«M» Mti«M and of the Mostonn t*r ■■■ii lit »r* "pitying with toe, M aw Um Inn of .peach tiuit la i—w, and what *111 MM of the playing to beginning to ho hitimllafi Many rtali to ioa In the playing a taw41 lion that will moot Hhely prewyttoti a war with Mexico. It h a loif atory and cyan would forbid that wa fa Into it at grant length, but tho fiat of Ika aokjoct Pawn In Cantral Annrica, a Mttla north of the Tmmmm Canal, la a llttl# iannU| Nlnran*t whlrh iwnyl'i an tho Map a apnea about aa large aa jrour thumb nalL Thu little country la In the hot country of thn Pannmn rntlaa and hna ■ fans a# gavenwnent that ahlfta about fron one rrrolutlowary liadir to another ahnoat aa often aa Um Ma«n chain—. One pcaeldent will be elected to whnt atraryana know* to ha a Mere twfm people, and ne sooner will he ke In «an then some mm of Me enemies will start i rralatlM end try te take the government from htm by force. One of theee revolution* been staged recently and Be*l» has ha* malted to the support of one leader and. on the iiritswsi of >r» tecting American citisens and their property, our government haa backed the other "preeidsnt." We have aent war ahipa down to back up our post tion and have landed foldier* and gun* on Niraraguan and, and ae haa Mexico. Now which aide win win la the interesting qneation. Every atu dent of the aituation aeea • poeaible clsah between the American aoMier* and the Mexican force*. Once blood ia drawn there ia no way to predict wfcen or where the strife would end. The most interesting part of all thia ia that many wbo know the whole story aee in it a move on the part of President Coolidge to play politic* for the next presidential election. The Mexican government is at wmi with the Catholic church. The Mex loan government hack* one faction hi Nicaragua and ao Mr. Coolidge promptly hacks the other opposing faction. Thua they aee that he la playing for the favor of the Catholic church. Again, they claim to see in Mr. Coolidge'* move a playing into the hand* of big buslnea*. for l>ig husl ne*» wants to have It* way in the Central American country where oil and mining is supposed to give up million* to those who control the business. Of coursc if politic* and big busi ness bring* on a war with Mexico everyone knows who will do the fighting. GOING AFTER OUR ROAD MONEY. W. E. Woodruff ind J. B. Sparger *re in Raleigh thi« week conferring with J. H. Folger, 8urry'» represen tative, in regard to the road funds that are due thi* county. Mr. Wood ruff and Mr. Fparger tro a* represen tatives of the citiaens of thi* city and county, having been selected at a meeting held in thia city Monday night. In view of the unsatisfactory alloUment of state road funds to thia county in the paat four years our citi zens are unwilling to veto further road bond issues unless there can be some satisfactory understanding with the officials that the money will be properly allotted to this county. It is expected that another meeting will be held the latter part of the week to further consider steps to Be taken to push Surry's claim for her share of the road funds. The mooting Monday night was largely attended by our boaineaa men and they expressed themselves la no uncertain terms as being astonished at the way in which Surry had boon In the distribution of the Attend Clinical Weat. Marshall and Scott and Dr. Moir B. Martin are visitors in Charlotte thia week attending the of the Mate Worses Asao nd the North aad Sooth sf the American Col of Burgeon The mooting la in of a are Dr. Chartee Mayo, sf Dr. 0««i« Stow art. of Now Terk, aad Dr. Franklin rf »— I I* — , - - — *— — *■ - » 11 —k — Cl»™i ligliullf and decorating pro(rui during tha holiday* that m not M)aW by any rttjr In the ittto. At the meeting Thuraday nicht the mmMIm want on mord u dnlr iff to rooperaU with the city offlciala in an