Evolution mwM a change fraaa «M form to another, an evolving, • roll ing out of one form into another kind of form. A plant or an anhnal May be today entirely different from what It was a thousand year* ago, all dae to the life it ha* been required to Ihre through the year*. The apple was MM a crab apple, the cabbafa wan once a bud net larger than year thumb, and eo on in eountleea num bers of rases can one ted where chaagee have come about slowly aad surely as the reeult of the working of the laws of nature that'are ever la operation. This Is Evolution in ae simple words as we know how to aee. If there is any truth in it the average man will have to accept it on the ground that he acrepta the fact that all thing* are undergoing a change about him, alowty and rarely. He will readily submit that a better com can be developed by selection, a bet ter chicken developed by selection of thoee chicken* for stock that show the most desirable qualities. Thai is Evolution, changing from one form to anothei. The man who Uhdertakea to read a book i>n astronomy will most surety lay It down and look for mora enter taining m-rftng, nnd we suspect that the same will be true of book* that deal with the subject of Evolution. Bat because one is not able to read a medical book with all its Latin terms aad words of many syllables does not mean that one diacards the whole of the medical profession with all Hs means of making life more endur able. If there is any thing to Evolution that should interest the average ass it ia that the principlaa of Evolution are largely at the basis of all the Improvement that has boon made la l*>aat time In Improvement of stock aad all kinds of fruits and vegetablea. It baa been anaptid by moat profes sional men as the asoat reasonable way to explain what one sees about ki_ in IWJKI M MM (tnnu IM seientife study by w* ablest mm hi mnM inn. It In bam found that ■Mat at tka folks who are tn public prist in aa unfavorable light are do generatoa in mind Tkare are mim weak-minded people than the average Man ikiaks thare arc. la a town Ilk* thia thare are going about amain ua daily aa Many aa two par cent of Mr yoopla who ewM rightly bo «h» od M weak-minded, and banco largely Irresponsible for thoir conduct. That would Moan aa Many aa ISO or poa aibly 200 waak Mkadad people bore tha talk aba at Moral lapooa la ahoat folk* who would ha Haaaad by a loaraod Man aa waak-Mtadad It ia tha opinion of our moat loara od mob that tha normal parson has an instinct developed through long ages and representing the experiences of the race la aQ kinda of dream stances and adrorao conditions, and that this natural instinct to a saving force in the norMal person's life, and will, as a rule, hoop him from mak ing a shipwreck of his life. This doe. not mean, of course, that normal people do not Make Many and aarioua blunders and Moral lapses, but it does Mean that they do not persist in a life of crime and lire like a degen erate. The modern science of Psy choanaly is, which is the sciontittc way of t ■ ading the mind, shows that many pet| le who got credit for bo THEY BURY A KING. Tha day Mpk of Jiftn died • million >n>li Kara viewed the re maina and m day thia wnk, after an all night funeral — it—. just be fore day, tky buried the daad Tha night waa cold and ened to fall, bat great and sklvarsd ail night aa tka funeral if you low* os la, draw tka (NT Mia route to tka of tka royal one supposed to be da-j And such la Japan. Bat aha ia faat torn of U|ht In every achool of tka land amy pupil maet study tha b| liah language. Lot ua hay* that o< example will aid them U> lire a fuller J and more useful life. WORTH A BILLION. They have been making ».>me kind! of an in vent if at inn about how mueh tax Henry Ford shall pay. and nut of it all they are ahoat to mnrlule that he ia tha richest man that the world haa aver known. It ia aaid that three different times in eaah for his auto billion dollars in eaah for hia auto mobile business. It is estimated that Excellent Values Await Your Selection Every Day At The A 4k P Stores LARD, Finert Compound, 11. Per pound ***» FLOUR. A & P Family or Self *1 AC Rising, 24 lb. bag, POTATOES, U. sTNo. 1 White, Or 2 lbs. foi •FC CHEESE, vhite milk, fine flavor, ' M, Per poun 1, JfcC SLICED B>CON, Sunny Field, iQ. 1 lb. cartou, Tender Crushed Sufar Cora, 1C ft No. 2 cans for Tender Cut StringleM Been*, 1()r No. 2 can for IV< HOMINY GRITS, 2 lbs. for CORN MEAL, Per pound, ; ROSE I 7c 3c BLUE kOSE MCE, w. 4 lbs. for PRUNES, Fancy California, 40 to 60 to 1C. pound, 2 lbs. for WCu RED CIRCLE COFFEE, i* Per pound Sit Atlantic & Pacific J" •» This Month-Our Initial Showing of Early Spring Dress Fabrics Print Cloths, Printed Pongees, Pure Silk Crepes, Satins and Flat Crepes. In the New Fast Colorings Not Previously Obtainable K We have given much time and thought on the variety and selec tion of our spring dress fabrics which is better answered by the goods on display at our store. We know we are right on the goods we have assembled as to quality, colors and prices. PUNJAB PRINTS M in. wide, something different in print de il|iu, ■tamped abaotutely guaranteed (M to washing at per yard 9Kr No. 1210 SUNTUB When you caU for No. 1210 Son and Tub fait suiting, and get it. yoa buy the best aoUd color cloth that can he purchased, for Jwnn, children'* play suits and dreases. We have every color made by the manufacturer, nineteen in all at. per yard, 35^ NEW BEDFORD PONGEE PRINTS Bedford Printed Pongee la • highly mercerised doth SZ us. in width, dainty printed designs and guaranteed by the manufacturer to he fast in rotor to washing at per pwrd. ...._ Jfg. s SILKS IS Mom mi* Wright Poopc guaranteed, Bm Label Government • tamped. per yard ... QBc. CREPE DECHENE 40 in. all «Uk Crap* De Chan# in all the wanted colora, par yard. SI M IMPORTED COLORED SILK PONGEE We are featuring only the "IMPORTED" number in colored aillt pongee guaranteed faet colon. In all the beat color* at, ' SL48 FLAT CREPE Uadispatabljr the Mat outstanding aflk fabric 10*% Pore Dye 100* Pure Silk 14 Cetera: Monkeyakin, ry Gram, Canary, Bhw, Chin Chin Btae, Nile Green, Greciu laee, Fioeh, White and Nary. The prieo. per yard. fljg A SPLENDID SELECTION OP OTHER NEW SPRING ITKM8 AWAITS TOUR INSPECTION. WE INVITE TOUR EARLT VISIT TO OUR STORE. WE UKE TO SHOW TOU WHETHER TOU BUY OR NOT. Vr % Hawks-Boyles Company