wto couldal to eared. It la a ter rible condition to gat la; aad It re-| quired nenre and backbone to back aad to a ain. , "You haae •» treat many frlaada alio will land you a Iwlpinf hand; you alaa have a faw foal adrieer* wto will da you n« food. Tto toat ed rlaar af all la year wife, wto toa atood ky you In all your troobiee. "It la ao eaay to da tto right thine j that I cannot understand why mea! go wraac. There are only two to thla world that are realty while, and they are aad character. If a aua haa belli af | tbeee to wOl aucceed If to la lack ingr la either, to may ahtoe far a| while; hot to will fall eoon or lata." Judge Grady waa aa intimate frtoad of tto prlaoner'a family, who live la Sampeen, but to atood agataat them to their plea far diarharga without a prtom aentenee. "I rafwaed their pieaa to your behalf until I feH that you were ready and able to atand the praaaare en the nutalde," he aaya. "aad then I acted." Not if* Tm«t*r'» Hair of Laad. By virtue of authority vested hi the underaigned trustee in a certain dead of treat executed the 4th day of Dae.. 1924, by Wm. H. Marmh. Minnie Marl*ii laal. Interest and coat of This July 15th. 1M6. EDW. M. LINVILLE. 1 ■•rgenreoi s mwers Turnmyre & Lamm ft t, Mr Mh—! v* ^ »■■■■ ^ - I -#>*■' ■C.I 4ne*4 IMMmK « s*r' t. JL C. ArHHftan »r»H | If jrou wotiM Ilka tn lu>n» Just wW Japan clorar will do, Jfv k mm i. K. CfttiVwn Mara ago. Laa* art at*- ha tur-rrt tha aofl HMlar aad pl»nta4 com thla Mar. Ha arfH vat a vi<4d at M hilllfll Mf Kfv Thar, la ar apMaMi. laaat tha rklrlwu in tMa i maaiunfry that in kilttaf a r w>r <«r tfc.m Thar* l* the bxt tabarca ami imp 'n Mm Tank'* Srh ikaf L. (_ _ I M*ii vakav a^araia»a t »IW »•*" DfTI I'M IWTrrW 1W« win ha p 4ay XrlkMl at PiaaH _ MMuy. TWa la nwr1i< a wary lara- mtwil im< In Dm wM|mJ WiiIh In » cartnin daod of truat aaarntad tb« 21»t Ait of April, IMft. br tha ftnmat r»r»( tora Co., to tha undaraifnad trurtw for D. L. Donnall to aacura M in dafctnaaa of IM2.M. tha wfciilfwd tru«to* wilt aaB for raah to tlM high igl pitHltc* loctioii in front of tha bank of NmM Airy, Mount Airy. M. C. on Hatarday. Any. 1L IMS at t a'dairk r.M. tha followinc torrftad rani aatnto: ttaUw *%r*' iaZwm* "lonth vlaw, aa* pint lamrited in tha Bogiatar of Daada ofllaa of Surry County. N. C„ in honk ono pn*» 39 Kala made to utiafy a hnlanca of 9MS.M principal IttoUt and coat of ant* to add. « Thia tha l*th day of July, 1MB. Warhovtn Bank I Truat Co., TrwtaaJ NOTICE By virtue of aa execution directed to me by thi Clerk at the Superior Ccurt of Surnr County In a n action rntitM, The State of North Carolina ufrainxt Prank Greenwood and 1. T. Greenwood and T. S. McCrary Sure ties, I will expose to public aula to the highext bidder for caab at the Court Home door in Dobeon on the tad. day of Aanet.JIM. at mm e'clartP.V. the following described real eatate leried on by me •« the 25th day of May, IM, aa the property of T. 8. McCrary aaid property being deacrib ed aa fallowa; All that tract of land lying and be ing in Stewarta Creek Township, Sur ry County, adjoining the land of Andy Beck. Bohrrt Blackburn. J. U Mc Crary and other*, containing <0 arret and more fully described la a deed from C. K. McCrary to T. 8. Mc Crary recorded in the oAcc of the Bsglsi .r of Deeds of Surry County, Book St Page 174. Afcw one tract conveyed by H. B. McCrary and oth er* to T. 8. McCrary recorded In the office of the Begiatcr of Deeds of Bar ry County Bom 48, t*age 178 and Book K rage 848. Alao on* other tract contai in® 8 acre* purthaecr by ?. Z. McCrary from John Greenwood .