THE FOWKX Or MUNTBBS INK. S«M week* ago th*r* war* • doaM or mn children to Um county Imm ot Surry kiwi mrj **ort M hM Mil to gat fcnui for tkw nd y*t they bad not b**n plncod- Th* •ditor of Th* Now* l*arn*rt of th* fact# and wrote an article eallinfl at tention to the fact and at moo th* cation* from a number of people, not only front citisen* of Surry county but from Many counties of the ftato and from Many citiaeoe of otbar state*. With all thoee demand* for the children It waa no trouble to neleet desirable home* for theM at om«, and every one of theM waa givan a flood bom* And It all caase abont aa the result of on* short nrtkto pob Uahed In Um N*w*. It I* a vary pos it rvs and convincing incident that show* th* power of advertising. It •eat th* county net a cent, and yet It resulted hi finding boas** for a num ber of children who war* being fad and clothed at th* aipsnaa ef th* Us payer* of the county. OTTO WOOO AUTHOR. Um notorioua Mr. Otto Wood hM turned author and la publiahinc or Ims puhllahed a book. Be la now a fam ous crlMtnal confined fa the state prison far mnrder. He ha* eeeapad so Many times that they an now hiaptofl bhn in an Iran cafle to idle about th* Ufa at crtoM ha hM Uved and the ton tim** ha hM *aoafl*d from prison*. Waa hia eel the priaon authorities an permitting hka to conduct a aale af hia book. As we recall it, th* law la that audi char Mstors shftll bo oosflntd In Um fifltf priaon at hard labor. Thar* la loma i- . -J • « miUli ■ laulu wnf oui n Ktfpinf win onwrij thought for th* state to ba allowing • aheap eriMinal to b* publtohtofl and sailing auch a book aa Waad la sup paaad to he able to write. Th* aup paeition naturally la that soMahady euteide the priaon la Maktofl money an thia deal. Mr. Weed ahould ba put to bnHaihig chaira ar «vau dotofl nothing rather than ■aajfag the Mate with auah literatufu M ha M Following ■ Imri*! at Pobsan this Co.. brought by W. H Marion continued until mit Fabruary coart Thi. m ifrMd upon by both aides at the contest on condition that John Banner Mm with Edw. M. Unrille as co-rmiw. b) the hearing it W brought out that W. U. Marion owna one-hflf of the stock of the company and 1 Q. Benbuw and P. A. Boom, each om>-fourth. Mr. Marion aliased in bia complaint ♦*"» be was not being paid bia proper share of the pro At* from tha operation of the theatre. The appointment of Mr. Bannar aa ana of the receiver* was at the request of Mr. Boone and Mr. -Benbow., j| la understood that the receivers will omploy Mr. Boone to operate tha the atre. but they will have full control of iH moofe* mmA poUciM of Um the atre whilt it it under their suporvu ion Gto» Castor Lmhi Hotpitil TTOMldll t|||^ ||| |^rt0tl<>j[y r wound* to return to hia homa in Carroll County, hrtw «u shot In the faoc with n ikot gun by Wobb following • qnmrrrl of mm nature and lor a Mm it was feared that Easter would not rocovor. IniMdi ately alter botaf akot ha wu brought to Martin Hnapftal where etoac «tedi cal attention par ha pa aavod hie Ufa. C—lidirato Vttoraa Pmiii William Williaawon a Confederate Voteran afod U Mara dU at tha honw of Us so*. Monro* WlllU»«on ttsa! iiffUK about two raan. lb rantni ware »<£ day aftanoaa, where the aged «n had boen a meaabor mora tbaa batjr Nan. Ho is saialaed hy all ehiJ dron two at whoa, Early and Mom A We Watim.1,, Attracts -~T /; 1 j by the clerk and compare mm with hl» -r-K book." "ft found in analysing the bank accounts that the bank deposits var ied materially fro* the amounti shown by the dark's cash hook and asked the «i»rk for an explanation but he could not five proper informa tion We Have prepared schedule 13 and 14" to show the analysis of the bank account and cash book and th* wide difference will he noted." IV law requires that a statement of the moaiea handled by *11 public n>rial» ha pabhahsrt in amm news paper annually. This ha* haw 4mm by P. M. Poos*, the city secretary and treasurer, bat inasmuch as no Recorder's Court has ever been pub lished the report of this departaseat for the year ending April M. IMt, la herewith pahltahed for information of the public: "Tow* of Mount Airy, H. C. I* eaipt. »nd DUburMM.aU Bac.