Guaranteed Two Years _ HoUin«.worth PWiJ Phone 31 *»• SesSSS: by tlM Clark of Ik* Superior Court for Hurrj County, la the proceeding) entitled M. B. White, Admr i of tha ■Ut» of Ak Whit* mgmlntt J. A White and other*,' I will 'Mm aale to Mm Mgfceat bidder, ea UM 2Mh day of Jaaaary. IMT far aa-half caah and the la twelee BMlka, the following da acrlbed read aatote lying and beini la Mm and Marnh Townahtpe Surry County, N. C. Pirat tract: Lying In Marsh Town akif and bain* bounded .aa follow*: Beginning as a atone an tha weal aide of tha public road O. C Nance'i eornar and nnu Southward with tha liiaiirlafi of the road 30 cha. and • link* to a Hone Anthony and Phil Hp* corner on tha Eaat aida of aaM road, than W. with W. W. Anthony'. Una 11 cha. to a Hone, than 8. about 1? dag. W U cha. to a white oat original corner, than N. fit dag. 1H eh*, to aoarwood, then N. S4.90 cha. to the beginning. Containing SOU Second tract: Lying In Dofcaoa Tovuhlp, and bring boundtd on th« North by the lands of 1. B. HolyfMd, on the Eut by the land* of Ike White, on th» South by the lands of C. W. Dockery and on the Watt bj the lands of Emery White. Caatata* tec 11 acres more or less. This tract of land being the interest of Ah White in the land* of John White Dec'd Will sell second tract on above Mentioned date at one o'clock P. M. and the first tract at 2:90 o'clock P. M. Sale made to make assets to pay debts and partition. litis the 28th day of Dec., 1928. M. B. White, Administratrix. Notice of Sale of Real EMate. By virtue of the authority vested in Solomon Cloud, deceased, in a cer tain deed of trust executed the l*t day of January, 1920, by I.acey W. Gentry to Solomon Cloud, trustee for Joe Gray Cloud to aerure an indebted ness of 1400.00, and recorded in the Rogiiter of Deed* oflV? of Surry count". North Carolina, in hook 76, page 60, default has been made in the payment of the note* thereon se cured and at the request of the hold er, I will sell for rash to the highest bidder at public auction in front of the Bank of Mount Airy, at Mount Airy, N. C„ on Saturday, February 12, 1927, at 2 o'clock P. M„ the following described real estate: Lying and being in Surry County, N. C. Pirst tract: Beginning on a rock, th<- Joe Gray Gentry comer on the Lowgap road and run* W. 3 deg. N. 17 chs. 58 length* to a rock in C. Dobson's line; thence N. 4"> deg. E. 18 chs. to the Lowgap road, C. Dob son's corner; thence S. 14 deg. E. 9 chs.; thence 32 deg. E. 5Vi chs. to the beginning, containing 12.6 acres more or less. Being part of the land owned by the late Mike Gentry. Second tract: The house and lot owned by the late Mike Gentry and known as the home place and willed by him to Joe Gray Gentry, his Sale made to satisfy said debt, in terest and costs of sale. This the ,8th day of January, 1927. T, W. Davis, Executor of Solomon Cloud, deceased. George K. Snow, Attorney. QUICK WORK SAVES YOUTH FROM DEATH Emtricatod frmm Aatto Wrack Jaat As FhI Traia Cwn TWiwk, By. Jan. H.—Eabart Grtf flu, ir, II, if tk Bethany hifk ■rbooi MMunHr, »m takaa to IW t^alnvllfo hoapftal Mi) pufwrlttg from broken bone* and other injur ia* nwM whan the Ford coup# in which ha m ridtn* struck • post •t the Haw Rhw railway croaainc wtmi miles souui 01 kthuviiw, over turning the ear an the raihnjr tracks aad pinning him underneath. But young Orth is (lad he la living. For if three young men M not acted quickly the injuiiea caused by the coRision would hare been followed by instant death fro* a fast rushing train. Another car with glaring head light approaching the mum crossing blinded the young man earning him to strike the post. Kill) another car a few steps in the rear of the Grif fin ear stopped and the three occu pants ran to the rescue of Griffin. They pulled him from beneath his ear just in time to «sve him from being crushed by northbound Cres cent Limited train which was ap proaching and struck the Ford coupe before M could be moved from the railway tracks tearing it to pieces. The quick work of the resetters saved the young man from instant death as the approaching train was hearing down upon the overturned car under which Griffin had been pinned only a few seconds before it was struck. Griffin will recover. Feel tired? Call for a hot tU of PEPSI-COLA—yWO enjoy the refresh tag ofocl Notice. Pursuant to an order of sale made by the Clerk of the Superior Court, in the special proceedings entitled Mrs. Lovie Smith and hu.