kiwi .out Thi- IV. .-mW SO. ItH. J. UtWr Wood, TiIm. Notice of Bale. North f"nrotina, Surry County. K V. "—Vt'f *■*—• - of C. C. Mnrtin HmmmI, Ada Martial H»>'t. n. ami tbr Surry County Uu * Tru*t < <>mpeay. General Guardian •f Kill* D. Martin, Elizabeth Martin, S. K*»r*lt Karttn. Sfcdie Martin, Satidvrt Martin and Arthur Martin, heir* at law. Uader and bi etrtae ot an order ot tit* Superior Court ot S*ry County, Made in the ther» and bounded as follows: ' Beginning on a rock on the North i side of the Judesville road in William-1 son's line and runs N. SI eh*, to a wMto o*k: thence E. 6 dec 8. IS* ! fh». to a black run formerly a chest nut; thchce S. 11.90 cha. to a post oak: thence E. 10 cha. to • chestnut oak; thence 8. 9 chains to a rock; j thence- 8. 6 deg. W. 22.80 chs. to a i •take in the mM0e of the public i road; thence W. 14 deg S. 8 chs. to a nine knot in Williamson's Um; these* i N. on his lin* 1.75 cha. to th* begin ning. Containing 00 acres more or | " sa. Sale made to satisfy said dead of This the 20th day of Dec.. IMC. - W. M. Jackaon, Trust**. ~ » —, ' v I What Is a Diuretic? J-S Hi I Mlidalas tha howsta. A IggASgLg Tlw aurrttfi arrvral fritrxl* and relative* •iter the eereesoay they left far CMhrood. W. Va^ where thay wiB raaide. . Hant Socked Him Om Tin Durham, Jan. 'Warfc held up for two day* laborer* ehgagad la demolishing the la«t wall of the old Julian 8. Carr home to Durham refuaad to work be cauae one of their nam bar ala'mad ha had ham (truck by a ghoet and uia jaw broken, the blow him from Ma ladder. that ipirituai warnings war* that the wall ahould net be tan down, the blow to the negro being • physical warning. It took two day* for fear of the "hant" to be allayed enough ao the iiugrooa would __gLLL ,, * _-_L IIrei4« M# -L^1 return to wori. nunaretu 01 cniwiu riaitad the scene of palatial and hoapitabie home of oral Carr, which eer Several hotiaea are to be on the lot it occupied. Tad. Smith went every night to a pool room to play for ten casta a point Om night Mra. Smith waa awakened by load and persiateat knocking at bar door. Putting her head oat the window aha aaked: "Who ia fttT What ■te you wantf* * - "Doe* Mra. 8mith live here?" aak ed the man on the atop. "I am Mrs. Smith." *he replied. "Well I'm Mr. KclK from the pool room up the street. Tour husband ahoota pool there every evening." "Yea, I know that." "He waa shooting tonight and loot *1,800." "My husband ioat 11,100 shooting pool? He ought to drop dead.!" "That'* ju»t what he did, madam. Good nightt" MIM M L1M Kltrj. We John A. Martin and J. H rh'.mpnn.. citiiens of the county of Surry and Slate of North Carolina, do hereby lay claim and entry to a certain tract or parcel of land, ly ing and being in the county fend state »foresaither lands aa foJuers; Payne and Owmtr and C. C. Snioot and Sons Company, and on the waters of MltcMtls river, la vacant and un riat«d belonging to the State W. F. Lawrence, entry taker. Notice of Summons and Warrant of Attachment. North Carolina. Surry County In Superior Court. W. T. -ftaynes, B. L. Brown and W. S. Haynea, trading aa Haynea, Brown 1 Haynea, Plaintiffs, w Jake " ,1a Mil MiH tM a summons in above entitled action wna Issued ngainat the defendant on the 2«th day of Dee..IMS, by the undrmignsd clerk of the Superior Cowt, for the feu wry of dne Mid olalntiffs on note executed -by the which aonunona la return* Jsy of January, ItV, Clark of the Superior Cowt at I flee In ~ - The i _ Court « fEdSwhkVWarrint oT i» B ■HBBpipHBB eourt at thettane and plow ■ "to fotwn el the 'i, s warrant o< attachment waa to by said Clerk of the Superior I on Hw 24th day of Dee. 1*M. at the property of tbe said da ""l 11 C to Lorratno Kt , 8. •U>,»r«ta*. K. 843 ft, to Alaarr St , thefirr with aaid Aiaace St., S. 82 deg. W. »0 ft m«re or Ini to • atona in the bend of aaid avenue .. Htinuinc with Mitl avenue 8. 