■ 1 1 III I I I 1 i ttXJ I|_ P fVrin jur ■ iuwo up ripi ueam nctini Otter Vate Cn.il—. Bari'i haw Um vote raa for the DnMcnrti ta Un| Ml: k|toaln( hm^ m, 10, sc. Ml Takt anatfcer lapuMlcan wniklp: Cnuddtai gav* Um 1c|iiiHI«i the Owibu'i InnMHud goh^toww tk* Mm: SM.tM.tS4.ett. Ml. SSS. M, MS. SSS, SM. County tlrfcot prnetteally rtraigfct all the war ET T 41 - Large Vat*"Can. Par an off year the Mi in Surry J wa» hoary. In fact Surry cart UW| wore vota* titan Poreyth dM. Fori U. 8. Soaato there wot* a total of, •JM vote* cart. 8aau of the had ing voting pracincta: Bryan 610 vote*. Elkin TM, Mount Airy 2.M7, Pilot SSS, Bhoala SSS. Stewart* Croak. 578. Weet field MS. Rodrford. SM. OFFICIAL VOTE OF SURRY COUNTY CAST NOV. 2nd, lflpf. • ^ Al*y. No.I, - NoJ. " No.3, - *a*| Pilot. .... Mil ford. ' Sa?» Stewart# C*k, WntttM, ... TOTAV ■CMC ■■■■nBHHHI ,102 »»! in 47») 114 1M] 1S» 14 lfl £ IN Si 99 837 264 J teat* at 8t "I h*v» jmt raerivad ■ tetter ftw mm of the larg—t livtwtork in RirMwond which point* oat that; North Carolina hoga art hata—lug fluiU- a (actor ua the MarVrt," Mr. feterah dartarad "TV that prior ta IMt it w»« a rara I la iwriTt a ahipwmt of North Carolina and thoaa which did Mr war* aa iafartar In qaaHty that thty am hardly claaaad as Mir bo#* The ahipunta timet that tteM, ht wrote, have gradually In mat til la both quality (Ml rohnaa ttf-m ** fniirtttimg Jlitns OImmI l> mm Uf WUa* of Th* Mount Airy Xewa 91 Yttr* .tgo Thia H"mk Lar*** Lienor HmI hi Hktiry ml Cmumtoy Muds. N»w York, No*. 4—Two hundred k*y. the Ulfrt wImh mr m4 In thin country, nt taken arm kjr pn