drrd at tniat km I Bank of CutoMbte, I h* Inner Am on mUI •nd root Thin D*c«nbtr K, Notice of Safe. North Carolina, Surry County. R. V. Marshall, Administrator of C. C Martin, deceased, v». Ada Martin Harden, and tbo Surry County Loan A Trust Company, General Guardian of Ellis D. Martin, Elizabeth Martin, J. Everett Martin, S»die Martin, Sanders Martin and Arthur Martin, hairs at law. Under and by virtue of an order of the Superior Court of Surry County, made in the special proceeding as above entitled, the understated com missioner will, on Saturday the 22nd day of Jaa., 1»27, at X o'clock r. Mm on the premises offer for sale to the highest bidder that certain tract of land lying and being in Surry County, North Carolina, adjoining the lands •f Lee Hollingaworth, llamas Jes sup, Samuel Inman and others, and hounded as follows; vis: First tract: Beginning on a hickory, Hollingsworth's corner, runs N. I <W variation ft chs. to a stake: thence E. S.17 chs. to a stake ana Cinters, N. 8 deg. variation S.27 ehs. a persimmon tree in the hollow; thence W, S.17 chs. to a rock in Hoi lingsworth's line; thence N. 8 deg. variation with Lee Holling«worthTs line 9.78 chs. to a chestnut stump; thence E. 8 deg. variation 21.75 chs. with Jeasup's line to a stake; thence 8. 8 deg. variation lntnan's line 20 chs. to a post oak stump, Hollings worth's line; thence W. 8 deg. varia tion 21H chs. to the beginning. Con taining 41.68 acres more or leu*. Second tract: Beginning »n a chest nut on the bank of the branch and runs E. 4 chs. to a *take N. 4V4 deg. E. 20 chs. to a stake and pointers; thence W. 4.2S chs. to a 'take and pointers; thence S. 9% deg. W. 22 ch*. to the beginning. Containing IIV» ncres more or less. The terms of this sale are one-third cash, one-third in six months and the balance in twelve months from date of sale. The deferred payments to be secured by Deed of Trust on the premises. This the 20th day of Dec., 1926. R. V. Marshall, Commissioner. Sal* of I'rraNil Prapert;. A* executor* of the estate of the tat* N. P. Short we will sell at pub lic auction at the Short home place on North Main atrvet, Mount Airy, N. C„ on Thursday, Jan. 27, 1827, at 2 P. M„ the household property be longing to the estate, including t>ed clothing mattrexxea, stove* and other household furniture. In the lot ara aevernl article* of antique furniture. All will be Mild to the highest bidder for caah. Thin January 8, 1927. R. B. Short and A. M. Short. Executor* during DtHimbwr. TW foUowing to th. report of I. r. Armfteld. oounty wdftn uAear. Juvenile to art — malnlng trvm toat month. Is m Win reported, ft; handM by wel fare officer (unofficial) ft; lw»<M bjr Mrt (official) nana; ri«ihito» Imp investigation 2; unofficial dtopoaitton handled through parcnta, t;t repri nuMnlnl and warned, I. School At tendance- children reported 107; In vnatigmtinn by letter, 106; by viaita, S; proaecvtiona, I; poverty tun to veetigated, 4; number provided (or, I; viaita to achoola It. Poor Fond caaaa—reported and invoatigatcd, (j persona carried to county home, I Miscellaneous conferences, bo*M numhtn 4; J. C. Judge, t; pntnl 63. Investigations- mother* aid 6. Inspection*, jail S, county home 1; factory 7; persons advised or aasist ed (not elsewhere rs ported) 20; Lat ter! mailed 184; miles traveled 1,049; Official trip* outside county >; inves tigations for agencies, 3. Associated Charities, Richmond, Va., Bureau or work among the negroes (Lawrence Oxley Director.) 