Trustee's Sale. By virtu* of power conferred upon the undersigned in • deed of trust executed by J. W. White and wife of November 10, IMS, which deed of - trust is recorded in the oAoe of the Register of Deeds, of Surry County, In book M, pace 77, default having been made in the payment of the deed secured by said deed of trust end at the request of the holder of the note. of the holder of the note. I win sell for cash to the highest bid der on the premises on Taeeday the 11th day af Jan., 1917, at S o'clock P. li the following described land, to-wit: Adjoining the lands of H. L. Park er, B. E. Moeer, C. W. Iloaer, W. H. Fowler and others and bounded as follows: Beginning on James Han cock'* corner and runs oast on the Jefferson Holyfteld line 17.60 chs. to • stake in the public road letting to Mount Airy: then up this road as it aow runs N. 22.28 deg. E. 8 chs. N. 10 chs N. 11 deg. W. 4.(0 chs. N. 14 E. 4.80 chs. N. 8 W 7 chs. to a stake on road, C. W. Moser's corner; thence W. 83.50 chs. with Moaera line to s small pout oak; then 8. 88.50 chs. to the beginning, containing 101 acres more or leas. See survey of E. I.. Wolfe on April 17, 1917, recorded in Regieter of Deed* office in book 78, page S74. Sale made to satisfy said debt, in teract and cost to add. This December 11, 1*26. J. M. FOLGER, Trustee Natice. By virtue of the power contained in a deed of trust executed to m* as trustee by R. N. Kulk and C. E. FulV, which is recorded in the ofllce of the Bagiiter of Deed" for Surry County, in book No. 09, pace 61, to secure ■ debt of $2,408.34, which »aid debt is past due and unpaid; and at the ra ' of the bolder of said dead ef trust, I will offer for sale to the high eat bidder for cash, on the premises on the 20th day of Jaausry, 1927, at one o'clock P. M„ the following ^ real jwtate lying and la Dobon Township', "Burry County, N. C., adjoining the lands of C. H. Kulk, Barley Wiiliamaon and others and bounded as follow*: Beginning oe a rock oa the North of the Judesville road in William saa's line and nlns N. SI chs. to a white oak: thence E. 5 dag S. II* eh*, te a tuack gum formerly a «" ant; thence 8. 11.90 chs. to a oak; thence B. 10 ch* to a che oak; thane* 8. t chain* to a rock; thance 8. 6 dig. W. ZUO chs. to a ■take in the middle of the public rood; thane* W 16 dag. 8. 8 eh*, to a Bin* knot la WilliaaMon'* lia*; thane* N. an hi* Una i.7* chs to tfc* begin 5£.r to aatiafy said dead of rightly handled will W a good pratt wary )*v in furnishing good fruit for the family b asides the market which has been developed the last few years by trucks. In next week's paper we will furniah • complete program of the Activities for the two days. We will have the followiag with us: Pref. Newman, of the Progressiva Farmer, n. K. NiivonfW, Horticulture Bp* cialiet, C. D. Matthews, Chairman of Ik Dfretaiea of HortimHara, N. C. Stmt* Colin*, E B. Morrow, Horti culture Special 1st of eastern Carolina and C. H. Brannon, Insect Specialist, N. C. State College Wo WO expect ing to make this a wry worth while undertaking for the fruit induetry of the county. We want every one to be present bo w* can make thia a very profitable conference. Thia la the first time that we have had such in Surry County and we want to make this a success tor the State is furnishing us the very best special - ists that ran be gotten in order to give us the benefit of the very beat information which is obtainable. This dues not rout the fruit grower* of Surry County and extra mopey. Be sure ami keep thin meeting in mind and tell your neighbors. I am always glad for farmer* to furnish interesting items about in teresting things in their neighbor hood. Of course we want items about •i>me good farm practice which is be ing carried on in a successful way. Such is good news besides it ei courages others to do likewise. Oftentimes we know of some good fnrtner who is doing a splendid pi* of work on some new line and be thinks because ha is well acquainted with this practice that all farmers know about K. Such is not the cm and if such is published aome other farmer will he benefitted by doing likewise. To give you an illustration here Is a good bit of farm newt. Curran Smith, State Road, N. C., has • reg istered O. I. C. sow that baa dropped four Utters of pigs with the following numbers at • Utter; IT, It, SO and 21. This is a remarkably prolific sow If any of you farmers sow at 91M there trouble in producing tea Mr. Smith is one »•»« »••• »■■■< (IWWD. twpliiili. the report declares should W constantly riven to the fact that the death rate from au tomobile accidents fat increasing rapidly year after year, and that the street kswd far every one la becoming greater and greater. Bet tar regulations must be enacted and enforced and better safety campaigns must be carried on. Were the number of automobile* constant year after year, H would be easier to gauge the efforts of the various remedial measures al ready attempted. But the number of automobiles is increasing so rap idly as to present a tremendous problem fan itself, a problem which necessarily calls for drastic safety measures. The fact,. nccording to the 1#2S figures, for each auto fatality Iti Iowa, tlMfre were 2,190 automobile registrations, while in' Florida for each fatality there were only 591 such registrations, indicates the much more serious effect of the In creasing number of automobiles In one stata than in another. Baby Chick* Prather Clothing Cfc t Jlgood cold weather starter now more dependable than ever Probably no single feature of Dodge Brothers Motor Car has been more widely talked about and commended than the power and promptness of the starter. *! The new two-unit starting and lighting system now advances Dodge Brothers leadership in this important respect still further. There are now no moving starter parts when the car is in motion—no starter chain*—no noise—no wear. The new starter is even more DEPENDABLE than the old, and far simpler and more compact in construction. Many other major improvements have been added during the past twelve months, all vitally affecting performance and in creasing value far beyond the apparent measure of current Dodge Brothers prioea.