DAT OLD CaiCKa—Lacta* cktta lie. Mtk, lUdi aad Wyandottr* ITe. aach. Wi«ht*-ne Incubator and broodar. Fountain and faadw. W. *. and E. C, Balton, Mt. A«ry, M. C. ttc. I.OST—Brlvmi KIMa and Mnanl Airy, tan valiaa In which vara lone Baaarhr Airbruati Company'* uildi*r*. Will mQ wh >lr or part on may term*. fcae tbh farm Bobart Andar—n. cf. Union Bank A Tnm U, Amelia, Va. 2-5p. acta of kindnaas ahown va during thr •icktwaa and daath of oar Movad mother and mothar-lti-law. We wiah it were poaaibla for ua to thank each one individually. May Uod't rirhent blmaintfa ha upon you. .Your fHernia, Mr. and Mrs. >. O. Danny; Mr. and Mr*, lokl Jonea. QUALITY FOODS ECONOMY PRICES Jamison's :: Chain Grocery Stores :: Trade With Jamison's — Bank the Difference Just received a new line of flour, far superior to any competitive brand price unequaled. Plain Flour 12's, S7ct.24's, *1.10} 48's. 9216 Self Rising 12's, 58c; 24 s, $1.13} 48's. 1122 Good 4-tie Broom, each Extra strong 5-tie Broom each •. Lnrd, loose, per pound 8-lb. Bucket Lard, each 4-lb bucket Lard, each Heavy Fat Backs, per pound Milk. Van Camps. per can, No. 2 Sugar Corn, per can No. 2 Cut Beans. per can No. S Cut Beans, | per can, Jamison's Supreme Loose v Coffee Early June Peas, per can, 2ft to 40 Watt. SO to 60 Watt, 100 Watt, too Watt. •7c. I1J0 And "Wh»t» the piMHcti for unt dajrt And "Hiw |N boaw down Black water woyT" That >aad MTwHh^itrd.'' Why than (.Iter* Mm of hnidhi. U not a horn* bayond tha akiaa, 1st a atabMa laid tM baa aa W«H Kiwi Ptapb WW. A a i Ming of MmM to tha pmo pla of tha county took ptaca laat Sat urday at tha home of JU» Ira Far mani ta Pilot Montah whan Mra. Annie Btaa, of White Ptataa and W>. Westmoreland, at Beaten, wan anlt ad in wadteck. Tha hrida la tha «M aw of the lata J aha Maa. of Turaeie Muaataia. wha waa famad for hi* Una appiaa aad paaohaa that ha yaatly brought to thia marital. baring a Ana jrrhard on tha aawtata. Tha marriage of thia couple haa connected with jt aa onuaoal romica, aa thay became acquainted with each athar through unroapoadonca '» I |ii this itctc, KtUr Itadinf to private correepondence and thai to tha wadding. Dwtli Claims Jofcn H. John H. IMmt i|> 99 years 4M at Ilia home south of this city Friday afternoon after a lingering illneaa of Hfvrrnl month*. Hla funeral waa conducted Sunday afternoon from hi* home by Rev. W* P. McCsrter and Interment wai made at the Doaa burying (round. Those of hla im mediate family ■ arriving are his wife, four sons and three daughter*; on* daughter being Mr*. 8. O. Mar thai] of thi* city. Those who attend ed the funeral from other rttie* wer*, hla sister Mr*. Jmnir Umberger, Palmyra, Ps„ hla *oa* J. B. Newport, R. L; A. F. Wayneaboro, Va., and brother I Fletcher, of Winston-Salem, Tba Literary CM» Has Members of the literary dspart of the Woman'* Club met Fri day afternoon with Mrs. John So botta at her boaM on Pine street. The aub>ect for the afternoon waa The Poetry of The Reconstruction Period." Mrs. Reid Jackson diarusaed Sidney Lanier** life and place in American poetry and gave several beautiful wlectiona from hia finer works. Mrs. Calvin Graves present - ed Joaquin Miller as representing the Weit and gave many highlights on hii unique personality and poetry, reading The Missouri," his best de scriptive poem, and the "Passing of Tennyson." The remainder of the program was discussion of the New England group of Victorians. Mrs. Randall Sparger reported on Emily Dickinson, and Helen Hunt Jackson and read a few of the charming poems of each. Miaa Katherine Price concluded the program with Thomaa B Aldrich, George E. Woodbury, Ed ward Roland SOI, John Bannister Tabb, aad Liiette Re—. reading some of their characteristic poems. PEPSI-COLA — BABY ■16c; Barred Rocka, lSc; Buff Orp ingtons, 15c; Pttrehred Tancred White Leghorn*, l*c; Purebred Tom Barron White Leahorns, Uc; Purebred Ptae I While Leghorn*. Ite. AB of >reeds and strains are from the flock that «• buy agga from! you eaa readily n*e that no a ^ pricea, whea Look! Drastic Reductions for One Day Only Saturday, Jan. 29th • On High Grade Merchandise. Special Purchases, Overstocks, Odd Lots an all included ia tkis at the Wa ar« listing Hardware and Hmiaahald Far „ a# tka Naw Yi oaly a Iaw artkUa ta fire ja« an idaa af tfca a awattmf yaa at i as wt trc Kiting CREAM WHIP Nickel Plated throughout. Heavy steel wire post Steel Beater will not spatter. Black enamel hardwood handles. A truly remarkable OA special 05FC STEEL WOOL ' 2 8-4 inch pad. 4 pads to pack aye, (or Aluminum and gen eral household 9c KEEN KUTTER CAN * OPENER High Grade Steel, Oil Temper ed. sharpened ready for use y. 19c SPARK PLUGS Hercules Junior, For Special, Jr. 25c DUST PAN Throw away the one with the ragged *dga—Here's Q a new one for ALUMINUM PUDDING PAN »amless rolled i polished finish Seamless rolled top rim 9c No. 2 GALVANIZED WASH TUB Hurry down! Don't Delay! Un believable, yet fill,, true! VifC WHITE ENAMEL BASIN No. 11 Heavy Steel White En amel -wide and out Uv 29c Swan Crap* Tissue Toilet 'ST. 25c White EjmumI Disk Pan White porcelain enamel inside and out—an excellent /*n value, sise 14 D«JC Capper wrought steel nickel plated. Can be screwed on table. Capper with S #1 OQ gross caps W a ALUMINUM CAKE TURNER Stamped Aluminum Handle and Blade perforated 9c SCRUB BRUSH 10 in. Solid Block Long Stock White Tampico Stapled Bru