Optimism Prevails As Opening Day of Mount Airy Market Approaches WAREHOUSES WILL OPEN OCT 5* ■It * lit.lt pmr ImM Uat ymr. H* Mjm tkat la*f U Mttiac kick tkb gmr ami ■! Mnufirturtn u« bwy ing hfyn quantities of tobttco. Cwtfy Fam Ageat Predicts Ml Airy Market to be One'of Best in State distant market. The Merchant* As sociation of Mount Airy >* making •vary effort to Maintain the suprem aey In the tabaeea marlnto of (W hmiiMiw and buyer* from the larger special effort to eae that the hwim' will g«t as much at home as in the distant place*. Many farmer* have found out from experience that the local market often pays as much as' the neighboring places. The Mar chants Association experts to keep one of their members on the floor during the,sale* av if the seller ha* any complaints to make he can Ale them with the preventative* who will help him to gat his grievaM* straightened out The folowing ia (aken from the Aagaat IMS Sales Report iaaoed kg the Crop Reporting >■ | It s at la The tohaeeo markets hi the east era counties (New Bright Be*) have K9 age M par Ml last year. * fll IMS MfMM U p CMk* rlo* in Ha pointed out that tto vary fact that legislative enactment of tto provision to altar tto coneUtatioo to allow tto eight month*' term Mart he "uhmtttMl to a referendum of tto mtin voting population and tto* taken bark to tto legislature in tto cveat of favorable action for finan cial legislation precludes tto poeai Sility of eight month* achopla before Itto term of ttM-M even if pami i by tto coming general aweaibly and approved by tto people. "Da It Now." He told hi* auditor* that to re garded tto best way and tto quick jest way ta aecare tto universal eight montto' school hi the state waa by tto ward hi article j«. i t, af tto I At A Glance Florida H-rricane Takes Big lew in LiTes lad Tropcftj M1AMA AREA BOM BRUNT Of BEAST THAT DEVASTATED FLOMDA COAST I - __ Happenings Twenty-one Years Ago Interesting Item* (i Leanest Frtmi the Filex of' The Mount Airy ,Vetr.i fJ Yearn Ago Thix M eek The Mississippi n»*r is fast rising and much property Is hi serious dang «r. Goods from many at Um atoraa in cities along the bank arc being moved to higher ground. New Orleans is battling with s yel low fever epidemic and health authorities profess le have the situ-; ationUnder control. j ft. D. DeVault has Just returned from the northern soarkets where ho pmihasad a big stock of drygoide aad T. r. Batterfleld, new praprtotor of the Central Hotel, has greatly im proved Ito service. Raia-tn-the-Face. Indian chief who baaMto have personalty sMn Gen. Oester. died hi Sab* Defeats at the 4. T.' Ksga^ hee'mU^s cigar far torjr to W. ft. M* and 0. C Leift the IB h. IB and near tht cftjr and ra»M Idled while huddled together In • tent neparated from their parent* in a tnoriat ramp north of the city.. Dania. now part of HoHj au»d. fared no better than the other». Hnuaes were nept from their fowv dationa, tree* uprooted, telephone and telegraph pole* obetnMftad highway and many were haeaelH*. Northward hi DeerfMd and Tants, the rlu*ter* *f all bt which line the Dixie Highway, Effort* to relWv* by lack of % * Mat the fata ot to a • 1« iaally tajorod The ; at faad Ik the city. The < w*a .aid to he