EVERYTHING READY FOR ELECTION TUESDAY mMiM Ml VMM M M MW h tun able U iriM mm M«m< ha thla ha* no* kMi U Mf pMl e stool Hare hi Smtjt all puinHm fa the holding of the election an com plate. Chairman Freeman, of th Board of Election, Tneoday sent ea track lowh of wpilpwait neceaaary * furnish tho election place* This ta f the election. Both political parti** in Suit] hare carried on an active campaigi for the past month. The Republi can* Hav* had (Mr candidate (or tin U. S. Senate apeak in three plac— It the county—Mount Airy, Pilot Moon tain and Elkin. TH* Democrat* havi not called in any outalde *peah*r« but J. H. Koltrr, candidate for th« houii, ha* Bad* • thnfnufh speak ing tour of tha county, and when th< election day coma* h* will han ■poken to the poopl* of th* county It more than twenty-lire place*. In the nation the Republican* an diaturbed over th* uncertainty of Um election of mom of tha Senator*, Uy defeat of whom would cause them U loee control of the Senate. In *onu of tha northern and middle weeteri -tatei their candidate* hare *o align ed themselr** with th* liquor inter eat* to th# extant that the churchei hare taken notie* of it and in *om< instance* hav* openly com* out against the Candida tee. Last weei the Board of Temperance, Prohibiten and Public Moral* of th* Method!* in j||^. Kv»ry nSHSS&ie £ Joan J..hn ndldate for party ■KouM vol* for . B. Miott, Pmuti »ttc can ill# iMfttf. "la Pennsylvania, wher* Vara'* candidacy la a National Maadal, the voter* will hay* the opportunity of electing WIImmi, the Democratic can didate and a man who mnrarn np tn character and ability to the hich of fice far Which he ia running." In the middle waatem atatc* of the Republican candidate* for. the Senate have drawn the lire of the CathoAc vote by their alignment with the Khi Klu* Klan. Oat there the Klan ia a strong organisation that recognition and the Cath Imre r«a»nt»d confarencoa that have taken plan between the candi date* and the Klan leaden and H la feared that the Catholic vote will he I oat to the Republican candidate*. With aavaral of the Republican aen xtorial candidate* under Are on ac rount of thoir liquor connection and other* aroualng the ire of the Cath olic vote in the state* they come from, the control of the next Congreaa la In dancer of panning into the hand* of the Democrat*. S*TM Mtftah-f "There are wvrn mistakes of Ufa that manjr of u» make." (aid a famous writer; and than he gave the follow list: 1. The delusion thpt individual ad vancement is made by crushing others down. , 2. The tendency to worry about things that rannot he changed or cor rected. >. Insisting that a thing is impos sible because we ourselves rannot ac complish it., 4. Refusing to set aside trival pref ! erencii in order that important things may be accomplished. b. Neglecting development and re finement of the mind by not acquiring ' the habit of reading. ; i A. Attempting to compel other per sons to believe and live aa we do. 7. The failure to establish the habit of saving money. WHERE YOU VOTE IN MOUNT AIRY TOWNSHIP. Hard No. 1—Vote it Granite City Motor Co.. Maia Html. Boundary—Beginning at Franklin Street on Main, down Franklin and out the l-uwffap road to Stewart'* Creek line, following Stewart'" Creek and Dohaon township line to Dobaon road; thence back to city and up Rockford street to Main; thence up Main to corner'of franklin street .the beginning. Ward No. 2—Vote at Glebe Warikww as Soath Mala Street. Boundary--Beginning at Hock ford street on Main, foltowiag Rock ford street and the Dobaon road to the Dobaon township liae; thence , with Dobaon township lines to the Ararat rirer; thence down Ararat river to Long Hill township Una; thence with that line to the new Pilot Mountain road, thence up said road and Main street to the corn er of Rockford and Main, the beginning. Ward No. 1—Vote at CHj Hall aa Mam Street. Boundary—Beginning at corner Oak and Main streeta, down Oak street and out by the quarry, following the Patrick road to the Vir ginia Una; thence following the Virginia line and Weatfteld township line to Pilot Mountain road, thence up said road and following Maia street to corner of Oak street, the heginpbig. , Ward Na. 4—Vote at Maaaey'a Garag^ North Mala Street. Boundary—Beginning at corner Oak and Main atreets. follows Oak street a fid the Patrick County road to the Virginia line; thence with the stat* line to the new Fancy Gap road; thence down the new Fancy Gap ro*. up Letawon .beet, and down Main to the corner of Oak and Main streeta, the beginning ^ W'iri Na. I—Vote at Central Warehouse aa FraakNa Street. ry—Begtnn ng at comer Main aad Franklla streets, fallows street and out the Lowgap read to Mm Stewart's Creek Hue; th aaid line aad the Virginia line to the new Fancy Gap aee down aaid road, ap Lib an— street aad down Maia to Frmaktin aad Main, the limning. Complete List of Cudfeto to Be Voted oa At Bectiaa Nest Taetdajr \ *r ' # af fcyriir Conn. OartaM Praak A. DaaWa, & A W. C. Harrta. hfwil O A. M. Mack, J. M. O^r P. A. MrClrojr, Wi JOHN H. POUCH* Far Clark af Caarl: P. T. LEWHLUN far Rag fart *r af IM. W. P. LAWKKNCR Par Mwttf: C. H. RAYNEM r: l>R. R. T. PMPPIN Par Rarrayar: rt rrw harbour Par Cwlalami: ALEX CHATHAM W. J. RWANRON O. H. TOKLEY For U.8. Senate—Johnson J. Hajrn. ConrNH—II. O. DtiriaiW. For Corporation CumiMion: Jo seph J. Jenkins. Chief Jiwtiw .lupnmr Court: Jamen J. Britt. Associate Juxtimi Supreme Coort: Herbert F. Seawelt, H. R. flUrboek. Jud|«> of Superior C-ourt: Thurston T. Hicks, E. L. Garln. Willi. G. Brifp, Iceland Stanford, John L. Kendleman. Wade Reari*. Joseph F. Ford, R 0. Siak. Far Solicitor (I. A IT OF V. BKRNARD. Far Mate Senate: S. O. MAGCIRK Far Hauae: 0. A. KOBERSON Far Clerk af Csart: A. H. WOLFE * For Register of Deeds: Ml.1.1 AN HARKRADER Far Sheriff: A. M. SMITH Far Caraatr: ** , DR. W. M. STONE Far Sorrejar: r I'ERRY TAYLOR For Cmm S. W. FULK J. F. CARTER JOBE MCGEE FRANKLIN TOWNMIIP. Rapubtk*n: CmtoMt, fM D Majrea. Jiillm at III Pear«, t. M. T«44, W. 8. Gantry, T. A. Uwk OMwcntir: No tMM, LONG RILL TOWNHHIP. R^publifun * fllfalB* mane. Mm at Mm Pmn, J. R. Da via, E. W. Mill*. J. N. Needham. P»mciatic: No tkbl. MARSH TOWNSHIP. OMnarnrtlr: Conatahle. J. W. Jm Idna. Jutkw of tha Pmn, R. A. Janktnn, Gllwar Confer. Y.tkrr PW1 lipa. Republican: No tMM. • MOI'VT AIRY TOWNSHIP. Republican: CmhIiMt, W. L. Wrbb. JusticM of the P«n, J. Walter B»»» lay, f. V. Hutchen*. Robert P. Law mice. Worth Mahone. J. Rll Cook. Democratic: Conatahle. Rax TtlWjr. Jnatlrea of tha Prarr. R. T. Moora, W. J. Herrimr. W. D. Wall. W R Gordon. I. t. Armfteld. PILOT TOWNSHIP. Republican: Conatable. P. G. Wall. Juatiraa of the Peace, Nathan 8. Sim mona. O. A. Davis. E. W. Stone. Democratic: No ticket. ROCK FORI) TOWNSHIP. Republican: Constable. Prad Pkrfc er. Juaticea of the Peace, L. V. «ook, J. A. Milla, Luther Atkina Democratic: No ticket. I SILOAM TOWNSHIP. Republican: Constable, B. J. Brown. Juaticea of the Peace, J. W. Whitakar. J. R. Peele, Kiltaa Wen. Democratic: Conatable. J ode Kada. i Juaticea of the Peace. 8. H. Atkimon, J. H Hardy. J. W. Shore STK WARTS CREEK TOWNSHIP. Republican: Conatable. Joe Gentry. Juaticea of the Peaee. W. L. Seal, G. W. Creed. Prank Lambert. Democratic: Conatabla, P. P. Ramey. | Juaticea of the Peacc, N. E. Boytea, Sam Holder, Jr., L. W. Reamer. WEHTPIELD TOWNSHIP. Republican: Conatable, Walter Mat thew* Juaticea of the Peaea, H- E. Taylor. Z. D. WUaon, J IP. Noah. I Democratic: No ticket Agad Carroll CMIam Dim. , Jew William Boyd was bom in Carroll county. Va.t Dtuwbw W, IMS. dM Oct £1. 1MB. He was mar rM in 1876 to Susan Edwards to thin union eight children were born all of whom with the mother are still living. "Dick"' Boyd aa he wai commonly railed waa known far and wide for his hospitality—no stranger hot found a welcome in his humi. Early in life he Joined the Mora vian church and It was a great pis— ure to him to entertain ministers not only of Ms own church bat all denom inations. Eleven years be lived at the Home Mission and cared for preachers, teachers and mission work ers. A fanner pastor, Mr. McCrieton said of him that In twelve and sae half years while he went ta Mount Bethel he never preached a seflaon or conducted a service hot what Dick Boyd was there to give him a aslt'oms hand clasp. A kind 'loving husband, a good father. Ave stalwart sans who sat around the fire- side talk tag aomg themselves after he had had passed to his reward said they had never ansa their father take a dr*»k, a him use a slang otpriislin. tei a ,wecd. Baby Recovering After Being LmIFotM Hour*. Monro*. Oct. SX.