effort to aohre tha parking and traffic prohlin at Mount Airy. A chanta to induce than to uaa tha (Ida atreeto for parking purpoea and leave Ma n Street free for tha uaa af the trading public. Unieaa thia kind of •ftwnani ran ha worked out H was lUtrd that eventually tha city would have to go bock to tha old way of limiting the parking time on Main Street to poaaibly one hour. The merrhanta would like to work out «otne plan whereby the visitor could be allowed to park on our utraota without any time limit. J. G. Barriaon waa re-elected aa preaident of the aaeociatioa, W. F. Carter, Jr., u treaaurer, and H. O. Welti, aerrutary. R. C. Boylea la vice-preaident. The board of direc tor conaiata of W. 8. Wolfe, L. P. Wrenn, F. M. Poore, J. D. Smith, Jr„ and 8. M. Hale. AN UNRECORDED WILL. This editor *m a visitor In Um home of the Ktr Chan. D. Crouch. Moravian pastor about her*, one niirht thi* *wk and noticed the ftrn>«t applr* on the centre table in the pastor'* *tudy. No finer apple* ever crew, and they naturally caused com ment Then it mi that Mr. Cropch told a bit of family history that vu never intended for publication and yet it will do no harm to pa** K alotyt In the country a few mile* north of thi* city for year* lived a quiet ritisen. Jeff Hiatt. Ha waa a farmer and in the eouraa of year* developed hia farm to a marked degree. He planted a large orchard and aelected as fine fruit* a* are known. Last year he passed away and on hi* death bed, with hia family gathered nbout him, he left a dying request that so long as the Rev. Mr. Crouch Uvea in ttila section be i* to be pro vided with the heat apples that grow in hi* orchard. That wMl has never been recorded, bat the family Is see ing that it is carried out to the letter, and say that they will see that the dying rrquest of the beloved father ia carried out in the fullest measure Hence the fine apple* In the paator'r study. HilWvill* Road Boing Pushed. Work on grading and draining the road from Hilbville to the Floyd County line, provided for under a recent impropriation of |M,000 bjr the Carroll County Board of Super visors is progressing rapidly. The road, together with the road from Willis, Into Roanoke will open up a territory extending from the North Carolina Una to Roanoke markets The road* now under construction though not hard surfaced, will allow the use of the latter rout* during the graatar part of tha year, la Mm* It is hop*d to obtain fundi for bard surfacing th* toad. Th* appropriation of th* state highway eeasmiseiea hi Floyd Co—ty la 1H7 gives WO,000 far th* bard th* equivalent of panting a mad (Ma Playd la CW^*-'"urg. To •* flmralr ' A far mm time Im M not aajoyad I«i4 health Mid o* Km day of hi* death to quietly went atovt tto dutiea of tto day, going to tto m9 to* and ottor aoch Uto taato until •tout tto tour af taa la tto nwra tn|. Ha aatd to hi* rood wife that to «mM walk art In tto AaW, giv walk. It araa aa aatis^alj cold day aad wtoo tto neea tour vrM aad to did aot return kla wifa htrami unxioua about him A abort time later (to aatod a neighbor to auto inquiry and aaa if to could tod tto reason for Mr. Herring'a failure tc return. In a Utile time aa aarnaat •earch was being made ta tod him, aad about night hi* body araa locat ed la a piece of Umber land a few hundred yard* from hit toaw cold In death. Ha for many year* had owa rd a large revolver that a friend rave him and which to highly prised a* com In* from this Mend. When found thb revolver wai aear hi* hand, to waa resting on kla took with hi* arm* folded ateinat at nat urally a* if to had hevn laid out b) an undertaker. A bullet hole wa« in hi* toad tto bullet having entered liehind the right ear and coming out in hi* forehead. Death must ton been biata«taneoue. Just how and why and when all thia araa enacted ti only to be surmised. No on* cm fw