it 1*1 la to then profwly nrlM. to I •igned, at tlx tieiN H. O. WoJto. Attorney at Mount Airjr^N. C-, «kk of, or tManatiea will ke pleaded In | bar of fw>*eW» AU feiw Indebted to tke ■ettlemert. I -Jl r. l. Thto the 3©th day Dr. R. M. LANCASTER Office in City Hall PHONES: 801 Offic* MS] Keep Fit! 'poWe* pa anat heap Mm Wee. If thTZtaty. lac. «|M« coadkkm It crwltd. Om to Ml to fed dull, laacuid. tired aod achy. I becfceehe It I .If iap try Aan'a DOAN'S TS" WALTER M. MATTHEWS IMtff NUb WUIIiwIih, H. C i , * .¥ Sfc* for Goldakr* where *h« wiB tolck la the OiIWih achssls Ikk wtour. The .Win* mHwli «f Dob»-.n spent Thursday ilUmw at Rsarlsg Gap Ob Mr return honte • they Half way dawn the atom tain whore supper waa iwnnd picnic atyle. Mr*. Rail fa Fulgsr, Mrs. Maa Foigar. Mrs. Mania Lcwellyn. Mrs. Dan Hemming*, Bonnie Mae Stanley, Rachel Ft nm an. Mrs. R. C. Free man. Mrs. W. B. White, Mr. and Mrs. Grady Cooper. LoMBe rissassn. Mar caret Harkrader, Mr*. Mat Stanley, I.ois Kolger, Mrs. W. I. Raid, Mr*. W. W. Hampton, Mrs. W. L. Reece, Mrs. R. C. Emman, Jr.. Edith Reece and David WVra*. of Winston-ttalaw. Mian Bmk Badgett vkaisiM tient at tka Martin Manorial Hos pital, Mount Airy, was operated on for appendicitis l*»t Friday. Her many friends In this community wish for her speedy recovery and trust that (the will soon be sole to return to her home bora. Mr. H. E. White, county agent, re turned home Friday from Ashaville where he spent a faw days on his an nual vacation. Mr. Guy Norman, of Richmond, Va.. arrived here today for an ex tended visit with hi* parents Mr. and Mrs. Brady Norman. Visiting at the h«W of W. 8. Com er for a faw days are, Mr. and Mr« J. H. Wright and Knthryn Comer, of BloeAeid, W. Va., Miaa Reva Wayne, of Pamphlin, Va., Elisabeth Tamer, of Elkln. John Comer, of Chapel Hill The following young peopia return ed home Saturday from Greensboro where thev attended the second ses sion of *nuner school at N. C. C. W.. Fmma Ca«er, Julia OnMr. Clara Freeman, Rava Wayne, Mr*. Ishirs Lament. Mm. Calle Hasaler. Ma Cor, Fern F. M. •owe. Yadkinville, A. E. ElUm. William Oravee J I ARMY SPEED UNO DIES IN MMPfTAL Washington, Sept. 1.—The Army lost mm of tU crack aviators today when Lieutenant Cjrma K. Bettia died aa a result of injuries in«lril last week la aa airplane crash. Mm ingitis which developed yesterday prevented his recoeary. The accident in which Bettis, win ner of the Pulitser trophy higk speed rare last year, was injured, occurred August 21 when he 'was on his way from Philadelphia to Selfridge Field, Mich. In a fog his plane crashed into a mountain near Be lief onte, Pa. MlSkinr for forty-three hours, during which ha crawled six miles to a road, be was later brought by air plane ambulance to Walter Seed Hospital here. Although known to be suffering from a broken lag and fractures on both jaws, he was be lieved to be on the way to lecuvery until complications set in yesterday. Leaving Philadelphia August 23. In company with two other plaoee for Self ridge Field, Mich., he became loat in a fog in the mountains of western Pennsylvania and crashed Into Seven Sinters Mountain. He was tntcen scions for aa hour and a half after the crash. Unable to nMmnon aaaiatanc , or later te attraot the attenti« of pi sans aent to laok for him, I'ettis, with one leg broken and both jaws fractured, hopped and crawled sev eral miles through the mooattaoae eauntry to a road near Beilr 'sate, Fa., where he was found and tahaa to a hospital ta that dty. He waa missing for more thin 4S hoars, during whiek time he waa without food and had enty the rain water that he raoght in his haids. Third Annual Momt Rmml The Momt family of North Car olina will held their Third Annual Reunion, tha second Sunday ir Sep tember, IMC, at Popular J' prinf Church, four mflea north of Rural Hall, on Quaker Cap road, hatter known aa the Moore Sprinjr mad. There will he ai^all day program, bo rinnin* at 10:» A M Bar. J . f. Saunders, at Raral Hall, will aib tha ngawiag addrm. We will a Wo have with aa dMhtgaUied singora, who will render dueta and aula and mixed quartet*. Everhody invited to which Win ho aoreed on the groonda' at }S:M P. M. AH the Moaar'a aio esperialy arced to attend, whether rotated by blood or by marrtare, to help make tMa day go flown hi Mtory «Uln Moeer. Member of Mooar Reunion Committee. WEIGHS « POUNDS AT AOS OP PlftKEN MOUTHS Carthago, Anf. tl. LooMa Carter and wife of Weet End, Route I, are the proud parent* of a daughter that is only IB months of ago and yet weigh* M pound*. The baby, ap parently normal in every way aaide from it* obeeity. Is their only child. At birth, according to Ha parent*, it was about the she of any ordinary child, but deesiopas rapidly and at tha age at II monthe R ia still sddhw weight at the rate of around ate or Divide Your Dollar* With Your MJAknr, DTTV AT UnifF neignDors~du I ai numL Everybody has a certain amount of civic pride—that sort of pride which helps make a village a town, ana a town k metro politan city. The growth of anv community is dependent upon the support given its citizens. If you fail in your cooperation the town either ggii or retrograde*. If you uphold the town by sustaining it wholeheartedly you help younelf and the community. The theme of this advertise ment is: "HELP YOUR CITY; BUY AT HOME." Divide your dollars among your merchants who have the inter est of the populace at heart Help them and they will help you to greater values—for increased volume means decreased costs. The town needs your support and you need the support of the town. IiCt's get together and share our prosperity. Mount Airy Merchasb Association NOTICE or SALK Br Tirtac of a M af treat axarat ad to ma by John L. Bmmt aad wif«, which daad of treat to mWtnJ hi Book BS, par* 1» of tha Bacorda of Dwdi of Treat for Sorry County, aa aplicatioa of tha holder of tha notea. aerered by uid daad of treat. I will »• ' • - • • « —m . a • a a « public auction National Bank aall for euk to tha hifheat bidder at n in front of tha Ffarat tha Vtnt Mount Airy, N. C.. trouble—a little wear—a Httlb . repair money. Over a year, that little amounts, to mock actual eash you can sock away in the bank. "Play safe. Use 'Standard' Gasoline. It's the beet you ean buy always dependable —obtainable everywhere. You ean rely on 'Standard' _ . A ALWAYS DBPBNDABL