8ecured Hat of names of poor for Kiwanis Club of Mount Airy; delivered seven valuable < hristmas presents to poor people • lonated by individuals; made trip to Saaurcand, returning Nannie Young i to county home; gave Jail prisoners upples for Christinas. H. E. White. County Farm Agent traveled a total of 868 miles by auto (luring December, and spent 1C days in the field, and five in his oflce. Eight visits were made to demonstra tion, and 28 to other farmers. Inter views to the number of 118 were held. Eighteen separate communities in the county were visited. Days worked 21. Annual leave 9; sick leave 2; j holiday 1; letters written M; letter* received 52, news paper articles 5; j number of copies 20. One week was spent attending the county agents conference at Raleigh. This confer ence was devoted to the discussion of next year's work with especial >-m phitsis on diversified farming. Bom to Mr. and Mrs. Troy Bryant, n daughter, on January 8th. On January 4th, a son named Glenn Lee , was horn to Mr. and Mrs. William j Atkins. a«r*. music Key leu loamy lor ner horn* at Mount Airy, following u visit of several <iayn at the home of W. S. Comer. The regular term of Surry Super ior Court will convene at Dobeon on j Kehruary 7th, for one week, for the trial of criminal and civil cases. in i stead of civil cases a* reported in last weeks issue of this paper. Grady McCormack and Fred Hed | rick, of Winston-Salem, spent Sun I day with Mr. McCormack's mother Mrs. Rosa Booker. Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Snow had as their guest Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Joe Snow, of Elkin. A number of friends and relative* iind neighbor* gave Miss Lula Coe a surprise birthday dinner Sunday at the home of her parents Mr. and Mrs. John Cm. The Womans Missionary society of the M. E. Church held an interesting meeting last Tuesday at the home of Mrs. Kufus TiUey, witn a large at tendance present. Mrs Maggie Uw •llyn conducted the devotional*. At the conclusion of the program the Sosteas served delicious refreshments -onsisting of oysters, hot coffee, whipped cream and cake. The next ■nonthly mooting will he held with Mrs. Maggie Lewollyn. It la interacting to note that two of the loading milling cosapanies of this county haw gone in the mixing of a good laying maah for hena. Be lieving In the old maxim of keeping the money at hoase thsss mil la are following a wall known fcoding far mute of the heat p»al>r)msa of the oouuiry, ami uaing hams grown faoda pro do i ad In thto MHty. Instead af hail— expansive moat meal shipped In from the north they we Being Bah »eal predneod la thto atete. The enly ingredtewt la Mm Maak which to net prodoeed la Mm atete to celt. The Graatte CHj Mffi. Meant Airy, la faMac cheat \jm a day having] Mined food to a few days. stitutes iHitrMMtlM, la for bidden by I**. Cwpwkw operetta* tavirab* or etW groups rf c«* km «Mnrkt • "M rate," which tkt M inrwij KwnI has nM la illegal wi der the p "Mnt law. Insurance aom panias have not looked kindly on the rule which makes it mandatory for them to Inom ail apHicaaU. Rattle* over theee and other pro visions are already under way In the court* and the Incoming legislature will also faee them. The proponenta <>f the law hare declared that tbeee era difficult!