- WAY NOW OPEN FOR UKC hon or MAaomc w»r» mad* at the auction taW which was cried by Martin Bennett: Nelson Marhiner) Co., pMrehasea VO feet m Market Street immrdlaicly behind th* Teaiple lot and paid »7.#7fi far it. Mr. Nelaon own* a Aim building just opposit. this lot and his new purchase will be used for additional stora** room fur his W. A. Newell both purr baaed prop erty last Saturday. "My purchase," said Mr. NeweH, who has been here only a year, "proses that 1 have faith la the nwth of Mount Airy." He hwugtrt one W-hst lot oa Willow •tree* paying »a,77l for it, aad bs aad H. O. WotU Jointly bought » feet ea Market St. for UJUk Iter. f W. Sianaons aleo boucfet M feet «l Market Street Cur U.74b. F. f. Blerlas bid off SK feet an Market Rtreet far $»jH aad lek for • in 4rtn far wiboertptioa M | iho fund artth whiah to MM Mm FARM MAKES FORTUNE FOR NORTHAMPTON L a l.i.ttar Mm Stock «f U. S. Nov. B. C hi North M to ho Although ha to M yam of aero, ho *90 acra. of land aad baa a atoak of and a healthy btiMll yoara of a«o. At that tinw Iw barf *0 in eaah aa Ma oak aartkly but hr bad lota of bopa Ha pot bla mammy k to bo barf to work lor f armara to got tkw to work at bla «ill aa aqoal oitatbar of dayaJ At tbo a«c of 23 bo aiarriod. HU financial eeadttloa at that Mich that ho ody had a cart for travohag pvrpoaaa. Tha cart waa parchaaod at a farm * for tha aminhig iuih of ooa ho waa buying ha found H hoi to bur tha laad too. TWa, whoa ho | roally bogaa fwki hi INI ho lowMd IM acrao if laad ai > mmmmy. Staoo thoa ho baa M acroo, tha laat tract botof !■> j cbaaod la itM at a aoot of I10.0M. Ho la known now aa a auuaaafal ptaatar. Moat of bla farm la worfcod l»y tonaala, aoa» of wheat have broa un IM> pliw M long aa II years. He declares he ku Mm l«t a! penny on a teaant Mr lu kt Had but mm» to leave Ma la Ml. Moat of Mr. Uwhtr'i Iwfn haw mart*, ■amy. They have proited by the their own suppliea at hoMe. Mr. UmKWi (Mthod of fanning is varjr »ia»pla, K yon will tab* Oounty Agent R. P. Uulledge's wort for H.' Flmt, he deasnds that ararytkiag used at holm ha raised «n Us farm. The remaining land ia <|peided equally between aattaa and peanuts. Mr. IjualUr, himself, hat a year around Ifardtn. H prmtiir<Mi vegetables for | tbetahle each day ia the year. He hie honey, a lock of sheep to furniah hi* blankets and nmtton bena to furniah i^ttle the bflt at the local supply •tore, hi in grown sorghum to pm •lure mulaaae* and haau g»»nrn wheat in ft old into Ma Hour, and milk and hotter are obtained from hia herd of dairy rattle. Mr. LauwiUr baa U bogs and 10 turkaya an Ua place now. Bach graaa supply all the hay far the aialea and iwttfo and ly yields a aurplu* far Mar keting. A small aawmiD prseidaj all the laaaber needed for building. The l.airftir ban coaiparea fav urahly with any In towa. Mr. <M atatca, and In K are beautiful from the bale growa Angora rag ruga from acrapa and coon fro* roans trapped an the farm On one nmiiaa, Uhn ia a story, Mr. I aaalf . Virginia Abort Akj't Christmas Decora WiB Be WeB Worth Seeing Mm pw»l> of tkat Iowa ore not unaware of the poooifcfl Itiee of holiday uaape for it. The Charlotte atyle of uk lag atoroo ud atrooto especially attractive far the people ia Um aeaeon of Joy and pood-will, have plaaaed to deeo Mto aftor the manner