Mn J. 0. Julian, of Alexandria, V*, who has bow liaift bar sister, Mrs. D. V. Wyrick, of thia city, haa by bar little niece. Mia* Louise Wy rfck Circle No. 1 of tkt Proahytartan Waaaa'i auxiliary a*at «Hb Mn. C. C. Hala Monday aftamoon for tba (tody of the book of nit. Daring Laatar Haynea baa been confined to bis bad at the boaaa of 8WW Haynaa in thia city with aa attack of Aa. Ha waa takan aick laat Wadnnday bat ia now out and will toon resume Ma work aa iali—n for Liggett Myara Tobacco Co. Mr. and Mn. A. J. Wagner and aoa Kenneth, of Charlotte, wara hero tha first of the WMk. Mr. Wagner na bora in tba tateraat of tha Wagner Incorporated tha Am which will take over the KittreU (tore March lat. Miaaaa Mary Laalie Powell and Dorothy CreveHng aoniora at M. C C. W., Oreanaboro, returned Tuaaday to that inetitution. Miaa Powell waa called hare by the Olneaa and death at her father and Miaa Crevelbw waa locupoiatiny after an operation on her ankle for fracture, aha will hare to wear a piaster east and use crutche* for *everal weeks. ' Beautiful Party Hoooriai Brida-EUcL Tke beautiful new homt of Mr. and Mr*. J. Bruce Y ok ley *u thrown open to friend* Tuesday afternoon of last week when Mrs. Yokley and her tieter Mrs. Eugene G. Smith gay* • very delightful party in compliment of Miss Louisa Kochtitxky, a bride elect of March. The members of the Turvrtay Afternoon Bride* club and a number of others wore among the gMota and bridge was played at twelve tables and rook at four, the bride's table was marked with a miniature Wide and groom and one of her hridesmsldi, Miss Kathrjm Howard, of Greensboro, was nated with her. Mrs. C. P. Clark won top •core at hildga and Mrs. t. C. Bivens the consolation; visitor's top score bridge prise was won by Miss Koch titiky and low score by Mrs. N. C. Marlon; top wort rook prise was won by Mrs. Marvin Sparger and low score by Mrs. Id Inman; Miss Koch titsky also is—hi< the guest at honor prise. 11m home was attrac tively diLQiaXd la fad carnations and HwfUry roue Mid white jtponicAi, the favors and ptaee cards wore sag fUu of St. Valentine's Day. Delic ious refreshments in two mams W. A. Kimu pMtar Maniac ¥•"**» t\M A. M. Krmtlmt WtrMp 7:«D P. N ftvyw Ferric# WW. f:« P. M. Mr Lmc*> - jM» f. M oont Airy. ksgfrsing N» Mk, wMk Rev Mr. Mtt» stly ho pad that every and child will feel their need of God and Christ and the groat spiritual realities of the w hich thaoo Mwtrr'i work by bringing other* to Jc*u*. We invite aad vp you to ■ttead. Dtvii Mr*. Malbert Davie, riage last June waa by Mr*. Bsldoa Dark Tuesday after noon when table* war* arranged for progreaaiv* rook. Miss Trssaie Ma yea held high Kurt aad received a tinea! guest towel, a hand-painted candy Jar waa presented to the guest of honor. Altar rard* were laid aside the hostess assisted by her mothee, Mrs. W. C. Jackson, Mrs. C W. Davis and Mrs D 8 Hodge served a tempt ing salad coarse followed by block cream, cake aad mints. The Gaorga Washington birthday idsa was vsry effectively carried out in the decora tion* and refreshmsnts. Much to the surprise of the honor guest she eras ushered into the living room where many beautiful aad useful wedding gift* wsre displayed. Colominl B«m*6t Tm. The Nannie M. Brower circle of tki missionary society of the First Bap tist Church entertained with a colon ial tea in the home of Mrs. J. G. Har rison. Washington's Birthday, Fab 22. Little Sara Harriaon and P*MT7 Hill, dressed in white with decorations of cherries, received the offering at the door. A program at readings and music wit given with Miss Ruth Dobaon, soloist, Miss Leal is Both rock, pianist* and Mi— Sue Mm Hendren, reader. Mr*. Nannie M. Brower, for whom the circle la nsmsd and the only charter msmhw of the church, gave some old time vocal Ad piano seloctioaa. Meadamaa J. L. Cocker ham and A. I G. Webb poured tan. In the diningj room, which was served with sand wiches. A New Club Activity. Invitations have bw issued to all attend a short musical program by Um courtesy of the anisic of tha Woman's Ctab. In the new Community Building, Thursday ins in« at • o'clock. A Tsry important ■utter whkh will ha considered at that ttaae la tha arranisation of a Mount Airy tieaa have not haaa hsra, hot as away Mrs. C. H. Kariitiuky aad New Crop Onion Sett Garden Seeds W. S. Wolfe Drug Company PmWsM Here Sim 1880 The Newa claims to be the he* advwtWnc medium of this part of the state. A comparison of our subscription list or post office receipts with those of any other medium will conyincs you. The Mount Airy News the name "BOYLES BROS." stands top-notch in quality and bottom-notch in price, with "right-now" styles, in men's, ladies' and children's fine Foot wear. We've a reputation to maintain in selling dependable shoes—thafs one reason you can depend upon us for honest shoe values; spd, if we are to continue in business we must maintain quality regardless or short margins of profit to sell our shoes. Just As True In Piece Goods We have been recognized as the dependable store of Mount Airy where qual ity fabrics for home-sewing are always shown in the newest patterns, just as they come from the looms of the finest manufacturers in the country. We are always posted on styles—and show them to you first Volume business permits an unusually low price tag per yard. Don't be satisfied with quanti ty when you can get quality too, at the same price. BOYLES BROS. "BETTER VALUES" Hiyaori'i Old Stand Ml Airy, N. C