Bfil ef Stole Read. to MM that to to 2Sm lw h 4. r. m toil Ha n toU to jail tar < • Superior (tort i Ms Htorty Nto I ef NMHN. And to JaA hu* lury taiagM to • trua Mil ipln) Mm, and to «W toft la wutady until tto trial ■aaday rretiin* when to M ef $l0,00».0». But durtac iHj |MU of tto trial HI* Honor had to cnetady aad to a»eat tto to tto county JML A »«d«l »ilit of ftfty m waa to tP"»r at Dotoen fri by nuoa tto Jwry of aa assault with Intent ta rape. TkU iIimi U a fttary nd hy baprinanMint » tto ta allowed wide lathMta ta tto ttaM to caa asad a mma up— ta tan ta tto ataU prtaaa at bard Mlaa Mary Carter. tto ta a niece of Adaau' wif. waa NarW ta tto fltata Road to* wuctod ta sf tto past sis yearn. Rh» apeot a half day Friday m tto iiUiiim stand recounting tto illegal ittick Mid under lb# ctom asaMinattan of Adam*' attorneys tto toU utrietljr to tor irat tmH of tto ertaw. 8to ta about H ysara oMr aad appear* to to ta poor health aad ato said that ato had toaa pronoun, ad a tatoreatar aaspoct. Rhe ta rary frail ta appearance aad would not In tto trial ef tto elected not ta go oe tto _ • land, but relied upon an effort ta toeak down tto character af tto weMan, ahbench ato proved 1 character to mm of tto beat t hiin. OnmvwM ptitonad to V urrlMjr hurt m> Mi «nm0n» riw at tha tow mm! iUUd that m b whialwy and mix with • inrtnnt at nititoi. He had rerrted bar to the ■aylum am wd whan aha did not impruv* by aaaaaat of Ika doctor* ha brought har hack whara ha li«M ad minister to har nssiia, and to lis year* tha growif man baa 4mm what ha euuld to hto feeble way to nature Imht to ImMMi Mi pits tl^t 1m vii lining tha whiekay aa advtee of tha doctor* (sinad htol hto liberty. Hto Honor tald Ma that ha could aat handle and MM HqMr to any way without fMathf tha tow, htthan marked after thUHefr off the rnndi tion of thr young wife. "WaU I guaaa any at aa would have done like ha did under the drwitowm." And hU caae mm allowed to go at tha docket and wa suppose he want hack home to do what he could for hto lick companion, and no doubt hie lava far her will again prompt him t< violate the prohibition refutation* whan he in advised to aacure a little CM Man Bart Cos, of Weatfteld. wefl known colored man and prosper ous farmer of that section, was in court chargud with an affray. He had a hig row with mm of hto which brought on a fight and landed Bert In the clutohea of the tow. In the trial it waa brought oat what an insolent attitude the old colored man neighborhood. Adam* la known to kavt bm mixed up In some ncandni* at other time* ami tkfuf affair* per hap* made M inadvicahie for him to go ujxm tkf witnru etand and thou •object himaelf to a ware hint inquiry ob the part of the proaerution of hi* pM artiona. H( k a *uh*tantial merchant of Stat* Road and at om thae waa thought to poaaoa* consider able property bat hi* entanglement* oi the paat fur year* »r» *aid to hare drawn on hi* roaonrw heavily. He M about SO year* old. a fine looking Ban. and all daring the trial he maintained a confident and *eif-aa eoring attitude and aly the verdict at the Jury wa» announced Mid abo when he waa given hia long iintonce hjr the Judge he ntfll mainUined hia ^Mnx like countenance All duriag Ma trial hi* wile eat quietly by hia dig and lilently wept at time* over thg tragedy that the waa paaahm ■Mk. Mm ia a quiet, motherly Ike sympathy of all want oat to her. they have no children The eaae will be earriod to the flkprame Court what* a new trial wfll he aahed for en the Mai of the Ml* to afcw the MmAmI to Intro nan a**um«d ajrainst tM white* or hiii Motion. It vm Mated that when he became incenned at some of hi* n.-i*hbor* he wouM write out slgna with a drawing indicating who the drawing represented, and below he would *erve nvticr en the public that MK-h and «uoh a person was a thief, a rogue or I>uch other charpn. And Ibriw would be pouted in raiinK part* of the ncifWhood Bart w»> ftned ttS and given poattivr asaar ance that any more dun posting b> him would land him in Jail. IV young wife of Hurley S wear tha qnarry and handing out tha pay rnvatopaa Barky on two necnaaicn* when tha nx-n war* not praaent to «aaa*i tha rail of ihi-ir nam* would anawir ay ■ud aay Hr wa* tha man, and this way ha got tha otha Ha (orurtd two pay «naalopaa la way with nbout MO In tha total. HI* maHrio'in nndurt coat him It montha Mi Ik roada. fac* la M.