CUT* tlMM, At Ann mt tlx taiMtac wtfl In I* Mount Airy fiMn At « o'clock, the Vomi'i Club «U1 ant in pw ut • 100 per eant it expected. TW b under the direction mt Um I. and In addition to the in ts Man hi tin* to a • o'clock. (NOTICE—Juet • fnr haw overlooked paying thair tot thU uitailan inapire yea to and "aattle up.") $50.00 Pri«* Otfarad WW Wttl Wtm H? A prix of $60.00 tuh la bain* of farad club wommii through ths Gen eral Federation Headquarter* for the baat advance news story at mm club event writfan by a rhib woasan between now and May tat. The prtae, which govs to tbe club to which the successful contestant belting*, la offered by Mm. Redwood Vandergrift, of Washington, D. C\. an enthusiastic club woman, and member of tka League of A merit an Pen Women. How many Mount Airy club wopen will enter thl« interesting contest? There are *o many place* where we could um> the $60.00. Rules for the Coataat are aa fol low*: 1. Contestant* shall submit but one story. 2. The story submitted shall be an advance story of some club event, the same to contain at least 300 word* and not more than 700. S. The story shall be submitted as a clipping from the paper in which it was published, together with a state ment from the president of the club verifying the club membership of the contestant and the originality of the work. Nv unpublished manuscripts will be considered. 4. No woman regularly employed upon a newspaper will be eligible to the contest. 8. Tha stories must reach the Press and Publicity Department at Head quarters not later than May 1, 1927. Benefit Parties Show Fine Spirit Mr«, J. H. Gwyn and her efficient finance committee are to be highly congratulated on the unprecedented success of their group of benefit parties (ant Friday. Forty-six dol lars and fifty cent* wu realised from the four parties, and this money will be used to pay for chairs for the Communit\ Building. To Mendame* A. B. Sommerville. Eugene Paddison, Herman Robinson and Calvin Graves, we are most grateful for the use of their home* on this occasion. News Items About Club Women. Two of our valuable committee chairmen. Mrs. I H. Haynes (Insti tutional Relations) and Mrs. F. D. Holcomb (Civics) railed from New York, Jan. 22, on board 8. S. Doric for a sixty days trip to Europe and Africa. Mrs. P. 8. Rothrock, a valuable member of the History and Research committee, has been appointed chair man for Surry county of the child ren's enrollment contest in the Stone Mountain Memorial Association, un der the supervision of the state U. D. C. Mrs. Rothrock will this week at tend a get together luncheon of all county chairmen of the Fifth District, to be held in Greensboro. Mrs. J. H. Folger has been elected by the Music Department to the chairmanship of that group of chit women who have done such valuable work under the direction of Mrs. 1. W. Lovill. Mrs. Folger baa recently returned from Raleigh, where she at tended the reception given by Gover nor and Mr*. McLean to the members of the General Assembly and their wives. We note with considerable prfcl* that at the snnual meeting of Um North Carolina Hospital Association to Charlotte last week, our own Mlai Lola West was iMW first vie* pres ident ft that body, Coagnlalailnni to the Association! Valuable W«k Vmdmrwf. A mt tatoraatiac M aaluabh piaaa of wwh la Mac dun* by IIh ONMlttM of lltMary mhI SmarUi andor tha dlrartioa at Mr*. Omm Morrttt. flrmt of all, tbaaa wuMar or* tryin* to mow* mi »jimo>i IM com plot* Um of Surry CoMrty mm who aarvad in tha world war. IM attempt to locate this racord to prt ia tha Commualty Buildinc hai brought to liffct Um daplarahla fad that naKhar tho county nor Um laoa! Aaurican Lofton ha* any coMploti Mr*. MorrKt ia at prmnt In eorta •pondvoco with Um Voteraa'a Buraau at Wa.hin.ton, D. C.. Col. Van Mota at RnMgh, Mr. H. L Stevana, hand ha* aahad for Um oonparMlua of tha local lafioa.' So far vary bttla In formation baa baan obtainad, but | Mr*. MarrHt la of tha opinion that Munothiac can ba dona and avary of | fort will ba awda to havo thla laralai racordad for poatcrity. Thin committer la alao collecting valuabla infill am Hon about Uto hi* lory and raaourca* <4 Surry County and Mount Airy, with a vtaw to com piling a booklet containing tha moat outatnnding facta of interaat. Any information will b* moat gratefully roeaivad by thi* committee. Work ing with Mr*. Marritt ara Mr*. P. 8. tlothrock, Mr*. R. Srhaffar and Mr*. Calvin tirava*. How Um#uI An You? Nut long ago Bishop Johnson made thin somewhat nnurluMf MMrtim, t emark&ble for ■ church'man at hut: "I am not very much interested in your sins; 1 don't believe God cam a great deal about your little pecca dilloes. 