BUSINESS Guilders und lot tun ft., Jwi bayaad li* i Ourn limits at town. Would tab* mt a* part Wlllt I. f. tmh Mr. 1M W Nl» m tit »*K-W. L. Mmt far bargaiaa la rani uteit. tfa. Willow street. 167 acre farm aa Hp an Gap road. Mount Airy taa. A Realty Co. tfa. OAV OLD Ik pfcc—■HRI *li i^at Fountain and feeder. W. K. and r C. Batton. Mt. Airy, M. C. tfa BAPJUCD KXft kriekhf acta bia of high •ten II Mrda waMift. I 2 ailvar «ap* IMI ad by this *ame Mood, «IJ* ffi.00 par aettiag. A few far aala yat.—Ora Boberts, Mt Airy, N. C. Me rOR SALE—Rmral card* af I miles turn Mount Airy. 187. AUTOH POB *A UTO« FOB BALB-4MT Haaaial Dodge Sodan. IMS Naab Coach, 1924 Studebaker Comm. Will trad, far ran] aatata. wT Sydaor tfc. BBS STACK bafara yaa bay yaar shirte, aa Moore St tic. PVBK BBBO ab»i< from pans of Bnrrad' S. C Bad*. Huff ■M para tab in this country than you can fat at our plat*. The price* right. Ranging from $126 to « par aettiag of IS Sand your order* or »UI! better aaa what you can tat. You will an Jay your rlait aa you will hc S.OOO in* birds. Franklin Poultry Pans Airy FOB BALK—A ar aaa C. 8. Wrir, Pilot C STACK tar add . bafara you buy POB SALE—Poar -£T, 'Si "if. "i poultry farm or phone W. tfc. BOOM AND BOABD. doar in; rataa reasonable. Apply 152 N. Main . tf< IM 8ALK—1M banbala Falgheai aaad oatu fad tan good Jeraey «ilk cow*, alao baled aback* and «traw A. L Banker, Mt. Airy N. C.. route A Up WANTED!—Party to cat and card •boat 260 corda of wood 2 mDea from Mount Airy, Pbone 227. tfc. CABBAGE PLANTS—Million* if axtra line froat proof cabbage plant*. Early Jeraey and Cbarlaatoa. ISO for Me.; MM for 7*e.; 1.000 for ll.bO, postpaid Cauaey Parka. Pla rah. N. C. tfc. B> "RKD ROCK hatching e(K* from Hock* of high quality. In throe dttOyent show* 22 bird* won 28 rib bon* and 2 silver cup*. $100 male bead* brat pen. All other pen* bead ed by thi* *ame blood. »1J0 and, $6 00 per setting. A few cockerel* , for sale yet.—Ora Roberts, Mt. Airy, j « POB SALE—One pawar apray caa with Rood gna engine and for service Price) plate with rood | sBfsfsr, Terms is daaired. W . ,, W H The , Hollow, Vs. ltc BABY CHICK! lie; Bairod IBe; I Ufkorni. 14c; White UjrboiM^ lie; T^ncSd'^te Tom The lie. Att of WT boat Mood la this . "iij (Wk that w* hoy off frw y/p gBr£ jst cm jroa our prtooo Mm _pm toho amMty tto wnliwDw. With •n Wf cupacHy of ovor tt.000 wo ton fill roar nr4m prvmptly bat It will It "ill to *Im It oorty Bad ho saro of jw cMtb Jaal wkm mi _A H, ,,,, UA_ « - J l-.t £«L Of Wio«_ ^d s£t % JSTw S~* Worth Th, Hn» grMlto ~tttnc .how* in' hi trom Mm frrt— ai Um North I Airy, II. C^-lww TWII M CHICKENS fra* 100 »m !■ Um weird m4* by A. C. Imm Why •ipartaMot rtw m mb hay BuUit Church in th. Imm of JToThi r«h. M, 3:30 to 4.80 !►. M. Silver < - " kOR SALE Wih tmmk wWto Im horn hatehtef im, $1.