which Mde CktHotto faioiio The Meant Ally Novo fives Mail* of elaborate plana Included la which la distribution of 50 treee ta tho buai nooo otroeto. There will he tho ueual dioplay Of colored lights aad one aow foatare of which other towao aright etaad la oomo little envy. Two tiooaoaad yardo of laurel i feotooning will he oood. Thio autorial io a product of Lowgnp aad loado itoolf aoot effectively to doeocaMoa of Chriotmaa treee. Mouat Airy hi aaother North Caro lina town that will ho woM worth aeeing during tho holi day aoaeoa." (Charlotte Ohoerver) "Mount Airy recently came under tho 1 randy aataMuhod organisation* of thr county 6. Introduction and Jtlnriln»tii>n <>f Trtint iwc No. • barf*jr. tt. Introduction and dtsM-mination of the Auatrnlian .winter p«u. It A It variety Wet of soybean* at the Mountain Park Institute. ML Advocated the use of copper carbonate for stinking MB at In ilml. Ptrat Omm thin haft been uaed In the of fertilising corn X. TW County Agent ukiMt «< in* prise at the OwIIm Virginia fair. M. Thc^aroUnaVtrginia Pair Aa oftrWI Marty SIM far bojri Stria dab prtaaa. Thie ta the ieaey waa offered far tk ST. Surtad preliminary work oa| ■aiat glowing la the rouaty. sary space for farm-news la tka Airy liberal hi |M«| fin to fana mm| and artidaa by the euwnty Modern farmiac pubHahcd by Bank of Mount Airy liaa need articles. 29. The outlook ia work to be (tone on | tune* aad the growing of Mai* aoy beana, barley aad vetch. 30. If we can Mran the universal adoption of No. SB then we wilt ban solved the livestock quest ion for with plenty af feed assured then a big ia rraaas will he noted hi pare head Uwe-' stock which la ao Muuary for par-j auuient agriculture. SI. Definite plana have to carry out the above projects along j more ertewdad tinea nest yaw. the coat of producing Christmas Seal Safe Now Going On In Mount Airy Uttk M Ain AS CIiIiIiiiii S«»«ntj >M for C«t RmmIh is Smry. Iw *vcn larvae. Every dollar of thie will he davatod to the eradication W tivr itnai mt|i. The death rato half i« e laat twrtjr year* and «ttk »e tkaa la net fai Om tbuttaand <>|«r«i air eehaala await tkr aMthd child. TWv» tkMMurf hratHk nunw viait every MCtiod of Ikf nation TW battle nmr Amn and w* ar» gaining ground «*rr> year. Man tkaa U th. rahw of the work already doae. Bat tha frratnt gala ia la tha fact that thouaande are now wcl a ad hapfy who otherwiae would ha In tha grave. Perhapa a million rhHdrm are la joying good health to-day. who, with out thi« campaign again*! the White I'lague, would now he alaarly dying ta mmt yaa • I If yaa ara ta a karry )a* aaft at *a Ckjr H>H u< Vm4 t*. prfr I wiah |M a V«ty 1 • Ham Mmt Yaar, Maths et parity, k «M l if he •bouM h. a naadifat. for aa I«aa ia tha pM*n thia ha coatd cant oa tha vota of We havr the haat rem erof A w.MMlrrful era# <rf nd pMipkin*. I aevrr «aw aa if and *o Im. I A aaod crop of arhoat aoaa hat Mt a- aiurh park aa laat yaar. Th> f-ultry haalanaa la (till in Ahoiit thrar fourtha af tha rvnp ia laid and tha b» diapoaad af. All thia aartioa ia raaat of Ma own iadli pidtina. hat ha ■ aitM of Ma graat laaahar af patt> rata arha want hia atMrttak. Tww nav hMaaa to » halt at <•«> Eaat Broadway. A luad of Buckingham applM thi» a»<iimaa, priaa It.M. A.

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