Legislature Considering Local Measures—Money is the Cry i . .• . I City Iclittli Tt*-1—1 fW.ftftft fffl —Cou.tr T. CeMact Old Abm—I Dm It. The state legislature In mwIiii it laieigb la expected to get Into full twlnf on Um important Mill thli week as they art now about ready to be reported from the various com mitteea to which they bar* bean re ferred. Aside from hundreds at local WBa that ara always introduced there ara only a faw important am uraa that ara commanding tha at tertian of our law maker*. Among than ara included tha revenue act which deviaaa the means of taxation to aoat tha budget for tha various departments of tha government, tha schools and the intaraat on hoods; al ready a measure la bafora tha legis lature to laaua another thirty mill km dollar bond laaua far road purpoaaa and this is moat carta la to paas for tha raaaon that to May countlaa la tha state have loaned money to tha highway commission and tha only way K can ha paid hack la ta vote mora bonds; the educational commit tee has tha question of a state wide taxation fund for schools as alao tha ■Masura to tncraaaa the schools at tha state to eight months; than friends of tha state highway commis sion ara asking that more power be invested in that body which would make them free from any Injunction proceedings that aUght be brought against them in tha eourta; aad tha highway commission would like to see some kind of state patrol eatab lished to police tha highways but this measure is said to be looked upon with little favor by tha Governor on account of tha high ooet It would en tail to the state. I .orally tMrt is very HtUr itflilt tion that la being demanded. Over in Alleghany county the repreeentative haa succeeded In getting a bill pan ed the house allowing the highway commission to pay half the «Nt of a bridge aeroas New River located on Virginia soil. And stranga to aay the meaaure went through without any oppoaition. For a portion of the way New River forma the boundary line between the two states, but where it ie intended to build the bridge the river happens to be en tirely in Virginia, and H la imprac tical from an engineer's standpoint to build a bridge where the river forma the line. And while Alle ghany's representative seems to ha succeeding in getting a quarter mil lion dollar bridge for the benefit of his county Surry's representative, J. H. Folger, le using bis efforts to get a portion of the state road fund* used in this county and on North Caro lina's roads. Mr. Folger haa introduced a meas ure in the house of state wide impor tance that would make it a six months' road sentence for one to be convicted of manufacturing, trans porting or selling liquor. His meaa ure would make it mandatory on the trial judge to impose six months as the minimum punishment. The bill was reported unfavorably by the committee, but the hearing on it was given without Mr. Folgor's knowledge and he haa demanded that it be sent heck to the committee ao he can be hoard on it. The governing bodies of Mount Airy have asked Mr. Folger to secure the passage of some amendments to the city charter which wuuld clarify certain sections of it relating to the right of the city to condemn land for streets and other public purposes. There has been some talk of getting the cprporate limits extended but the present administration seems to be opposed to diaturbbig the old boun dary lines of the town. Another meaaure that will soon be introduced that- ia of a local nature is one that will give relief to the financial difficulties our city achoola find theauelvua ia. For yoars the tax rate for achoola has beea 86 cents and this could not he Intrsaaed with out an act of the legislator* calling for a vote. We have leeued bonds by vote to erect buildings when they head *oaey that has been voted at tarieaa thiea for building paipuees Oar sathuiltlss da oat waat te iasue heads te HqaMate Heating debts and it haa beaa about dsciJsd to aak far aa eteotfea alts wing the* t tay n tu of I sufficient uwnt to pay off this IMjOOO Mt Ir IM annual ta ste Ihaenta. To 4* thia aad to fur ntah mot* ntmim for ipiwlhg our school iy>toa it la pruf n«»d to km sn ihetlw la Um spring changing th* ■ailmam tu rata from K canto to 60 ttnfi The icbool botwl rtcM* ■mH