HOSIERY CADET HOSIERY With Vn Dyke Heel and Toe Everything from aheer chiffon* to henry aerrice weight*. "DON'T FAIL TO SEE OUR HOSIERY" ^ i i lAPirnv and nUolbKi THE 6BSATE8T DISPLAY OF Shoes and Hosiery You hare mr Men. Everything that 1s n w. Fancy Patent tiee, One Strap Pat ent Pumps, Oxfords of all descriptions. We can give you any heel you want Widths AA to EES. Let ua fit you next LV Lp"*vS l. . " ' :u>< ■ BOYLES Successors to Querin berry— Haymore's Old Stand — tha ■■■>■» mt har bride* eteb mi a tow frianto filfc; iflmm hi •oaflaMl to Miaa Mary Kaahtltohy, of IbMWi, boaM pMt of Mr*. E H KorbtiUky M4Mn.W C.Mcr ritt •eklmi with lowty thry—thnrw vkhk, aftor Hw party, «m mttM to MmhUbim W. M Lnrii mi W. W. Bark*, nitin of tlx Hub, who vtn Ul. A chicken hM emira* with coftt talnar* carrying ®®t tht dfMvsthw •« r. m. Kaport of tha Conditio® of tho BANK OF PILOT MOUNTAIN •t Pilot Mountain, N. C.. at the of boainoaa, November 4, IMS. RESOURCES _Jt PH $377^0671 OooHrafta,' 122.M V. 8. Mid Liberty iimdi, 9,671.00 All (rthor atocka and bomb, furniture and fixture*. M Other MI ooteta mnwj. I Ttlt (ffl la nakndtolM bank*, 59,879.18 Caah items held mr»r 24 lira. 99.04 Chock* for flooring, 2XJI Total 14M.M3.90 LIABILITIES Capital Mock, fit.000.00 Surplus fond, SS.000.0o Undivided profit., 18,819.9ft Unearned diacount, 4,040.10 lyable, S5.000.00 aubjert to rhcck*. 121,506.43 chock* outatandinf, 1,972.43 181,0884» for minor*, 48.08S.tl Accrued Interest duo dopoal tor* 8.0S4.40 Toul, MM.M3.90 North Carolina, Surry Co., —aa. I, I. M. Gordon, caahlor of tho above tha above atatcment la trie to tho boat of My knowledge and boilof. IM. GORDON. Caahlor. S«hocribed and sworn to before mo thi» November IS. IMS. W. I. Swanaon, Notary Public Carre* Attest: J. A. Pell. P. E. Sim moo*. MrK. R. Smith, Directors. statement of Condition of Tho 1tarn County Lou A Trial Co. at Mount Airy, N. G, at tha eloee of biuine**, November 4th, 1926. Loan* him) discounts, tl08.729.47 Overdraft* •wured, S174.3S; _ nayarnd. SIMMS 373.86 .""tl.MI.W Caah in vault «nd n* .mounu Truat Companies, 66JS6.52 ToUl 176,445.44 LIABILITIES CapHa' »J®ck P«W 126,000.00 tSCtUs. Si C.™.,'""" »» and taxaa paid, JM.ll JM.M . . mibjart to chock, ...•6,701.71 Oa*hior'» charka owtatandln*,... Ml.M * »'!*£' 66.10t.14 (Mt). 25,641.09 Woman'* eh* wW maot Friday aftor noon at S o'clock witfc Mrs. T. H. WorroU Ml n—tlhi atroot. tag tko jraar la Twtnlii of IM amu KlAa^Mt " kai Atf aaMaa^^AA VVI " • OWTji DJT WNgVCnit W HKm* mm and Bruet Wrfrkk rUI2»Wftla.l f. tla. 11 uvii(Rnui rwDij MmMT Mr.. K. H. Kochtitaky «H ImUm at a family cBnnar Thoraday avanint ' hi compliment to Miaa Mary Koch tttsky, of Mlaauuri, eorara wora laid far fimtna, thoao pm»at bains m—bari of tlw Knchtttlky ami Mar i rttt famfltM. STORMING OF FORT ERIE DISASTROUS TO BRITISH Sixth Attack. • ' fort Eric. raMtrwUd by t)M Alirt ; ran* nnr Buffalo, na tlM MM of much D|htin| during tha War of 1SIX. On Aug. 4, 1814, it ni bt wlf«l by 6,006 British troop* v ""dor tha command at Liot. Col. Drua mond. On A of. 7 tha Britiah opo wrrr hataful, nrm tba nwtaorla of uionllm Hrlvwv ara aoftooad tor tw radam il.ai tint* rffacra thHr rvfl. not mora aurf mam wbatrvar ! af |ilfa«ant!i<" I bay had la lliara flirra war* irry, vary law IwWd afea mmui 11m nil At Ul rata. lima ahall flva thaw iIh* Iw-artli 01 tba doubt Judctaaat la • poor iking aa from man I award uMa iant lit Though I tail known human drrlla. for whom Mi my baart I ran Cad no imparl or tea*, parti ap* tba Almighty ran. I do Ml doubt that aurh la the rnaa. and ta Him I a III laara tba JwlgmaMa. —Mil Adaina In Miaatwi Mmdni i ________ Aw artanaiaa railway iya>iw k The Transportation of Stomach* Wff CHARLES r Mixes ,C.p, m>|.