know, the f«rt facta. The nat ural supposition r«-m» to be that in a moment uf depression he concluded that it waj better to end it all rather than to endure poaaibljf a period of ion* years of Ul health. But all thii ia merely conjecture There is no way to know the truth. It way b« h»-st that that* ia no way to know K. A personal experience of the editor of this paper with Mr. Herring a few -yeara ago will throw light on the kind of man he waa. The editor wm sick, sick enough to b» discouraged and in such tow apirita aa to almoet deapair of life. In thia low mental state Mr. Herring came to aee him one morning and when he learned of the editor's rendition he gave word* of encouragement that were more helpful than a phyaic. He became interested and inquired about what he could bring in the way of aome dainty morsel to eat He learned that the editor waa food of Aah and he raid he would aee what lie could do and immediately he set himself to the taak of getting fiah from the freak water* about his home. In a day or two he returned not only with a smile and encouraging words, but with a nice bunch of flah that were worth more than the effort to catch them. A simple story and one that is enacted a thousand times by thoae about us, but it goes to ahow that Mr. Herring waa a man endowed with thoae noble traita of character that the truest and best -non pnasns. Ha leaves a wife and one daughter, grown to womanhood, educated and useful Ha alao linear a good estate and his loved ones wall provided far. Children of C*#edwaey Mm*. The Col. B. T. Oraves C. of C. win meet Saturday Ike ttnd of January, at t o'clock with Baas Pendleton at her hoane on North Mate sir set. Thoae of you that didn't bring your we wmMMmT*finish "our quilt far the M wit Airy Chapter Bom ia the Oi ifedarate Woman's hoaae a* Fay etteriDa. Matters of hnperteass are te he brought before tkia muling a goad program ia hah* prepared < iLmji ■ |V|M ^_J VfSZSTt t&fe! w a ruak Vane* WW* j r ■■ ran* «ah tha old Th—p*aa Gap mad North to • inapt* m tha heed at a branch, then ihmtll to a Bpantah oak. now down, than about Eaat to • black gum In R. W. ■now'* line, than South to the rand (iw Union Croaa to the C. C. HolyAeld old mill plaaa, than Eaat with tha old mill m4 to tha aamer at Vane* White'* l<>t. tha* North about M jrwda, than with Ma Una to tha harnmni. can lAtninf 4ft &CVM Huff or )#hm ftolc wilt ha Mad* to aatiafy aaid <labC Thia tha l*h day of January, 1 #27 A. 0. ral«ar, Truatoa North Carolina, Harry County. MraJt. F. Ward, Mr*. May At mm*. mad tufa* Ci»«n«i»< hair* fcwanfaifc ' Jaaaa, dec'd. ra.: 4. f. Inn, J. C. lam, Cleveland Jama, Mr*. Mollla Crtfkh, Mr*. M. L. tan lay, Gaither J«nea„ Marvin j Jone*, Kiln Jone* Ponathnn. Juantto ! Jone*, WUtam Jon** and Panay t Tha dafendnnta J. 9. Janaa. 3. C. I Jan**, Cleveland Jonaa, Mr*. Modi* GrtMth, Mr*. M. L. Stanley and | Gaither Jonaa ahaee naiad wiU take I not lea that an action entitled aa abov« ha* baan cianannnd in tha Hupar lor court of Surry County, North Carolina to *aU certain rani aatata belonging to tha aatata of Martha Ellen Janaa, lninii far tha purpoae making partition among the hair* law at Martha Bias Janaa, da •ad, and *aid defeodent* win j further take natke that they are re quired to appear before the CWk of j af Court of *nid county at | IMtaon, North Carolina an Manday, February Xtat, t»*7. and anawar or demur to tha com i plaint in aaid action or the plaintiff ' will apply to the court far tha relief dtRUiiMlra is> aaid complaint January 17, 1MT T. T. Lewellbi. Clark of Superior Court TTii* J* Notice. North Carolina, Surry Conty, in the Superior Court. Mrs. E. P. Ward, Administratrix of T. D. Jon**, dee'd, Mrs. Daisy Ax iom and Rufu* Grmsuod, Heirs at law of T. D. Jonas, dee'd. vs. J. P. Jonas, J. C. Jonas, Cleveland Jonas, Mrs. Mollis Griflth. Mrs. M. L. SUn