w *QI h. mmmi to by the Hly mi death af Ma at *m Chrtt War. C. •„ Lundy wd mi, EUli r. ot l*to««h. »dre ««Mto •< Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Toy, Ftiday w4 to and from (Mm ill Virginia. Mr. 0. C Vikk, prttmu ant and buatnaaa Man ef Uli city, I bean *ery aiek far aa«e tin*, nf lac with heart tn^aUi. On af Ma ilteaaa. Ma daughter, Mra. rat. gar, arrived laat week to be with him. J. S. Battoa. of the B. * H. ■ to thla waak tya-Knight and WVippett Una* an aa exhibit Thla Ana la the locaf dealer tar theee car* and aDl have tham an hand in a short whMe Mr. Oaa. O. Oravaa ntunai Sat urday from attending tha furniture •ipmition in Chictfo And iptnl Moo day in Hick Point leaving that nifht for a trip to Naw York to tha intaraat af the Mount Airy Mantal and Table company. Mra. Gravea' and mall •ana accompaniad him to Bifh ■ * »» t. 1 . a t iiroytQ inrH hot cKcupiwi oy orad people acrue* Lorlll'i Juat a faw waaka ago four or Ave houwa wart daatroyad by lira an tha aama mad. twa of tha haoaaa wara owned by tha colored people and tha loaa waa total, ana waa the pr oper'y af Mra. P. 8. Rothrock, who carried email inaurfcner, not cevartoff her Lea J one* died la thi* city Tuoeday afternoon after being In bad health far aeveral month* On laat Friday ha aeverely rat himaelf on tba arm with a raaur, aevering ona of tba main artatiaa fro* which ha loat muchr blood, later rauaing hi* death. Ma ia aurvivad by a wife and aeveral children. Three workman employed at Aahby and Gwyn'i brick yard, foor mile* peat of thb city, had a narrow aacape ona day laat waak from aarioua injury when a tide of a brick kiln they were working near caved in on them. A lartre truck waa standing by the aide of the wall and it aerved to protect the men from tba falling wall, al though all were painfully hurt by be ing atruck with flying brick which fall all about them. The Utile girl of Deputy Sheriff Walter Jonea waa painfully injured Monday morning near the quarry when ahe Wka atruck by an automobile driven by Walter Wall, a farmer liv ing eait of thia city. The child waa croaalng the road and aeveral cam are re paaaing at the aame time which eonruaed her. Those wImi witnessed the accident atluched no blame to Mr. Wall. The ibiihIm and trader* of one ley were badly injured and It will >be sonic time before she can regain the use of it. Off To Florida. Mr. and Mre: R. H. Leonard, Misses Fiances and Laura Neil Leonard and K. H. Jr., left Saturday for their winter home new Wlnterhaven, Fit., they expect to remain until June. Mr. and Mrs. Cullen ^ierritt left Saturday to spend the balance of the winter in Florid*. They visited Will Merrltt at the State University, Chapel Hill en route. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Merritt, Mr. and Mrs, J. B. Haynea and Mias Anna Beece left Saturday to spend boom time flatting and teeing Florida, New Smyrna and Ocala are among their favorite stops. Miss Beece will visit relative* in the "Land of Flowers" returning in the Spring. Two Pretty Bride* P«rW Mrs. Jeaae F. Prather waa hosteas to the members of the Two Table Bridge club Toaaday of last week from • to S o'clock. la the evening Miaa Marian Prath er waa hostess to her bridge club «lth Mrs. Morgan Simmona, of Martina villa, Va., an out of town gueat. Delicious nfrsehmsata in tw aaa followed the playing on each p ; i ^ rPriOfl * Ovuj. Ike literary department of Wmm1! Chrt> of Mount Airy with Mr*. John Sebotta e Friday afternoon at t o'clock •f the po«*ry of the 1 i noaa whan ha mm Mi wr Mo a «•! to »void a oodlaion with miHw ear i im tha mmt of Main ami Chwch itrNti Tmifcy mmlni. Tha frail of hi* ear waa hadly wortli to B* ■ t-J II ,r, ■MMi 'mpp day nomine of the sudden death of Mr. Frank Hoilln*sworth, at Baitford, >1 years old, the youngest mm of the Into Dr. W. R. and Mm. Hasan Hoi linnworth, of this city. Mr. J. C. Hollincswurth and Dr. Bob Holtinffsworth, brothers of the deceased, tnanpanM by Billy Aah by left at once for 8anford and will return with the remain* Thursday moraine Mid the funeral will take place from the hone of hta mother, Mrs. Susan HolUngaWorth, at an hoar to bo set later. Mr. Hollincsworth was for year* a xucressful mershant. of Sanford, hot retired recently and daalt in real i-lit ate. Besidaa his mother and broth ers. two lister* survive. Mr*. 