As Canvass the VfltHl for the place on behalf of the Mean party Major Stedman. _• i ITHNMii from Um fifth district in which Surry ia located, is oppoaed by a C. Durland and his frmnds predict that he via he nttnad to Kia seat by , his usual large Majority. Par Suit-' cKor (I. P. Grave* is baiag uppoaad by | Claude M Bernard, of Pilot tail. Mr. Bernard is making • active campaign for the aAce and ia : sanding out Much literature telling the voters why ha thinks he should be j Mlirtad far this aAre. And ha la j laying claims ta a possible election I over. Mr. Graves, which da tans the | Democrats are giving little credence ta. '. Surry County politic* have been; -low about (rttlnt warmed up but the past few days have hi aught about many moves that have lade the ait uation in the county interesting IT not. complex in imm of Ha phases. One of the irreatest surprises that haal ment made by the Mount Airy Star, Mount Airy'* new paper, last weak that W. F. Carter was a candidate for Jodft of the Recorder's Court, in -opposition to the preaent incumbent. Judge H. H Uw*l)n. The fact that Mr. Cartar waa even a receptive can didate for thia oCee waa not known by the public until laat weak and hia , entrance into the raee forecast* a hard eantast between the friends of the two men. Some of the politi ciana aae in the contest between Mr. Carter and Judge Lewellyn a serious injury to the results of the coming election. While ilwn> this two or three times a day a ad naUni una of the souet strenuous campaigns ever undertaken by any candidate in the county. Tha ordrr for tha printing of tha ballot, ia naw ia tha hand* of tha printers. A total of forty-ftve thous and hallots wiU ha reared far tha county. Fifteen thousand far the county, state and township ticket*. I-aat election the township ticketa war® prepared in tha old way, hut thia year tha}- at* also being printed aa prescribed in tha Auatraiian ballot law. ' All Democratic candidal— are plac ed in one column on the tickets and the Rapoblieans in the other column. Over each column ia a circle in which one makea a mark if he deaires to rote tha straight ticket in that column. And opposite each name ia a tittle square that the voter can uae if he wiahaa to scratch hia ticket. In the preparation' of baliota by the state where two or more Candida tea are soaking the same uOce it has been the custom to print half the ballots with one man's name ftrst1 and the other half with hia opponent's name ftrst And following the prac tice of the state hoard, tha county board ia also having the ballots print ed in alternate manner, that ia on half the ballots the Democratic candi dates are printed in the A rat column and the other half the Republicans are printed ftrst. This mahner of printing the hallota has brought forth a vigorous protest from the Republi can party leaders, they -contending that this was done to confuse the voter. The Republicans have alao made demand upon the chairman of the election board and the registrars that they he allowed an equal num ber of markers. One fellow in an swer to this demand of the Republi cans asked the qnaatlon: "Have the Republicans equally divided the rev enue oflkes and tha poet tScaa with the Democrats in thia ceuntyf The question of markers proved to he a" hard matter to settle two yeara ago and there is still wrangling over it again. Happenings Twenty-one Year* Ago Interesting Item* Gleaned From the Files of The Mount Airy Xewt tl Yearn Ago This II'eek Tto North Carolina Granite Corp oration ha* donated Um stone for the prection of the Baptwt Churrh at Mm M«**rrjr. J. W IJMbaek died after an UIm«* of aevoral month*, leaving a wife and two bttia (irii. September honor roil, Mount Airy schools, lat grade, Win Um«, John Don't bother about competing for the priie at the baby (how. Ye editor haa two either of which an take the prewhm. 