«0 yor 15: 17.00 mt 100. AEy dikte, 91100 par 100. All on* yraOwwrf M NT, ova tmrm end the bree4we «r« in u ••rljr with 10% tfoyooH. Bartoat i ♦ouHry r«rm. Mt. Airy, N. C. E. i ED C«Mm Ba* Or ' IrTn^T fTT 1 CI 3. Ludwirk, Mt Atr^U. C. E. 0. tfc. I rot BENT , 1U Death St., Mt Airy. N. C. l-ift-y. rue iwSoty 'HH7 m^ob. _ tfc. TWO ■■■I alao m niirita fur niafcod bed roan, nnb mm 4mm. Apply 167 CIim11 St, Airy. tfc. FOR SALE—A good, row good worker nd ibo a dler; good ■■ddli also far or *ee C. 8. Weir, Pilot M c. HOUSE TO UENT m Umym— 9L. MOTHt North Carolina. Surry County. In Superior 0—ft. Lola Hick. Moon. Hattle Hick, Kal torn and h us bond. Chaa. Kellam. PlaintUfa. v> CJoo. Hick.,' Elijah Hick*. Ellen Hurt and all unknown heir, of the above defendants. The defendant, above named will take notice that an action entitled aa .bove haa been commenced in the 8u l Trior Court of Surry County to par tition certain land, in Surry County by tale: and the aaid defendant* will i further take notice that they are re- j quired to appear at a term of the Su-; prior Court of .aid county before the derk on the 24th day of March, 1M7, at the court houae at Dobaon, N. C., | md ait.wor or demur to the complaint In aaid action or the plaintiff will ap- ' nly to the court for t)v* relief demand i <1 in aaid complaint. V. T. LXWELUN, C. 8. C. ! notice Ke-Hale of LlMI Under Dead of Trust By virtue of the power contained in " certain deed of trust executwi Jan. 1924. by Dowry Chilton and Bertha Chilton, to the undersigned ounty, book Register's <>Mce, Surry County. —. trustee, said dead of trust recorded in 72, ptfi 89, default having boon made In payment of notes secured, and at re|wl|til boxix rhamptan, tipteU l*wd iltlwt Jim my Milwi> or Jack Sharkey In a till* Kout nest Biptemkar, ka aaid her* today in dlecoaatag Maloney'* victory last night crrtr Jack DrUnvy. "Maloney ia a rawk, rugged fal low who know* tka gome," Mid Tun ■ay. "Skarkey. too, krf« aepw iln type. Tkoaa boy* uygfcl to atafe a whirlwind kottle. I hop* tkay da. 1 hop* aiao that tkara la a detiai»e winner. "Of cooraa, Jack Daw pa ay, tka tamer rhaaipton. la atlll ta tka run ning. hot ka luteal Made kia poeitkm poettiv* yet. Tka way It taoka mow, M will be Maloney or Sharkey against whom I will defend my title in Sep tember. Sharkey ateeta Mike Mc Ttgoe mod. bat McTtr»e. tike Da laney, I believe, will find kia alia againat kia*. Dalanay and McTtgue are all ri(kt aa light-heary weight*, but th* old aaying, yon knew a food U| mas cm beat a good little man— ■till holda food aa a general rule." Tka champion aaid tka Rickaid elimination aeriea 1* tka ki(|Mt thing for a title flgkt tkat could ha** keen arranged. Tka pnklir know* wkat to rxpect, ka added, wken tka winner la decided. Tunney admitted tlwt aitk *r Skarkey or Maloney waa big enough and good enough t ohaee a rood chance to grab kia title. "But," ke added. "I'm quite ear tain tkat neither can defeat me." Buk laoh« At Altar. • Topeka, Kana., Feb. ».