fUgnway commission urantea More Power bjr Legislature And ho declared ki W m« IDh to bow to anybody bat God Almighty. His county, be told th—. «m bM white and »tiU th* Highway Coasmis aim bad declined to kttr thsir pi— But the bill went through with the •id uf the administration force* and th* Kepuhllcaa Mabm who had boon lined op by trade* and "horae •wappinc" of rout** and fund*. It ia •aid that Clarence Call of Wilkes ia ■UM»n< to line up the «Mabllnni of the bona* for all the athninutra tioa m»asur*s In return for certain Himiiliai la road Matters that hia county baa been fighting for. Net to be d*leat»d in the teat •kinniah in tha light for roads Mr. Folger has now before th* hens* committee on roads a bill that would add Sfi far osnt more Mileage to state •fdfsi of roads and ao distribute the ■aase as to relieve those oountiea of Dm state which have been diecrhni nated against in the ratio of mileage and hard-eurface roada. And It la further required that these additional roads to be taken over shall be des ignated by the county governing bodies, and further that the State Highway Commiarion •hall connect with the state roads of adjoining atetoa which are built to the North -Carolina line. The adoption of this measure would help to bring about a better feeling with the counties in that It would , give them mm say about where the tt per cent additional mileage was to ha located. The lagielature has undar discus sion a state-wida Australian ballot law, and the content over It bids fnir to be warm. A law has been paaaed to require all wagooa, buggiaa and ether vehicles drawn by hor sea, mule* or cattle to ha equipped with a light while traveling th* highway! at night This measure was passed by both bodiee without any opposition while two years ago It was defeated la its early stagss. Mr. Folger, tt will he rsm—bsi»d to hi* campaign speeches last fall, pledged hlm**if to a* effort to Maura aa sqaaHaatioa of th* aahaal funds of; before tha legislature and Mr. Folger to taking aa active part la tha effort A locaJ lod«a of tha Loyal Ordar of Knn will ba I—tltetiil aad *irtw •4 km M. H whan district super visor, W. C More land, will he aseist ed by ■ 4ktm team fM Winston l«l»w in patting w Mm 1M md tnd degree. far Haunt Airy m4 tk M will be viaitora from Charlotte. La win want to vote tor tMt taearltee. Negotiation ara undsr way far club now which win ba the real Mooaa horn* in this city and aa aooa organisation chartered tha lease will ba effected and tha ladgi will ba«t its own quarters. Tha A rat regular meeting will ha bald la tha Mooaa quarters. Mr. Murray Brown, la whaaa unttring energy tha k>aal organisation la dua, will cum plate his work bars aa aaoa is tha new ludgi la chartered and aa its fast aad will coo tin as tha rood work of organlaa ftoa elsewhere. In letters hoItwI her* this week Me.dame. C. H. Haynes and F. D. Holcoab writ* interestingly of thob experience* on board ship. The lat ter* war* mailed at their Am atop, the Maderia Island*. There are Ml in the party, which ha* been divided into groupa, each group with a leader or conductor tact urea and Mftaf picture ahowa are given daily. One lady traveling alone in the party ad mit* to being M years old, the aver age being about M years. They are ■ailing onder the English lag and everything ia Cngtiah except the pas senger* Engliah National aire are sung as frequently aa thoae of Amer ica. Mrs. Holcoab has eecaped sea sirhness hot Mrs. Hayne* was sick the ftrst throe days. CiliWtU IM A—lfimry A very delightful meeting wm held in the Pythian Castle Hall Moa day evening in which the ladies and a number of visitors united with local Pythians in celebrating the organisa