' Om Life. Jim QrMth, wall kiw of this city, «u I If the aid* of the railroad track i city Uat Wedneedi to'kig mlloirtd • portion of which to thought to km cauaed Mo > la a *liort too afterward. Ho i three hoars aftor ho to eappoaed to havo diod. Ho had arid willy planned la tako kto Ufa for to* tod written • tottar to kto wife of ko kad tried they further revealed kto to *»v" kto Ufo, wkick add, i donl cot mo opea to eee 1 to the aattor (or I Medicine, if I die Joat take mo hone. Be rare to look at al the paper* if you ptoaae." children range to ago from months to nine years and ke that they be placed to aa or phanage tor roaring. A. W. Geeri* Out oa Tampor mry Parola. There has been speculation ae to the cause of the parole of A. W. George, convicted Blkin banker, who tot keen spending several weeks at kia home in El kin. It was learned at Dobson during court that ho la out aa a temporary parole aiding soaae of thf hanking offlcitli to the proMcu ttoa of a suit againat the hooding of the defunct bank. A audit la being Made of the bank's in this work the kelp of Mr. Goarga '• "T Mack needed which cauaed the Governor to laaoe a parol* during the time he waa aaad to preparing the action to be started m ELtCJN LIMITS TO BE EXTENDED Raleigh, Fab. 4.—A lone liean In the livelieot wW acrap that | haa bean ataged Urn* far befoia tl The light occurred over a bill la-1 traduced ta the Senate bj Magulre, of -Surry, who Mil enacted by the IMS General Ae-| mm My iiwM, It had to do with the extenaion of the liaaita at the town of Elk in, Sony cow Harry Barker, whe| Sorry ta tha IMS Boa was tha first Democrat to| that county ta tha Hooaa ta SO years, got the bm through two yaara ago. Oppoaitian developed back ta hie hoaae town of Elkta and iu opponents, naaMa ta defeat it two yaara aga, ceaeful In fixing tha law ao aa tel make it go into affect an June 1,| 1MT. Yeeterday, Mayor J. W. Ring. Town | C-ommlaaioners J. F. Carter and R. N. Chatham and City Attorney J. P.] Hendron, Elkta Oemocrata« to Raleigh to help Senator Magutre to get through the meaaure, which would, had it paaeed, allowed the people affected by the pmpooed change to go to the polls ta regtater themsehrea on the plan to extend. Heated apeechee by Mr. Barkar | and Mr. Hendron aaarkad tha ing. The others took a hand ta it, ware Hashed by tha of the bill, and the lone opponent. Mr. Barker, waa also cd with a petition. It waa pointed out by Mr. that Elkta Is preeent bonded indebt-| that were the propoaad extenaion to | go into effect the towh's bended I would to increaaed by 9MMO0. Ba and the other prw ita of the Mil ware deelruoa tit String the pa op la a chance ta aae whether or not they wanted ta ex Mm fart (Met j C lUy p.*. ta fm A1» Twfei Idt. «Mm«<Y< to In uriw waak tar i «wfell Un la of • MM «tf afaMt MM I, MMt all s^^sr-rra "Wall I'm • if»( On af Mm Hit Hemor eWH tka pM »ry| n4 It «m kaartai 11 attack Tka jury la aaapaaatf of J. C. Baafcar, T.l K. Staalay, B. r. Jahnaea, W. A. Bay, 9. A. Batea, J. K Baytaa, B 1. (Wk, C. A. Uwaon, M. B. WMta, B. W. Wabars, C. B. fcaw, W A. CHto, T.l B Aahlrnra. M. V. Jaaaa, Jafca F.I Fufar, Mat haaaa, B. 4 W. 1. Ina, fnniai, C. C. Lyon ia of tfea HPHi Aaai a af Padaral coart in Oiaaaa by Ma aan, Arthur j «r hold 9t driving lor* up I firwr'i the highway. They had no defense | for tMr action and plttd gnDtjr. After a Wet arc from the court they I war* toed a total of I1M.M for tMr | ence be bed married and uU hi* ear and aUted that ha had entirely ra fuimsd, which aeaaed tha court to lot him off with tha Minimum fine of *60 far drtrteg a car wh tiurney Atkins, of Ararat, who re- I reived four Mentha before Judge) LeweUyn for pomm m pour impression on tha court at| Doheon and the Judge thara ha ought to hare IS Officers TBley and n with a half gallon. He nd must par for hia liquor dealing* by wtrUni H oat on tha rrmda Tha general run of tha caaaa have j to daal with tha pnaaiaaioa of and where a fallow haa any triad af | reputation with tha ..'fears for in* a boutleggni ha haa vary little { chance at escaping from tha Charrj Strait Late J. B. Beach haa sold two Iota on Cherry 8treat to T. Daber, draftman | at the quarry, who win soon hag the erection of a modern realdenoe < the location. Thay are situated b low the residence at Dr. K. C Ashhy, I and hare a frontage of 1M feet, the | price paid being HMO. Mr. Bam owns two other Iota below Mr. Daber'* and sidewalks will at once he extend ed down Cherry Street and hi front of ! Happenings Twenty-oneJYears Ago . Interesting Item» Gleaned From the File» of The J**Mount Airy .Yews 91 Year* Ago This Week MrI governor of Virginia, ud J. Tjrlar Bllfaon, former mayor of •Ml a oath of I York and i • |wi at • li 1800 to bo worn at bar 14 to' A J—ghliw wu born to Mr. and Mr* i. a. rvwB goKtoy. A dangfetar wa. bora to Mr. Md Mra. P. a W. J. York aafea w Mr. mnI Mn. Oinwt Pawectt km ratimd froan their bridal trip and W. J. York will start to the Indian TwilUwf la i few day* on a proa i pectin* tear. If he tade a plac* ha likes he intends morln* his family hi Secfci Wd Ufhtd Witt Sigas u) to»£*toltito'Btote'fJ^ta ttM of Dm atty mmI Mm aa to la w«f waring !