■L n. MILL IK AN, Mm. NMwtk tchool, t:«6 A. M Moraine worakip, 11*0 A. M tornkm WonWp, 7*C P. M Prmyr mmthg. W«i. JIM T. M. Cm to W. V 141, Um iWm _ ue and unpaid. I will igll g| suction toe cssh Tkaraday IW M day W Mareh.l«17. at lit* a'clack P. M, in front af G. J. Kay store near WkMir^yMn^Sl mule, I yaws old; aw 4 years old with horns; one old with ....... and B. W. Cos s outfit at far*, will be nude to Mf Ijr on said This the 17th day of Jaauary, 1»27 W. L. Keeca, First Showing OF SPRING COATS * DRESSES AND HATS Thursday, Friday, Saturday Feb. 10, 11, 12 R. J. GALLAWAY - At Boyiea' UNTIL YOU REACH GREAT CLEARANCE SALE Sprin^Goode are arriving fast and all winter foods are Mill being told at a great sacrifice to gain room lor Dry Goods Specials One lot fancy bed spreads* aH colon, each, 96c. Pillow Cases, 42x36, each,.... 28c. Beet grade 9-4 Sheeting, per yard, 38c. Best grade 81x90 Bed Sheets, each $1.28 extra size, each, $1.79 per yard,.1 28c. $128 TOWELS We have these at prices that will open jroar eyee. • One lot of nil linen towels, 60c vnlne, special (or this white eale Me. SPECIAL Genuine Everfast Prints, nil patterns, 44c ji Rbhr''•'■j&tiT'tft v ■•vtfi - i •<«K " Herd Are Shoe Values Galore One lot ladies' ana gbtf tan or black fancy oxford* and pujnpe, |4.95 value*, Sal* price, (Ml A Man'* real oxford, Our special price; $141 One lot ladies patent pumpe, blonde kid*, novelty pat terns, values up to $5.95, Sale price,... $XJS Children's slippers, one lot one stran ournDt. During this sale we offer 500 pain newest styles black and tan oxfords, value $3.95, Sale price One lot of extra vahM, all k ther shoes, sell for $2.60. Our sale i