Pursuant to Ml ordar mad* ky the Clerk of tlx Superior Court at Barry County, in the Special PrnflnHH en titled J. H. Parker and other* against Joe 8. Parker and other*, ■linin the undersigned waa appointed a commissioner for the wapoee of sale; I will offer for aale on the premiaet, to the hlgfcaat bidder, on the »th day ef Janeary. I$21. at two e'eteeff P. M, the following real aetata lyin* and bain* in Eldora MMk Mill County, N. C„ adjoining the lande of Jeff Creni s heirs. N. T. Hutchens, Daiay Sawyers, Joe Parker, H. C. Holyfu-Wi, what ia knows aa the Dick 'Bo returnable the 1Mb day of Pebroary, 19*7, before tfcejMtar Airy; Wot Moantata; T. E. Dwiw, I* Myr tle OKmI, both CtMMii M. H. Jar dan. ElUn to Mr*. V. Clwn L*m, Alleghany via Mruick. Ditto, to Viaia Pilot Moaataln; A Mia Sproaee, both Moont Airy; W.I O. Westmoreland, Denton, to Mhl Annie Blue, Whit# Plalaa; Thoa. B Wilmoth, to 8tella aoa; J A. Davis, to Ethel 1c Ararat. The condition at Mia* Lorena ] er. who haa bam Ul at the paat weak with inflaanza much improvement With a few More day* of raat ah* hope* to be abia to resume bar school work at Gail ford Collate. Bom te Mr. and Mr*. Ban Marsh, on January 19, * son, named Ban Jr. Mr. and Mr*. William Hsynes en tertained a namber at their friend* last Tuesday evening at thai* home near Mount Airy, at an opaasaa dinner. Tboee .present and enjoying Mr. aad Mis. Haynaa hospitality war* W. P. Lawrence, H. E. White, Ed McEinney, Tom Hatcher, Bod Paw eett. Dr. C. L. Banks, C, H. Hayaes, Poraator Booker, Wiley Mixan, L W. Barber and E. 8. Hendren. Miaaea Elisabeth and Louise Nor man, who an tea siring in the Cape tent the waek end with to, Mr. aad Mrs. W. B. Ni Miss Emma Comer hmd s» hrt (imt for the week end Miss Revn Wayne of Pmphlki, V». Despite the Mlimillf cold weather Sat. night, Jan. 16th, a large at tendance wa» present at the box top per given by the Copeland high school girla in the auditorium of the high school building. Sixtjt-fivc dollar* wan realised from the sale of boxes. The proceeds of the sale will be uacd for benefit of the athletic association. Miss Carrie Rothrock spent tha week with her parents at Rockwell. A large delegation from the Dob son Epworth League expect to attend the Epworth League Conference which will be held at Mount Airy Central M. E. church Tuesday, Wed nesday and Thursday nights. Last Tuesday evening beginning at 7 o'clock Prof. B. J. Beeson, Agri culture Teacher of the Dobson High School, opened classes for adult farm ers at the Salem Fork school house four miles west of Dobson. Classes in corn, poultry and swine are given. The course will cover a period of 18 weeks. Classes are held every Tues day evening beginning at 7 o'clock. Much interest is being manifested by the farmar* in this community in this course, which is shown by the large enrollment. A large congregation was present at the Sunday evening service at the Methodist church and heard a strong nermon delivered by the pastpr, Be v. M. Q. Tut tie, on "Practical Christian ity." Jin voumi 01 aurnvuK iu a n-rent visitor at the home of hU par nU, Mr. and Mr*. William Collin* Misses Ma Kir if Collin*, Victoria Collin* and Martha . Collin* spent Sunday with their aiater, Mr*. Cora Badgett of near Union. B. J. Beesott and W. B. White, agri cultural teacher* of the Dobson high school, spent Friday and Saturday Ht the Wuodtoaf and China Grove agriculture schools, in Bowan coun ty, observing class room work. They we're weil planned with their viaiu to these school* and spoke highly of the work being carried on by them. Tliey took copecial notice of the fart that Iha Kiwanis Club of Salisbury, is giv mi the agricultural schools through out Rawon county their support in every way poaaibfe. They state that the agricultural school building at Woodkmf including -equipment coat around ten thouaand dollars. A moat enjoyable program featur ed 'lie first meeting of the New Year «' the Woman'* Missionary Union of he Dohaon Baptfct Church held Thursday, evening at 7 o'clock at the home of Mrs. W. W. Hampton, with -* members present. The preaident, Mrs. W. W. Hampton, presided over the meeting and Mrs. S. k. Coalson conducted the devotional exercises Mrs. liamptoa made a talk in which she reviewed the work done by the society during tha put year. *e porta were given by chairman of the personal service committee, the liter ature committee, the committee oh stewardship, and those I* charge «f The following nmbiri part Iri paled in the program, Mr*. A. 0. Joines, Mrs W.