BLACK-DRAUGHT RED SHALE BRICK THE BEST FOR BUILDING Sm im for R. L INMAN Ury, N. C. Old Age Leaves No "Doubts" whan your eatata hu km pUml In tha yrayar hmdi. This itmi bank is In poaltkm to act a* executor, adminiatrator or guardian of yonr aetata, and tta appointment inauraa a fair eettiantaa* of all Mattel a entrusted to tta car*. Whan four lawyer drawa yaw will (OTurjroae should nuke a will) mm thia hank to act In teal a4 juataaant of your affairs. Our Traat Oter wfl gladly explain oar torrleo to you, and point out the advantagae wa ara la poaition to atfor. Old age often infnhlia tha mind, ao loaa no tlaaa In attand "Action today puta your wotrfce away - This Bank Can B» Of Vah*U« Auwt um To Yoor Estate. The Bank of Mount Airy Tr «* D.p.rN.wt Mmmt Airy. N. C Uw. aL LotUU, Tnut OAoar hi Um Superior Cmmi of Sorry Omm 3, that Ml daction ia far the parpoaa •ellinr land bata^tM U tha aa taU of William GlUey, Dec't, tar tha sr^^zsiSnrtz thar taka notice that thajr are reoalr ed to appear before tha Clark at tha •pparior Court of ■««« Ccwtfr at hfa aAcr in DoKmmi oa the IMh day of March, IMT, and answer or daarar to the MMhhl hi aaM action ar tha jbhUffwi aak tha aaart far tha Thle fab IB. IMT. P. T. LKWKLLTN. JfVrk Superior Court Sorry Ciaat*. t» tlM n* m tnm 1 tot It of toaa. For ■rata to tm* 4 to m rn etoa V to 4 to 1 kiUad later to until all dancer to to killed "Wall, ww atot to 4a abddle of a 4a bat By Cox to f of tha jf WSL. tar a 'wl tof). •I Ararat •Mhh hrtatto «f| ■t of G. J. Kajr atot mm itatlon the following peraonal .•MMaekMkljrrm " wo* arato, • nan aU; . 4 ran old with ham; m. *%£ mm: mm two-horaa «mmi Cm'i entire aatlt of fmrm wlll to aMda to apply on a*M of January. 1W7 v.u «y II virtue of tha ■ ' of traat omM to *a by toracordad to " for eaah at tha Cowt ■ , -^«P * „ as foltow*: North W da*. Waat 4 1-4 chain., Waat 8 chain. Natti Tt chama, Waat S chalna South K7 6eg. Waat t nhatoa. Saw* *1 4er, Waat « 14 chain., North U •tof.. Weat 4 ehatoa to • aourwoad aaptmc; thence a ganeral direction of Nirth jNto*. Baat^ahw^an otd rall line; thence South M dag. Bast 5.70 chain, to an old black or red ash .tamp as tha Nwthraat bank af tha bi* road 20 or M yard. North of where C. Norman', road cwnaa to the j^p of the ridfe, Northanat of tha to a bunch of and vtra East » etu. Sooth IT 1-3 S 1-2 chahx; thane, dw aaM and r»il fare. South 17 4m S 12 chain., South IS d along • fence and 4M 9 «Uh, croaatn* Mitchell* Ktw to • red on the bank thoreof, I. K. C>»toch»w'» old corner j thence down said river aa 81 dec. Wat 8 1-1, chain., Sooth M 4n Weat II ekain. rthenca Weat about 1 chain craaatoc aaM li»ei to the month of SdhoalHaMa branch, the place of the hactaBNs- Citato h( 116 acraa, more or Im>: wn and wtcept about 2 acre* aold nff to Rock nejr Ford Miaaloaary Baftht Church. (Ala haiag th» tract of land con veyed to Joeeph B. Corker ham bjr Ma father, C. C. Cockerhaaa—aakd deed recorded la the odk* of (he ■•■Mar of Daada of Barrr C amity. In hack No W, pajb US.) Bala maZT to aatlafy daad of traat of 81.4M.M. with latoraat part daa Thi< the IMh day of Pah., ltfT. W. M. JACKSON. Tim Hi. By cooperation the advancement of this section along many lines can be accomplished. Our people can come to know each other better, and to appre ciate the effort that each individual exerts for his community. The Merchants Association is an organization working for the good of this community, uniting the individual efforts into one powerful force of coop erative energy. Through this cooperation the ad vantages of this section can be better made known. The Association at all times stands ready to join in any movement for the betterment of this com munity. The Mount Any Merchants ition PURE Drugs QUICK Our drat •tore to everything Hut • ftnt-claa dnf ■ton should be. W give the purest, freshest dnip—the best service —for the FAIREST PRICKS. COME IN LCTU8BC TOUR DRUGGISTS TURNMYRE & LAMM