Ml oao Mat wiU rtu Um of of M>hi«wl, la doa to too drift Um ilnndi on tiM part at i •r», and alau U tha far, of oapirlmiatiti kM at tohacw in DM UiriM Dtotao Ok too otoar hand, prcda>»r» of dark 11 rod and dark air rurod ts ar* fat-oil with a narrow and Incroaaod furokfn out)n»k "Tho i. tout ijr bo lad In 1M7. of nH far Tko probability la obviouo will IMS tobacco gr *eroa«o In 1M7 may ba hoavlly too cotton grower*. from la too aot only Incr "In other words. It la seen that tW ■tap ia set for a iamUlidi frum cot' ton to tobacco in 1M7. Any aacb de velopment on a large scale could have only one result—utter demoralization of the market (or this type of tobac co with its attendant losses to the |fOWVPf<" The report says the immediate out look for Virginia sun-cored is fav orable provided a alight reduction in acreage is put into effect in 1M7. This exclusively chewing type, K Is pointed out. Is confronted by a con stantly narrowing outlet becauae the chewing habit is on the wane. Gloomy are the paragraphs devotM to dark flred tobacco of Virginia, Ten nessee and Kentucky. The outlook for this type is the most discouraging of recent years. Says the rvport: "It now appears that most growsys of dark Itred tobacco will receive leas than ten cents a pound for the 1926 crop. With tobacco at less than 10 cents, most of these farmers will And it profitable to devote to other enter prises a part of the land and labor now being devoted to tobacco. The undertaking of expansion of alterna tive enterprises and the improvement of the quality of the tobacco appear to be the only remedies for the pres ent dark tobacco situation." Equality Before The Law. (From The Hour ton Post-Dispatch.) They hanged a man in Folsom prison, California, the other day for participating in the killing of a poor Japanese woman. The fact that a man was hanced in the prison was not very extraordinary. California has a capital punishment law 03 its statute books and the supreme pen alty ia frequently carried out. But this man's case was different. He had money, he had family influence, and he had powerful friends. It ia easy to Imagine what powerful pressure was put upon the Governor to extend clemency. Only occasionally is an Executive put to such a test. But Governor Young's aense of duty pre. 'vailed over all other considerations. Society, he aaid, ia entitled to protec tion. He permitted the law to take it course. It has been a long time ainre an American Governor has done more to abate the complaint that there ia one law fjr the rich and another for the poor. Aa that un fortunate young man dropped through the trap door it waa a signal that, as far as the Governor of Cali fornia ia concerned, all atand equal before the law. R>c*!W Mm WImIbM Hi Had £t±cD~tk - jMMb tfhefoy. M. UL- A ationee maia today wkM • laeal minleUr, one of the noct prawriaeot In tk* State, i«. ntM a death-bed confeeaioa of ISM that brought out hitherto unknown detail* of a murder wy.tery in UM4 The «Mm of Um ■Ujring of pianiw day* «m one of tho Moot outstanding mon of I hot day, Joeeph Smith, founder of tho Mormcn Church aad a pronidrntUi candidate in tho yonr of hi* dontli. In IM Dr. Hugh K. Hoyer, pa» t«r of Central Mothodiat Churrh horo and then a young mtniater at Mount Airy, vm litM to Um htdildc of m apd, dyifg awn. There with tho death angel lurking near waa unfold ad the detaila of the killing of one of the eountry'a moat notorious charac ter*. Death cum *hortly following tho confeaaioo and the secret detaila have been locked hi the broaat of the miniater for 29 year* Juet ae wifely aa in the tomb of the man who ooc feaaed a part of/he slaying. Tester - day developments came about eaut tag the minister to tell for tho ftr». time thr information aocured in tS • pact with the Hying man. Lsag SnM Lipa Speak. Out of the ps«t from lips lone m«M \ry dtutth o>mea ■ moat re markable story. It was that of a par ticipant in the killing of a national character who aa a young man (led hi* native atate and ram* to North Carolina. The year* rolled by and one day the fargiveneas of Qod de scribed viviilly by af evangelist in the North Carolina town tugged at the heavy heart of the awn and he joined the church. Yet ha Iwpt hi* secret. Then in old age cam* the fa tal illhea*. Dr. Boyer in an interview