! on. la fact ao i day* that the fruK ta feel a ltttW the fruit bud*, for tt la not but for tkw to bad oat too early in the opting far faar of taa|f from lata fraaiaa that may NW In March after the bods haw swelled. Many kinds of wood have already bagrni to show green hods, eaftaaially maplee and like buahee. The wsathsr has anablad tha form an to gat wall alone with their I plowing and tkajr hara not a day. Tha put yaar aaw |o*d yields far than, thair tohaoeo bceaght them hatter prieaa than for eome yaara, and thay ara hi greater ■■tma^ammt than for aev aral aaaaona. Report* atata that tt eaaeona ara favorable wa will hara tha biggest crop of tobaceo that wa hara had far yaara. And right tharr Uaa a danger, for an overproduction would naeaaaarily laaaan tha prior. T>aaa who work to tha production of bright tabac cm can faal safe hi gat ting a good price for thla grada will eontintii to be in grttt dmi&d so long aa tha cigaratte trada grows Ilka it ha* at tha praaant, but tha demand for darker frtdci It grovtni Ini every day aa tha people give op tha habit of chawing and ga Into the smoking habit instead. Along with tha prod net toa of to baaco tha farmers of this section ara taking cm to the idea of diversifying thair crops and not putting thair all In tobacco. The poultry business is aaauming large proportion* in this section and the dairy herde ara in creasing on the farms, all of which mean* a steady (low of money into the packet* of' the farmers from thaaa various products, outside of the to bacco crop. New Officers for Cottage Cos-' During the past week tlmf have been Mime change in the officer* and ownership of the Cottage Canning Co., of this city, and the concern is now owned by A. G. Webb, J. B. Haynea and J. 0. Wood. 0. B. Webb who wan with the company Wat year haa sold his interest and haa for anise time been employed with the revenue department and located at Winston Palam. The new organisation has as ita officers A. G. Webb as president, J. G. Wood, vire-pres., and i. B. Haynea, aec. A trees., with Mr. Wood and Mr. Haynea devoting their entire time to the buaineaa. Thia company did a Urge business here last year and one the means of.furnisihing a market for thousands of dollars worth of farm products for the fanners of thia sec tion. The owners expect to do a still larger volume of business this year which will mean a market for a large amount of our perishable products that are grown of the farms of this The present owners are men of recognised abiliity' In the business world and the succeea they have made In the past aasurea the continued and increasing succeea of the canning bus ineaa they have undertaken. Mies Latin I day from New Tork where rfcaaed a new line of apring and i mar gooda far the rendy-to-wsn* de partment of Jackaon Br having charge at that B. B. Jaeksan, buying far the to of the (Urlw that Nrr* thla eHjr to M follow*: Beach raUaJfeiry, Ed Difto, (iwk A. Dairy, 0. W. Taylor, Golden Gurnaey Dairy, E. L. Sykea, Maple Grow Dairy. 0. D. Sykea, A. Jeraey Dairy, WIN Beamer, fmb D. Shelton'a Dairy, 0. U Shelton. D. Frieada of tlw family km have re paired ward of tho death of the widow of Um late Morgan Booker, which oc curred at bar bo mm at Atktorn, Va., on Fab. 7th. Par a number of yeara Mm. Boobor waa a roaidont of thia city when bor huaband waa engaged la tho giotary boalneaa, later living at tha old Dunbar bomo plan at Um of Mitehella River. Sba bad a circle of frtoada who will toarn ar marriage abo waa Miaa Creed, of WUkoa County Sba baMnrla* it Waa tkaaa nkiUran Utaa nurvivw oy mrw cniKirvn, puis Agnea, Hpurgoon aad Dison who war* with h«r at tho time of hrr doath. At bar requeat aha waa bar tad at Aahborn Tha mercantile atora operated by Mr. Wajme Boytoa at tha Hayaaore old atand haa boon iacorporated with an authorlaod capital atock of $M, 000. Tha Incorporators are Gee. E. Snow, C. W. Abahor, Wayne Boytoa aad K. Glenn Boytoa. Wayne and Glenn Boylea will have active charge of the buainoa* and al ready have one of the nice at atorea la the city, carrying a full line of dry gooda, ahoee aad not ion a. The name under which the Arm haa been In corporated la Boytoa Brother* Main Shraat Prop«rt> Gdii At In this Ihim The Land Co. b ad vertising the sale of some valuable Main Street property which will be offered to the public at auction (ale on next Toeedav afternoon. Already »ome would think that hu*ines* property here has reached it* limit*, hut we thought the name ten year* ago, and yet every time it change* hand* there ia a neat little fortune made for thoae who make the in vestment. It ia hard ib put a mone tary value on centrally located prop erty In a city aa the location controlr the soceese of a buaineaa and any price within a reasonable figure ia most lore to be a'aafe investment. While Plaiat Continue* to Wi*. White Plain*, Feb. M.