tion of Pythian iam 69 years ago. Mr. W. E. Lindsay prsatded and Chancel lor Commander W. Hugh Holcomb very graciously and fittingly extend •td a welcome after which Mr. J. Fred Hrower, of Winston Salem, Grand Vice-Chancellor of the Domain of North Carolina, delivered a *pwh which was a real gem in thought and xentiment. Rev. E. G. Davis and Rev. J. 0. Ervin were also called on for short speeches and pleased theit hearers. Miss Ruth Dobbins presid ed at the piano. Punch was served by Mrs. C. W. Andrew as the guests arrived. The girl scouts served ice cream and cake at the conclusion of the program. Kiwaaia to Have Ladioe' Night Friday evening will be observed aa Ladies' Night by the KlwanU Club. The program committee will have charge of the feetivttiee and a good time is scheduled for all. The matt ing of March 11 will he poetpooed fos the members at the dub will meet with the Wlnston-Ralesa club la that city on the evening et March 10th. AH Kiwanians are urged to attend the meeting this week and bring their wives and lady friends and alao at tend this meeting in WinsUm-Salem. Kiag Cotton Has Besa Dspes od By a BHk Worm. With aa sarnsat effort the dub women of North Carolina can put King OffttiHi task on Mi throM* mid the duh womsa at Mount Airy are outlining a grant campaign la to half of Mia Majesty At the gonsral ■Meting Friday aflsrnoon ths set Tha hardaat fight la daatinad U> ha avar tha Sharif. »«ca. Thara baa baas a (action ta Carratt for Mm paat four yaar* which haa continued la maka a light aa tha praaaat iharif, B. M. Jatt, and BMOT think thia will autka It Iwpaaaibh far him la laiialaa tha rwtnatton. And than ha baa haafe in poor haa 1th a food part of tha ttaa during hia tarai of oAca and noma of hia frirnda do not axpact bias ta aaak tha aowina«lan rar that PWrhapa tha atoat .««.■!». flcht for tha alfea win ha auufe by foraaar Shariff Bud Edwarda who ii aaid now tha eowrty far tha aAea. Sharif Ed wards waa a daputy at tha ttoa of tha HiUarilia shooting and waa aaaaad to SB out tha lam of Sharif Wabb. i who waa kttiad. Lafr ha aarrad two tanaa of lour jraara aach, batag aoc caadad by Sharif Jatt. Ha la a hmthur ta tha lata Morgan Edwarda who waa kiBad hi a piatol battia with ►araral dapatiaa of Shariff Jatt. Ed warda took an active part in tha proa wution of tha oftcar. tar tha killing although tha» wara navar convictad, and it ia aaid that ha ia appealing to tha votara to right tha wrang that ha contends waa doaa hia brothar by nat returning to oMe» thaaa who wara in powar at tha ttea of tha killing H ia aaid that Sharif Jatt baa tha •upport of tha party organitation in tha eoaaty bat Sharif Edwarda waa ia vary popular oAear during hia aight yaara of oAea and will Make tha mee rioaa and interesting far any ana arha toaa la tha Aaid oppoaing him. Boy'. Pnwc mi MM km Last Ttiurxiay morning HuUr David Mtdkilf, of route two, came near having a serious *kMm( and bat far hi* quick wit and presence of mind perhaps would not han eacaped n luckily a* he did. Ha was taking dinner to his father who it maployad on the quarry. While on the (rounds baton the noon hour, boy-4ike he paid little notice where he was walking and stepped on a trolley wire just as it started skyward with a big atone on the - other end. Hi* feat ware jerked from the ground, the father's dinner spilled all over the place, and the wire had him going up, and in danger of falling from it. But he grabbed the wire with both hands and hung on with a viae grip, and hung suapended SO feet In the air for aev eral moments until the trolley engi neer could he signalled to let him back to earth, no wane off for his ex perience but badly frightened after he had time to