«t>»mJ vs. Thelms Vestal snd Jennie V. Vestal, wherein the undersigned was appoint ed commissioner for the purpose of sale; I will offer for sale at public auction, to the highest bidder, on the premises, an the 2Mh day of January, l»27, at 12 o'clock M. the folluwiiw real estate lying and being in Marsh Township. Surry County, N. C., and bounded as fol low*: Beginning at a rock at the Bock ford road runs north with G. B. Bled soe's line to J. W. Wood's line; then** with his line to a Spanish oak; thence east with Leo William's line to a pine, then southeast to the Bock ford rosd, a rock; thence up the road is it meanders to the beginning. Containing 11.10 acres mere or less. Terms at sale one-half cash, and "emalnfer In twelve months. This Dee SB, 19M W. M JACKSON, Plumbing at Reasonable Prices For All Kind* Phone 339 I do any kind of plumbing, heating and other pipe work. Albert Gwyn * North Matin Street. YOU SHOULD NAME Ttt SURRY COUNTY LOAN t TMfiT CI. AS YOUR EXECUTOR FOR THE FOLLOWING RRASONIt f7i MmK !»} a* . «; DliMM*. Mi to* J*®*. Si CMcfcon Pn, I; Typhoid r«T, Hi fWptk Bom Tfcrnat. 1; j MhwyatMa. Is Total, Ml i, W#i Dipfc-i I Ijrrft; hrtwii eon ptoto, MA; Small pox i—iphu. 21 Total number nrlMld, 1.717. Total | nunWr hyymUi mtta. tkjffl. Trm raww np«t«A 4. Caw rogioUrod, tj M to l#l 1. IT. TomII and , 9M; Anal, MO; arhool, account of , f. pri 10; •!■ of podieu loala, 4 Modkal and Laboratory Jail viaita. a»; county horn* viaita, i M. Prisoner*, 44; Mrrltft, tt; l«ck era, 90; rUM for industry, tt; fowl handler*, 22; nomination far *4 mittmnr* to aeylUM, 2; postmortem <x*mination, 1. ' Specimen* wtit to Stata laboratory, 135. Sewer connections, 175; rural prtv ie« constructed. MO. Abatement of nuisance*, t Faa4 CaMroL Inspections—dairy, SI; abattoir J; cafe's, tl. Mileage ((Metal »—laisa.) Car miles. 6,036; car, kaalth officer. 4.SV7; car, nuraa, 1,*4*. July 15th to Dac. Slat. IMS. $3. 193.16 Total coat equivalent* pro cured, $11.493 13 Earning par dol lar invested durmg time. 3.W. • totul i*1 PEWKCC^"tSn |i~ yoa surpria-, omjo7m«,t Real' Coal Service !f Recently The Clinch field Fuel Co. loaded at the Southern Rail way's piers at Charleston, the steamer "West Wales" destined for a South American Railroad. In 4 days her cargo was moved from Dante, Va., to Charleston, a distance of 465 miles. The "West Wales" arrived in Buenos Aires 5,822 miles in 28 days. This cargo moved 6,287 miles in 82 days In a little over a month coal in the seam of the mines was steaming a locomrfTS in"South America.* The Russell Fork Coal Company uses the same "time table," give us an order and see'how soon your coal arrives. . Russel Fork Coal Company Phone 90 C E. COX, Mm|» Adarintatrator's N>*tn Having quail Aad H administrator at the ratatr of Geo. M. Krmp de railed, lata of Surry County, North Carolina, thia la to notify all pmoiu huvin* clatiaa ifiimt thr eatate of the aaid dereMed to exhibit thaw to the nderai|Md at the Bank at Mount Airy, Mount Airy, N. C., on ur before the ISth day af January, 1MB, <r thia notice will bo pleaded in bar if their recovery. AO peraons in debted to the aaid eatote will pieaae make immediate payment. Thin the 11th day of Jan.. I9fl. The Bank of Mount Airy, Admr.. Geo. M. Kemp, dee'd. Notice. By virtue of a iM of truat ex ecuted by Y. L. Welch and wife, Alice i Wrlch to the mdwil|»wl trustee, for, B J. Key. which to rscscdsd in tfce jfllee of rrfitter of duds of Sorry , Pounly, bonk 90 page N, the Mt | therein murW being 4m ami «■ pokl, I will wll at public auction far »»h on the ptnIm mm Saturday. F«W—i_T I, IMT. at 1 o'clock r M, the Mlowtng root estate lying hi Surry County, N. C., WMnlni tkc ■mb of Ed Chilton, 8 H Full and Abets. Beginning at a italic with a large • bite oak pointer* 8. H. Polk's eor i»r. and ran* south «H dog. wot 16 rhaina to a dogwood with pointers, N.uth 57'i dog. went 7.4 chain* to a arge maple at the fork of branches, hen down the branch aa it meander* a Tom'* Crock, north 7S dog, east I chains, north 47H deg eaat I chs., iorth 70 eaat 7 chaina, north M dog. east 4 champ, north U do*. east 4 <-hains, north S3 dag. Mat chain*, north 14 dig. aaat 1 % chains, nortn t de*. aaat 1.11 < horns to a Make oa tk> bank of said email Mar a large whit* oak, north 47 des. w«at 2% rhiunn U. a stake. north ttfc <Uf mat 14 chain* to a Mchnry, north 84'» die. weat 11.74 thai— to a stake in a m< sdow. north SH dec. *a»t chains to a stakr north MS d«f. west 19.14 chain* to tha beginning containing 72 • acraa aor* or laaa. This land will 1* said (object to two prior dmh of truat, tar to the Federal Land Rnak for about *2100 and one to the Bank af Mount Airy for ahout 11200 Sale will be for cash above ihane two d>»<H of trial to natiafy the deed of trust nnd*r •rhUi it la teiaa sold. Tnis January 4 IM7. W L RKKCT. Trrsw Special Price Reduction On ROYAL ELECTRIC CLEANERS Also Special Terms Old Price $63.50 Now $48.50 (Including Full Sot of $3.50 cash—$4.00 par month. TImm Tom or* For a Limited Tina Only. Phone 95 for Demonstration;in|)your home

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