Ordinance Passed Outlawing Dynamite Within City Limits Ma Folger Leads Fight For Schools S. P. U. To Close Financing Plan Free-For-All Fight End* Life Of a Carroll County Citizen Hunt tt, they do Mt wut any tac the itanc* of any quantity of dynamite within the city UmKa (or tha purpose of It waa ftrat sag geetad that tha dealara ha pmM to haap a Halted fMiHty an hand hat thia suggeetion wma diacarded far 4mm even tha «aat law abiding eitl ♦vet stopping tha legal supply, and it ■.-waa finally decided to outlaw tha dna «mh stuff entirely aa U now doae hi all tha larger citiee. Far aavoral waaka bow tha aMa tton when tha ftra and oaploeiea oe earriil in Deceaiher. Tha walla of tha Mtdinp ware declared unsafe by tha etote fire mapector and tha prop erty owner* wore ordered to mora them. Tha walla of tha Bannar pioporty have been taken down, bat tha 8chafer wall rwahn standing aad H for this reason that tha public ia barred from using tha sidewalk la front of tha walla. Mr. Sehafer haa bean served with legal warning o< their condemnation, and since ha haa failed to taha any etepe to nam them the commiaaionan ia their ■Mating Tueaday night ordered tha police to iaaue wariaata against him aa provided for in the atotutea for hia failure to remove them. The atata law make* It a fine of not leea thaa $10 and not more than MO for each day that tha' walla remain after they (hall have boon condemned by tha flit inspector. The fir* limits of tha city were ex tended by the board to include all that territory on Willow Street be tween Virginia Street aad Pta» Street. Thia waa made necaaaary on account of tha many buildings that have been erected along Willow Street during the paat two or three year*. inc commissioners passed a resolu tion eondemnlng certain lands of W. O. Jackson, W«»h Cox and the Mil tax Woolen Mill* over which to build a water pipe line tram Lovills Craak to the pumping ntation. Under the prtwimofin of the amended charter of the city the right of way can he con demned and the damages to the own en are submitted to arbitrators selected, one for each party to the suit. In case tile award is not satis factory either party can appeal to the Superior Court. There are other lands alone Lovills Creek which are -being token over by the city for Ha pipe line right of way and the dam ages are being aaaaaaed by agree ment. In these aaaeeaments the city is represented by W. I. Monday and the property owners by Geo. M. Sparger At ft ret the etty offered the property ownars Are cento per lineal foot for a 25 foot right of way through the lands. Some of the land •is highly improved and we under stood that in some eases the arbitra tors have allowed Ike owners 10 cento par foot where the land was in a high •tote at cultivation. The commissioner* discussed the question of the white way for the city. Mayor Sydnor advises against the increased expense the city would he pat to in paying for the electric current. He believe* the money used to pay for it should be used to pay hi tot sal en the bonds at the city. This week, he reminded the commla siooers, the town sold I1M.000. H will take in the neighborhoad of 175,000 to With I Local lodge No. IMS Loyal Order: ceesfully applying (or membership! ami taking the initiation which w .4 -» - -- it. JI-- . > I „ - .. M w put oft under tw airMtkon of Wo MoreUnd, of Asheville, district sup* on tho dtfno r. a More land, Asherille, C. A. and Heilig, Winston-8aleni, Mr. Taylor, of Philadelphia, Pa. Robe L. Colo man, superintendent of tho Texas OB Co. aad Murray Brown, local >aer, who made hi* farewoll stating that he andd visit tho 1 isatkm within a year. G. C. Mo land. oT Asheville, will spend sixty] day* hoi* aa local organiser and will assist the local man in totting the] lodge in first class working trim. City Bond. Brag High This city sold tlUvOM worth e(| bonds Tosslay to pay for tho paving program that was the past year. The bonds are serial I and will he retired aa tho street! assessments are paid off by tho | erty owners. They bear an rate of t 1-1 per oeat aad brought 1 premium of IMN, the hood buyers stating that this brought this intar sst rate os the money down to U per cent Bidding on the bee*>W spirited, more than a dot thro purchasers being hare. Urn bond buyers did not hesitate to say that the Town of Mount Airy stood high in the financial circles of the nation. This la nothing more than our dU xtn* would expect, however, for in all his year* as trsaaurer of the dtp Mr. F. M. Poor* haa been prompt and careful to see that the city's credit remained at its peak among that of the beet cities of tho nation by giving the bond business of the city his most careful attentk J Rum Off Dry