think what a narrow escape he had paaaed through. YOUNG MAN GITS SYMPA THY or OUft PEOPLE thinking Ho MM hia daattnatinn. Wall the fi his slater, so be said, got on J this u<W of tHuart and Anally clipped off Dm road, turned Um ear u*er, and la(, and he had and put her In tba bae pttaL thiring tba 4*7 Sunday Ikt (allow lot In towk with hia ptnMi by 1 ind oxhibiud a tiUfnui tinting thay wara sending hte $100 by and all tba Um ha appeared in trouMa and vary earnest ia hia Of caurae Clint and Bab and anra at I ha wiahad la Warn how tba of hia sister wm and Ih- waited to tba phon* ta tba tell of tba Stewart botal and carried on • longer eon var iation with tba doctor at tba hoepital about tba condition of hi* sister Mid tba probable uutcome of hrr accident And tba fallow* now say ha carriad un one of tte baat oaa lidad run var iation# over tte phone thay listened to. ■ i A reporter of in* News «u tipped of m (e the new* alary Monday morning and at vision* of a valu •ble "scoop" and haman interest «lory that was weaved about the trouble of the two young people. The hospital was catted up and Interview mI and they couldn't understand what we ware driving at whea Inquiry waa ■ads about the young w—an with a broken lag, aad after futge effort ha trace of the slater could be found., la the meantime the yowv au had car ried his point down at the Stewart hoasi. gotten all the assistance he deabwd and weal his way before it dawned upon the minds of any that all his actions wan faked from the remeanbarad him borrowing two tele graph blanks, which he evidently A lied oat to carry oat his porpoee of fraud. Aad later to clinch hie story in the minds of Clint, st al, hs boldly walked up to Clint's phone aad made a dumb call to the hospital right there with everybody listening at his side of the conversation. Clint asys ha often runs up agalnat folks wanting to beat a bill h«t this young fellow hna surpassed them all in a scheme to get by without pay ing. He left before his fraud waa discovered aad no doubt will aooa land in jail If he continue. In his present path. A bos supper will be held at Plat Rock High School Saturday night, Feb. N. Everybody is invited to come and bring a box, plenty stf money aad have a big time. Happenings Twenty-one Years Ago I Interesting Items Gleaned From the Files of The | Mount Airy .Yews $1 Yea rs Ago This Week a. W. RaiauaU. • rmm agmt of Hurry County, wm (MnrleM ta W ml Court at Orn—hora far Mkta| fata* raturna altar a trial aUck laat •d Im waaka and waa Mttariy praaa rutad a«4 dafrixtad by abla imnl tivM In Qreeeehoro sad Winaton thU vmL Tha people who tain in (kt »how» •t the opera hnuaa war* wall enter tained by tha company that played hare Monday alfht Tha apara houaa waa MM and tha aadlawai leapt la aa uproar af Uofhtar while tha patfer of thia cKy laat Saturday. Har'udr waa frtchtfally haraed and *• Ihrad only a few haara. Or. T. & Aahhy Mm fMM Franklin, CiDob wm, KIkin, and Pilot MounMln. Umn bain# Um only iJliili awtalda of Mount Airy having HtM luiliwi « wn te tfcotr alamontary dapart ■—to. Mount Airy Mt Um wfriw jtmii ap. Miaa Kulgum «u Mgfc with pUawT a qTum tMcUiif forcM ami of tka mu<M pacially fln» fptnrim oo Miaa P«t l»a for ah* mnuW that tkia aefcool juat muat got tn aa tka liot another yoor. Um trackon of thfe ackool ara all of tko roquirod grnda tlonal Maya for tko ilwiHory da putaMt and mm library book*. TV .boon hao ono taackar holding Um hrkliiUn daaaMraUea and will bo ablo tu Moot tko roquirrMonta aa*t ywar. KIkin lack, a llttla library miilpwint which will bo or4aro4 ki tunc for Um ackoul M go on tbo Hat tkia yoor. Pilot Mountain alou mm ad to Moot Um raquirrmcnts and win no doubt bo put on the