1 think what He want* to know is whether you are useful." What greater tent is there for all of un, individually or collectively, than the toot of usefulness? As club women we might ask our selves a few pointed questions, such lis: Am I a god dub member? IK) I really do anything beyond pitying my dues? Am I informed on local problems of club work? IX> I attend the mating regularly? Am I serving on any committee? l>o I take that service seriously ? Am 1 a good advertisement for my' club? Ho I try to increase its influence? Mow many of us can give "an un qualified "yea" to all of the above questions? Yet, if our duh is not whikt we want it to be. It to because we fall ihort of this standard of re quirements. Organization—A Compara tively New Thing. Fifty yivrn ago organisation wu almost an "unknown quantity." Up to that time men like Tfeoreau and Kmeroon had been telling u* that verything guod that had evw been dune in thi* world had been accom plished by individual*. Then along mine the psychologists and sociolo gists, who began to teach ui that the spirit of a well organized body of peo ple vhk much bigger and finer and more efficient than that of ttw name number of people in a looae collection. I Whereupon we all began to work to ilet her in organisation*. North Carolina ha* no organisation we should be more proud of than the North Carolina Federation o f Women'* Club*. Its member* are women who have organised, not only for self improvement, but for pro gre** both social and civic. The different clubs that make up Hi or ganisation are being a real power for good. One of the best loved men North Carolina ever had—Dr. Ed ward Kidder Graham, of Chapel Hill —said as far back as 1909: The most widely spread, persistent, and serious intellectual effort in North Carolina today is represented by the women'* dubs." Mrs. I. H. Leonard, of our Educa tion Committee, who It spending the winter at h»r Florida borne, has bee* given a transfer from the local club to the Woman's Club of Wtntsrfcaven. Mrs. Leonard tells as that it is s very active and progressive club and w* are looking to her for a number of new Ideas in elab work upon her re tarn. Mrs. C C. Hale has Just received "Stories aad Poems of the Old Mertl Male" dpon the fly leaf at which li Mm North Carolina Federation of Women's dabs, this beak Is present ed to Mr*. C. C Hale far able em-vim »— M D* Nat H—j Thb Vilw you art omm af Um few m» bar* who 4* nat ituwl Ik* dub ■■idip- And to you thb mmII flaaa, lat ua aay that whan yaa ara not yrmiil Um laaa la oura—wa Mad tils oncouftffMMt that yvtftf pffiu attoa (ivaa. Wa baliava aiao, thai you ara »l«afeg iBMithbf—Um con tact with atbar wwmn will impart to you Um intaraat and •nthuaiaaa which i>arhapa you Ml. Think tt The ratabltahMaat of tteta Haad quartara at U*l|h with a kMjh ratory in chaff*. by tha Htata Tad wratien at «<mm1 Ctate. I* conato •ttd the moat proffTwstv* May ukaa by the club lani af the state In re ml yeam A room la Um Sir Walter ll-tal la be tag uaed far thia purpose —Ilia maw having been "loaned" to the federation wtthoat any nhar—. Mra. W. T. Boat, an experienced alab woman of bl»l(k la la charge. Tha need of a local habitation far 03,000 woman,—a home an4 a Mat ing place where It coald mm tta foreea and centralise ita efforts, has haa the Federation deemed H heat to undertake the llnaactol obligations tattoo •» -I £s MttM tMt Umjt *rr mM • MNT b*> foro tka CWrk of Superior CuttrX of Horry CmMjt. at Um oowrt buooo tm 1" #•» of fokvMTjr, IW7, isid mmwvt «f iiaor to tkt cod* in -fiM uctwn. «»r the plutntUI c%-3 S7«* I of w. T. Ward, fwUttff *&r Friday-Saturday, February 4-5th The Early Comers Profit Most Free with every purchase of $1.00 we give one piece of China Ware. No limit to a customer. Large stock for this event First purchasers get the larger pieces Read—Tell Your friends and Attend This Great Sacrifice!! SHARE IN THESE BARGAINS As previously announced, this Arm has been dissolved, and the stock of rroods must be cleared out rapidly. We cut prices deep to begin with, but now even greater values are offered you a* a stimulant to move the stock quick. Let nothing keep you away, as the values are too great to overlook pr ignore. Thet ? is little difference in the prices during this big Dissolu tion Sat a than if the goods were being so'd under the hammer. Come early, while selections are yet good. Nothing to be gained by waiting, as prices are at the bottom now. Ladies' Oxfords, pair, $1.98 Children's School Shoes, $1.48 School Shoes up to $1.98 Heavy Work CQr, . . . . Heaviest Grade 1A. Domestic, SwC Red Star (1 OC Diaper Cloth, u-o. $1.39 u 59c Suits, ood O For Men, hildrea's S Sweaters, Good Overalls Children's School i|| ^

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