—The (tnooth running quint of the White Plain High School had no trouble defeat* iiig the boy* from King laat night. It waa a game without thrill* except two or three long ahota by the Khig hoy*. These shots ware la vain how ever for the home team found the. basket too often to he threatened, their pace was too fast for the vis itor*. The ftrst half ended with the •core 1» to 4. The passing and last floor work was largely responsible for the scoring. L. Jackson and Southern did moet of the scoring while the others formed a defense that waa hard to get through. This to ths tenth win far the White Plains team while they have loet only one game. They awe defeated by the strong Mountain Park Institute by the clow score of 1» U 1ft. Later they turned the tables oa Mountain Park by storing a 48 to 14 vistory over them A ■ i White Ptoias («T " Kiga <11) Marshall (t) R. F C. Stole (t) U Jackstm (1ft) L. F. Moasr (t) Southern (it) G Meadows (ft) Ntohoto (t) *. 0 F. Slate t Jaekaaa L 0. Gentry (1) Happening* Twenty-one Yeari Ago I {llsansd From the 9il** °f ^ Ed Waft at WeetiUid m4 Um Lowla of Mat wora both Im tka Mr from the M«nl Airy Nn Co. Mm falter. Cm,.. of Mm, hoe bwn km thia week Isaklag «>»■< with i view |« tarattag km for (to practice of Ma profeealen. It li MM of the kil|1<m yMOf lawyers hi tka feat hie lat with tkla city . j Main Street have aeon tka «ead *f a night watchman aad tMa wmk tka Chamber of Ctmmarri took op tka agreed to pay $10 per month aad raiaed ftS ky private aubeeription ami • watrhnuui wMI ba aaployad i to place in tka cantor of tow* and | keep a lookout for Aree and-any ether damage to property. Mr. J. A. Hadley of tkla city wat with a painful accident en laat Fri day. Ha Wfea welkins <m a rang I plank In a naw build in* aa Pranhlia Street and In mm way alippod and foil three or four foot, striking Ma aide againet a rack, breaking a rib. Aoaloy Hatcher of McLaaria waa bar* Saturday aad bought a nice iHifty from the buggy shop. ! Mr. 0. L. Atkina who teaches tka •chool at Copelaad waa hare laat week and gave a glowing aruoaat of the interest the pa op la down tkeca ware taking In the achool. He aaya aufll riont money haa boon reload by private aubacrlptlon to continue the achool for several weeks. Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Moore war" out driving on the road weet of town Tueeday evening wkan tka horae be came frightened and ran. Mr. Moore had hiaa checked and nearly under control when the buggy at ruck soant object and throw him out. The Horae then ran aa faat aa he could and threw Mrs Moore from the buggy. Mr. Moore waa hurt right hadly bat la a Me to ba out while hia wife waa knocked anconacioue and raaMlnad ao for aome time, and will be c nail nod to her room for several days. Mr. E. H. Wrenn ia dosing out hia retail business and will take stock in the Granite Mercantile Co. after tke first of March. Mi. Silas Taylor whose home is near this city "met with a aerioua ac rideat Uat nan*; tM aaaaa4 Maa tka Im at a foot. )b «H iMWHjig thrown fraaa the unI and «rl) ha i«Mti the whaala n4Mt(Mi wot* run Mir bjr the wagan. T1m left lag waa aa Mjf cimU that It waa aae aaaary U amputate tka tab Mow tha kaee. Dra. Taylor .ad Id Hot Ifagaworth piifind tka ayaratiaa. Honor roB (or Jan. 1IN-M grade Slgfrad Sakafar, Meady BaB, Waa. Long. Boy Boylaa, Carl !■■■>, Mattie Bridgiaan, Ma There, Vlriaa U* ward*, Krnaa Jonee, Beeaie llartta, Tom " " JfUVMM w.nu Smith, Aaaie Aakkara, Byte Mm«, Sanford AikNn, Thnmaa Aahbara. Mary Tkaekar, SaMoa Hatcher, Tkoa. Hauadera, John WaOmra, Elaaraa Walhora, Lyaaond Wdkorn, Jaaper Snow, Leila Nonaaa, Oladya (hatar. 