> MI DKA* Elliott: Mkv yaatr it-tmrtnr* tar «l» «kM wllh yoar h»»any M4>. mm tara ynrt aga. mt amiMpoartaai■ baa kw« nf th* rMll»»«4-hf it thla aaaa tint* a yaar that that ai' ti lata; of maa*a mm fori i>r»|"| aaa laid Ma rrtp at aw and. DM) tha plagua take U« eaatlawd t« tighten (L I raanrtad. af roarer. ta oar trtenita tha dortiira . af wbota I had maaj. aad many af wtxwa yott kn.nr tan many, an d<>abt and tan often aad tha My t fai aaa nfl Wall, una atMMf I aat warm! a® aaj ahlBa Iwfara mjr <>pas Brr. dn-amlnf af what Bdht kar* happened had I aarrM Ethel aa yen grfrd Aa I taoaad a| great Idaa graw aad aour lahad to my mind Aa ran hare ttoed youraelf far tha notoia prafaa Maa of aalklta, I at «M awda yot gadfather ta this rraattoe af my bra to, aad aaa jraa will, aa daaht, he to tar •atad la learn tha datalla af Ma i» ■ttlta If you have not altoady haard af thrm. My Idea waa aa kaaa thaa trini|MMiitlot or oscImibco oC iloih •eta, to akkk I aa* a hopa tor a rata af foaraaL 'Ta carry oat mj i thangt* 1 naadad tha Mp af «M wa bath kn.>w, tha dtottogafakrd aurgaaa. ; Dartot Dlrkana. aad af another per ana, wbooi «aa did not know Ynu wall i know af the dortor'a wvaderfal op aratlona. aad I knew klm to ha tha . »ary man for thla nae. If •urh axlatad. I found Mm, aad Willi n.aaldrrabla dHMnrt entnuiualeatrd my arbatna. Mefora I had fairly ftnlahed ha jumped ta hia feet aad exilatoiad: "By Jorat j I believe It poaalMe; bat haw caa yoa , And the other tonal" I admitted that thla might he -tliltealt, bat thought 1 I knew a aaltalile «ub)a<1. "Sea him." 1 ha Mid. "mt him. and If ha will cow aent. I a Ml." Ton know thni before 1 rttlnd from | twain*** will, enoiuh to laet wrrnrt ' lltatluim I preeldent of rhe Island Hirtind Rteanahlp CMfur tnwni th.- lonxahoremea I kin mm Jerry Koily, ■ strapping. rub net. roey rhwItMl (din*. I knew him qotte well, m I had often give* him odd )nh« when the boata were Bat Nl 1 Ml far him. "aa I had *nniethh>( tar him to do" I had him ahoera Into the dining room, where the sldehward displayed a line joint of beef. w •old cabbage. and a "Have you bad 'upper. Jerry T" 1 belave I have, aor." be aaid. "Too bailee* yea bareT Walt, sup i peee yoe tackle thla, and thee eay yoo know yen have."" -With great pleaanre, ear." I The way be rteeed wttb that beef •Mid bare mad* a reputation tar • tackle aa a college eierea end L tank ing «. green wttb eary, aald: "Hae* yoe a big appetite. Jerry T "Bo big. aor. that I nl»er saw the I ead af It" i "la It alwaya with yoe. Jerry?" -I blear yet loot eight ef K." »« "Tla, aor, i da that, tar Ifa the Mg I «a be gettta' aome day*; tt"a altar thla that I haee that aame feetlag of dtehtrsea that there waaal more af It.' I iectaa yea an aoend. Jerry, la beef, tar 1 hae* a Mg Job feTyaa ta "What la It. aarr he adkad. "Welt, J aery, yea bar* a tee fc, aad I ha veal. I hae* it I •torn." mm I. m II k; W atart with the doctor I my wtn, |» «kM I lim fm i»«g In mum Mian la cm* 1 flat IT I It**. I pay