8. U. Jarvu, at Dahaoa, waa here thfa week with tohaero Ho «a»-i to bacco ia not mod thia year and that the price U about aa hiffb pa K haa be««a for mm tine Mr. C. H. Harnee and wtfa, of Dohaon, left Tueaday for Bale*** to I attend the utat* fair. Chiekona Ike, Batter Ike. I|(f ltr Dried apple* I He. Cm air, .wheat 1*1*1 ■■■"< vaWatton at the / E. V. Pox was In the J. D. ed by the gtrk of the Toung PvopW'* kf Mr. Luther Edward*. Scout Mut er, ud • duet by Mr. tdw«i4 «4j Miu Lomi Kelly. After the supper Mr. Cut ruled Um ' fodewiwe to order and reviewed the' year** work. He espraaaad UmhH u Mlfkttd with the growth of the church and thaaked the conference | for the hearty co-operation given by the congregation in exl lading the work throughout the district. The report to the annual conference win he the beet ever presented by Central Church. The following officers were elected for the ensuing year: lay leader. George Hutchinson; district steward, E. C. Foy; recording steward, M. H. Sparger, Kpworth League president. Annie Dmii; president Woman's Mis sionary society. Mrs. A. >. Macon:} Sunday School superintendent, E. M. I invllle; assistant superintendent. H.' M. Foy; intermediate senior dept. Mrs. J. L. Woiti. junior departasent, W. B. Hale; primary dept.. Miss Besa Msrritt; beginners dept., Mrs Carl Simmons; cradle roll, Mias Katie Burke; homo dept., Mrs. C. J. dorter. Trustees: E. H. Kochtitsky, W. E. Merritt, j. H. Kolger, 8. P. Oravoa, J. B. Sparger, C. W. Hutchison. Calvin Oravoa. Stewards: W. J. Byorty. chairman. E. W. Paddison, secretary, E. H. Kochtitsky. treasurer C. W. An drew, J. W. Earp, Calvin Graves, Q. W Hutchison, P. A. Owen. J. B. Thorn paon, H. O. WolU. WUIiam Had ley, l.uther Martin, Raymond Smith, E. C. Bhren., E. C. Foy. W. B. Hale, R. H. Leonard, 0. E Snow. W. W. Thomas, 0. H. Yokley, J. B. Hines, W. B. Partridge. A. B. SomervUle. D. C. Bowman. H. M. Foy. Wade Hatch er, 0. E. Merritt, B. F. Sparger, T. H. Worrell, J. F. Yokley. W H. Long. A. M Short. B. W. Sparger. C. C. Creveling, G. O. Graves, B. E. Her man, J. D. Minick, M. H. Sparger. W, S Wolfe, J. L. Ashby, A. B Macon., 8. C. Stewart. Mr. Linvllle comes t« Central from the Episcopal Church and succeeds Mr. H. M. Fojr as superintendent of the Sunday school. Mr. Foy wished to be relieved hut will support Mr. Linvllle as assistant superintendent. The morning service nest Sunday at 11:00 o'clock will be in charge of' the new Sunday school superintendent the pastor being away at a confer ence. Rev. J. A. Snow will preach at 7:M P. M Sunday. M*rlwt Report. "The following are the prices (hat j prevailed an tha MoOnt Airy market this weak. Apples, par bushel 4tJU to O.U Irish potatoes, bushel tl.Tft. Onion*, per lb 8c. Cabbage, par 100, 7S to $1. Chickens, par ft H to Mc. Hens, ft ..... 22 to 24c. Butter (packing) ....... tte. Country hams. ft„ *> to Me.' Eggs. doaan, 4ft:. Dried Apples, ft fc. Cam, bushel, I1.M. Wheat. bushel. ft.