to • North Cars baa. Hurry Couaty.—la Super lw Court. P. S. of John plaiatifft, **. Roht. Bheood • (UU«| Pajk^LlMle Miliar, Dl,k* Carri* H B TV-""*. The defendant* Dial* Make, Wil Uaai Make, Carrie Mala aa4 Prank Nahe will take notice that an anthia ad In the Superior Court of Surry County, North Carolina, to aeO ear tain raal aatata la aaid county and ■tat* to awke aaaata (or tha payment of 4ahU of John Thomaa, decT And the aaid defendanta will fa ther take aotica that they are ra aulred to appear at theomoe of the Clerk of Superior Court of aaid county la the court hooae la Dobaon, If. C„ on the 4th day of Pekraanr, 1M7, aad anawer or deaiur to tha eoMplaint la aaid action or the plain tiff* will apply to the court for the relief demanded la aaid rraaplaint. P. T, LEWELLIN, Clerk Superior Court, Surry Co Thin January 6, 1927. Mate. By virtu* of a de*d of trust n wutcd by Y. L. Welch and wife, Alice Welch to the undersigned tnutM, for <J J. Key, which i* recorded in tbr office nf register of dradi of Surry County, book 90 pace 98, the debt therein secured hem* due and un paid, i will tell at public auction for caah on the premise* on Hatarday. February 6. 1*27. at 1 o'clock P. M, the following real estate lying to flurry County, N. C.. aMalnt the landa of Ed Chilton, 8. H. Fulk and »t hers. Beginning at a stake with • large white oak point*** 8. H. Folk's cor ner and ran* south 4Vt deg. west >• chain* to • dogwood with pointers, south 67 H dec west 7.4 chains to a large maple at the fork of branch**, then down the branch as it moanders to Tom's Creek, north 76 dag, east S chain*, north 47 S deg. east 3 chs., north 70 east 7 chains, north 16 deg. east 4 chains, north 66 dag. east 4 chains, n«rth >2 deg. east 2Vfc chains north 14 d*g. east 1H chains, north fc deg. east 6.10 chains to a stake on the honk of said creek noor a large white oak, north 47 dor. weot IH chains to a stake, north S3H deg east 14 chains to a hickory, north MH deg. wrat 11.74 chain* to a stak* in k nu-ad*w, north dec. east 4.80 chains to a stoke north RflH deg west 18.14 chain* to the beginning retaining 72.6 acres more or less. This land will be sold subject te two prior deeds of trust, one to the Federal Ijind Bank for about *2100 and one to the Bank of Mount Airy for about fl200. Kale will be for rash e \h»se two deeds of tr*is1 to satisfy the deed of trust under whfrh it is being sold. This January 4, 1917. W. L. REECE. Trustee Miiiwr> iwOMMMlMtM aa ytm fX atortod aa the boat way af gaUiag permanent pa.toraa. Wa want to g»t la touch with nil (*rmm who an In addition to a gaad paatan aa a haute »f H»a atoeb Ia4—try we Mat haw® plenty of f ®od hay and awa a^ tka eaaieat for ua to grww b plawty of good Larado aay baana or Mm Mammoth Yntlow and we can grow thaaa without mivh trouble aad will gal iph»<ld raturna in giod hay, fertBe aail and profitable iWe atack, which la aa Much needed. Karmar* art beginning to aak about tha prlca (f aay Wa—. Vartoua price* ar* helng (|uatt4i A la South Carolina quota* Lara da at H dallvarad. Nr. C. P. Creed, Mount Airy, N. C. quote* price* at tha ear In Mount Airy—IjriOn Hil and i Mammoth Yellow* tl.Tt par haahal. | If Intoraatod gat In touch with Mr. <'raad and ha will toll yan whan tha 1 rar will aniva m yon mm ha thara to cat tha heaaa. If ha haa to haul them to Ma fan* ha will make an additional charge, I jut year Laredo hM far f« par bvakal and am buakel wtU plant i •cm nil marie the Mt par kw 11.20. Thla year at th» prnwit <|uo tatlon yau can pt rnoufk md far Mc. to plant an am. At tki* law coat par km w» should not haaltate In plant In v a large acraaga at tki* variety both far coil building and for faad. ft la my aaMrttton to aaa aoy kaam on rrrrj turn la Surry county. The mora baana at gram tha bettor •Ml we arlll bar* and wara proapar oua farma. U. V. Bnrrh, Ruak. ha* recently purrhaaed two para brad Jaraaya. Ha would Uka to boy aome young cahaa which la rafiatarad. I am alwaya Clad to help place aome good pure bred* on the farm* and If you. kan mm let ma know ao when I hare call* for suck I will be able ta brine buyer and seller together. I hart been able to do