^leU,; ma. *r» A. D. Oua Hudaon, Mrs B. J. mm. A m+t faatars rf tha DONATING A RIDE proves costly Wfcaiacton, Jm. 20.—Ghrtaff s lift" to • walking tourist hat a*mia tlto of the city ltoUtoTitotyW told ml how kThDl'held uptt the faint at a pistol by • young m K» had befriended when the young •tor, walking down the flew Bar* liirhway signed him down and aalMd for a ride. Mr. Ammom waa fohif to Onslow county on business when he overtook the pedestrian. Ho stopped Us auto mobile and allowed the atraagar to (ret in. After riding for aoaw little time the driver looked around at his unknown companion to Had the bar rel of s pistol stagriag him in the face. "Drh« the car down til* next by road," «aid the jroun|tr mm. After complying with the order and reaching • point nearly a nil* from the main highway the rotter made the old gentlman get oat of "hi* car and walk nearly a half Mile through woodland. At thla point the ihoea of the victim ware un laced and the iara aaed to hind hi* hand*. Hi* feat were tied with handkerchief* and he promised his new acquaintance he would not *creaw after the hoy had told him he would send him help from up the road provided he kept quiet. After complying with order for several hour* he began calling for help. Darknena had fallen. It was Wednesday night. People living in the neighborhood beard the cries for help and after Marching the dense, forest, guided by the continuous tries and answer* found the unfortunate man. released him and aMisted him in getting to the city. He had been re lieved of |7 and hia automobile had been acquired hy t^e unidentified youth. . Before leaving the victim the old man wa* forced at the point of the revolver to write hi* name and ad drew on a piece of paper whieh the robber took with him. He in formed hi* prey that he needed an automobile and the "change" for im mediate uae, but assured him that the car would be returned to his addrsaa. "My Hot U A F«aL" A certain New York millionaire •wan showing hi* home to a friend not long «£o Th< hou»v wa« equipped with every m>"l> rn convenience and luxury. '1 have alt these thine*." •aid the millionaire, "and yet I can <«njoy none of them—(or «i> ion ia a fool!" TnfHiici t f this kind happen in many home*. Usually they coma, not becau«e the boy to spoiled, but be cause he to poorly informed about life. Tie doc* not know toward what goal to direct hi* effort*. To help boys and girls to chooee their,life work InteMngently, a group of famou* Americans are writing for The Youth's Companion this year a. series of articles of the professions. Farming to discussed by L. J. Tuber, master of the National Grange. Nich i)Lr» l.ongworth. Speaker of the rrTi-w of Representatives, write* about politics. Equally eminent ..'okesmen have been found for the .it her profession*. Civ* an ambitious hoy or girl a chance to read these article*, along with more thnn *6 gems of fiction vverjr year. Now is the time to enter your subscription for the Hundred and Fir«t Year of the oldest, f\n«-«t and cleanest young people's magaxine in America. 8«bwri«iers will receive: 1. The Youth's Companion — B2 Weekly issues, and 2. The Hundredth Anniversary Souvenir Picture "A Yard of Youth" (pant on request.) AU far 12. 3. Or include McCall's Magaxine. the monthly authority on fashions. HtOh publications only |2.SA. •the YOUTH'S COMPANION fl N Dept., Boston, Mas*. r "The Secret - - - of Dodge Brothers Reputation The Kent of Dodge Brothers repu tat ion for buiMiAf I dependable product can be ■ummarised briefly and fbrcefblty in two tentttnoer. Never a type that had to be ' Never a fundament*! mistake that * the public wm asked to forget Tourin* Car Coop* Special Sedan 91,100.00 RIERSON-JOYCE, lac. *" US "" Wm Aho Sftil DmpmndmbM Ummd Can Dcmse Brothers MOTOR CARS g Edison's Family Electric Iron An iroa Dwifned For Homahold Use Fully guaranteed by manufacturers against all defects in ma terial ana workmanship. $5.00 For a Limited Time Allow $1.00 for your old iron, either electric or flat iron. ''.■■3%,. /' -5 ■ ■' ' trr-. vr Terms: Old iron and $1.00 a month for 4 months. ' ■ ~ - . Equipped with bed stand, no lifting necessary, merely tip it on end. P«rt». «*«pt cord, rapUced Hiteoto tkat goes with each iron. * : , * . , t . M lUECTftldtY— iN PUBLIC COMPANY e-Servant In The Home." *V v " '