HI .. L T.—The White half in ■ 4 to 4 ti*. 1W White Mm to Wat half and II cm Ian* Mi foal. The mg II to 8. Harebell led the viaitor. with the played s £oad for « of the IS the ranter at the hard to pt through. The ui lb* laat half wa* largely able for the win. The White tew «m net charged with a foul. TWa ia to ba rwteawrte aa much honor m On victor, at ranter played 4 of tha • W. Plain* Marshall (8) Nirbolf (1) <•) f r. | F. ,0. C. o. G. (») «> I '""mSX]'*"" e*rt ^*° ^ " *>■< tug* tad to vato «t a Nf* tto body of on* eblM. Thl» wm am tto lUkvir a fnr to. Mk Aoor. TWh triad to MWW MM i II k riette- —• •»* "* by • of mm. Httte vtattoi m m if lib •f tto UlmdMii *to Ik tto fraaatog nU to Um L toT to tto a* to. ttoat*. Tto »ti MAURI CD GIRL AS FAVOft WaaM Mmly T« CM Htr late U. 1. F«r FHmUL Prerkkeee, L I, to. T.-Tto rompHeatod aamtablp ot a Mflaa StondMi too i Tto girl Havogtoi k*r to lui Ifia klMUMM kwA jfafai I aLT Cinhid ApreiuuftiiAt qmK mil Mai to Caba to marry Aliea aai totog tor tore. Apratouaton dM aa a fartoiglrt ago. Ttorc vaa to to I 4hr«rt« aad to tto brida. AprahamUn ditot want tto wife, *u Marpukin tpak tor Immw to Ma aiatov. Attar»ay Qwral Stoton to4 tto af tto trta ai ta« atobt. Maw tto are arandartog wbat to to with Democrats Are Stil Hoping To Socwo Reduction In Tax Gortejr. while Eobt. J and ran to the Hmm rOl't brother, k»Ur ing bark a law I in* Ufa. Tfcreadgill tor. "lira. Thraadrf ■ml w In** her at Ma ato .arpriae I