2nd grade Haath Jenkina, Oaaar A I i ai ifc ■ «* * - - f «_ ■- • — A Df mfvllj | r(WVT tfOMl Lowry, 08 ie Praaaill, Gee. Kay, Bry aa Blaraoa. Bantaa Moody, Mary Spaugh, Mary Haaaah, Bo ah Taylor, Margie Cook, Lata Jokaaon, Bra Baa ner, Maad Witt, May Bobinaon, Sadie A.hby, Mamie Tatum. trd grade—laaa BeKoo, Ida Burge, Caf aa Cartar, Suaaa Gantry, Har ray Jokaaon, Inn Jeaee, Emily Joaee, Millie Thaehar, Victoria WoWe. 4th grade Hurlay Bolton. Benton gar, WBIiie Wotfa, Margaret Aahby. Looiee Brockwell, I ma Lea Caaeetl, Myrtle Cat, Maggie Yooag, Clarence Archibald. Edgar Earp, Howard Hanlu, Haywood llaughton, Utic Joaaa, 'Adrian Bohiaaon, Baymond Smith. Willie Witt. Mb grade—Gay Callaway, Nanaia Crits, Annie Hadley. Mary Holltaga worth. Myrtle Villey, Jamea Booker, Jamea Banner, Jaataa CHU, Ira Priar, Oacar Merritt, Bd Smith, How ard Katterfteid. Bah art Tharker, Car tia Worrell. Kb grade—Stella Jamea, Mary Qrarue, Lacy Hadley, Batklaan Ban ner, Margie Sparger, Gertie Ca^r, Irene Thorn peon 7th grade—Blair Hiaea. WiU Joka aon, Ha Ira ton Williaaeon. SaBle Had lay. 8th grade Minnie Hereon, Laaa Matcher, Lit air M (-Cargo, Or* Parker, Erneat Jane*. Otin llankn. Biahop Mdak. Kittrair* Ml Out G. A. * M. 3 Kittrell thia week I nold their atock of fnodi to ptrtin in Charlotte and will turn their mer cantile buaineaa over to the new own er* about March Kith. From now until that date thin ntore will aell gonda at and bel<>« coat in order to, reduce the atock to the lowest figure before the date of the change in ownnrahip Mra. Kittreil. who haa had active charge of the at ore for a' numlier of yeara, expect a to retire from the aaercantila buaineaa. Dur ing her buaineaa career her* ake haa maintained one of tin nicest aad moat up-to-date atorea in the city and a he haa a large circle at ruatomera and friend* wfert will regret that ake la going out of the buaineaa. A. D. Folpr Lw*m HoayiuL A. D. Folger haa auAciently re covered froaa hia Ulneaa to leave the Martin Meaaorial hoepital and return to hia home in Dobeon. Ha haa bean a patient at the hoepital almoet con tinuoualy aince October hut Now hope* to aoor reaume tya law taorfc. Mrs. TWu Mom ley Die* in A former resident of thin county, Mrs. Thrraa Moarley. died at the home of her son. Dr. C. W. Mow-ley, in Greensboro, Tuesday afternoon aft rr a brief illness. She had just com pleted her noon-day meal and «ai ap parently in irood health when she be came ill, and death resulted in about in hour. The decea.od was the iridsv of the late J. H. Moaeley and ■raa wel] known in the western part if the county. For several years she had made her home with her sua in Bresnsboro. A abort service was held at the home of Dr. Moat lay an Wednesilay night and the body will he carried to Elkin Thursday and the Funeral services held that afternoon it Rocky Springs Ohu-ch, near her >ld home place. Surviving are six children, Mrs. C. HI. Utley. of Coulder, Colo., Mrs. A. I. Burroughs, of Rutherford Collage, Dr. C. W. Moaeley, of Greensboro; J. L Moaeley, of Macon, Ga.; M. C. Mo—ley, of Bryoa, Ga., and J. N. Moaeley, of Tavarea, Via. Mount Airy Stores Now Stocked With Complete Line Newest Materials New Mon in tkr hintory of our city Iwn t|w itam Ukrn on Midi a reeplendent appearance. They in aov receiving their aMpaenta of «prteg e*d« and their nindiiw and display mwiifia art laden with the and millinery. There are wrtfc af dainty Mfiii in mateelak, niiiily ta thi* true in the dree* patter— and ladiea* ahoaa. And mm alae oaaae in thie time far their share of the » many new wmtn la rlothtn* And omr merchant* *n no* fotfet tin« to toil the world either, for they by a larfa maiktr of hi* aoeiataa in kia ;«•»*« - hot* an Mr. PMkO na born to bor* C«—tj. V*, and waa ofa«a. Ihao^to oft^M Cap* Fear and Yadkin Val Wy railroad in 18*7, beraau aa e»*i Mar in 1«N. aad for the put » year* had bean aa engineer aa the road trvm km la Saaford, aaUat thie city hie kaaM. In 1M1 ke waa married to Miaa Minnie Douthit, of Mockaville. aad ia rarrirad by kit wtf» and thraa daarhtera. Miaaat Lavinia. teacher la Kaon* Airy Ugh ackoola. Mary Lealie, atodant at M. C. C. W., aad Eliaabetk. Alao tkraa aiaUra of Re identic and tkraa krrtk-' He waa a awaltr at tka ian Church aad tka funeral ducted by Ma paator, Bar. J. C. Griar, j