liat Uiii yrar. In Raaaiac »utfwi hM the r>ew achooia of Little Richmond, Bpjr aa, Flat Rock and W1UU Plain*. ud niwad plmri to note that Sorry County rural wrhoob are being can wttdatod into tlMM cantor* which pruniw to bvcon# atandurd wchooti. She »xpra«a«d haraalf aa being de lighted with tha ahuhauau af hath teacher* and pupil* and tha 6m pro.part far atowdaN aehaal ta Surry Coinrifr. Former CMiw to Motors. a TV many frtwt of Mr. Wm. S. Martin will be glad to know Uutt k« Ka» decided to return to this city. For nvm year* he Md responsible positions with the North Carolina Graaito Corporation and resigned hi* position a yoar ago. Afl«r spending a year iwtiai about the scenes of hh boyhood ia Pennsylvania he ha* decided to get back oa the Jab and will again he with ths Quarry. He la expected to be back not later than the first of April. Since being away the health of Mrs. Martin has nock improved, her former friends will be glad to know. Matbsr Sends Sob to Priaoa. Laat Sunday afternoon WrWon Johnson, colored hoy of this rity, was sent bock to the rood camp in Dur ham County. The boy is serving a term for breaking la Harvey Boyd's store and had been made a trusty but last Saturday he let his desire for freedom lead him to make his es cape, and he came bock to his anth er. He has only a few months to serve and she prevailed on him to re turn and finish his time. And he had been gone from his horns only about two hours when two guards from Durham drove up to hi* hoasa on a search for their prisoner. So Wei don is now back In camp and the, guards wiD give him ao more chance to go hease until his * sot sun is ecrv-1 Wyrick-Taylor. Mis* Kathleen Wjrrlrk and Mr. Haywood Taylor motored. to Hllte vfllo, V*., ajtd wm q«Hcl]r married in , the pr—win of a trm frienda on Mow day, f«i flat. TWj iMMdwtoi) loft for a fow day* riaft to Otoom boro. Hid) Paint and otter potnU ta North Carolina. Mra. Taylor to Mm daughter of Mr. and Mr». D. V. Wyriak. of UU eity, and la mplay*d at Jaaiooo i alar*. Mr. Taylor la the mm *f Mr. aad Mr*. F. T. Tayior. of thia city and o*ma aa tetoreot to the R«oy Ba* Oaf* TV* May f. i J, _i_V '* — A *- 1 — iritiMU wan iinsi mucn MppiotM. Attorney A. D. fnlfir, of MMa, tty. Mr. MIAMI fa toldlaf Ml hr tto Iii—m written te Ik* piikf. Hi* Ana ■ay* th# MMN. Tto on i Mi rfiOpn mm! of th* Cm* vatoa af tMr poHetoa, hat this afaa wu iMM by tk« imm1,m< Iter •n mM to to M*«c oM for tto Urn *alw of tto policy m all tto In tto tto • tO PM prorfainns «f thf poltoy kf ■* I ia« • Ml raconl of ttoir i K« «« iwd tto toek of aa io ttoy wtfl tad a lot of tto toiruN folks atoU. aad It na huaaM of fite* of tto laaiaid to follow mm of tto rutos tto* ttoy art wanting to discount tto loa*. All tkow who kaat h tto ftra no trouble la i ttoir laM wm was (owraf hy fact that records, or sate of ia tto pmrfafaM of tto paUey. tap tto Tto parties ton of tto tto Mttlad la tto courts. ton to to •4 Par The following MwKtM kit* bM appointed to plan for the mw caaa af Um State Baraca-Philathaa Convention which meets her* May M. ST M and SMh: Mr. C. W. Andrew is the general chairman and Mr I. M. Linritle convention treasurer; Central committee: L. P. Wrenn, chairman, John D. Thompson, D. B. Hoffman. H. M. Toy, A. G. Webb, Mr* C. C. Hale, Miss Grace Fojr, Mr*. E. G. Davis. Finance com anittae: W. I. Monday, chairman, W. B. Partridge, W. W. Reception committee: J. Graham Harrison, chairman, K. W. Paddiaon, W. S. Wolfe, a P. Clark*, G. C. LoviH, Mr*. Claod* Abaher, Mr* i. w. una. Muaic committee: B. C. chairman, Mr*. Geo. Marahal Will HoUiarswortk, Miaa Hornet. Committee eo homes: The Wa man's club. it IM

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