Iey, Caither Janes, Marvin Jones, ' Ellen Jones Donathan, Joan its Jones, i William Jones, and Pansy Jones, heirs at law. The defendants J. P. Jones. J. C. Jones, Cleveland Jones, Mrs. Molls Griffith, Mrs. M. L. Stanley and Gaither Jones above named will take notice that an action entitled as above has baaa commenced in the Superior Court of Surry county. North Carolina, to sell real estate belonging to the estate of T. D. Jones, jdeceased. to make assets for the pay ments of debts; and said defendants will further take notice that they are required to appear before the Clark of the Superior Court '# said county at Dnbson, North Carolina on Monday. February list, 1*27. and answer or demur to the complaint in said action, or the plaintiff will aRply to the court for the relief de manded in »aid complaint. This the 17th day of January, 1*27. F. T. Lewellin, Clerk of the Superior Cowt. nww"i Having gualifled as administratrix , of the aetata of the late tT L. Welch, of Surry County, this la to notify all persona to present their claims against said estate within twelve months from this date or this notice will be pt«Ml In bar of their recovery. All person oaring said satate will set tle same at One*. This January 1S.1W7. Mary A. Welch, Admrx. of Y. L. Welch, dee'd. Pilot Mountain, N. C. I. I W. S. Badgett, Attorney. We WiB Call For and Deliver Phone S3 W. S. Wolfe Drug Company Next to Port office Notice of Ma *f Real Eatat*. Under and by virtue of an order of tha dark of M farter Court of Surry County, mod* In tha •poeial proceedings of W. L. Ancel. Admin istrator of Rz-ixxrn Taylor, decaaaad, " Ed Taylor and other*, the nam* i he in* upon tha special proceeding docket of the Superior Court of X«rr> Count*, tha undersigned Commiaaton er will on •he IMIl day of Fidiaary. IM7. at two o'clock F. M.. on tha premise*, in Mount Airy Township, Sorry County, North Car olina offer for > ale to the highest bidder, oa tha following term*, to wit; Olio third cash span rcnrtrms tion at salt, on* third in twin months and one third in two yaars, that cartam tract at land lying and bmlmg la Mount A117 Township, Sarrr Countr, gut# of North Carolina, M joiniag the land* of John L. Worth, dm»»—d. and othera, and Man par ticularly d- »<rib.d aa folluwi Btiininf on a planted rock a corner intersection of fthohon atreet; th»ni» with Eaet jjtreet aad maa M. 4 dr*. E. with Bhelton atreet one hun dred forty-ftv* (1«&> ft. to a planted rock- thence N. M dog. W. M>venty B»r ft (It ft) to planted rock: thence 8. 4 di-c W, onr hundred and forty IW* firt to a planted rack ia adco of Eaat utreet; thonco with mm ■rtrrct S 86 d^r K. 75 ft. to the V» rinninf. and being the hoaae where fai John Valentin* died 19M. Tht» the l»th day of January. IMT. H. O. Woha. C 11 r. Safety and Service SAFETY is the goods we sell a customer—Service the wrapping with which we do it up—Courtesy the string with which we tie it. Do you like to do business with a Bank of this kind? Then this Bank would like to do business with you. Capital, Surplus and Profit*, $178,000.00 Deposits, ... $1,331,907.00 FIRST NATIONAL BANK MOUNT AIRY. N. C. T. G. FAWCETT. Pre.. W. W. BURKE, V.-Pwa. E. G. SMITH. Cashier D. C. RECTOR, Aart. Cash. BOYLES' I A Announce drasi c reductions on ladies high quality footwear for - Friday and Saturday Our entire line of ladies sport and dress oxfords in black and tan leathers with clever trimming combina tions that give each style a distinctive and snappy ef fect regular $6.96 to $6.95 values, fj QC Friday and Saturday Newest styles, quality, workmanship and superb leathers make it a pleasure to chooae your footwear here, and now more so when you can save $1 to $2 an each pair. Cone in and look them over Friday and Saturday. Boyles' Mm?* Mount Airy K C

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