ree! Free! One 75/ Box Golden Peacock Face Powder With a Jar of $1.78 Valw for $1.00 W« TURNMYRE & LAMM Tw* x i •'(M tN MMw B—laalat on • ateka Mi far Gordon'i corn*i' on tka Wi Hm (formerly M«rt—) with ki. lin. N. SH te. • (take Mt as eigt of wood* A. Q. Bowman'a line; ttma with A. G. »'• tin* S. #7 daf. W. •• ft ta ; than** & II 2m. B. 444 ft to • »taka and thanac, N. 67 d to death. Father Bmnaer was preparing to attend a kick school football |aae and a (Hand who oalled for him a few minutes before game time re •ehriac no hi|iii«i to knoeka, enter ed and foond the prieat dead In the ■team-AHad bath ma At the eorener'a inquest today sereml friende and two physicians testified that rather Beaaamer was accastumsd to taking vary hot baths. The physicians said ha had been htshuh by the siasashrs heat and the Mood vessels of his body expand ed until the bleed naked froas the brain and caused tmcoaacionaaeos. Death ensued then from scalding, they said. Keep Eliminative System Active hMMd ate wdne'ef kunlftaTa DOAN'S _y OWN YOUR UOMff nvrlL >r 1 "A Roof Over a Good Woman" is one man's definition for home. What !• your definition? r &7SlimfiUV cto-#w»« isnt Through our plan, people an coming into home ownership. "fw •LreM»nfWe rates and on eonven but th,$J7£ *£ taMfc •" " W1"* 2?1 ** "»lled"on short notice. In this respect no other plan offers equal protection FOR THE BOR Come in and inquire—without obligation. » r 34th Series Opens Nov. 1st p wm pays for sack >100.00 to $73,000.00 paid Workmen s Building & Loan Association w.a M. K. Spv|«r, See. 6 Treas. ; DIRECTORS: . V. J. D. THOMPSON 1, D. SARGENT W. E. MERRITT J. B. SPARGER L H. KOCHTTTZKY A. G. BOWMAN Dr. M. 5. MARTIN B. BEASLEY A. V. WEST I A new age in railroad building XTOT to many years ago raflroad bofldang nuirt the IN construction of new tines In sections of ths where rate had not been laid before. A new age in railroad bufidkig baa come. This is a time of ndntd npadljr within tbe The Southern Raflway Hm ii hanrtMng today two —< L .1/ *♦ —. .. — * * • -. » —, flc . _ _ I4 * — *s - * » ■ - nan times as cnucn iTHpn mine as it MnoM two ago. The incrsatt in traffic in also wB be great Beyond a < the increaee in the dsnani I WCi. -1 a-a- « « 1 nm means uoudw. uwciuitfc »--a a g» | ' fa - - ■ -- -■ — * tniru ana rourtn qickb. 11 tnuvt wo Duua to support heavisr and „vk to carry oat YSTEM