■HP. Ji ^ W Piknun. 1MB. b* J. L. and wife Tit in AtkU far Diana V»uChn and niwM M the «Ah of the R»» later of Deeda of Bar) eont;. M. C., IMM.00 default hav, of the m(m therein and at tke reqdeat of the I will aal for raah to the at paStit jtK'ion, an the following Ftrat tract: Adjoining the Imh of 0. B. Collin*, J. W. Harbour and i | | L — I- J _ _ * "■ -- B. IIVwIvSHI afl lOUOWi« IJ®» ginning at a pine dump. Laura J. Wall'* corner, tat D. B. Collin'. Una and nana with Ua line N. 87U dag. W. tf.78 dia. to • rock, 8. Ih dag. W. 1 alia, to a rack, N B7VI dag. W. liUS cka. to a ruck, ta IlarW* • with aaid line N. B dag. iha. to a tuck, Harbouri with hia line 8. 86 dee to a Spaniah oak, 3. 17* dag. E. -47 da. to a white oak. N. 5 dec. K. 1.44 cka. to a black oak. 8. U% dec. E. 10 cha. to a rock, on > da*. E. e1, aha. to a atake poplar, B. 87 H dec. E. IBM a atake ia the road, 8. tt <4 < I1N cha. to the l«fiaih(, < hi ajpoet oak^J.^W^Har wlUto oak, Harbour'a N. 7 cha. to a hlekacT, Har —. • corner; thence B. IK cha. to a black rum; thence S. 7 cha. to the * w% ifl Sak made to ittUfy a hilinc< of It.SSO.OO principal, kntereet and « of (ale to add. ThU the 30th day of Jan., 1M7. 1. W. Creed. Tnutoe. By virtu* of the power contained in ■ M of trust eitegud by W. T. Stanly to the undnslgasd truetoe, for T. L. Dockery and L. K. Dockery, rd of truat being recorded m the oAc* of Begiator of deed* of Surry County, in book No. M, pip 306, aaMdebt being due and unpA, 1 will sell it public auction for caah at the court houae door in Dobeon or Saturday the Ifth day af Feb., !•». at am .•Vlock I*. M.. tb« following real eatata lyinf and being in Sarrv county, N. C„ adjoin ing M. L. Do?kery, B. W. Snow and "tMFIt Beginning on a rock Vance White's run* wttli the old Thompson Gap road North to • maple on the head »f a branch, then South to a Spanish uak, now down, then dbout Kant to a black gum In B. W. Snow's line, than South (ft the road from Union Croat to the C. C. Holyfteld old mill place, than East with the old mill road to the curner of Vance White's lot, then North about 86 yards, then with his line to the beginning, con taining 46 aerea more or leas. Salt will be made to satisfy said debt. This the Ifth day of January. 1«7. A. D. Folger, Trustee. North Carolina, Surry County, in to Superior Court. Mrs. E. F. Ward, Administratrix wf* G, r" ' RWn J of T. D. Jonas, dec*, Mrs Daisy As aoaa and Rufua Greenwood, hairs at law of T. D. Jonas, dae'd. n. J. F. Jonea, J. C Jon**, OeraUad Jonaa, Mr*. WoUie Griflth, Mr*. M. U Stan Marvin Jo. PBL__, j Juanita Jo William Jonaa, and Pansy hairs at law. Th* defendant* I. F. Jones. J. C. Cleveland Jonaa, Mrs. MoOie M. L. 8teale^ and V •» 1 Ik far a The hoaar roll W tha Mxan Hlfli school far t)M Ml aowth b a. foi let |ndi, Mary Cooper, Lavta LaUa Marlon, Edith Omt|« Coabi, lr.. Da«M Marvin Johnson. Van Cmmt; Snd grade, Virginia Uwaoa. Maifk Cal Whlta, Ada Lawsoa, Prank Ciair, Grady Rober>on; Srd trad Callahan, Lara Martin, Man*, Bra Albarty, Jha Dan i, Marlln A thin*; 4th giads, Marlon, I rirli Griffith, Katie Wayne Naaca, Worth Fotger; laaal Martin, Maria Copelandj Ml Eaa Had ton. I la Mark Nance, Express Snow, Grace gvtt; Mi grade. Doric Wl laMth; Ml grade, Lariie Fricwan, Kathrya Pat gar; 10th grade, TMm Cmmt, Dai Had sea. Ella Saritfc; Uth Snow, Kay a how, Mrs. Two larga hawlu wan kiilad la mmr the hoM at Baa Cava, their wings spread out wsaaurlng 4 faat from dp to tip. Tha firat haa was killed by Jaha EaMry White. A faw days later M. & Piaw kill hawk n amber two while it waa feast ing on the carcass of tha first hawk kiilad by Mr. Whlta. A son was bar* to Mr. sad Mrs. Ed on Friday, Fab. 4th. M. K.| White, i prated by yeur uirrwpondsnt rioHod the Copeiand High school. the Cor inth irkool mmI Ikt Drrai kKoo! Thurodsy, trim* he Made talks to pupil* about club work. Tkk work ia popular In this aoction of the < tjr for the members of laat a success with their club projects. At one o'clock a apiondid dinner waa en joyed at the home of Mr. and Mra. D. J. Drnny of near Pilot Mountain. Mr. While diaruaaed farming with Mr. Denny and alao aaeisted him in e of tha The (tady tuple waa Miaaloa Work In | Africa. Pa rttri paring in cram vara Mra. B. C. Freeman, Jr., Mr*. Waltrr Turner. Mtoa QtmMfr. t'e, Mr*. T. J. Cooper, Mra. K. C. Praam*, Sr., Mra. | Mr*. Eaaa Booker A anee waa preaent. At the of the hoehteae meet tag the kaa The! wfl] Ve heM with Mr*. Thursday, Friday and Satvday February 10, 11 and 12 Afljhrfs If . IwW Ladies' Wearing Apparel nowMrnn snow Lftdtw' Ww SPRING - llof. ruits Dresses and Coats Hosiery Jackson's Ormr Hawki-Boylw Co. Meoat Airy, N. C BIG SHIPMENT rp# lires: ■ ;•> 30*31/2 Pathfinder Tires $725 7 AN the Popular Sizes at lowest Prices Goodyears Always Lead in Quality Holcomb & Midkiff Lead in Low Pric«|