StOfy MarthaMartinl UP m THE SKY to | PUT at *w I «UMMI M» Mat J Mukty." wM tM Kla« of Mm -1 at**M <4 IM m trw ail ft«M " tW (M Hw WmtW aa h. -won. *«• kxp. aw. u» r«« fewM*." ■M rh» King rf Mt (loito "Of mm I 4» " *M OM Mm tmli#r "M I gat rtwd tor h, to* Alt tm, ■> OtoMl I to M |M aa m«rti praloa who* I play with j»u. to tort, t ■« artrfitod marr than r*» ■M »«ara tor mn awalitlat ato*at Mm Waatlkar Ihaa itatl ttta Rata •aa»f -Wall." hM Km Rtna »f tba CI.KHto, la (intra worth 11m aratittng" -Taa," OM Ma* WaatWr mgr^t, "tt fc" "tot it." «nln« a* tkt Claada m4 «l audi MWrw ran raraa at' al<*f tk* atraat*—daafelac «• ban) and an teat- and rvahlnt alone. T»«H>4a aalrt wrf marine 4--wm to akavta. Of rrmrmr wm mtrmit. Wa 4n'l Mad as; ked llnan Hoi m »H> r-ctniln* iV>wn c«nd and faai and tto ram did kwani* t-xrlllnc Tlwt M>n>r "• •»>• «a!d It loulirri aa tbouali all tk* rain wrrr trjl»K *«•' aanfinhrra. for *• w«-rv 1.urrjla« along aa farf»ki(.p««ig witdtj •Wf Ika pitrlMVM Jhelttd JtayMiapher itnplUT kw aorrowful Hadla 1 *i«hrd iter Hotel ftlaaograylMM "Wbo'a ■h»r aakrd lb* llouae lw HcOrt. ■'She Is my [m*imii'a' imwN U» girt "Mt la ■ lam fhMi»b<>* «h' |u1 to I rvalue «n '«• ami I am afraid to Jump from wider teat ■kc fall. "Kb* la the original hard Iu« 'k kill If aonw sny hired a tliooaaud glrl» •ad <»oljf needed nlar- hundred am! alneiy-nltie. Hudle would be the ow t.. laae her Job "Mb* ban vrnrked la lb* live aud trn aianlrurrd, hrnaty parlored. raablered aahiri r| In ■ theater. i-aali glrlml clarked Id a Mo w atorr, aullrlM magazine aubwrlp. «■. aat for bail la a rul«ber-neek * been a eon pdi lon 10 an old lady, »"ld ordera for photograph* and look . corieapoinl NTf inurw lu utoviug-plc. ira actlun "krrrj nor 'if IIhw Jobr »be loat I irvfr knew any of lk» pr«n»le abe worked for. hut •he baa never barn iWf lo And any boa* nut a i-ruelbeart ed tyrant wIkj alwaya Impoaea on Kmllr till* alwaya quit* be( the iierauo and not of the Job. lay aid job |« worth )uat what you make It worth. 4nd pooola who bald a lodge «f aorrow becanaa they never have aft* lark hii I wanting eoatebody lo help >m are i b the wrong aide of the door The aide which baa PUHH printed on h let* vim In. aad the aide thai ha I't'l J. on It. lata yoa oat People wbi. w»rk tie p«wb wide are holding alt the gomi hh« If | do aat gat to work t*p'uii the lettara that aalaatam gave ai* th'» moralag. I vrt* be eat of a job myaetf." «Ca»rM«ai ar Iftr MrftraM araatraia I aa. I -O Drmtn TiU L*mg Kmmmm The oar of drain tWa be ran many eewtartra age In rraaea. hat Ita mana k«»r bar ami a taat aft. Drain tHaa a««*»' -rt >raed la Ho gland la 1*10 aad httniaiHl into the I'aHad Malta la tar. Hv loha Johaataa. who aaad 'W*'»* all Imn karla* • **Mr «*r Mat;, ma HiihuIi »■'!» b**n ** 1 itlihi I Irnt rnM," aaM U>« Staff of lk« n.-wda -Mr «M kadp*d M da rkat Ok, ka I* tat ta that «*■*" "T«* f—'la a aptaMM pair kr naaffMlaaaa wkaw gat atari *d aatd tk*a r« ha*a aN yawr faailliaa la katp yaw. -WaN. wad, la tttak ait; tka tof a A* ■— .1 bn^u pV ^ ju fe amm ™ a»*a^* mtW BwkrWj ™ vWllW aM ika nwpwtia akora bmM aa a**' ta Ihuaa wka war* a* Ika atkai aM*. and Ika rtwr ami Ika riM* w*r* talklaff atonal kwala aM kafcaa and «•* | ikln> tn«l untilii»r irl^a'p w■**a n**•" '■* ' "Th*w Ika day kmwi thai mrmry fhln# waa aa krlffkl and rlaar and Ika ndaaa waea aa Maa alawff Ik* ri*ar aad N laakul aa tkoaffk M araaa ***** •Mac •» rata." 'Wall." >atd Ik* Ktaa af Ika ClMMa. 