It I* fN; IT fw pa. I m N I* Kara; da |M awf -rallh | do, aar, a ad tor aaha at Han and lb* ktda a ad yew faith hi your bid darter, brgoira ru try II, aa I will." WaU. *Im the dart or beard all IMa ba waa tmmt*. aad carried oat Ma part at IW Part hoapttal MMt a aalott tow of the yifiailw Aa to torn to Maa theaph ba aaya ha baa aa appaOia, poor chap, aad la raw. No waadar, froai tar. atiaad to tMal Directly ba pat ba weat la a Maud of hia, area tbaa ba waa, aad aartaadad drtrlnp tba aaroa Itoatltal harpala blni tor >re thooeand! Ba, If all wall, iarry will ba*a a battar tbaaaaad dollara la tba beak Wbat will rrrntaally haii.au ad ay old •Much. I cant al praaaut tall; par ha pa I mmy ba abto »a lafana roe letar la i af Ha parllaanalilp af Ita tollawara. ofiaaal af a healthy My. aurrly h la la tba aaeeerasemcat af falrahlij araa la tba player* and aa tba paw Ma ad Toward thla aad. tba tollowlng plea wara prlsted racaatly aa thr back of a propram by tba a nay acboot af pbyaical tralalap la Eap | lead, aad thaaa ralaa will wall baar repetition ataawbara: Play tba paa tar tba aaka af ft* llay for rear at da. aad aot for year artf v Ha a good winner aad a (aad loaar I —aiedaat la aklory aad praaroaa lb datoat. Taka all dertalona without qaeatlaa itr argument 8a uaacinah and alwaya i*a>ly la taark and balp othara.—Torooto Globe WmMmg thm FUg A reader qaaatlon* ilie propriety of »«!■;,!IW ■ flag itBii Inquire* what to do iboul It. Taking a nn*y official aa ta ' (bortltr. It la perfectly proper ta waah 1 the lulled Slain 9u« If tht* la cure i fully duoa aa Ik* nhm will M ran. < Ami Ilila la ih« way ha aaya U alwald ha ilotie: U t«pM mrnmm a"4* parr aoap ar , auap llakaa tor KaahtBf tie tag. (to nut wring It. Imi xiumi It out car* lull} and rlnae la nevaral clear. cold ■raters. Da not lat II lla to the m«r ' aoil hang It up lamadlataty after the laat riming. Hang It aa tha atrtpaa •tin ap and down and I ha blue Said 'mada over the Una. Theee precautions will protect th* rotor* from mlngllug. Ur) la the ahade to avoid fading. U , the dag roqvlraa imtog do thla cat* ftiUjr umr _ _4.Li- eL-sP, ivotvciim nil Battom to 3kcp" Tta family M (W mi hr the TW MM iMtaM ifM bar ha |M* rkMt aad **>t bar far Rhu late • email tree. Thru he Moo* ba l®a aad barked AiriMHlyt MMI a( ■napatklstag batlar ibaM tba traa iM ■are bin — atb»r timaem. Tbta Hmm tba cat barely latrniil la readdai ■rblrb with tarvMad caw aba watched bar iiraM*. * "Wb> da yea tartar* thai eatT* aa C*tly aakad a gaatfiaaa whe aat aa aaa o# tba (hady-beaefcae bold lac a yellow hatred little Ctrl aa Wa kaaa. -on. me aM MNm la having ■ little .fus." iMMNd It* butler "Bat Ma* Is death on cats." The quiet an aald aothlng. bat gat ap. helped tba frlghteoed rat to aecape ta a —fr biding place. ami tbaa re Thai Bight pan* «aat ta bad wttb a sapper. wMh bar osmer praald at tba noa hundred aad slevsath analvemary af tba Society far tba Preveatloa af < "malty to Aai mala, aad paactusted tba courses • 8*h dinner wtth rare vintages of Tba ml evealng tba hang heavily aver tba Beacon utreet nail and Buttons aad the butler were taking as airing and huh lag | tba weue of bl» iter he prlcktxl oi> hi* aara aad miffed tba air for a sceni of cane. I*rwatly hla anitaae eye waa attracted by eomethlag Me,pug Boer had failed to detect. Oa a bea<-h near by aat the quiet gentlenoa whoae af