"It looked beautiful to AW Lin coln'» client* to have him refuaa to take adequate retainer* or foea, and It aeeaMd too awfuly lovely far any earthly Mt of aae to blear-eyed. la Uffly't hair al he had aathlM to do with the eaae. All that Hataaa lorely' ■ow, but Mary Todd Liacain didnt Uke It at all. "You're alwaya aaying, *jhre the koya a chance," ahe remarked oaa ■anilng at breakfast. "What about year own boy*—Boh, for hiatance? % hia chance to be woree than on that drunken lout of a Herndon? In her righteoua tn ahe threw thia aerlpture at hoabanda head: 'If any provide for hia own, and apeeially for of hi* own ho—a. he hath the faith, and k woree than Lincoln, boy felt the truth of tMi | Hem ■ _ a? *at aha weald K» one day ha the ftret tody of the land "Altar Dm national tragedy the hearts of the people instead of paw Imc m* hw and conaolalioa far Iks •rat lady of Aatrtn, aa tka British triad ta ooaafort tkeir bereaved quMn, Um toaCM of detraction drove Mr*. T in coin ta lonip land*, under pre test of seeking health in the waters of Germany. 'Little Tad.' the child of the nation, «Mrt with her, and con traded typhoid fever from the impure water in the city of Frankfort "Driven oat of Europe by the open tn* of the Franco-Frussion war, the widow and youngeat son of President I lacola left the Fatherland on the last boat down the Shine before the cW*| of all Qenaaa ports for the desperate struggle with.France. Hur rying home to Chicago her frounrfeat son was taken desperately 111 and died within a fow narti "As often in paralysis the third stroke was fatal yet Mrs. Lincoln's wonderful vitality survived her rea son for II ttagering yeara. Instead of being sont to an asylum she was he|A, through Robert's tender cars, in Ike old house at Springfield sur rounded by her devoted relatives. Fsr yaw* the had a korrar af tka koaaa. "Another mania was her eld tarrar, of poverty. I waa told by W niece that after her paaetag out they found 173,000 ta United Btateo bonda quilted ki one at Aunt Mary's a ilk pattlcoate. "Waa M any wiadir tkat tka White Howae held aa lure far Bohart Todd mMm tag tkarv? Several timea wkan ke wa adTered the mm taatlea far Mta presidency, aa in 1IM. two years after hie aether's death, ka wktaparad kla refuaal al ■•aat aa fuitlraly ah If to ward Ml tka eoaaaMto not to apeak of H oat "Enormoua ■■■■■« of water are •hot up thouaanda of >ln to Um aky. frosting Instantly into ofcjocU which vary from the riw of • rain drop to th* «iM of a mountain, and then fan hack on • aarface that to covered with mow from Um Mnallor fragments of thl* (Jictod water. Thus the lunar crater mar to form ed." The theory flta the facts, according to latest scientific date, but fhe au thor goes on If (he moon to made of anow and iea may it not malt t And he answers the query by saying It may be melting with no apparent visible result. "In rare atmosphere, as In Um Himalayas, snow does not malt kite water bat ssapmalu In vapor as nsmphsr dose. Than this must ht re dapsatted on ths moon tain* of Um maen, as It to en th.* snow peaks of Um Alps. that hs had threatened te end his Me mmI times. The ballot m • hatter Um of tha ekuutotMIn a# tha plant Such atafca aalarted ahanld ha mark ad by tjrtaf a atria* te tha •talk. Later wa ran aula tha aar ami grain aalactiaa. Thla month ia good for flail aawtag of all kMa of gmaaaa and *lomr» Pall aoarteca a* tha avaraga gtaa hat ter raautta than iprini aoarn. Wa •Kould aaa both fall and tprtaf aa wa cm gat a rood stand of tha paatara gmaaaa and flow. Probably tha baat tima te rot cora la whan tha nhucka tarn yallow About 126-1140 atalka maka a food alaa ■hock. There ara thraa way» of aat infactory harvesting com, auking silage, cutting, shocking, and hogging down. Tbaaa gtea splendid resulte. Late aolters ara tha baat layers ac cording fa> some recent figures from tha Kentucky Extension Diriaion. Haaa bsglnaning te malt In Augnal laid 1M ana and aiiaaad 151 days. Thoaa beginning te molt In lapten har laid 1*7 aCr* and laid a* 1 a day* Tha Oetebar inolter laid 1U day* and mated M day.. The November nioltar laid 171 a«g* and laid af W day*, whUa tha Pinrtw onea fro* dneed tha higheet number by produc ing 174 acta. While a ban la Matt ing aha ia mating and wU nat lay eggs unti aha ia through this parted. Tha ataat pouHtymea tian far whiter. If yaa am s*pert ky law to appoint a tax coBector ra TUa la a Mow at tke aherMfa, and, Meeting mi tka coaat. tka ikai »■ I to «gkt hnefc. They ml an i*cord," I fay* *** IteWick Ttmea, "aa oppeaad to any anch change and voted to koid another meeting to Raleigh during tka maatinc of tka general iMiWy* Tka eoauniaaionara are right. TV preaent system under which tka ukartff, elected ky popular vote, collects taxes i* a bad one. Thia is a function of govanunent tkat shouM ha under tke control of the men who are charged witk firing tke deeeee One of tke commonest eeandnle con nected wttk county government is arookedneoa or toeompetonce in tke ekerMTs odte. Mere often tkan net tke am elected to tke pinee ia unfit for It, and every little white tke pub lic laama through tke newspapers of a skerHf who kaa mieappropriatod I tke tea man ay or otkmalw nknaed MaaaTeT pdKfc^Mlii>>7eV'.'!Ld!*tf any iiliiplwt work at »il«i|* la going to Ignre' la Ma eentoet, tkey •koald ha kkls to deHiai aa goad a