87V* deg, W. I1M ft to Tirnrtow* road or atraat, thence with »»id Tcrryt«.wn road N. 61 deg. W. lit tt, to School atreat, thuMt N. IZ dc«. B. with Mid School St. 238 fL to tW beginning, containing 1* 2 mm, metre or Im». This twine hi* No. 18 h ahown on the wtp oI what ia known aa Mar shal Ncy Tract, aaid map being ra cordod m the office of the Register •it deeda at Horry County, Stat* of North Carolina, in hook 88, page 5M. Sale made to aatiafy a balance of srsst-** Wii .m* 5m*.I*. Hk: •bora entitled MtiM *u (MM a#*nat mid defendant «i |Im tU day of DKMtliM, 1SKM, by W. 1. U» rfllln. CUrk of tba Superior Court af Us* above county and atata, wMeb na tion it (or Iht recoorgr of fSMJM daa aaid plaintiff* by account, wbiefc umig«i< ia returnable the ldtb day uf flkmrr, 1917, before tba ned rtrrt at lite ofllrr n NT C. The Mnidut will alw take i that a warmirt of attachment waa te wed by said Clerk of tba Court am the flat day af E ItM, ayainat tba property of k-fendant. whieb warrant ia rol iMe before aaid clerk at tba thae i place above mentioned for tba •urn aftbe amain on a, when aad wt the defendant U required to • (ranted to f. T. LEWELLIN, * (Mi *.11 All this for 20£ Jor * limited Una only Here's a ptesent for you and all friends of Snow King Yoar froffT his a vonlcffri birpln far wj dur inf «h» not day or I wo Bat m Ifnffr — to far Mirr and Kt bin Mora it fa withdrawn, nil •fer a good lor a limited time oaty. Here la Our Special Offer A regular 20-cent can rontatmim a loll pound of Snow Unit Baking Powder, and the final 10-fech Pie PUtr money can buy Ail far 20 cento—the regular price of the baking 100-lb rake tin phte. Curled t# adds Urrt*tk and UMtnx quaHty. ttetqaaltrd for handsome ap> pearance Go«4 far ihtmscmds •/ »W pin. SeeYour Grocer Right Away Dent wait and "with you had'wbau your nrieb> ben US you about this later Get (Ms big ou of Snow Kinc Baking Po*-drr and th» fine, handy Snow bag PW Plate —both lor 20 cents— the regular price of the baking U you don't know Snow Kin*, hew to your chanct to pt acquainted with it Our baking powder ba> enjoyed the naUeaee and liking of South ern women (or yaara tad yean. The leading taking powder U ■MJ Southern JUtes There •» no finer quality to be had at mm price. Crntflm The Snow Kfc« PW Mate to ' ItituHy made Pal 10-iorh Drawn troxaprfcar, bright QUARANTKE MM rtoMf mm. <3*3 Fret 4 4-page Cook Book la you/ can ol Sno* Kin* you •BMt Frtt Ctulvm wkkk rtHlw you to a copy af Om famous 44-pa«r Snow King Cook Book, containing MO wonderful tiakinc recipe*. Do not iafl to mail IW coupon I* m with 10 paainx*and mailing, aa4 art Ufa w»«d»fhl coljcction of flhtts iMM dpi ih tdv yin| SfmeU! Offtr: JONESVILLE M. F. Grerorv THURMOND W. G. Simmon* STATE ROAD A. P. Havnes SILO AM ** ROCKFORD S. E. Banner EL S. Reece RUSK . A 'PhlllSr0"" ARARAT . J. P. Bryant jySui«.r«u> PINNACLE Culler Motor Co. pturr mth. Smith 4 Bunra