1 oaaat aay (kal I Mil kaaaw l*a daya a an ar • day aia wkat I waa IN. Ktaff a# ika Clowda." Taak- a«r*ad ika Staff af ika UmIi. "ka ta. rriaea kkawar gala ratkar ttrad af dataff aaytMaff fur vary Mac at • Mm* Ta dlfftiwat fraan Ikat Very dtf f*r*at. tad»pd And It yaw aay I (a*a Ika p«a»l« a aarprtaa parly, too wall j I waa tknmwffMy naaffkty * "Tow **ra. yaw van, kot Old Mu Waalk*r la la Matwa. law, aad aa U Mr. Wtad." "Wkafa thair aaklatlad Mr. Wind. "Wkafa ikat yaw aay *f aw. Old Maa Waalkarf Aad wkaw ka h*ard wfcat M waa , ikat Old Maa Waatkar kwd aald. la- 1 aiawd af kal ■>« aofri ka waa prood aad ataek awt Ma rkaat aad »w«*d aad Maw wttk graat prtda Tkaa tk* Ktn« «f ika flotkh aad 1 OM Maa Wawtkar aad Mr. Wind wk!» tlad tkla aaanc: •omatlai** w* tar** ara ***r aa M, Hat It aiako* a* !•*! kaaar aad ffay aad a lad qfHE WHY of SUPERSTITIONS By M. IIVINQ KINq STANDING BY THE TABLE I [irk AI Mew Rn gland pnpla iM at • table. aattag ok)Mt H baring another person paw and Mud baaidr the board r»«s eheuid paua* for a second la a(; mar; word. Aa a rala It la a auras l*r with wbore tbla actloa la daaawd especially objectionable. Tka writer dlarovered ibia by making tbe a for* •aid "break." «»a Inquiring aubar qaently aa to lb* wherefora of th» abjection, war pe-ple aald tbat It vary bad ntanorri"; otbera thai "It ! brought bad lack." and adit otbara { i-onld only M) tbat It "ta on* of the j things tbat laa't «oaa." Tba earned aurprlalngly wldeapraed a moot ] a certalu t laaa of people. a general feeling tbat. for aonia unknown raa ami -net- 'a act abottld be alwajrn ] avuliad. li vra« evidently a real auporatltlon which was tboa atumbled U|>m Ita ••rtglo la ub\loua. It la a aorviral of | ibe Idea of primitive man wltb regard to shadow*. an Idea wblt-b la found today eilatln* la fall force among aavage and backward racea and can bo traced in many popular aaper atltlona antong dvltlwd people*. Oar j primitive Mitcaalara regarded a man'a j aliadow aa a vital part of blaaaelf aort of "aatral body," aa "(tterlor •oai To have a peraoo'a ahaw (all upaa one waa a aort of yrojtatlon o« tba abadowar'a personality upon tbe shadowed. Tbla project loo waa. aa a rale, conatdered to be malevolent In ita effect. A peraoa paaalng by a ta Ma at wblcb people are aatlng la liable { ta caat bla abadow ovar both food and eatera—wblch la bad. aapiclallr If be | la • atrniiger. for irtth tba ancienta ayaooo auporstitloi wblcb bare outlasted tor lane knowledge of tbeir orlglt, by tba people wbo atil Ymmg MWi «at oa la baalneam. and la aa aad lay ap aeaaethlag far a rainy day. a yoang man maet carry llf*. accident #re. windstorm gtary and liability Insurant rlaba. water na both abnaMeea a blgb | and any of bla wlfe"a aaar wbo w-nM be a dlageaee ta IT UP «|*» tbelr own C^^VJ SOMETHING TO THINK, ABOUT I) F. A. WALKEM THE POM MILLIONAIRE A tbla^her day™"*' "mi af every yewng man who Inherit* great wealth. Rat the great awjnrity af rtrk aien'a anne ara ant Alexander* Tha* ara wtlllnc ta apewd hat not ta earn Ta dietrihote bat not to rellert. Ta toar dawn, bat not to baild ap , Bat tba aaa af tha poor fathar baa no at bar thing to do. If be daaa any thlag. bat to batid. to create, to raw •tract R ta a great advantage to tba poor hoy to have aa outlet tar Ma aaM tfcNL It la a aplendid thtog that be haa open llel da for the iiartlaa af bie Imagination It la greatly to hla bene fit that he baa to atraggla to gat a*. Maariaa that ran da aat eiertto wither and become neeieea Aa Imagination that laa't working dlea af laacttelty The poor boy caa I marine a thou aaad (king* that the rick bay will uevar think about- Hla view la pot aba cared by blinding arealtb. The poor hoy can woak. enC work la the greateet kleealng in thla I if* No mar Intent oa hie work, latoreetod i« the reoalta, la erer long anhappv If yon hare health, ambition and pereletetice yon hare all that la necee aary to the greateet aacceae that waa erer attained. Never mind about tba moaey. That will come la due time, ig te MflCiarv Nvwaeapar B»aivo<*> A GlBllGAGt/? MP (eomuaNi) WkM • Wlm l«Ua iw I am ttat mor» b«aMtf«V* »n Cyslc*! 