8. Porter Graves, of thii city, and Mrs. N. Glenn William*, of Williams/ The late Mrs. Ed Aahby, of this city, was alio a liator. Tito remains will bo laid to root in Oakdale cemetery. Roc.nt Brido H—r.J. Mrs. James F. Ward was honoro-l with a pretty rook party riven Thursday afternoon la the homo of her nister-in-law, Mrs. Emmott Bran nork. when four tables accommodated the playora. The high score prise, a pair of hand decorated bod vaaoa, wa* won by Mrs. Earl Hinoo and the conaolation, a hand made handker chief, fell to the gurst of honor who alao received a lovely sot of hand The Brmnnork horn* on West Uk ■noli rtmt wm beautified for th* oc casion with potted phut* and cut loom and after card* wore laid aside a salad course, followed by fruit cake and coffee, was served. TV favors were white and yellow baskets of mints. Colored Child Dim of The three year old daughter of Matilda Gillian, colored, was badly burned about the face, neck and chest Tuesday morning when the child's clothing ignited from an open Am. The blase was put oat by neighbors who snwMaed the mother, who wm in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ceo. Sparger, where she was employed as cook. The child died Tuesday night of the bums and shock, two hows having elapaed while the mother wm The family He* on O'Neal hill aad are extremely poor and destitute, the mother working out by the day to run, aged 1 14, I m4 I years. The father la dead and there Is no oas to ears for the throe babiss> who km to ha left alone through the day. TISs b a esse of real poverty, MY. V. A. NEWELL, Sunday School »:4ft A. M.I Morniag Worship 1140 A. M.| Evening Worship T:» P. M Preyer Serriee Wad. _1:«0 r. M > - .— •:«* P. M.I P. M. I m p. m. I The M Union Study with Mrs. J. U Walts ternoon at • o'clock. TV claw in arithmetic la fine progress. Rev. W. A.. Harbor, Epworth | I.eagw conference secretary will con duct a class la hand-book Tuaaday. Wrdnroday. Thursday, ikd Friday! nights in tha league room of the| Church. Notice Re-Sale af Laad by Traatee. J By trirute of power contained in I deed of truat executed by L. J. Fagg on March lati 1924, to tha under »igned trustee to secure note fur MMW.Oe and internet, nat bain* for purchaae money of land balow de scribed, deed of tnsst recorded in book 72, pa*.- 48, and by virtue of order of re-sale madu by Clerk Su perior Court, Surry County, I will offer for sale at public auction for cash to the highest bidder, in front of Bank of Pilot Mountain, in Pilot Mountain, N. C., on Halaraay. Jaaaary Itth, 1M7, at S a rUck P. M.. the following land*: Begianing at iron ataka on North 1 aide of Hollow road, now hard sur face road, run* N. UK W, 100 ft. to ataka In edge of read N. 29 E. IIS cha. to locuat phone poet, N. 4IH E. ■ with Joe Smith's line t cha. to stake : near branch, N. 88 E. 2JKI cha. to paflar on Stobea County Una, 8. 2; W. 4.80 cha. to. Joe Cordon'i HpB . _ 14* W. 24 cha. to locuat & X W. 7.42 cha. to stake. North tt W. 6 <4 chs. to stake, S. 32 W. 8.90 cha. to beginning. Containing IS acres mora This la re-sale and bidding willj •tart at tttCJS. This January 8th. 1827. a E. SNOW, Truetee. How Doctors ClU 2-'J the: To W11 u;. It . w> cut slfcyt .-.I- •(' •' »•* < IjlWH, awatt'»■ refined calomel on. , .i.. uitl*-t 'I Tivea you th? ef-• alts combined, u..• ant affects of eith<-r Una or taro Cal<-', « »; S- ' with a swallow of \ t- 1 ». 1. No aalta, no nau^A interference wit* yn. » • or pleasure. Next u. >■ >; j —' .... has vanished, your . is t'v • ougfely purified *«»H vou r— 1, fine *ifta a hearty i.ie r fast Eat what you i --i.u ger. Gat a family pa.-t*«e. fall directions, ot.ly S5 v.-ut ■. , ftf)0D HI \l I H «4 a Mgwom t ! i Of tifa&k&ffeffl&iti MEmu2MMs8E!9r IncMiM the Pep tmlMtar by rdtr\ ' Autointoxication A (Art tr'c-raAM* laMRVB W. %. WOLPK DRUG CO. We Quit—Buy Now At Wholesale Thousand* dollars worth staple dry good*, Am m goods, silks, flannels and white goods at clos ing out prices. A fine time to buy materials for your spring needs. A big stock white goods, curtain goods, ginghams, suitings and wide sheeting. A complete stock small notions of the best quality at closing out prices. 26 boys all wool suits, suits with two pair pants, at wholesale prices. » I ■ _ .VCl'" , ' \ ,, ,'T Shoes for all the family, and at less than factory • cost Specials 50 pairs women's fine shoes, per pair, 25 pairs women's fine shoes, per pair, 75 pairs women's fline shoes, per pair,. 25 all wool middy suits of very fine quality for Come today and every day while this sale it means money to you. All Fixtures For Sale Cj oiore Building For Rent This Sale Must Not Stop * • . , • I >• / Big Stock, Dry Goods, Clothing, Ladies Ready-to-Wear. Specials }For Saturday |tiS W. G. Lewis RMK19