Hub arc m*M the regular meeting Friday which be held in the Community Build P. M. AH mem be on hand with Roscoe Scalas leaves this week to make his future home hi Texas where he has three brother*. For the past fifteen fairs he has made his home with Us ancle and aunt Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Hatcher of Brim and has been to them as a son. Miss Emma Johnson loaves this week to resume her work with the BadclifTe Chautauqua Bureau, after spending two month* with her par ents Editor and Mrs. J. E. Johnson, in this city. Miss Johnson goes to Chautauqua headquarters in Wash ington, D. C., for a week before tak ing up the field work which will be gin in Jacksonville, Kla. The store room on Franklin street owned by 8. C. Stewart is being re painted and otherwise put in first class condition and will be used in the fatun- by the Sanitary Meat Market. The room will be ready for occupancy in a few days when Messrs Pruett and Badgett proprietors of the market will move into their new quarters. A New Club Organized A new bridge club to be known as the T. A. M. Bridge club was organis ed in the home of Mrs. J. Crossing ham last Thursday, The club will meet twice a month, which gives its name and will meet at mid-day begin ning with a luncheon. The members are Mrs. Crosstngham, Mrs. Claude Abaher, Mrs. Lackey and Mrs. Her man Robinson. Mrs. Croaaingham sailed a salad, sandwiches and cof fee. Beautiful Party Largely At The lovely home of Mrs. J. G. Har rison tu thrown open to mora than on* hundred guests last Thursday afternoon whan Mrs. Harrison, Mrs. 1. C. HU1 aad Mrs. W. Fulton entor tainad the nMaktn of the Young Matrons Book ctak aad other friends. Four rooms and hall wars thrown an •alto aad tables arranged for rook, a beaatifa! asttlng baiaf effected with rod roaaa aad other Aswan. Valen. Uaa Mare carda aad favors further carrying oat the sasse color noto. Miaa Louisa KochtHilqr, fcride eW, received with the 1ml aad at die cloee of the |»ai received a put «f honor priae, the M|h sum priae a U|d*l eaadr Jar waa pro seated to Mrs. Oaear YoUey aad the First Baptfct Ckmrtk E. GIBBON DAVIS, Pmn Bible School. »:« A. M. Morning worship, 11:00 A. M. ■. Y. P. U «:M P. M. Evening Servica 1:90 P. M. Priwr and Praia* Service, Wednesday, f.JO P. M. The pastor preach** nest Sunday morning and evening on the follow Ing th—SS, "Temptation," and "Where Do You Uve?" Both me. «agaa are from the eerie* on the gen eral theme* of "The Modal Prayer," and "Impertinent Questions." The Mas'* Bible dss. Uught by W. E. Woodruff next Sunday will con vene at 10 A. M. There wore seventy men pre tent last Sunday morning; lets make it 100 next Sunday. With 437 in Bible school last Sunday we shouldn't have much trouble reach ing our goal of 600. We can do it if we win. Central Method!* Church REV. W. A. NEWELL, Pastor Sunday School Jitf A. M. Mrning Worship — -11 ^0 A. M. Evening Worship 7:«0 P. M Prayer Service Wad. .... ..I'M P. M Junior Lm|m #:48 P. M. Intermediate — Js45 P. M. Senior League J:46 P. M. The monthly meetings of the Wo m*nV Missionary circle* will be held at follow*; circle I Tuesday evening Keb. 8 with Mr*. C. W. Andrew at the Blue Ridge hotel; circles 2, 8 and 4 1 will mnt in private haai<* at 91 ■ •'clock IV M. Monday afternoon; cir cle 2 meet* with Mr*. Herlxrt Foy with Mr*. Vance Price a* leader and Mvrdame* Price, Matt Short and Mi»* Martha Stone joint hoataaae* «rith Mr*. Foy. Circle .1 with Mr*. 