to th* city i-oaimitaioner* a mutiuo rat* of 78 rents but Ma/or Hydnor and his board art It (town to SO r«nu. Of course It may not bo found nacoaaary to tovy the entir* W nmt rata but that will ba a maximum under the bill. Th* act of Um l*g ialatura would then hava to ba voted upon by oar paopla and they would »ay whether or not they war* to ' favor at voting more money for ncbool purpooaa held la thla elty Saturday night when | atUmyi mat with the board of a—a ty commiaaioaera la a special aeaalon to conaidar a bill that may ba intro duced la the legislature to give re lief to th* bnafoiM of former Liaalg treasurer, F. & Eldridg*. It aoama that J. r. Hendren, of Elkia, attorney for Mr. Eldridg* aad his boodaaaen. has been in Raleigh and asked that Hurry's representative* in both ' branehea of th* legialatur* favor a hill relieving Mr. Eldridgv'a bonds men of any liability in th* loaa that the county Incurred whoa the bank failure at Elkin occurred. The com miaaionera declined to aet favorably on such a plan and it ia understood will strenuously oppose any effort that would cauae the countjr to loa* the some *12,000 that is still due It on the settlement with Mr. Eldridg*. Mr. Eldridge has turned over all his property for the benefit of his bonds men; his large farm was aoid to pro vide aaaets to pay off the shortage, and his bondsmen have signed Mr. Eldridg*'* note for the balance, but now they are making this last effort to be relieved of their liability. With the commissioners of the county dis approving any auch move H begins to look like those bondsmen artll have to make good their ruarantoe they gave the county when they sign*d the bond and th* notes. Tobacco Market Closes February !«. After one of the moet successful years in the history of this tobacco market the Wsrwhousss will data for the aeaaon on February the Kth. The ■mount of tobacco told he*p during the year has been a* great a* during any other year with one or two n-j ceptioni. The price paid for the loaf compere* favorably with that paid on any market ia the state. During the active mason the average for mm months waa aa high aa 24 cents a pound, and the average for the whole year was aa much aa IS centa a pound. Our dtisena have inveeted heavily In property here for meeting the demands of the local market and it Is gratifying to know that such lat ge quantities of the leaf were sold here. EARLY ASHBURN GETS PARDON I* Given Freedom After Serv ing Three Yean. Will Make Home ia Raleigh. Tuesday morning of this week, the first day of February, Gov. McLean handed Early Ashburo a pardon lib crating him from a 16-year term in the state prison where he waa sent from this county on • charge of In fant ride. Ashburn has been in prison for more than three years, during which time he worked mostly about the Governor's mansion, aad it ia stated that he has' been retained by the Governor to continue his former duties. Anyway he expects to make his hoeie in Raleigh and his wife left this city Tuesday to join him in response to a telegram bringing the news at his pardon. Ashburn was eoadctod aa an ac turnpike with lade Handy la con nection with the death of the iafant •if Mrs. Handy. The woman plead guilty to har part of the crime aad implicated Aahbarn. She waa givse a term of ftva years sad was pardon ed aboot ail months age. Ashburn always protested that be was not ~uiKy aad had ao part la aishing way wtth tba new bsra hahs of Mrs. Unity, hat a Jury at Dahsua ssarlst d him sa the evidence at the m«thsr 4 the baby aad other rtrismstoats. I " ' ** wtth the crtaas. Happenings Twenty-one Yean Ago Interesting Item* Gleaned From the Tilt* of The Mount Airy *Yew* 21 Years Ago This Week W. H. Leonard I* In thia city rlatt iog hi* brother, tL H. Uonird. i. R. Lewellyn, of Dobeoa, «u hi Um city Wiihimlay oo kit way to Grsanabor* oa bwinm. W. W. Burka la off oa a plane— trip of several twh to Florida and Ma. C. W. Taylor baa returned to this city from Cincinnati where ha baa baaa taking a course in telegraphy. Mlaa Savannah SatUrflstd kaa ac cepted • poaition with Kheppard A Worrall. Tba school board baa brourht frem the Methodiet Church tba (aate oaad la their Sunday school r*w aad wiU piaca tham in tba audttortam of tba acadamy. Laat