—Uttle Albert Knight. lft-month* old child of Mr. u4 Mr*. R. 1. Knight, of Union tunaty. who di*app*ararl late Mon day afternoon while playing in ■ cotton Held Mar hi* parent*, ia re covering from Ha exposure in Ellen Fitxgerald hospital here and it ex pected to Hve. The child waa found ynaierday morning at S o'clock in a denae briar bod, which covered about one-quarter of an acre juat dOO yard* from where it disappeared and 400 yard* fro* Ha own home. There waa a drop of two or three feet juat inside the hriar thicket and. It la supposed the child stooped to peep In, loot Ha balance and tumhled in. Thi* embankment kept the little fellow from coming out again, ao thervhe remained M hour*. The bank and briar. *howed slgna where the baby tried to climb war and free himself Huitdre* and hundred* of people Marched until the tittle fellow waa found by tayd Watta, of Chesterfield county, ea ancle of the baby Its little hefty CORN AND PIC CLUBS TOK STARTED CM «f Umm* Airy tn km ta i half a/thata"*-CTCSTtha" J* If ■■nlfci UMt thay hava f»rU p—ttry (M war*. > undmtnllic that froai rrtry •*< Hi* Mat oat tit* >ir— wing M •hoald rvturn M tH* Uviaia fluW i pulWt hate had from tw aattiac. "on than M —<>lm» dratHbotW among tha ■«■>»» m4 thay ratvrn •4 to Um rink laat ffldajr arming 41 Ana pullet*. Thaac «m taken in charga kjr tha Johnaon bay* at th» Mount Airy ProAra Iwimft until tha ar^tlofi nla Jwt hafora tha kaa quo* Friday. The club aold til* p^kit at auction In front of tha Bhw Up Hotel, Martin Bmiwtt being- the awtlmwr, whlU hanker* Rod Kawcett and Ed LinrilW stood hark of the grant crowd that gathered around tho coops of pullota and with the four million dol lars of resources in Mount Airy'* two bank* bark of thorn they wrre amply able to pike tho chicken* to the limit of tfcoir valor. Ridding for tho bird* waa spirited during the half hour that was consumed In the auctioning off of tho 46 pullets. The birds brought anjrwhere from II.M to |M0 onch and netted tho club tfcr sum of HH.fi. This money will ht gsed to buy pore tired eggs for the members next spring and again thr>»e securing the settings will be asked to return a pullet to the c-iub from tho hatching*, thus ln« irasing the capital of the club in this work of providing the Hub member* with suitable purr bred stock. At the auction sale thr following made purchaaaa of the pullets: R W. Key, three Rhode Island Reds at 11.76 each and six at tl.M each. T. G. Fawcette, throe barred rnck» at tl.M each. Dr. C. C. Ashby, six Rbnd- la land Rods at 11.76 each and two at 1 11.75 each, 6. K. Merritt, two banwri rocks at tl.M each. J. B Sparger, one barred rock at $1.76. R. C Browne, two Rhode Island Red* f« tft.ZS, and four bnrrod rocks at tl.M each. J. A. Teah. two Rhode Island Rods at tt.W each. Dr. R. A. Co* -uff, one barred rock at I11S. R. H. Knchtitxky. two Rhode Uland at 11 Mt ••sch. Geo. K. Snow, two Rhode la land Rod* at 91-M each. Rdw. k. ! Liarillr waa too enthusiastic In hU pikeing and Bad eight pallet* knocked r Speaking of the poahry iadaahry la Surry Cuonty Mr. WUu Mid that teat year Am were shipped oat at llw roonty 11 cor liifc of chlrhana, while w> far thia year there had bra a total of It ran shipped away. Rev. E. Glbra Davis aa4 a short talk and stressed tha importance of a hotter understanding hotaaaa tha lay man and the alsiatry. "lowtiMa," ha Mind, "ministers go too fair with their piousnoas, and pot th»m aalvos la a poaitioa where they eaa not paaaMy roach tha raafc aad Ma ai tha people." The program for tha evening aaa In charge of W. 8. Wolfe, Wat. Hadley and Raadall Sparger. Tha awctiag was brought to a close by awarfef the nMltwr'i prize to Rev. E. G. Davis and the viaitor's prias to Hil lary Hajmorr The following hoys and girls of Poultry Hubs were present at the banquet; Ben Folger, Faye Snow, Franklin Folger. Victoria Stonraiaa. Sadie Childress, Annie Anderson. Nel lie Numi, Garland Hooker. Sam An derson, Edwin Boomer. Dannie Hea dricks, Randal Reeves, GaRhar Bark er, Frank Scott, Haiel Hsymore. Waa ler Stoneman, Barnie WIThamsoa. Mary B