Bride* <» ftUi» W Fred Bin(h>m left hi* home Sun day morning in his Ford ear intend in* to Co to Sunday School, bat later woke op and found himself w> be lying on a stretcher in Dr. Martin'* hospital. As Fred m driv ing down Main Street ha thought ha hoard his Tear wheel bumping along on the pavement, and Just before b* reached the dry bridge he leaned over the aide of the ear to try to see if he had a flat tire. His tire waa all right but when he leaned over ha unintentionally pulled the steering wheel around which caused the car to leave the street and go dashing over the embankment down toward the railroad. A heavy fence project ed from each isd sf the bridge and struck the fence its hindered hut h did net stop until it had tarn down the fits , and started down the deep cut, the rev wheals of the car lodging against The driver was thrown against the frsNt of tits ear and by the cuts oa his aid Mm of the mt w*r» .pun*. Toung »iagham spent tV *»»• par* rf 'So weak in 0m hat MM at the ta the North 3K S2.*t"*StJf tS light for • laiger equalisation fund atfyrs »?7^eUteBMn eoUafm MM) other state inxtitutiuns mM for 1» million lk> hum timr were wining to give •no a half million Mian for their aquali had, wlwi a mmMoi ag by the iwnnw to stady subject had netMnM a faad of four million. And now the from the small 4l ... BMMM „Jpr «r John Kol*Pr la and threw a shall when ha tha big fund far sqnareiy la half, mra by only ftra trad tha collage f*l orurad an adjourn mant without taking further votes. All during this waak the legislator* has been locked war the school ques tion, but it is f)i«in that Mr. Folger has the whip hand and before the col that they without ta state institutions raa gat their Millions they are going to have to com to Mr. Fotgaria terms. Sunday's papers gave a vivid de script ien of the light being lead by Mr. Folger, one of thaw having tha following account: John Foiger, of Hurry, with two cyltndarsd plNriqr and lying in bad wfll crawl to the capttol tomorrow ami renew Ma ftght for the HMOJMO equalising fund. Mr. Folftr ia not going to bo euchred into a warf ara against tha North Carolina College for Woman, the Univeraity, State college, East Carolina Teacher* college ia Qraea villf or My other state institution. If his Arht for the M ,000.000 equnllslnff fund reauha in that, tbaae other in nocent bystander* may get hut. Bat ha ia (hooting at the "four mil Hon" and ho will not krww hia eighta or train hia gun in anotlMr direction until that four million mark baa been ton tared with a aha*. Tha Sorry statssman made much the moat furious onalaught againat tha highway eammiaaion that It ra cohred at thia soasion, but rren than, he waa hanging away in the interaat of some loaa fortunate county than hia own. "We have a TO eant achool Us in Surry," ho aaid tonight, "but that is not inequitable enough to make me ftght .the preaent plan. Sur ry can get along somehow, though 70 cents is itigh. But there are many counties which are paying a much more burdenaome tax. I think the State of North Carolina can remedy that inequity. I think it can do ao by cutting preaent appropriation on]y 16 per cent. I think it can provide all that the budget calla for and the 94. 000,000 for the equalising fund with out taxing anybody unjuatly. And I regarded tt an everlasting impeach ment of our stateamanahip and our aenae of justice that wo ha rent at tended to the primary neede first. *"If it hicamaa noceaaary to art other appropriation for the equalis ing fund, I think the eat must bo made. What I am after ia making the state see that we hare net won started right until wo have provided for the leaa fortunate countiea In the state. Why, people who have been eiamoring for an eight mowtha achool term are strangely indifferent to tha fact that ia order to get six months Happenings Twenty-one Yean Ago : . Interesting Items Gleaned From the Piles of The Mount Airy .Yew* tl Years Ago This Week Congremnan K. gpmcr BUck, barn «u indicted is Federal court at Greenmboro teat weak for netting poaitton In tbo poet offlee ud rtvffmt «»i ii»— to hi* friars. M. D. Hoar* ie on the northani markrta baying gooda Victor Allan, • munkmmt of Cans, Va.. «h in tka eity thla week buy ing good* for Hie (tore. C. C. Hutobeaa and Jeaee K dd. both of White PUina. da day laat goada were ■! Nt h tk| yard and part of ikM M ban ImM away to W aew hiai Kditor Howlet of tka Mot Moim tain Coorier, konored tkia o«ce with a tUH taat week. . Mr. *. H Wrann kaa rad a aew alavator pot la Ma atore fcaOdiac aa Mkia atraet apace la Tha New» aad la tha fatar* wi!1 kaop yam lafomed aa ta HM ... Slat By tfcto ylu, vklcfc lk« MM hai hi fare* for naming oat in almost mry direction from thia