*. Rye, bushel, ft. Oats, hasbel. _ Tie. Dasth CUimm Yaw* Girl Misa Stacy Craad. the sixtaan year old daughter of EMm- and Mr*. Jaaaes '"reed, pasaed away, at the how of her pnwnti near Ararat at 4 P. H last Thursday The fanaial and tartar Mrs. Madors Hancock left Mm past weak for R^ckfari wIm« H» will tpend »i—i time at th<- home of Mr* Gastonia will he host to tllQ 37th annual aaasion of the Wmtrrn N. C. Conference which will convene at Main Street M. E. Church in that rrty. October 20th„ with RUhop Edwin D. Mouton, presiding. The approaching teuion will mdfce the third time that Ike Western N. C. Conference has met in (iastonia >inc« it» organization in I MHO. Rev. J. A. Rowling, of the Dobeon charge, will leave Tuesday For Gastonia to attend the conference Richard Freeman. Jr.. and Myron Poller spent Saturday at Greensboro. Miss Eliiaheth Turner, of Elkin, ■pent the week end with Mist Emma I in* wswing cirri* duo new a otr Uichlful meeting hut Thursday rvra in (, when Mr*. Salli* Folpr and Mrs. RiM. A. rrwMut were Joint Imtoi n at the home of Mrs. Freeman. Sew ing and progressive conversation w«» the past time. Later in the evening the hostesses served a tempting salad rourse. The next meeting will be held with Mrs. A. 0. Folger and Mrs. P. B. Poiaei as Joint hostesses at the home of Mrs. A. D. Kolger. present ware Mrs. A. D. Folgee. Mrs. W. L. Reecv, Mrs W. M Stone. Mrs. P. B. Kolger. Mrs. W. B. White. Mrs. B W.. Douglass. Mrs Godwin. Mrs. Bailie Kolger and Mrs. K. A. Freeman Miss Elisabeth Folger returned home the past week from an extended viait at the home of her brother Dr. fori Kolger of Spartanburg. S. C. While away on her visit she visited places of Interest in Florida. Mrs. Panco Nichols is /senousty 111 «• the home of her parffita, Mr. and Mrs. Ira Hodges. 'Walter Folger, of Greensboro, and J. W. Clinard. of High Point, spent last Thursdy among relatives here. A revival meeting will begin at the Union Cross Baptist Church on Sun day night October 24th. and will con tinue ten 4ajra, with two >s» ikas daily, at U a. m. and 7M q. m. Eev. Ira Ferguson i will have charge of the meeting. Special music will be ren dered at each service. Mrs. RW JKunderimrk and small daughter Ruth Kolger returned to their home at Monroe Thursday fol lowing s short visit with Mrs. Fun ■miMm vrmndrkild all of tkia ■■■iinKj . Om kntlar w. T. Dm. •apart ltd time ai*tara Wm Uh Dave* part, Mr*. J. D. Walt mki4 Mrs. It E. Coition a tee i«rrtrt Bora at lockM Mr Dnaanfart moved twr* t*Mt;-onr yarn a«e Li ka« proved ktawwlf worthy of tha con IMence ami aataaai of aH who kwr Wm. For year* ke wa» • teacher hi the arkoole of Surry rn—ty aad w*a romateatioaa aad painatakin* ■ kia work hut Anally pm up tka profeo r Simmona, 110 Iba. f Me. »w m Mr. 170 # arc TKrlma Adam*. M Iba. # 80c. 110 » air. v T. r. Medaoe. 40 Iba. 0 88e. 02 ♦ Mi- 10 # 81c. 28 0 SB. Fate Onral »2 Iba. # 80c. 800 # 20r. 814 # Mr. M # 80e. IM # 80c. sio # aic. Malory Hndaon, 1M Iba. f 80c. M # 88r. 80 # 87c. Tohr Hudaon. 170 Iba. # 80c. 44 # Mr .20 m SV. 8. C. Hamlin. 110 Iba. fe 87c. 8T0 # Me. Bd Simmona. 110 Iba. # 88c. IM # Mr. S4 tg 84c IM # 88r. W. G. Jewup. 170 Iba. # 88c. 18 # !80r. Caleb Lynch. 100 Iba. # 88c. 144 * Me. M # Me. F-nmmh * Smith. 170 Iba. # Mr. 88 # tie. Edgar Simmona. 170 # 87c 17t # Sle. 4S8 » tic. C. Rin*. 08 Iba. # S7c. M # 80c. W # 84c 118 » 88c - Hajmaa. Brown A Hajraaa Attorneys Denied Large Feet By Medrim in Co-op Case