Friday night tha many paopta of Scotck daacant who wark at oar quarries celebrated tha birth ut thair gnaim poat. Robert Buna, by fir ing • banquet to which a numbar of our citiaena wara invited. Tha baa qaat waa hald in rooms hi tha Nation block and waa an oeenaiea long to ha remembered by thoaa aa fortunate aa to ba praaant. Tha aative Scotch ladiaa had spared no pain* to prepare the goad thing* to ba eaten and every thing waa distinctly Scotch. Froaa 7:80 P. M. to I A. U. they made speeches sang tba old Scotch songs Surry O&can Now m State Deputy Sheriff* Bud Simmons and Newell Smith of this township www recently carried to Raleigh where they are confined in the state prim to serve a sentence of not lees than 16 months for the >hooting to death of Jim Sutphin, near the quarry more ihan a year ago. The officer* were detailed by Sheriff Haynes to apprehend a car driven by some Joyce boys which was reported to be transporting liquor. They met the car over on the Pat rick road near the Sparger orchard, snd when they attempted to stop it, the officer* claimed the driver tried to run them down, shots were A red, the ear sped on Its way, but not until Sutphin who was a passenger in it j liad been shot in the back of the head. | Both officer* fired at the car and it' mma never clearly known which one Kred the fatal shot or how K all oc curred. They were tried at Dnbeon and con victed of manslaughter, but appealed .0 the Supreme Court where the »er-, iict of the lower court was upheld : »nd they were required to begin their erm Both are well known citiaens >f the county, are married and have; arge families. No Reason For Oil Shortage Horo. Mount Airy citisena have no reaaot m entertain any fear* of any faaoline w oil shortage fot the city ia now ba ng served by five of the largeet oil -i>mnanie« in the world. The latest widition to the Hat of distributor* in thia territory ia the Sinclair Re fir *f Company. Mr. Sinclair ia the ine who gained *o much national pub licity resulting from the Tea Pot Dome oil controversy aa it waa his company which secured the leaae from Secretary Fall, at at. The company has completed instal lation of storage tanks near the bark 4beds and are now distributing thai* products. W. M. Beasiey is manager •f the local distributing point, white I. W. Beasiey, of PUot Mountain, has charge of the oil interest of the Sin flair Co. in this territory. Other oil companiaa that also have distributing points bar* are the Stan lard, Red C, Texaco and Gulf. High Clasa Booked For This City. The yaar 1917 will aaa several high clasa entertainments staged ia this city, aa reprsssatativeo at the Kad tliffe Chautauqua and the Piedmant Lyceum bureau have been In the dty I to give the dty I I brae day rhautauqua during the four lyoeum attracttea mid to be the lilgted clasa and recitad poems and had a general Mr. Harden Hoiyftald. of Eockford. •u in the city iaat «Nk aelhng man.factured tohnaea. iUkoMtf the few mm whe has not been fmt nut of boaineaa by the Ian* fartoriea. For year* ha haa manufactured to baeao in a nl way and haa gone money all the Unu. Ha now baa a ■ood trad* bora in thia "city and aay* that ha can maka about aa much noMy aa ha did baforc the truata got twh a hold on the «annti|. A amoha houae belonging to J. A. Taah, of thia city, waa burned Inat Saturday, about 800 puunda of meat bainf daatroyad and many othar ralu abiaa ma Hag the laaa about MM. C. M. Gentry, the eOcient attend ant at tha power houaa tella aa that ha ia juat 17 yaara old and la a grand father. Hia daughter, Mrs. W. g. Jackaon, agad IT, gave birth to a aan Inat Sunday. On Thursday afternoon at 6:80 o'clock in tha Pint Preabyterian Church of Suteaville, one of the prettteet weddings SUtaerille haa aeen for many a day occurred whan Mian Katie Lee Mi I la, of Stateaville and Thmoaa Oarnatt Kawrett. of lit. Airy, plighted their troth for weal or woe. How D» TWy Eacapo? To thoea who nv • M| Hudaoa uprabr tarn owr on th BumiIuvi road Sunday afternoon it «H hard to underatand why the four occupant* war* not killed outright. The car from Winston wai oa ita way to thl* rity when it ikidded on the paved road noar Vogler'a filling station, ran into the bank and turned completely over, all four wheel* rxtended