a aa tat ad by Bar. D. Vance Price aad Bar. Cab V. Roberaoa, of fuiaMr paator to tka Juaaaad. wbo caate to take part in tka Uat aad ritaa of kia bakrred friend. Ha waa tka twiner ia tka city aad waa a of Da Mo lay i the other Miaa Darwtfcy Gilbert Bride a# The home of Mr. and Mr*. W. E. Undny on North Main Street wan the mw of a wry beautiful home wedding Sunday afternoon, *W> their niece, Mia* Dorothy l-oftm Gil bert, became the bride of Warrea Granger. A profu*ion of fern* inter spersed with white tapers burning in silver candlesticks furnished Ate deco ration* and improvised altar before which the bridal couple plighted their , troth. Preceding the cereasany » mu-'icai program was rendered by Miss Clara Lindsay, cousin" of the bride. With the strains of Mendelsohn'* Wedding March Mis* Anna Mae Per ry. of Greensboro, wearing a gown of roue crepe and chiffon with corsage of roaes, entered as maid-of-honor. followed by little Miss Katharine Lee Gilbert, sister of the bride, as ring bearer, wearing a frock of pink crepe-de-chine and carrying the ring concealed in the heart of a nosegay of frees iaa and rosea. j The bride entered with' her uncle, W E. Lindsay, who gave her in mar riage. She was lovely in a raee mauve traveling costume with acces sories in the new blonde shade. Her floarers were a corsage of Bride's roeea and valley liOiea. The bride and bar ancle were met at Ike altar by the groom with hi* beat man, D i. Tribble, of Greeaaboro, and the vows were spoken before the Bev. D. Vance Price. Mrs. Granger a* Miss Dorothy Gil bert waa one of Mount Airy'n moat popular and charming young women. She was educated at the Mont Airy high school, computing here education at Oaken College and .North Carolina! College for Women. Mr. Granger, the soa at Mr. aad Mrs. N. N. Granger, of Atlanta. Ga., was educated at the Georgia School of Technology, Atlanta. Ga„ and is a well known bnahwaa man of Greena boro After the wedding trin to points sooth. Mr. awl Mrs. Granger win make Greensboro the* home. Prior to tb wedding, Mr. and Mrs. Ob Sparta Road UH of clotklllf, • by aide. TV My vii nU and h angry and ki crtN M attracted the attari lias of t girl an Mr way to ach d. other cUldM quickly fathered aad it vaa hard far tkr oleara la «f that any footprint* or athar that would aanw aa dura to tha titjr of tka party or parttaa wha ed tlw baby thara ware to bo though it waa a rid* at that two atobilaa had laai< at tha apnt daaa found about tha 4atM» or auitcaao which waa a rary ehaap aaa. ThaoAean haatfly carried tha baby ■araad aad fad aftar whtah It proaiptly fall aalaop aad they lai I Ud it to Eihia whore It tw placed ia tha ■aid tla »ka) apparently la dHioa aad awaag thooe wha aitorad to adnwt it, aa riB ha wm4» of It far a faw daya aa it waa thought battar to kaap It la tha hupltal to aaa If it drvalopad cold or pnauaioaia aa a re •uh of the oapoaare to which it waa lutijurtod by who «wr deaerted R. It waa not determined how long tht baby lay by the roadaide but aha waa pieced thara early enourh for tha hlankata to hacoaie damp with dew. It waa evident that mother leva or at leant a hunutn cawipaaiion moved tha party, who daantad the hahy, to place it where aoaaeon. waa rare te aee It; It waa plat-eu uu a bank juat in line with the viaiun of anyone paaainc in an automobile, at tha aiune tune a lone chance waa taken that expoawe aright aauae the child'a • :th lie Jon anyone paaa wha would have it. Central REV. W. A. NEWELL, Sunday School .. .Jt-M A. M. Unrninf Worship .....1140 A. M. 'icning Wo--flip 740 P. M. Prayar Bsoieo Wad. .. 740 P. M. 0:4* P. X. • :46 P. M. e«»ior Lmcm* 4:4k P. M. The Mission Study Ciaas will Mat with Mr*. A. B Macon thU, Thursday afternoon at S:00 K M. Miss Amy Hackney of jmnf pnopk'i work. W« North Carolina ronftmct wiD a district Mtftini in Cantral next Thursday at 740 P. M young people of the church an trirt are invited to he present. The opening hee and social m held Tueoday evening provided lainment and relaxation for y "un# and the filvsr offering i ing to $21.00 will profcably pot I of the Woosan's Missionary In the lead financially. Fiddle, banjo a* in keeping with the old v'-t ■%+.. ' ''I .4..- ,i£

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