city, the Itnaa btiaf MM ed to the quarry, Bannertowa, op the Fancy Gap road. North Mont Airy,1 out tha Man road, and to Lurai now connections to it* «y»tam and haa doubled tho uaa of current o*er that which wma Mac produead by tha local power planta whan thoy took over tha lyitm laat July. about half tha countiea at tha atato art hemming paupariaad. Tha vary first atato net nhould Kara baan th* guaranty that tho equalising fund ba made HfttOflOO. And hero wa an making it tha vary last, ladnd, if wa bad not protoated tha >»maga of tha appropriation* bill until thia act of ahnpla justice to tha school chil dren ba dona, that MO would have gone tbroogh and that would have been the laat «f the aebool fund. "I want it made perfectly plain that I am fighting against nobody, bat I am potting every ounce of my strength into the demand that tha atato provide before it spend any other money, 94,000,000 for thia equalising fund. All other leglslatlra iaaoea appear trifling to me now and appear eo because wa have been dodging thia duty SO yeara and T think it it time to meat it. "I would have thought that every leading educator in the land would have been here making the fight tor the elementary sehoala. I do not know what need we are going to have for all theee great buildings at the Institutions at higher learning if we do not provide batter for tha chfl am not-aaaaittng the ooOegea. They are looking oat for their institution and ( do not criticise than. Bat somebody baa nagUetort tha MO^OC children of the atato. I do net mean to go back to Sorry withe at having done what I could to malm (he atato: Move at Auction by thb and it win be *old at by The Land Co., af thla dty. « 11. Tba ■Mm of Rockford Slmt and alao baa ini aitaa on koekford. A total at M lata suitable for residential purpoeae baa baas provided and tba anticipated aAa of thU pioperty ia creating much faror proapective homo oamera and alao selecting lota that they expect to bid Vary liberal tornu km boon se f or tba pnrdmaavs of tfcia property —only 10 par east cash will be required and tha umalmW ia payable la Monthly instalbnenta of 1 1-1 par cent of tba wotnt of tba Uk* A limm Tfcia Tim*. Tba power that rsgalataa tha on aa "like a lion", tor tha Am day brought tha only raal aaow of tba sea aan far this aaction. AU day Tuaa day mow fall, bat tha ground being warn, it woold Melt. Aa nightfall came tha wind became colder and the mow stuck. When the world awoke Wedaeaday month* it bafcetd a mow 10 inchae deep not aattmated bat a 10-inch mew aa recorded by the keeper of the U. « weather bureau. C. W. Abeher, at the city pampin* Tba mail track from Winston Salem waa unable to meb bare Wed naaday morning and the noon train waa four boor, late on account of tha the eonut^Tbelow bellTta H^tad the aaow fall amounted to M inches. A the Meant Airy Wo organised in Um War Men»orial Com- > munity BaUini last Thursday even ing with eighte ganizatioa *ai completed at their Drat hosinm meeting held Tuesday evening of this waek. Ik* parent club offered an excellent prufraa Thursday night which was tarnished by the ■HMieel talent of the town and Mr*. Bala, dab presideat. madt a short addrm telling of the work be ing dene by «tate and national feder to tell something of the work which this preaentatfoa of the aims and ac complishments of the club before them the girls and womin were en thusiast for organisation. Miss Edna Hornet waa made chainAan. Miss Mary Holllngsamth Miss Martha Mrs Ralph Mo.roe. Miss NeO Wright berahip committee to soiiait new mam r. l. W. U 8 yd nor has soM his tatorMtl la the Piedmont Furaitar. Co. of this city, to C. K. Welch, the bwintm now beiag owaad by Mr. Wetefc and W. F. Carter, Jr., Mr. Welch having management of It This a Mm of ad la mi,...!..*. • flcfct In «N oaod with telling My that each would twist the k it wickedly for • Um ttaao wh would ho»o to girc up to Um of tfca otbor. For A yen want on this way men were flirty cut all to the disirinc mt the bodies. but did not in their ruahaa. Finally ofahot^JT Meredith, aftor beiny •hot with tha ■hot ran, nude his way out of tha barked forth ha Ml Ayers. The breast about ft for a fow hour. aa« M shoot daylifht Mas. the time aad relating to hia friends tha details of tha trouble that liningM hia life ta aa and. # Clyde Meiadith, g yaar aid mi at Jaaae Meredith, was painfully ed in the toot fiuaa I loti d that waa Meant for his father. Bill Junto, a deaf and man, had hia face badly with shot tram the lead that ton away the dead mi'i Hf | fanner of hia ty and waa weB situated Hobert and Clim Ayors an men around » years of aye ried and lire on the toy of the Fi Gay. J.

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