Wo m to latelpt of the oflMal • nouiiMMrt of the American College of SutgMiu list of Approved Hos pitals to North Carolina and are glad to inform our riwltim that oor local hospital, the Martin Memorial Hos pital, is ineluded in the list This hoard it-commend* itandarised hos pitals to all needing hospital service and puhliahoe Hsts of all hospitals to the United States. Canada and otl» countries stf M beds or over meeting | the standardisation requirsmewt smaller than SS had hospitals have! not been included to thaae annual | surveys op account of shortage of | funds to ftnence the survey. It is estimsted that if every hos pital to the States and Canada were operated under hospttaMsstiee re tirements patWnts would be saved an avarage at S days each or 14,000, 000 days as compared with conditio! prevailing before the standard) xa-! tioa movement began in IMS and tl death rate would be raduesd *11 to par awt it Is varr Important that the highest pos-| be set aad it is to North Car tf lady i|W M years In tW ri»rttm She I* Miaa Judith Fraakka. an mmt of Mr. W. W. LeriB, wko rmtdm near Ma city, u4 wtth wkaaa ah makaa her Iwm, aad for tka pa* f«m IM to kef bad and ekalf, Mag an ablo to walk a atop altkaat My, M kar aU r—taa daar aad alart aM aka reads aad hoepe iafonaed aa tfc yiiadm* a dolent total, or tkoea wka akoatd U rater* bat let any little pbitarli kaef them away fmm tka polk. Hat* off to Mtaa Franklin, if all vnan arm like bar they roald hare anything they wanted. A Naw Baiiaan Far Mount Airy Mr P. K Kooata. of Coolewaer arrived in thia city (pat week aad pnr r ha aad the Meant Airy Dry Cleaning establishment on fraaklia Street. Mr. Koonta la a former atadent of A. A I. Collate. Iikifk, and eoaM* to oar city highly runiaiiadil. He baa been in the dry cleaning baaiaaai for a number of years aad wiH pat In a ft rut claaa eatabliahment hare He and Mr*. Karate are now kvuackeep ing in tka apartment of Mrs. lakn L. Banner. On Friday afternoon Bn O ■on af Mr. Hrf Mrs. Ossrgi O. OtifM, ralabmtod hi* fourth birthday by sa UrUintac fourtes. km m< Hrk The etudMtt birthday nb «u mIM to th» Hallow*'pti itoaarathiii» Mid after Um> games on the lawn, is the -Jin in* mom Um good things to cat ptwral vary attractive to tha little f»lk». The favors ware Hallowe'en hate and baakata of candy. High Mwal Bay. HaaU to Girts. At Chestnut Oeet Friday waning Gila* Smith and Weidoa Robert*, war* bouts to high ickaol boys and gtria at a delightful party and fan. Mrs. Willi* Moor* Gantry had charge of the (Wfrsahamrta and deputation*. Dm MM Graves Mmm Miss Darn Bala Graves was hnstis* to hsr friends Thursday night. The daearatioas wars particularly spoeky and effective, fortunes wars told and hat chocolate, sandwiches and rake were served. Julia Ml* ray. Miaa Julia BaBa Taj was haataas to bar friends Mow fay night whssi * vary delightful evening waa spent. PiM K. GIBSON DAVIS, & T. P. V. TM •:tt A. ML .. 11 :M A. M. 6 .M P. mil i Um M ■ad Urn r Tm ^ to tl iMt Aip< W.jr^ wy^l * J •- ♦ WarshaVs m How's of high • , Our ahehres are fnll ol goods and you wfl] be tore. **'/ fc~ Fill line ok the ,$; tit' ^". fr, * * # m&Jr > <