Daris, O. K. r, J. S. Bray aad A. V West left to la A pretty folder of Florida tW»i has ► by Editor and Mn J.E. , from Miaa Law* Ban—r. «ka hi St- AafoatiM, Fla. C Bye, at Charlotte, is riattta* her sea, L. A. aad Mrs. L. A. Bya, ta this city, aa ft ma a rtatt t» ta Mra. B C. Seewald and aaa. Chaa week to maka their fntare law ta Philadelphia. Pa., whet* Mr. Seewald ta uayUyad. IV monthly am ting at the loaal r hap tar U. D. C. has baaa postponed from Thursday of thia weak ta Thurs day afternoon, March It. Let all the Mr. Gaarga 0. Grave* left Satur day afternoon for New Oriaana, La., aad several point, la Texas. Mr. pleasure an thia trip. Mr. aad Mis. B. L. Baater aad faaa lly have rata read from Clertaoat, Via., aad are aiaklng their hoaa at pr«eent with Mra. Baater*! mother, Mra. E. B. Nowlta on route t. Mr. aad Mra. Walter Jaekaon, Miaa Connie Stewart, Miaa Llnehenry, James Borke and 8aldon Darts at tended the popular show, The W| Pa rade, ta Greensboro, Tuesday night. MIm Halite Began, of Biahop^Ue, S. C.. entered Martin Manorial Hos pital, Monday, to take nurse training. Miss Secars is a sister of Mrs. B. N. who reside* en Pine Mr. and Mas. J. B. Sargent aad chil dren have returned from North Chelmsford, Maaa., ta aulu ho*e ta thia city. They are mg one of the Church W. J. Chandler Wi hM added to the list of iiwtl for DvkM Life Injarance Co., of K*)ei«h. He will be iwoditod with W. J. Leonard and they have ofleaa to the rear af Dr. Banner** dental parlor*. Mr. John E. Hate hem, father ot oar tewnamaa, L. Z. Hutchena, pro prietor of the Hotchetia Laundry, wu ataiakan with peralyiii 8a tarda ]r about »:W P. II. Ha ia a patient at Martin Hoapttal aad ia la a The work of County Health O. H. Sumner, and auraa, Mr*. aon, ia aueh that thair (Caa are il l egular axoapt Saturday*. The only aura war to And then in the of - Ac* in the Ctty Hall ia to main ealla filrt af Mr. aad Mrs. H. Y. at Durham, will tear* at thair little aon, Jokm haa bean 01 for the paat Miaa Ethel Kay, daughter at Bar. E. 0. Kay, of thia city, it aritosally ill .A - it- r C. C Hafe Younf Mairuna CM «M M k> ||M rfMn.CC Hate. Wa mm to tka da TtUn Aftor tka pter in# tha hoatoa fruit mhd with Mr*. C W. And raw araa *» nl Krli1» Wllw® UDIVn VI VlNf tag ia tha parlor of tka hotol which wtdatMM hi print Aowwra. Ilia toy by Mr*. Jiaaa Yoklay and tka conao lation, a door atop, by Mrs. W. g. Wolfa. A delictoua (man salad Viaitmg IWi Cken. Ghrwa Mr. Edgar CUpp, diractor of i At Centenary Mctkodiit Qntrch, •ton-Soiean. wUl bring hia Man'a« to Moaot Airy nazt Mnnda • baaa*t program eawaiating of by man'i voieaa, will ba (ton in Can tral Mathodiat Church for tka Sock ford Btraat Motkodiat Church. Tka public ia cordially invited to patnmiaa thia aaaatral pragma which ia aura to plaaaa. Tka Kackfaad Btraat Mathodiat Church wfll By «Mw of tha iiMkriMot f I M of Ml asacntad an 22, IMS, by John Walter and wifa, Mary Gilbert, and I in tha oflaa of the Racistar of Dtoda of Sbtj county, N. C., in -~'*1 mad* to tha payment af tha npto of the thereto* maul I will aefl at . auction for eaah in front of the First National Bank, Mount Airy, N. C,| «• Saturday, Marc* MIl IM7. at * e'ctoch Ml. tha following dasrrihad raal aetata: Lying and bring to Mount Airy Townahip, Surry County, beginning on tha north aide of old Fancy Gap road, and on Dave Crawford's 8. 1 comer, and running with bis Una N. 32 E. IN faat to a locust poat an tha branch. Day* Crawford's N~K. eor nar; than pa down tha branch with Alfrad and Bottia B. | S. 7$ 1-4 B. N faat to a rtafaywt to | of branch; thane* 8. St W. WO , faat to edge of old Fancy Gap rand, i a pi pa; thaaca with tha aald old rwd 75 wit to tha bagtontog. Sato ntia to aatiafy aald dahi. in taraat and aaat of aala to add. , This Fab. i, 19X7. f. W. SMITH. 1 ACCURACY To The THOUSANDTH Here at our drug store accuracy means being sure to the thousandth. • * » ■■■3 There is no guessing with life as a stake. THINK HOW MUCH THAT MEANS TO YOU - Mount Airy Drug Company (A G*od Dm 9tor«) /> ! ■ 4 v . X..S DON'T BUY Shoes and Oxfords At jtnt abaaft ymm ewi priea, vmm'i ftaaafeaaa 2Sc to Me par pair. Woaaa'i and Miaaa»' paip. and oafonk, af &a hart qaaKtjr, aad art bad atjrlaa, pricad 80c to $1.48 par'pair. ALL FIXTURES FOR SALE STORE BUILDING FOR RENT Don't Forget The Big Spring ' At Jackson Bros. Dept. Store Beginning Thursday March 3rd.