Thura day atated that he preached the fu neral in Mount Airy, North Carolina, in 1SW, of Corporal Beiton, who con fessed to him on Ma death-h^i that he waa one of the four conspirator* who slew Smith. The name of the man who aided in killing one uf the moat notorious men of the last century ia this coun try, was dug from the archive* of the memory of the Methodist pastor through a letter addressed to him from J. A. Cook, of Tioga, III. the writer told Dr. Boyer that he had been informed by Rev. Curween Mendley that he could throw some light on the Smith murder, and wrote asking for all the details of the fam ous mystery that he could supply. In 1IHM he wa* pastor of the Cen tral Methodist Church of Mount Airy, this state. One of the racmher* of the congregation was thi* Corporal Beiton. then quite an aged man who had subsequently been converted by an evangelist who had preached in Mount Airy. Briton's Con fronton "I knew Briton slightly," Boyer said, "but took no particular interest In him until he became ill. Than I visited him. Thm one day after ha had born ID a few duy« he had frown much worse, and wti convinced he was going to die. Calling me he said: "There la something 1 want to tell you, something I have had on my conscience a long time. I An going to die and I want to make a full com Ejtm Enminml Glasses Fitted ~ K 41 Dr. P. W. GREEN OPTOMETRIST Specializing in correcting error* of the eye ai mak ing glawea. Next To Blue Ridge pte! Moved We are now located in our new qi^ lera on Franklin Street, where we are better iuipped to five prompt and efficient service j Your phone orders solicited. Remember We are in the Leonard block, next to Fow , ler'i Grocery Store. Same Phone No. 284. Sanitary Meat Market BADGETT A PRUETT »1!p: 'BB '-'-v, totd me that Imi or t 4mm men mat in the tam the night Man. Um Utt-1 < In a certain daad of truat Mrttd by Hoaan Payn* and wtfa Mary K. rityrie, to the underpinned Iruataa, which ii recorded In tha aAea of latar of daeda of Surry county, in took 78, page 2U6, tha debt therein •ecured twins due and unpaid, and at tt» request '•( tha holder I will aell at pu.nie uuctiftn for caah, in front of I the Bennett Huddlng M I Saturday, Ksbraary M, 1»27, •I one e'rlvrk P. M„ the following Mai nttlc lying la Hiruurm Creek Township, Surry county. North Carolina, and more particularly described and defined a* foQowa; _________ Beginning at a (take in the Vir ginia line 8. 1US4 cha. to a creek, thence down uid creek a* it meand ,'m R. S4I «i< g. to • sprinf branch, hurcv near s. aa the creek meanders iV» cha. K. 7 cha/ to a creek, thence N. 32 cha. crossing the creok to • South; containing S2 1-2 acres, mo- or less, and being one-half of lot p. 11 ox the la mis of the Slate Mot, tain Or chard Co., as surveyed by R 1,. Love lace. Sale made to satisfy an Indebted-1 nes:< of 1860.00 principal, Ir rr<«t and cost of sale to add. This the 10th day of Fet , 1927. EDW. M. UNV1LLE, >ustee. so will the thrifty shoppers of Mount Airy and vicinity "nab on" to the graat values afforded by the few remaining day* of oar great sale. Loee no time in getting here, aa the sale pos itively ends Monday. Such values as we now offer will be history after that time. We have urged our customers to take ad vantage of the savings—and many have done so. Now we issue the final warning of the closing date. ' Figure your future needs and buy now for the great saving you may make. We have some unusually strong values in Men's and Boys' Clothing and Shoes, and these are staple goods—something you can safely buy for wear a little later on. tbfc WNk, M W. G. March lit, tad Um A SHIPMENT OF NEW STRING DRESS GOODS AND READY-TO-WEAR IS ALSO BEING INCLUDED IN THE CLOSE-OUT DAYS OF THIS GREAT SALE. LADIES. THIS IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY. COME TODAY! W. G. LEWIS & CO. MOUNT AIRY, N. C At Auction! ALL THE REMAINING ACREAGE AND UNSOLD LOTS, CONTAINING ABOUT 65 ACRES, WILL BE OFFERED FOR SALE TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER AT 2 P.M. SALE TO BE HELD ON THE PREMISES. THIS PROPERTY. LOCATED ON THE PATRICK ROAD, ADJOINING FLAT ROCK * SCHOOL AND CHURCH, OFFERS A GOOD INVESTMENT TO ANYONE. - . - TERMS AND CONDITIONS ANNOUNCED ON THE GROUNDS. Don't Mia Thb Sale Goy D. Grimes,:• : : Owner