—Kax lover* with a matrimonial inclination | will hare to Mart aavin* their pen j niee if the atate legialature and Gov | ernor Paulen approve the eugeaica bill which waa brought | to life today by the eenate Every couple applying for a riai* licenae would he nqplnd to |»we they had 91.M0 en depoait in a | debta, liahilitiee and der aa amendment attached to tha| bill hy the Partkirat at tfc* m> Nctbc. Having qualified aa adminiatratriiI of the raute of the late Y. L. Welch, j of Sorry County, thia la to notify all peraoaa to pntni their At trainM aald rotate within twelve! month, from thia date »r thia notice will he plead in bar of their recovery All pareas awing aaid eetate will eei- | ifiUH Mary A.' af T. u2sTn. W» km pie in the church until n cm trataj for service. and t Brother Jones to m expert to I this line of work. He I Ufa in our people from of view. It is our tOWOOk. Wo | hove the sbiitty, now wo Iwva I plans to work to, and • mrrnr baton the that an within reach of and they are to do the work. There are More faithful ta all the land >lo, and »wt of tfco older kaads are standing by the fine The list below la the sntal officers of the Bonds] Gen. supt., W. J. Chandler; Gen. Nr., ticlul Lm Mara hall; Aatodtli McKnight; classification of ficer, Nellie Boee; treas., lay Waf ; supt of cradle roU. Mrs. OM|t m McKnight; Byrdie William.; sec, rannio Folk; supt. of primary dopt., Mrs. L W. Bjrrd; associate supt, Mrs. K T. Moore; asooeiate, Minnie Johnson; supt. of Junior dspt^ Ethel Linoback; asoo. supt.. Vernon' Lnughridga; sit, Randall Pulk; asoo. see* Lucile Stev ens; supt. intermediate dept. Beufort Wagoner; asao. >upt., J. C. Laugh ridge; aec., Lillian Moore; Mao. sac., Thelma Williamson; supt. at peoples department. supt. of adult dept., T. E. John D. Folk, aec. And with a line list of teachers that we dout have spam to mention here. "Pray and Work" is our motto. 1. O. Errto, Pastor. •:« A. M. lift T P. M. Jr. Epworth League J:« P. M. Sr. Epwortk League 1:11 P. M. prayer aanlaa T :M P. M. "SOME GOOD MEN SMOKE" Ym, bat they would be bettor men if ttwjr did not They would nt i better example, their minds keener, end they « nld lire longer to do good. ' lant Now Bust's Onion Sets and Garden Peas Hollingsworth Drug Co zw ^gKoXL Jhr> Phone 31 OH Age Leaves No ^Doubts" wfcan your aetata hM keen pMI to Um >n>ir hand*. TUi rtimj bnk to In yoiittea io act M and it* *ppointa*ent >— aa a Mr MttaMM at aH matter* entrusted to Ha ear*. "■ \ Whan jrour towyar draw* jrour will (ereryone ahauld make a will) mm tfcto bank ta net to the Ami ad Jaataamt af your affair*. Our Tlaa> Oiw wfll advantage* a** are ta pnattto* to o#ar. Otd aga ofton enfeeble* the mtod, aa toaa no ttoaa to stt—d tot to this impartaat aaattor "Action today put* your werrtos away.' This Bask Can Be Of Volvoblo Assist* sacs To Your Estate. The Bank of Mount Airy Tr'iat PiparUwl Mail Airy, N. C E*». M. LkfOk Trart Oinr Where I« Your Will? YOUR WILL speaks for you when you cannot speak for yourself. If after you are gone it Is lost— burned— stolen — destroyed — it can NEVER be replaced. In a Safe Deposit Box here no curi ous eye sees it—and nothing can happen to it Surplus mm! Prate. $17*000.00 Dapwfa, $1,331,907.00 A FIRST NATIONAL BANK MOUNT AIRY, N. C. T. 0. FAWOETT. Pirn B. 0. SMITH, CmMct W. W. BUMS. V^PNa. D. C. UCTOB, AmL OMk.