Mr. Waft* 8. BoyM*. of *paat tba WMk «*) with Mr. *nd Mr*. C. Mr. Imn Mittla, of JoaaaviUc, at bar Imm M mi day ivwhf mhtil by Mr*. C. K. Qaytaa. AfMriMif MMMnptiNtMfwnwnl with kow MMk MM* ud otlMT thin*. to ml Tb* *pooke and wttcbM FrwUwl tou of fa* and a Mai ni«bt rf aiyatary. all taa mm mm A* Ottawa. Ont., Oat. W. — QaaM wfcrM tela bar prWati ear a* bar train yana« throafb North D«bat» on bar taw of tb* United StatM. Sb* will Mak froai tboa information can cornla* tbair fruhlimi, and in tbi* way bapM to laara much that will ba of halp ta africultun la bar owa i country. Majorities For Sheriff The fallowing ire the majorities that the candidate* for Sheriff received in the various voting precincts in Surry County. Incomplete return* indicate that the other member* of the Democratic ticket will run about the i 1M6 Majoritta* Bryan M Dobooa 336 Eldora 228 El Ida, 214 Fraaklia 94 Loa* Hill 10* Manh. 102 Mt Airy, No. 1 127 Mt Atoy. No. 2, ... \ 71 Mt Airy, No. 2 Mt. Airy, No. 4 22pf . Mt Airy. No. * 222 Pilot, 11 ( Rockford, 22 141 |J§ 2T Crook 82 iff 1827 1022 • • • • 82 • ■it 209 227 78 118 . MS V" IMS IMt I Haynaa majority in conatr in 102*. Oi Hayna* majority in county in 1M4. «M. NOTE—11m above Aiurw ARB NOT tha vote* ra mknA but tba M A JOEIT1SS that wan ffiven tha raapae thra eandidataa in tha townahipa. A eomplata Ibt of tha total votaa will ba pobUahad in Tba New. naxt waak. New York Ag»ia Elects Smith •tote tnetodinc tJM bi New York city. Tte voU »u: Corning, Ml, Lowmb. mjm. r 4«rt F. WiigMf, IkMMKT«tie w for Ik U 8. Sonatc, for,. i •htail of Jum W. Wadrworth. Jr„ Iwfrll froia Nm York city, com in tonlgtVL fro* 6.1S4 districts out of t'1* In tie (tato gave Wiftn 1, NUN for W«b Happenings Twenty-one Years Ago Interesting firm* Gleaned From the File* nf The Mount Airy .Yews 31 Y»arA4go Thie Week