™ in the machinery of the law and that Uae will eliminate inequality or injustice*. The *up portera of the principle of the law are not oonAned to the limit* of the ■tats. By thia law the coat of automobile operation in the *tate are greatly in creased. The owner driver of a small car in 1M* paid 110 for registration and two dollar* for an operator** li cenae. In 1K7 he muat pay nlao from *l« to WO aa an insurance premium. The rate* for larger and i-ommercial vehicle* scale up to about 1180 a year. Auxtin. Ten., Jan. 8.—Twenty M-ven full pardons and three restora tion* to citiaenahip were announced today by Uovemor Miriam A. Fergu son. These bring Mr#. Ferguson's elemenry total to 1,112 for her two year term, which expiree at noon, January ML Node* Trust ae'a 8ale of Laad. By virtu* of the powar mUh . in • certain deed of troat asacotad to ondtfkijnwl >.f J-km col March Smith ami Floyd Franca, M, 1084, and mum reeoi 31, 1024, la book 88. pag of tha regiater of deed* County default havfaw bean mad* to tha payment of dead secured by daad of trvat and at the raqaeet of Uta holder, of tha net* I wit) *aU for euh to the higheet Mdder at tha ■tore of E. C. Wo.nl * Sea* la Weat flcld township oa Halarday tha M day ef Jaa, 1MT. at I a'etorh P. M. the foUowin# deacrihad land to-wtt: Adjoining tha land* of Joal Cam moaa. Robert McArthur aad CUa Vaucila aad other* aad boaadad aa follow*: Beginning on a stake to the Volunteer road and runs N » eha. and 1* Unka to a pine, thaace 11 eta. and 10 Uaks to a rack la a branch; thence aa the branch mender* 12 ch*. and 10 link*; E. 1 oh. and 00 link*, 6 ch*. 40 link* to a rock ttoai 8. 5 ch*. K Unka to a Mack oak, thanr* N. W. 88 oha. 10 Uaks, Uieac* W. 19 ch*. 70 llaka to the b*ginniag, containing 27 46-100 acre* mora or Im, Sal* made to catiafy debt, and eo*t to be add*d. TM* tha 20th day of Dm^ 1M0. 8.P. ~ ■ ~ SHOWER'S SPRINGS CMALYMATB «al ALUM mUm mwIi Adklw hIm TERMS IF DESIRED T. M. BROWER Mo«a* Airy, N. C mm Math* Tt—>!»•» Mi B>l» a# LmnL Br «trtM a# authority wki in tha uiMWriignod tnuUi I* ■ rartain M of tract mmnM Mm M 4m •* 1M0. by B. W. Co* and «>(• Co* far Ja.ofc F. KkU, *itd r«"nW in tW liiWUf of 4aa4i o«ea of Sorry County, N. C.. to book TO. paa* 15», to Mtur* an Indabtod R«M of f?34.#U, dofault having hoot) i m4« in tha payment of tha notaa therein aacurad, and at tha r* quart of tha holder I will aaU for ca*h to tha hlttbaai bkWar, at pohUc auction, hi front ft tha Bank la. Mount Ahry. Mount Airy, N. C., on Batwrday, Jaaaary U, IMT, at t a'rlork P. M. tha following daacrihad r*al aaUta: Batrinninf at • rock la Mr*. Catnaa' li«M run* I. with bar Una tit cfca. to ■ poplar N IS i h» lo m bonch of >vtaf N. W.T eh». to M aldar N. «T W. ll.Tt cka. to • rack In road 8. t dag. JL M.M rh«. to a atoka 8. 14 dag. W. LH cti*. to a pfca 8. .10 irm W. 107 eto to a ctoka 8. i <b-«. t. LM tto. to the Woirtnnin« rontoteta« If mora or laaa. Sal* atari* to utlrfr an avaa of 17*4.90 principal, awl coat of talc to add. Said land waa aold on L Dm. IftBL 1926. for •1106,08. Mt bid ha vine kaan Aim) ' will bagrln at II l«0.Jft Dac. KHk. 1926. SJ.. I. M. HtATT, Yhmhhm Do You Have Eye Trouble? DmI CnIImm to 0*Mrtrato Yaw Kym mmt M«r Wife: IEjrta hlmllk«H> 4 W""* PfHrtf Wfi HAVE TOUR nn EXAMINED TODAY Dr. P. W. 6ma OPTOMETRIST elm 411 M«m* Airy. N. C Special Price Reduction On ROYAL ELECTRIC CLEANERS • * Also Special Terms OM Price $63.50 Now $48.50 (Including Full Sot of Attachments.) Tanas: $3.50 cadi—$4.00 par month. Theee Terms are For a Limited Time Only. Phone 95 for Demonstration in your home . ■ . ■ ^ SOUTHERN PUBLIC UTDiTIES COMPANY ELECTRICITY—"The Servant in the Home"

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