4. A. Yokley with Mr*. Clarence Shelton and Mr*. A. E. Smith Joint hi »'.c**e* with Mr*. Yokley; circle 4 will meet in the home of Mr*. John A*ht>y with Mr*. Wa. Saunders, Mrs. Jaa. Ashby and Mrs. T. D. Hatcher Joint hoatesae* with Mrs. Ashby. The Miaaion Study claaa will meet with Mrs. C. C. Creveling at her home on Rockford street Thursday afternoon. A class ia Mission* studying the text book "Yet Another Day in Meth odist Missions" will he held at the prayenmeeting hour each Wednesday in February. The whole church studying missions would make this a notable year in the history of the church, will you be one? Notice. I Pusaant to an order made by the Clerk of the Superior Court of Surry County, in the Special Proceeding en titled J. H. Parker and other* against Joe 8. Parker and other*, wherein the undersigned waa appointed • commissioner far the purpose of sale; I will offer for sale on the preaaiaea, to the highest bidder, en the 13th day ef Mrsan, 1M7, at twe e'cM P. M„ the foUowtaf real estate lying aad being ia Etdora Township, Barry Daisy Sawyers. Joe Parker, H. C. HoljAeid^what J* known as the Dick Banner P^rmdie*""(V>nt«i»!n^*T 90% known aa th* heme place of Jonathan Parker, Dy'A, «. which ha Head at "^uJthTVffdty afDac^ ltM. " Among the out-of-tosro ptofb it teodtac the funeral were the hrMhin and iMm, Mr. Mid Mrs. E. H. Wrenn, Jr.. bMnille; Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Norwood and children, Roa noke. Va.j Mr. Grady KuKon, Now York and Mi*a Margaret Fulton, Winston-Salem. Other relatives and friends were Mr. and Mr*. Jo* Saw* lay, Hirh Point; Mr*. N. Glenn Wll llama and two sons, William*; Mr. and Mr*. Galther Davis, Mr. Sam Gentry, Mr. and Mr*. William Grnvoa, Winston-Salem; Mr. Garrison, princi pal, and two teachers from the school in Sooth Charlotte wher* Mioa Kulton taught, Mr. John Reevaa, Now York, Mr. and Mrs. R. T . Joyce, West A* Id, Mr. Billy PHser and son Charle* of Danbury. 1114 IKTOErt Everyone kaow> that m°mf alon. CU»M Bisk* coa4 tflthM, hwi»« («^ il» rim uUftai a wcw LBrrovmt Leftover Data mm to be • kartf er bom huuNwlnt to m CHewOar.—In a buttered bak ing diMi pat • layer of ■icwj raw potato** cat very thla. aprtakW with allrod <>al«« and Mt»M tomato. (lien a layer of boiled flch; wanon carb tajar with aalt and pap por and rouk»d baroa crush e<l and aprtaklad >»r tli* n»h, wUlni ■ link- bacon fat. Mnlaten with water. 4fnl*» Mm top with Soar and bad* covered until the potatoee are eoft theu uncover and brown. Dae three potatoee. two onions. • cupful of to aialoea and one and ooe-haif cupfule of boiled Bah, with ooe cupful of water and three allcaa of lecoa and the be coo fat ■plead Flak With White tauce.— Sea km highly any leftover boiled tab with teaaate cataup. ancbovj, worcea terahlre and a Uttle paprika. Prepare rich white eancn It pour ever , MM two well-beaten egg yeika cupful at whit* aaece. Plake hent la the even. rieh Ceehtnll.