toward the aktea. The oocupaitta ware pm tied beneath the ear and aacured paa ia(e hack to their home. Later ac coonta are that one of them, Charlie | Joyce, wm aerioualy injured, for ahen he ra» aed home an examine ' Lion showed him to have a punctured lung, two broken rlha and other bruiees. The car wai almoat a total areck. I Chu«« M Business W. G. Lewi* ha* aold hU interest n the Arm of W. G. Lewi* A Co. to, W. F. Heamer. the change to take dfact March let. After that date :he buaineaa will ha conducted by J/ C. Ayers and Mr. Beamer, The new nember of the Una ha* bean In the mercantile buaineaa in thia city for leveral year*, recently being connect ed with Boyle* department a tore. Mr. Uewia ha* not decided what line of Mtaineaa he will engage in, bat ex-| wet* to continue to make thia city, lis borne. ■■ No Stop This Side of Cub*. J. D. Smith and 8. M. Hale left thl* :ity Sunday afternoon bound for the aland of Cuba. Florida beara no rharma for them and they are mak ing no a to pa until they land on the arharrea at Havana. They went to Jacksonville by rail, fro* thence they ■rill travel down the Florida coast by t>u* line t<> Key Wert where a boat •rill convey them to Havana—the land rhere "paraaaal liberty" U aiUlj recognised. They expect to spend two weeks on their trip. I\ aI. -1 I !&al. ■ Robert Howard, the two-ymr okf boy of Mr. and Mr*. Frank Hinn, died at tfcafa- home in this city Mon day afternoon after an iUaeaa of only » few hour*. The little eae waa In hi* usual health Sunday and rWtod •ome ralathrea with Ma paranta, but wa» taken ill Monday morning about row- o'clock with pneumonia. AS that medical .kill could do failed to |hre him relief and be paaaad away •t four o'clock the mum day. the home Tuesday afternoon by Kef. I. A. Oook and Bar. ft. L. Barry and the rmihi laid to net at Oakdale Oemetory. Baraca-Philatkea Convention Will Be Held in Mount Airy I II | GIVES THE RABBITS A CHANCE Tkfe Aged Fanmar Eaj^i TrappM| Gim-Gate Bif Mi a* City 9»Wte. Occasionally rtiri mm W this ntjr m sgurl farms* aad ihMhI of ths White Flaias section aad «ka Nathan HuWheas mm* that we of hua u aa aged man hs will ha hunting up ys editor for aa apolon. for be la ae "pry aad wtln as any ■tan in bla Wi yet Mr. Hmthi— li now entering Us 81st year. Last Sunday Mr. Hutchaoa was heat ta a number aI friends at a dinner at his hoM and during ths hours that pass sd ha recited many WsrwUif mats of his life. Judge A. B. Tllley nad C. B. Tdtey. of this city, war* among thoss who snjoyod ths day with him. Oas thine that was brought out hi his conversation was Ms hobby of trapping aad hunting gams. During this wintar hs has had his aid tims log rabbit gums sat in thair paths sad has caught 40 rabbits aad two squirrels, making ths rowads of ths gums ovary day. But whsa hs takas tham out of ths gum ha doaaat re sort to the old mathod of cracking ths rabbits' neck by a hard blow with the back of ths hand, but instead ha gives the rabbit at laast what bunny thinks is • Agbting chanes, for hs deliberately turns H loose on ths ground aad after It gats of a fsw yards hs picks up his gun and trtas his marksauuiship. Aad ha says ha never mlaain bringing down his game. During the winter ha has also caught four large hawks and aaa owl which measured 42 inches from tip to tip. In um trapping of the hawks Mr. Hutchens recited an am aline story that does n<> credit to the Marks manship of mmnf of our Mount Airy •portsmen. Out in the open Acid he planted a post about 20 IWrt high on which he fastened a tteel trap with, • chain Ave feet lone, baiting the trap with fresh Meat. The hawk; would be attracted by the meat and In thi* way waa caught by the mare. \ One morning ha caught a Am hawk and aoon thereafter several hunters from Mount Airy came along and aee ing a hawk perched upon the poet in the Jaw* of the trap they ftred away it the bird. Their shot went wild, ind the bird Made a circle about the imat and had to resume tta former Maition hot the chain gave it rooM to fly about. The hunters did not we the cause of the hawks' remaining tn Ha perrh and every time it would sake • small circle and come back hey would blase away again, and Mr. Hutchens laughs and says they -xhauated all their ammunition try ng to kill