tki* arreral time* and If I know what you hare for tale or want to buy pure brad refiatared •tack I will ha able to kelp you fraa of charge inr qufMHin onen comes up Ju»l how rlfrrtiin Kxtenaion Work of th< different roontln compart-* with each other. A summitry of reMilts of demonstration work in orrhard man agement of apple orrhard* in Writ •rn North Carolina and Upper Pied mont counties in foatering a pn.gram on increasing the Production of Marketable Apple*. Thar* are ti|k taan countiea in thi* liat and Surry rank* the higheat with 6#,WO apple lr»«. The nearest competitor i* our neighbor Wilkes county with apple treaa. Reault* of Orchard Man agement in Peach Growing *how* Surry with MJS34 peach tree* and the neare»t competitor with 12,M6. Ttteae flgure* repreaent thoae follow ing cloae cooperation with the Coun ty Agent and doea not include thoae who are working on an independent baala. Thi* ahowa that the fruit grower* of Surry county ire trying to get their orchard management on a definite baaia in order to develop a aut-ceaaful and paying propoaition. Thia ia a good fruit county and the poaalbilitiea of future development are almost unlimited. We can grow a superior fruit but of courae Uli* in dustry would not be developed unleaa we can market our fruit on a profit able baaia. We think that a small well handled orchard on moat farm* will return a profit under moat con dition*. Of course we should have plenty of fruit for home uaa even if 1 Notice! To S. P. U. Customers All bill* for electric service, light, heat and power, are payable at the company'* office on the first of the month. No discount is allowed after the 10th of the month and it it necessary to discontinue service in each instance where bilk are not paid by the 15th. Southern Public Utilities Co. Phone M. "Electricity—The Servant ia the Hoese" % Mwtol «,..aC. Mtoa. at Um aatata mt U«o M Iwi d» raaaa4, Ml at flurry CwHIjf, North CtndM, tkb i« «• notify all wmm tortoc atoiaM miImi Uh aatoto o* (to aaM toraaaaJ to vxhiMt than to •to WMtorsifWHt at tto Bank of Mount A by. Mount Airy, M. C., aa or bafara tto IMl toy af Jiaaary, IMS. * Mi Bate wiB to ptoatod to tow , A ttotr naovary. All panana to I0 th« MHf esiat* will pitsit ^TWa'tfla'nti'dSy'Tjlin . 1HT Tto Baak of Mount Airy, A toil., Oaa. M. Kaaiy, tort. Cokfc and (he Ph |»« th» «ff-> t> ot CL .»Mi MM I fcalta run.bin d, tim ' ant cffitu •( <riiWr. ■ Om m t»" «t «r»U> A »w*lluw of »*Ur^JtJuVlj^»n IStT^our' | iU*h4J"t or >Imiw». N*rt nwtiiL-, Imm y»,mr »y*tam la t...r M«Wy aurifi. ti *2 ><m >/• faoflnn flna wlill « haafty appvbia fcrl . fa»t. Eat «kal «oa rtUcia, ~ i Oat a family piukag*. i fad Aractiuna, only M nau At «*; Kbw COLA. Try • By rtrtaa af W * tta£ IMS, fey J IT 18 USELEM TO PAY MORE THAN OUB PUCBS AMD UNSAFE TO PAT LESS. Announcing THE ARRIVAL OF —OUR— New Spring Footwear • • If your eyes want a treat, bring them here and turn them loose amid our new Spring showing of fine footwear, which we have just put on display. The newest of the biggest fashion centere have been brought to Mount Airy and Jackson Bfcos. are showing them. For many years we have lead the pace in shoe styles and shoe values, and this year is no exception. There are styles for every occasion, and each pair is made over a last that insures foot comfort. At least share in the opportunity of viewing the show ing while the line is at its best. Walk-Over Shoes FOR MEN Men who have worn. Walk-Over shoes need no argument in their behalf; simply an announcement that the new Spring styles are here. Those who have not worn them should profit by the experience of those who have. Ask your friends, or come here and examine them. The season's newest styles are now being shown, and Spring weather is iust around the corner, so get fitted now and enjoy a full season of foot comfort and shoe style. The completeness of our present showing makes selection unusually easy, and Jackson Bros, prices makes the buying easy also. YOU CAN DEPEND UPON JACKSON BROS. FOR STYLE IN SHOES AT THE LOWEST CONSISTENT PRICES. Jackson Mate Street Bros.$£ Mount Airy, N. C

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