WRING TIMK U coming. (i*i ready to build your horn* in Safety Har bour, whore the bird* ting and out of the way of tooting horns. It*. FOR SALE—Thro* show mm two pairs of scales and other store fix tares all in ft rat class condition. Sea Dave Crawford. tfc. FOR SALK-Pare Tancred sTlx White I<eghorn hitching <*ggs, $1.50 per 16. Special mating, 36 two )T«ar old hena, headed by two vigor ous Turn-red cocks, direct fmn the Tancred Farm. Baby chicks, 90c. each. Hatching egg* 12.50 per 15. All these birds are late moulters and in excellent condition. If you want plenty of eggs, place your order from this mating. 1 will have a limited number of 8. C. Rhode Island Reds for sale all through the hatching season. For further information, write or viait farm. Route 2, near Taah school. Mount Airy, custom hatching 19.00 per hundred. Louis 8. Burton, (owner.) 1-Mc. IW praaaot buaaa in hi ll Ikl they mi uia«tiMwdad and Um bw op i r«« in And M Mcnatry to rm another bus to tek* ear* of thoaa who Mra puM|i at that particu lar time. With tha mnp width a< tha highway* hi tha Mat* bote* Ma II to II feat, tha ipaea taken up in pai itac aweh othar by a — hich hoa and tha ordinary auuwnobil* would approximate elaaa to If fast, leaving fro* thraa to In feat far nthar mm. Soma atalaa permit tha boa iwin U> oparsta 90 and M-lnch wMa boaaa. Mr. Half waa not eertata that tha boa ownara win dacida I* aak far prrmlaaion to oaa tha W teeh wid* boa, bat h* atatod that imnl of them Iia4 indicated tha? they would lika to ha able to aparata the wider type buaea. BUILDS STEAM ENGINE' IN VINEGAR BOTTLE Burlington Mcckuuc Arcom* pliahaa ••ImpaaaiUa" TaaW —Magai'no Yo Carry Story. Burlington, Dee. *1.—Clarenee Mar letted little «team engine, made in tiny pieeaa on tha lathaa in hia mo chine ahop on Sooth Main atroat and •lipped through tha half-inch neck of a vinegar bottle and aaaamblad, will ha In an early iaaoa of Popular Mechanic* magaxine, H. K. Weber, i manager editor, adviaed Staley A. Cook hare today. The engine- attracted much atten tion her* when Mr. Marietta ftniahed the ted km* job of aaaembling It in the quart vinegar bottle and placed it on exhibition. To convince folka that it waa the real thing, he attach ed ii to a comprraaed air line and it stepped off with the prociaion and I (mra of a big fellow. Every plea* of the engine, bolt*, vrew« and all, waa made in the •bop, and every piece ia braaa with the exception of the baa*, which ia aluminum made in three piece* to go throught the bottle nock. It rap reaenta a real piece of mechanical art and akill. He had no object In building the little engine othar than the idea that lie could do It. It lookad impoaaible. It probably would have been for a pcr«on without a big re«erv* of pa tience trying to devise ways and mean* of getting 0>e piece* together in*ide the bottle. For thii he made ipecial tool* and uaad majrnet*. He did the whole big little Job at odd i time*. "IjlidnH get a bit of my mechani cal ability from booka, but in the school of hard work," Mr. Marietta •aid when aaked how many dlplomaa he hail framed in hi* workahap. ■ I You got tkat rich ■illgw flow only m PEPSI-COLA BROWER'S SPRINGS CHALYBEATE mm* ALUM be 375 Cm* high and wll lofty Mtry from which i the mosK of the earilkm in Uw Pirt AnMt Bap four belli wfll bo pddad to the put 61, auUac Um frill— Mm largest nunbar awl Um hiirlnl la tha world. Mildred Wataob. Wade' Atkins, Mar Card mt Wa Mr> to oxpraaa our thanks to our i vlifhbur* and fi ieada. Kay. B. H. MitlUu* and Rav. C. C. Haymore, Um mimbwi of Um church and all nthari for their ijnipatkjr knd many acts and deeds of kiailnaaa to us durine Um Ulnaa, daath and burial of our husband and father. We pray Cod's richest blci»ihp upon rou all. Mrs. W. H. Midkiff and W. P. Midkiff. l-tp. statement of Condition of FIKST NATIONAL BANK, at Mount Airy, in the state of North Carolina, at the eloea of * December Slat, 1920. RESOURCES Loans and diacounta, I447.1MJ8 Overdraft*. un**au%d . 88.06 U. 8. Bonds to mw> circula tion, n- 60 000 00 All otfcar II. & amrfcim... 8UM.00 Other bondi, stocks sc curitfaa, tic., 4.SOO.bO Banking house, furniture and fixture*, MJtMM than bank house, 8,200.74 Lawful i aaii1»I with Fad oral Reserve Bank .101,221.14 Cash hi vault and amount due from national hanks 220.313.49 Due from Stata banks, banker! and trast com panies, SM.87SJ0 Checks and drafts on banks outside of city of report in* hank. - 4 «J» Miscellaneous rash items. 806.30 87X40 Redemption fund with U. S. Treasurer and due from U. 8. Trsaauiar tt.500.00 Total, *1,578.9S2.M LIABILITIES Caf rtal stock. I 100,000.00 Surplus fund, 00.000.00 Reserrad for int. due 41J0 7,000.71 Total, of North 1 sJdlLi bonk 4a Mailing of Matches Givei Job* to Many Wadawortb. obta.