-nd hounded no the north by IL B Greenwood, on the east by J. L, Me Crory lands anrf on the south and west by T. 8. McCrary. Sal* made to satisfy the sum of 8250.00 aM . net a* shown by said ex ecution This June 80th. 1888. C. H. Haynes. Sheriff BEFORE HER BABY CAME Vmi Lydb E. PfakWs Adkioa. Texaa.—"Before my baby LBie 1 was so weak I bad to stay la bed moat or tto time until I bfa taking I-rdta & Ptnkh»miVee«UU»]« Canpoiit. Mr aMtltar-In-law, who U a mid*Ida, told ma It waa all tool lalwana tar om to aur la bad. Ska told ma to taka Lydta B. Ptekhaaa'a Vagatabla Ooaa poaad and It wmM jwte^feU B. & H. Service Station Distributors for Overland and WilKs-Knight Can COMMUMIONm SALE. to authority vaatad la th» ^ W ordar of th» Clerk of tW gipiriir Court of Sorry County, North CtnliM, in a proeaaa •ng entitled U. a. Briton, admini atritiir of Wm. M. MiUnr, iinmt t» J. W. Rrinkloy, olik. I will aati far auk U the hivhaet Mdder na the piMlM Oil Tiniiy tW iMi tlM fallowing ilrttrftii real mUIi, to-wit: A certain lot. tract or perrel of laad, tituatr, lying aad being in Mount Airy Towaahis, Barry County, Stat* of Nortk Carolina and aon particularly deacrihad and defined a* follow.: Adjoining the taada of H. M. Uaaback, T. H. Brof t. pad "them linaadid « follow*: Lying and front - la# aa the Fancy Cap road and ha >in| at a atnka Linehack'a eoiwr n«i the wart aida af the Fancy Gap road and ran* thaw* with Linaback'* Una 8. <2 dag W, M 1-2 cha. to tha ranter of the railroad grade; thence N. M 1-i dg. W * eh* to Brown'* coraar; Ifcaar' with Rmm'i Itaa N. •1 (h|. K. 11 1-4 cha. to Browa'i coraar on th» wrat lidr of tkr Fancy Gap road; tbanm with aaid road 8. Si dag. K. 1 l-l ckt. to tha hatrtnnmg. Balag lot No. I of the J. E. Wlm (am aa nM by Uwl)l*-H*tclMi Uwl Co., ron tain tag 2.46 mtm mn rr rd to Wl'ulain E. Davia and wife. Matte 8 D.W., by K. A. Htmaoefcar by drad datad July SM. 1M1 and iw aordad m Beak if. page 3* in tha of - Urenf the lUgiater ofTteoda af Rorry County, North Carolina. Sale madr u> aiakr aaaaU to pay ^ o ^ ft cj Tn • i ^ t 11 ciyi Salt mad* anbjrri to ruaflimatton af tha court. TWa July W, I'm. ^ ^ None*. Haring qualified aa rxocator af Mr. C. D Vaughn, all peraeaa holding ctoiraa againat aaid aatato will harahy taka mUn that thay art required to - - at. ». »L- - * ' -» urMfni int hum w un*irr»i§iwu wHWb It month* tram Um dai« «r tMa notko will ha plipfci la bar af New hJmeating oil showsgas saving of17.9% T TUNDRBDS of road testa on many types ii of can and trucks prove that'the new "Standard" Motor Oil gives astounding results. A 2H tan Mack trade, for instance, ran 1,572 mites from September 24th to October 2 2d, 192S, showftd 22A% increase in oil 17.9% increase in ga ation at sO^pesih; no carbon You oan motxuJfy f—J thm 7 Advantages of "Standard" Motor Oil f cA Quarter a Quart STANDARD OIL COMPANY (NcmJmwj)