„<dar'* Coort, May 1, 1M», ta April ». IMA sssrte laa »!«?. taT*"' 'SJ-S BRwiV I *vM| fcMifO 5,470.14 1,108.70 Apr. M, IMC, TllJt pr. M. IMC, Clark'• book mm! the bank balaiuw, J7A11 It arfll ba mm from thia that tha Judga gate $2,000 a yaw la flJM, Mm city aboat 11,600 in of tL flaaa wbich M.4701^"1 la tkb ctty wa km a tax i whoa* Oaty It ia to Wa aMo hava a city "L pay-'tToa* V- m« of tha of Cky Can. la tarnari Mr «a i to.tha tNttaf af Mm «Myij t The report of the Mutton Is eon tslaed hi • book of M wm ■*» •I* of two Mti la Mr. Poor*'* books. As svarysns knows Mr. Peon bas taken groat pride te bavins bis books balance to tbe penny during the twenty year* tbat he bas baM tbls oMce. Tba matter of two rant* being over did not hurt financially bat Mr. Poors did not root at bia work until be found that tba bank bad asads tba error in Hating a batch of check*, by misreading a figure on one of them. This ares an error that anyone alight have ssade but Mr. Poor* would not be satisfied untU he found it and had bis books balanced to tbe vary sent. There are three copies af the audit in the bands of tbe city officials and they are giving it a careful study. Tbe vohwninousnsss af the report and wide scope which it embraces will require soma tiiae far the odMeh to give It proper study, after which tbe suggestions ssade by tbe report win be rnasidsrsd. In dosing tbe report the auditors made the foUowiag gin—I com. Aai\ While our supply la«U you will fet absolutely free »tpiiin Gillette Safety Rasor and Made with •ray purchase of a 86 cent tube of pahn Olive <3havfrt<r Crmm*n oRaVlng valHB* V. S. W«Me Drag Ctapujr Mr. Dqrirl*, the city tax collector, la lot willing 'or tkt report of tW twHtori to atend withoot nktwg a fall tamotivation at Mr dw|M aa to tkr ronditiona in HU iSm. la talk in* to a Now* ropcweetatW* this wook ho stated that ho had ao per sonal knowledge of any shortage la )iii and thftt tW auditor® dur ing their work horo had not amtwiod with turn about say coaditioa that they did aot undsrstand. Ha says ho doea aot know haw thoy arrived at thoir ftgai* of $1464.00 shortage ia his tax hooka. Ia ordsr to protect hie iaterooto ta the Mttor Mr. Doyorio has wp joyed Chas. N. Goodnoe, audi tor, of Charlotte, to Mtao here next wook and look over hie hooka aad de termine tf paarihh how the Dehto a edit was arrived at. Mr. Goodnoe has audited the hooks of this city f«r many yean prior to this year aad ia recognised as ona of the beet to toe •tote. Mr. Deyerle is plenty able to iilitaii the city for aay san—> that he ssay owe K if sach is ftnaBy ■1st—hiiif. tort ha is standing by his boshs aa he kaly believes the sedi tors hare Mads seate error ia arriv ing at their ssaelasisa ae to the con ditio of his beaks, a*d for that rea son ha baa geas to the peraoaal ex pense of secartog the eeniues of Mr. Oniaii to aske a seesad sadit. The eight aad alihbild aay actisa to re Mr. Deywto. Mr. rtoe la tha Mit hw te|i and tto heart wM mm* with Mb mi la*. IT to wafer «M Ma hw to n> Now that the tHj father* have i to each expeaaa at hwrtag the made aad also cf going to the ex poliae of partly changin* the old aya teai of bookkeeping thay cannot af ford to ahaotatoiy disregard tha re port of tha auditor* without asking •xpitMtioQ to tbt public. For to accept the report of thw aid than fail to haad any thing that tha report brine* to their attention could hardly be counted comutent. With the tax collector (taAding behind bit record* and ho ha vine employed an auditor alao Ik begina to look like the city'* account - inc *y*toa> will gat a food aad thor ough check up abag all Itoaa to aajr ■ot. G. W. _.. I:U A. M. Worship 11 KM A. M. Worahip 1:00 P. M. Epworth League 7:1» P. M. Prayer Beniaa. Wed. 140 P. M. ■ U.1 Tlua Ytari S WUtoa Hug. Maw York, |*pt 1.—Twenty lyneh I* Mm occurred to the Uatta* ao far thia year, to < with It far the entire year of the natlaaal aaaaotottoa for the of

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