• ■ taoa «oafnrai to Dm at m nni into tlM city ha la tba Wllji-blfkt can, tba LIH. Iwrto Station, Una to ■urceaaion mm J. K. Coakarba», W. & Wall* Drag Co., Ford'» aign. Tarn Mjna A U—, BnMbwn Pabtic Util Ittoa Ca, Jackson Broa, Maaat Airy Drag Co, Hawka-Boylaa Ca, Maa RMp Hotel, and Um dark aaetiaa of the tow* aa Moor* 8traat ia i from Um doom of night by ad atgna of Um Nawa oflka and Dodge daalara. la to tha abora C. L. Whitman nd will mm bar* to Mm Jf »lRn MTWwWwp BH muxic Fin* ■—Hrt Clwrcii K. GIBSON DAVIS, Paatar Bible School. »:46 A. M. Monhnc wormhip, 11 *0 A. M. B. Y. P. U f M P. M. Evening Sarrica TOM P. ML Prnw aad Praia* BiiiIwl Wcdnaaday P. M. la the iWnet of the paatar who is in Wilmington in a wwrtin the pulpit win W wuppllid nut Sunday morning and ereaing by Iter. William Carey Nowton. Dr. Newtoa waa formerly pastor at tha Pint Baptist Church, On—hum, Far twenty four years ha haa bean preaching and teaching in China. Perhaps thars is not a au la our stata who knows more of tha internal stata of China than doea Dr. Nowton. Tfceae who hoar him next Sunday will gala a now inaigbt of tha Chiam and eaa ditions as thoy sxiat than. • The Nannie Brower circle of Urn Woman's Missionary maiaty aat with Mrs. J. E. Ayars Monday afternoon with an int.mating study of tha moantian miaaion schools The at tendance waa good and delicious re freshment* were iwrid. Tha next meeting will he held with Mrs. J. Cockerham. 'If a dog bites "Tman It daeaart amount to much, but if a man bites a dog, that's am.' A autn hi Aaha ville. North Carolina, recently qnall Aad aa "news' by biting that city's dog-catcher. Dispute Over Surry County School Buildings Settled Buaaal Fork Com) Co. • ton of coal, and a piano will kt Bond hi thi> weak by Mr. C. U Whitman far um until pcnnanant arrancmamts for om can ba —do. TWw arrawf«ni>to an bain* at UaM to by a aub-comaittaa «f tka War Memorial ComaiHtaa, tka tab Join gabotta. chainamn; Mrs. E. H. Kaektttaky, Mr*. J. D. Sargant. Mm. W. J. Pyarly and Miaa Elisabeth LorilL Thaaa wwia art certainty to ba congratulatad a» tka way in aUdi thay ara furaJakln* tka Com munity Building. Not Qlnwibi Tnit Law, Ho FaM. Si loam, Fab. 7—Wealey Klincham. of this pteM, who to the MW|W of the Flincham Service Station at Mot Mountain had a barf accident with hk car while driving through Pilot early Saturday a anting Ho atatee that ha waa turning Ma car around noar tha Pord Motor Company*! place aad saw another ear coming down the street, but ha eouldnt dodge it, as hi* car waa eroaa way* tha «U *st. Tha ear ran into him. No one waa hurt, bat both can war* damaged. Kline ham paid the bill*, a* ha waant obaorrin* the driving law of the town. Lola Fltarhem, student of tha Draughon's ■aalaaaa college at Win ■ ton-Sal cm, accompanied by her aunt and uncle, Mr. aad Mr*. K. A. But nar. of that ptoee vieKed Mr. aad Mr*. H. T. Fllncham bar* Sunday after noon. Tha faraur* of thi* place are about done stripping "»d selling their to bacco aad an pmpaHng to aow their plant had, aa it ia ahaoit time. Mr. Edgar Flineham and family, who reeide at Mount Airy spent Thursday afternoon with relativae at thi* place. ■pent aome time Sunday afteraooa the *oeet of the New* carreapondeat her*. Prof. AIm Mb I* ka the Ararat of the river at Key and Ball ha seat ta ha says should ha la Eion church, about a ail* I of Ararat station. ha ether diatrict territory aaat of Ararat rivar i take hi the schools of Gordon, L Hill. Taylor, Cook and Kidca, aaad the hiffh achaal pupil* to Mountain. The buildin* should ha bulk in the fork* of the Pilot aad Ararat raad Mar the Battle Darts place. Prof. Alien dad dad that tba district was tao large for a building at Ararat station, as was flrat de hjr the county beard, and of tw» di^icta aad two for that aectfan of tfca will at om to cany oat the of Prof. Allan. The building at Beulah win ha placed ta the hands of contractors far eroctioa at an early date, hot the situatien la the Ararat section will take longer u It urfll ha aeeaaaary to call a meeting of all the committeemen at

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