8m. *1 WMUfcV If h« MUM | MB a«tiBC ihtrk-aklMMA" •fcftNMrtMw" Italy. The young lady ACROSS THE WAY fhe jrnuix lad> nran th# way «;• th» irlndtU h»». dliwv Mur I r ark I luidr Ht.MNMkm jinri u* In Arlcnna and all# wondrra boa Ikt rrvatnra roniparvd with Dm 41b* aaur of tte prwul day I| ka McCiar* n »iaa»i» »»a«i«a«a I O «'T iikui: >r# do aaca 1 oi7 wire ud mm." "That'a toogh. Kelly," iimid lb* I IchiH ttaaograpber. "That'a al(bl) touch am aomahody. "EKtwr yoa are not «fj ilc« poo pie or fM ooror bit* any fns to yoor IItm. If yon mi* both ao alow thai »en o«-w did anything Men yon were married thai jroa did not want to toil, iou mtalnl; moat ban lad a mighty bam eileteoe* No hliaaa to I ho bark of • taxi, ao aly bug oa a at raw ride. ao holding of hand* to the 'taovloa.' aval hare born a mighty •talo llf*. "If you both did all the thlaga which normal huuiuna do and mM earh other all a boat It .after you got married, yoa am a mighty poor pair of aporta, and It waa tough oa the people with whom yoa did "When I get married, Kelly. I ahall either keep my mouth ahat to my man about what I did before I mat him or alaa lie to htm Ilka a lady. It raat be aay fan tor a man who lovea a woman to bear the detaiia of the other man who ktaaed bla wife before ha came on the areata. So If he la eaioogh to laotat aa bar telling j there I* aaly oaa thing ta do aa a good and dutiful wife ark* 1 wanta to make her hoaband happy, aad that la to do what yoa and your | wife did. He to earh other. "TCveai aa, Kelly. H la hard tor' a j woman to toll a a aw eat heart till ha rame oa the | arena aad let him get the Idea i ha alone kept bar from being aa makL The beat way la ta Ha to till aama time when yoa mad at Mm aad thaa tall him the tratk Jaat to take Mm doarn a wife a*IU da to taa.i Watarwaoloa la AfvMa The watanaeton la a aatlrr of kb I rtra. ft araa early takea ta India, aa | T™ eaMwi' i'a**? haa ae| aatae to the anrtoM Oraafc aad We are recevinj new ahoee dally in niuujpy, up-to-the-minute atylee that will instantly win your admiration. As It is impoamia to describe the variety of atylee we five you a cordial invita tion to come in and look them over. Lst us ft your feet aNjarigr and gh* you style, quality and pnee at the aat oato. It Tickles A Sewing Machine Needle * . i ro g<> in rough aye a lowly patterns of dry goods H we are now featuring In Spring'* newest fabrics and weaves. All the new colon aad color combtaa tions are to be found here. Take the time to come here and carefully look over (bat don't overlook) the new things we have bought for you. There's delight and satis faction in home eswing, and economy when our « 1 prices are far under the ml value. We ere aleo thowing • gorgeous array of new drew nUiikli, including print*, rayon*, weak ailka, radium*. pi«fi» and flat tfapea in all the new color* that radiate the giadneaa e# ap proac king aprmgtin*. Com* hi tM* wmk »* are alway* glaH to akov yon. BOYLES' Hajrmora'a OM Stead Miwl Airy, N .C Do You Have Eye Tiouble? DmH Cwrtiaa* to Ormtahi Tdr Ey*a mmd M« WMk: KJW MMMirktll) HAVE YOUR EYM EXAMINED TODAY \"r "*** Dr. P.W.Grwi 411 Airy, H. C Voodi the whcle wVlon cbooMS— RICE, fancy Blue Rose, 4 pounds for CORN, fine quality crushed sugar, 3 No. 2 cans for BAKED BEANS, Campbell's and our own, 3 cans for, CORN MEAL, water ground, per pound, HOMINY GRITS, per pound, MORTON'S SALT, per package, COCOA. 2 pound can OCTAGON SOAP, 4 large cake®4, COFFEE 25c 25c 25c 3c 3Vk • i'lr"1 • -A 10c 25c 25c Gnat Atlantic & Pacific £