that hawk as H circled ihAut the poet with the steel trap Ringing to its feet. Later Mr. Hutch m* took his old shotgun from off the peg* above the headboard of his bed ind ended the life of the hawk with me well aiMed shot. Morel Auto and A moat novel and unique cms and , rarage wrvin ha* recently been kdopted by the R. A H. Service Sta tion in thin city. This station is now i member of the National United Service, and any motorist who de posits a dollar with them is riven a licenw number which entitles them to make purchases at a discount from the regular retail prices. As an illustration: persons holding a license lecurvd from the B. A H. Station are »ble to purchase gasoline at ene eent ■ gallon leas than the regular prior from the station, one cent a quart on nil, i per cent on tires and access aries mt4 the same oa repair work. Diaiilss op si at lag one of the Mat up-to-date service stations to this ■action they are alao distributes a far the Willys Knight aad Whippet Over land cars and now have on display the latest medals to this Una. TMr advertisement to this ieaae tells MM if the achievements of the*Wl*ys Knight organisation. Court At Pih-. Neat Monday a ton* of crtaatoal mart will unvsai at Piliia far osm week aaly A nMar haa haw i :hem glueing «■» at mmm liqoar i Mp W. F. Hardtog, . ■MS v" * . w*" ■ At a wntlnt of the Mate Bamt-CUhrtlM tn Haliabury Honda viutln m »raaaalid by C. W. Aa ; of thla city, far the imm! af t ha aaaoriatlaa I* ha baM in tkia city. Mr. Andrew ra mad with au thority la pcaaawtlag Mount Airy*a Ul«fU«»Un m k* I ■ il mjUL I.A inVIUUOfl ■ M fltrrlM WiUl noil MVc tara of mvitatoa of tha pa atari a of tha Ctab, Woaia'i < Chamber of CaWMna, and May of the local fratarnai organiiatiooa. With tha backiag of ao auy af our leading people aiaured hi i and kaowiag that practically Mount Airy ritlaana will laak favor on tha bringing af thia body af Chriatian worker* aad people iato our Biidat, Mount Aby1! part ia making a auccaaa af tha gathering, that of hoataaa, ka aiaurad AM* an4 Willing. At • call mMtinf of Umm inter ested quite a croup of npwmiUtlwi of churchea and civic orgaainlil gathend at the Blue Ridp hotel a week before the invitation waa pra wn ted and diacuaaed plana foini Ma the matter of Mount Airy'* ability (a entertain the visitor* and they unani moualy agreed "we are able aad willing" Plaa of Kntee1aiaa»e»it. They afiael oa the Harvard plaa of entertaining, which makae it aaay mi the wuman la the hoaaea. , The date aat for the convention la May M-S9 incluaive or the laat waak In May. Ceaaaittees will he appointed at aa tarly data to make arrangement* far placing the viaitora in the vartaw mm** in tkia city which will ha open to them, and making all other piaaa 'or their entertainment. The following alogan waa adopted >y the *»*wtiw committee: "Oa to Meant Airy the Granite City." All seoaiona of the convention will te open to the public and the people if Mount Airy tn urged to attend fust as often aa poosible. Aa plan ned by the executive committee the lint session will be held en Thursday night and will be in the nature of a reception when the town of Mount Airy will woIiobm the visitor*, and her people and her gueets will mingle snd bet owe acquainted. The real 'msinesa of the convention will bug In st the Friday morning session and probably Friday afternoon will be de voted to showing the visitor* some of nor glorious mountain scennry. Fri day evening the annual baaqaet wil ' be held and the largest available quarters secured for this affair, which will be necessarily limited by the limited accommodations. Saturday morning will again be devoted to the business of the organisation and Sat urday evening a public mass meeting will be held. Sunday afternoon a ureal memorial masting will he held m memory of Mr. Manhafl A. Hud ■ow, the grand old man, whe was the rounder of the Baraca-FMIathoa movement and Matlonal President. XatlsnaBy Knows Speaker. Among the eponkers who will he - J 4. . >> __J ski „ nVlWKI lo IllfM IMS COflVfHllOB |W namely: Mlaa Hssvletta'sdMaTef ^incinnattj. Ohio. National Vice -igh, a national egtoer, Dr. * W. frnnloM. of Clsmisn College; W. A. Lambert «f Waahlngton. D. C, and

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