J. W. Creed, Ararat, N. C., reports tkd kt to* mOm mkm mm far —h Hslotiki and Jar—y wOl to freak tto Last fall pwl aapMi was aid* la stissslng tka valao sf coror wave. Son of tka baat Holds la to NN ara to to found an tka fan* of Mr. Alex Chatham, near SUte Bead. Ha to* 10 acraa of barley, 44 mm of Akr—si rye, $ atras of atot, • acraa of ertauen rlovar, tkia told of *a»or ceimtmy i inw iifm Ana nil nMC rapid growth during tka warm day*. Thirteen acrca of rtwt, torlff and tion and ha* mad* a wonderful (rowtk. Tto ntok la An* and a ■•ad stand m sac mod. Twenty all psanis of aoad waa (own per am Tkia la tto aoeoad year that K kaa toon sssdsd tn retch. Itoa to kaa a • aero patch of alfalfa. Tkia la tto aaeond aoaaon for tto alfalfa. Tto alfalfa, small grain mixed with votck and crimson clover ia w»D worth a journey at tkia time of tto year in order to aoo ttoao crop*. Ton will find Mr. Hcmrick tto farm m«nag«r wiilinr to fira you any information about tto meOioda uaod in prod—lag ttooe cropa. Yon win And tkia fan* on oittor aide of tto road between State oKad and Thurmond. Bo aura and aoo it. Again quoting information sent out from State Collage aw quote—"Out look for Poultry and Eggs In 1M7. Poultry and ogg producer« may an ticipate fairly aatiafaetory market * for ttoir products in 1927. Tto mar tot, howerer will he somewhat Iom profitable than in IMS. Tto rsaaoa for tkia foraeast may to stated aa follows: 1. There hu bun a pMral up ward trend hi «gf production during the pant five years, and the normal increaae in new farms and special ised poultry enterprises the indica tions are that operations will be en larged durine Wt7. 2. Indications are that the piuaaut supply of poultry for the larger part of 1927 is sufficient to maintain pric es of these at or near (In 1928 level. S. The year 1927 opened with stocks of cold storage eggs, 1,111.000 caaes. This la over 660,000 cases Mare on hand than they had on hand January 1, UM, and onrer 260,000 leas In the flee year average. The stock of froaen eggs on the sue date war* about the a*ms as IW, hat considerably above the Ave year aver age. Stocks of froseti poultry on January 1, amounted to 144,000 00 pounds coas pared to previoaa peak of l SB,000,000 pounds m February 1, IW. The oatloak Is good for poltrymen in the Tsetora states who are in a ■ ifiMliiTf, ttrm : - ■* ^ LW.BMMS *«■»» »■*" QUALITY FERTILIZERS—Special^ prepared for NORTH CAROLINA aoila QwdftyyMd! en. * This year * How to get the top market price? What successful tobacco growers in North Carolina say ^ Hundreds of growsn la North Carolina ban found that it pay* to oac Swift1» quality tobacco far* ofthdr !■■■■! "t mood 400 Mm. of Mad Stmtr to tho mom ondpro dwoada *naquality, hiaij naightcrop. ir»ouecially prepaied for North Carolina soils. There is a correct Swift fertiliser for your soil. And the use of Swift's tobacco ferti ltMft, which contain liberal Quantities of m*pminm, win help you control "saad diWA*n Save money on your fertiliser bill by want Swift'a high mnmlyM tobacco fertiliser *■ They five you the plantfood you need at bagging, labor, freight and heitling. ^9^, Ask your A. S. A. (Authori. • A~nt) about Swift's Sad Steer Tob -co PertiHm. He will help ydu select the right sn.tyw. for your soil. He can tell you how to save vtmnef >~hy using Swift's high mnmfyM tobacco fer tiliser*. Get hi* advice Look for hi* sign It mark* the place to get tobacco fertiliser* of unquestioned quality. TT Swift fc Company Fertiliser Works Greensboro—Wilmington. N. C. • '-4 Xf*i {*-+*} I am your' in and see for yourself how you < _ money—extern profit*—with Swifts quality ■r tobacco fertiliser* of the right analysis. I co operate with Swift * Co. farmed of the work of nor J Let me tell you i Authorised Mmift Ajmt R. K. Mnmmm. Ml Airy. M. C. W. L CMIH, - in» N. C McK. a Mlk, AM Mta, N. C J. O. ryrtK Hhl Mt*, N. C !w Cm N e av.iMta. cniiKiM. n. c. r. n. wtXtf« cl!" *'C ^ JJ; £