Mia* Canto L. Booker, of Atlanta. Ga., Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Kou«h and family and Mr. and Mn. R. W OwwAnw spent wjth Mr. and Mr*. Kurntor Mlaa Rena Wood ha* har hum* in thla city very proved hi Mth after a lengthy atay In John Hopkina Hospital, imawi, Md.. for trsatment. Mrs. W. E. Jarkaon and Mia* Martha Haandari are on a trip to northern aurketn to buy early (all millinery and ready-to-wear far Jack Ron'* lit ore. Mtaa Dell llwbw i > ha* returned from Galax, Vo-, whore ahe waa call ed by the serious illness of har mother who to now very much Improved. Mr. and Mr*. R W. Painter and daughter Mtoa Gertrude, of Jackson ville, PTa.. spent the week and with Mr* W. T. Henni* and family. Mrs. W. C. Bur**, formerly at this city, returned to har home in Kanaa* City, after viaiting several weeks bet*. Mr. Morgan Simmons, of Martins ville. Va„ spent the week end hare with his family who are guests for a month of Mrs. Simmon's father, Mayor W. G. Sydnor. Mrs. P. 8. Early and daughter*. Mtoaea Grace and Blanche Early have returned to Winston-Salem after via itinr Rev. and Mrs. C. C. 11 ay more in this city. Mr. and Mr*. B. E. Herman mU Mtoa Kathleen and aaf Friday in Greeu«ha«i -Salem shopping and oa dMn.LV, Jaaaa. <* WO ■ V Vm., gaaata of Mr. and Mr*. J. U Sprinkle m MM «. ■ Mrs. S. B. Oataa and iHlfcia. of I and Mm. L Worrell, Mr. m C. M. Wall. MtaaMabal Woods, ' Waa-1 Mr. and Mr*. I. U Spark* at daughter* Mban Prance* and Cfcar-1 lutU, of Aaaericua, Oa., art *p»n the Mat «Nt rad: they weri n cr ... . . IN whonV mate* of Wtt Merritt at Inland Ktan fc rd Coilac*. fale A ho, Cat.. durin* the Toaidonc* of the Merritt family in that atate. They at ... mm W Will Merritt who la with the abrveyfcif vquad from th« Univeralty of North CaitMa at Mr. and Mra. Herman I. Kuaeell. of Wi«i»toa-8ale*a. apent tha aatk and kith Mr*. FiuadTa >l>Ur. Mra. Ar thur U>wry. and between thia city and Pilot Mountain Sunday afternoon lout their *u{tca*e off tha fandar of tha rar. Mra. FuaaaQ la a recent hrida and will ha r .timbered hare aa Mia* Caautia Stewart and tha **fccaae con tained bar wwldma drea* an.i other hinga that aha prlaad hijrhly. Templeton-Wright » ^The marriage of Jlla* MtrnrN Irmplftoa to Mr. Charlaa Wright Which took place la Turk, S. C„ June IV, kaa juat been announced th:» weak and tha young cured rooei* for light houaakaepinr m tha Home of Mr, and Mra. Weldon Parker. Miaa Tami-teton came We ft Mouraatille about three yaara age en tar Martin Hompttal for nu training and r«rehrwd her diploma Wrirht ia a native of thin place i i> employed ia tha ofllcea of tha ft Y. Railway Co. E- M. Lmfflt Kiwuk Mr. K. M. Liavilla waa hoat to tha Kiwania tflrm ami director* at a aix o'clock dinner Thuraday at hia home on North Main Street.* A dec orative aolar irhan waa carried out In yellow and white, ehaata and ral low daiaiee and yellow candlaa beinrl aaad aad tha dbmera wave aerved ia I aix coureea,, cover* betas laid for | fo Fin* Mar. I. C. Oriar, achool. *:tt a. m. warship, M ft. m. worship. If.*. C. K 7 p. m. C. K. —Tsli p. m. Prayer atrriee Wad. J p. m. Tha Krtgttta of Pjrthjaa in Haunt fcoekjr Mount. Grand Chancel] th* Grand Domain of North CaraMaa, pr*Mnt for an alMraa* and tho prra- I mutton of a tort** cup; Goo. E. vin* C._W. Corhill, of I icellor '«tj Unrill, of CWiotte, Grand Kaopar of I iUcord. and Saala. I. W. Orobb*. Matrtet Depatr Grand Chancellor, Prad i. Bnwtr, TmtN of tka Clay tan Pythian Hon* and Oae*r F Kdmmt, tb. orfanlaor and adrtoai Chan •a aftar tW Grand I •da hit addraaa. Grand Vko-Omi. Man* Airy Lodsra MS won had mada his! th» rap to thr ivttjr akown*aa"arai7'hand'Tn - s'SratsS' <# Kara-^Wa jrUh hfcn ^«n -sSlS Iwm. The 4im and dignitaries w-re «T»ed • luncheon at IMF. M. In 'Se w»l» *-'«hed and wfiinihtiil BIm Par Mtaa W1 Mlaa Mae Snell. of Thomaavflla. -<«ter af Mr*. B. H. Williamaun, waa Siatoree at a picnic nupper Wodnea dav evmini of but week in which the aw a* her* of the Kllntre Bridge CM motored to the country and xpraad • d-Hr^a* *unprr hi nh-n'c atyW, War. Saell «u the only noi» p I., palug ' ,;] |UWrtl I Robert Lovill. thirty boy* and N parent* Dr Wodnaaday o'clock. C* rd a mHn of >an» and the ted • mundarfuJJy good Um. Valu Used Our in order to we jure making specially low prices on all ttMt we have oa Rand. Among t)mm are the fa«: ONE BUICK TOURING. ONE DODGE TOURING. B.&H. Willie-Knight and a Land For Sale 2. 400 acraa very fta* timbered land oa Dakar's Peak. Extra wall Uabtwd—Also on* aplendid factory aMe oa A. 4k. Y. Railroad near tke bark iM often Aha eae • room hoaaa and t good Iota aa Waat Salatgh SL Prleaa low and tarma raaaonable. & JOHK A. MAJmN Agent for C. C. Hanot ft Soaa Co. YOU SHOULD NAME Tilt SURRY COUNTY LOAN t TRUST CO. AS YOUR EXECUTOR FOR THE FOLLOWING REASONS: T>» T rust I A bottl* mt GREEN RIVER |co«ti>nH FOODJTALUE «q»l