7b* YELLOW PENCIL I with the WBEDRAND While rmphaiixirtg the fact that one fatflity is too mmny and that the nation cannot root until the yearly] toil is rsdansd to a minimum, he pointed out that those working fori safety an entitled to encouragement. Had the numher of accidents in 1917 in ratio to the number of whJdee continned at the «M *ate today, the annual toll would have been 44 per cent higher than it is. This 44 per above the •oifa k.M . ^ tar»*d to •" by th« parciuu^ Qf a,. " . ***" ^ •1 wHa. Bad ro»H. k j truak» bavin* ia ft "^ads had prohibited their »t„~ ueir return earlier. y.r: *?*/•• . *•. ...