—Take a annll piece af Mid helled hallbot. i "Huluc Hi* Family off Tfcvoo Holds Down Tm Jobs MwiHrtH; Tt-Tg»m'i MM family to Cb« Hwttum. Tbroo of Mtlrri; mmH opaa Hoc political ■iatx'urM oor «oft public ■»i i If berth* arv tbooo bat mi limit, ooory day ocrapatloaa. Dowa aa Broobljm Mml tboy bar* Jaat talabod a now "baaloM built) laf Ibal boaaoo moot of tboir on <ww» la tb« front of tbo atrartaro ' Is tbo giocmj atora. aia»H by Mia. ImliH, wbo alaa to aa capon at* ' oagrapbor bookbaopor. Oa tbo athor otdo of Iks baUdtaf bo artl'ltlM of bar la a and laboratory tboro. Baaldaa taklnf (rfrtorm Mr. flwoat aar to a auutor aocbuk aad a ear pouter. "tnrBlBf bto band" to tboaa taafca wboa bo to aot baay wttb bto graBo* and flow ranora While Percey I'tttwr was aonrlnf ta Franca with rbo Tankoe dlvlalna bto wlfo was a yeouiaa at tbo Charlaa towa na*jr ;iri Russian Students Must Take Military Training Mmcow.—Milliard training for all uolrarrity atodenn. both mm and worm, haa bm ordered br (he .-oat rilaaarlat of war. t'nder lb* order all atadenta are re • Mitred to take INU hoar* nf innnxtlM n military wu-ncr duntu iheir n«ii •ar Imir irrar r»>unw<< wmh" , 'tdd practice dunnc «hr mihhim-' AIM iMr unlv»r*ltT ourar la nu il.ed the OM mil*i mr OHM* iu»nil>« u the army or If they i.rrf. r i«v year n the navy WhIN- tha lam mortrnf are rr lOlreti tt> take the .-uurar equally will, tie ineo ibay are etenipt fr>m the t»» wniht llrM prartlca »nd irttn a*r» | la lb* r«fjlar arm) J \a the aaw rasnlatloox ippljr to alt inlvvraltlaa aa<i acadenle* la Roeala •■na of ihouaan4i of nudrati will thoa ikvoiiw potential aot<|icr» Favora Muaic Haw York.—Maalt la lb* belief of llaarga Raatmaa. la a pataat antidote far tbe reetleaaaaaa of aplril eafea derad by the dradjary and roattee of maSara baalneaa. Indlama Waahhy Oaklaad. Calif—The rlcheat people In the world at* tha American Indian* Their par capita waalth la K.1M. nearly twice tba All-Aeaeriraa avarapa STOCK! Must YOUR OPPORTUNITY TO BUY AT WHOLEp Drew goods, silks, white goods, inn ginghams, curtain materials, fail color print* and suiting*. Laces, ribbons and all anali notions at close out prices. 800 pain ladies fine shoes and oxfords to close out at 25c, 50c and 98c per pair Mens shoes and low cuts, all at closing out prices. 500 pain children* shoes and strap slippers, priced 58c to 81.98 per pair. 25 fine quality all wool Buddy suits in all sizes to close out for 82.98. Bnwir'i Chalybeate Iprlni Hiib Baagalew ~BROWERS SPRINGS CHALYBEATE ud ALUM An iadividiial rock quarry of beet granite at «dp of city limit*, a got* nine for the right i>nrty. < Water or dirt tran«p< rUtion.) Boy a lot in Hamburg addition, a fast growing ••itairb, ju«t out city limlta 21 1-10 acre* woodland, sooth three miloa, near Vark Shoals dsm. knows ta "Cooper mine tract." sutabl.- for truck and poultry. Buy this bargain «nd Sah. raise track, poultry, die copper, open lumber and wood yard and make money. MH unt woodland, live milei east, adjoining Adk*n» gold mine trad, tee tobacco and fruit land, well watered, ideal for poultry, Buy this bar (alr and raise fruit, poultry, t. bacco. open lumber nnd w.«d yard and di* <old get rick quick and be happy. Investigate theee bargains. TERMS IF DESIRED T. M. BROWER Mount Airy, N. C The Test Of~ Correct Repairing When you compare a pair oi Shoes repaired by us with new shoes, and note how we duplicate the original work of shoe making, then you may know that your dues have been properly repaired. HARMAN'S Mate Street Me«t Airy, li C

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