—'"Oot ■ uuicfcr A simple rsqarat easily compiled with, bat aol ao ynnlc la the storjr at tbe msktog »f th« woad aim witb la Tba aMtrti Marts Its _ nwrtidr'i >« pockat tea . plm foraoC hundred* of miles away frost i)m Anal rooter of maafartara. raraata, railroad* aad sawmill* ars uwaod by (ba match cauipaalra. aHak ba*a graat fs< t«rlss bara. On* oompasj owas • graat tract af timber la tba Caaar d'Alsos muunlatas af Idaho A wmpaay railroad. 24 alias long, tabaa tba log* ta tba main af rba Hpokaua International rail , wbara tbajr an pat lata aad towed ta tba caopaay's r1»ar. far a yaar at U Wbaa raady far aasw tbay ars HOI to ||| company'■ block plant at Mpokano. Bslactad lumber tbsrs la cat lata blocks 3% lacbaa loo*, which ta tba axaet laagtk af a awlcb Tba art aaat to tba factory bara. a Tba drat maanfartartng Ms* to ta faad tba blacks lata a aiatrb machine, wbicb cuts than ap aad foreaa tba sticks late hoi as la aa I roe plats, bald lag MO sticks Orar sprigs sad brasbos ths plataa art rarrtad and all tba weak and to perfect anas srs aotoautlcsllr culled. Nasi ■ oolite* treat litem by paramo sad cbauirals. Tbea tba Brat <"H» poaltloa la pat sa tbs head Tba stick* paaa o«ar a roller, which turn* la a bos mntnlalug the c^MBpoalliiw. The Ignltlao dp to a|H>lled tba ssiaa way Tba oae of pbospboras aa aa actles ingredient In match ataklng . wsa barred by roagreaolotisl set la 1911 Tba polsoaaas phosphorus aaad to af fect tba bonea aad the Jaw af arorkars 8aa«ai salpldde af pbaspbaraa aaw ta used, whlrb to aoupolsoooaa Omalia, Nab — Srlaatlftr •thumblnf la to b* taofhi. Thr national coavantloa «f hnboaa ha* dtrraa4 that a Md ugmt shall (outrun hlkara Id tha atb lea of atoppln »otor|pta and I ad teat tat that a lift la waatad Happy ChUrw wniowa, Calif.—Chlldraa la OtaMi coaaty in happy AH tha high arhooU art ao an anforrad racatloa pMdlti aattlun—i of a caotreraray brtvaan tha taachara and tha raaM} treasurer ovpr talari aa I aadnw—-BrU-hiar" barlal* hare htm a|M by tha Krttlah rodartakw' Woodwork aaaoctattaa. Naar caafcet dndgita ana tor beantlfal and graceful warhmaaahlp. ••OB f HAVE PRETTY HAIR No matter if yoar hair ia long or bebbed. you ma* ear* for your SCALP. Our Cbnics will gtve your hair that eoft flamy look which unhealthy hair lack*. Try on* bottle, than notice the difference. Un our cold cream and lotion* for your chapped hands and face. It eootfeda the shin. LET US BK YOUR DRUGGISTS TURNMYRE & LAMM S—Tw* Refilled Dn,e,»to—2 United States Court, Weatern Die- • irict of N. C. In the matter uf 1. B. Bnnner and W C. Banner, bandrupta, trading aa ! Sonrixe Bakery. * Bv rirtoe of the power voted in me V an order from the referee in bankruptcy. L. C. MrKaug hn. in ' he above matter, made at • meeting of the creditor* held in Winaton-Saleai the 28th day of December, 1S*W. di recting me to aell the property of the above bankrupts, aa truatee in bankruptcy, I will aell at public auc tion, on the 27th day of January, 19*»t at 2 o'clock P. M„ at the place of buainras of the Sunrtae Bakery, on Main Street. Mount Airy, N. C.. the following described property, to-wit: AO the atock, ware* and merchant ; di>« of the flunriae Bakery, together with ait HiiiiliWT, equipment mmi j tuppli#n. Sale made aubject to being run firm ed by the referae in bankruptcy. L. C. MrKaughn. • A. G. WEBB, Trustee In Bankruptcy. of Coaaty—in Notice of Spanish oak, >ib|A north »H chain, to South, r. D. Culler cm the Wart. be ing known M the land* belonging to E. 8. CtiHer at*he tin* M hit death and containing 102 acres. Said land Uea about our mil* wast of the town of Pinnacle on a graded public road. There arc about IB acraa of floe hot* In addition to the bottom land there !* • rood portion of the other lands which are fine for com. wheat, to bacco and all farm products; staff considerable amount of rood MMMfZ alao on (aid land k a splendid dwell ing house with eight good room^ also a good 4-room tenant house, good faed horn, crib, granary, four tobacco barn* and other out-build ing*. The place is wall watered; Haa art Grassy Creek; wall and spring*. This i« very deeicsMe land and Baa well for cultivation. Said Innd will be aoid as a wholo. Bidding to commence at upaet bid of *1M37,3» wms of Sale: one-third cash at confirmation of sale, one-third in one year and the remainder in two n M from date of sale. litis the trdday of Jan««nr. I«7. J. T. Short. < 1 .mmisiionsr. Notice Sale of l.and By Trastee. By virtue of the power contained In a deed of trust, executed Juaan ?5. 1924. by Dewey Chttton and Bertha Chihon tev the undersigned trustee, same recorded in Register of Deeds <d*ce, Surry county, Book at Deeds of Trust No 71, page », de fault having beon made in the pay. ■H-nt of the notes secured by said deed of trust and at the reou.st at Lbe holder of said notes. 1 Will offer (or sale to the highest bidder at

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