MOUNT AMY. NORTH f^ful Bookkeeper In Toils of tbe Law A. A. McCaw b H«M w P«n a*/ CWp Wirwt 1» mmd bj Mm* Airy CWii tC itoLir'a5 CWr Co., for whom he ku »mW for the poat four 700 rs. It to (aid ud ho had full charge of tko bootu W toTuT to! dnlgtag to luxurtoe and that thi. tf—»d hit employ ei a to itiit u to The oWrioli at tho a em pan? *07 thojr to*r not rnmploted their tor» tigattoa tort Koto uncovered enough to •MINI them to having McCaw ar wM and bald bora until tho booka can ho thoroughly audltod. McCaw km mmd* mo public lUtwiat and ton booa adrtood to gtva out mm until ha mm oaiptoy an attorney, Bo to a aingl* man and aupporta hto metkn and a atotor bora. During hia atay to Mount Airy ho tow marie ■ny frtonda and tho trouble bo baa fallen into haa proved a great aur prtoo to the pwMV Coy aland Higk Boy* To Try ffanfcall Down to Sduthom Surry the cam yua of a certain high achool haa undergone a change. Tie once nun wow baaket ball oourU have gtowa away to the king of aporta. The kigh achool boya derided that the oantor of their baaket ball court would make a good "hoM plate;" Immco they pulled up the old oak poat; tot the air out of tho old baaket Ml, and began toaaing tho borao hide. Aa thia 1a the ft rat yoar that Cope land baa entered thia aport, little la known of the atrength of tho club, however, the aupportora of thia achool can bank on tho fact that the athletoa put "their all" into any activity which they undertake. Unifonaa, ahooa, aliding pad*, bata and halto, have been purchaaed by the authori ttoa of the achool. Rabbit Hawk Caught Ob Shelton Farm. R. A. 8helton, ■ farmer who live* on route 6 recently caught a large hawk which when measured waa i% feet from Up to tip of wing*. Mr. Shelton miaaed a fine hen and when a March waa made he found the re main* of the hen about half eaten and decided to try to trap the thief; with the hen aa bait the trap was fixed at the feasting place and when next visited the monster hawk had had his laat feast. Mr. Shelton ex plained that the hawk was not stretched to take the meaaure or it would have reached a higher figure, he just held out one wing at a time and measured with his rule therefore his measure waa very conservative. New Mercantile Firm Organ ised. The Beaaaer-Creed-Ayera Co., this week took ever the buaineee formerly conducted by W, G. Lewis A Co. The new firm is eoetpoaed of W. P. Beam er. Miaa Mary J. Creed and J. E. Ayera, who are well known in thil city, having been engaged in tlx goods buaineas here for a number ti years. Mr. Lewia has not definitely decided what he will do bat he ex pects to enter some line of mercantile beaineas in the city. Homer Roll Fer Eaat Mewl Airy School. Grade 7—Polly Gould. Leany Mid kif, Arvel Vaughan. Say Webb. Grade I—Clinton ChDdreaa, Oaorga BW TO^HKAg^ 11m eteb it Ttry fortaaato Ik se curing tbs jerries of Mr. Bf ill who is not only at th* heed of all public school music la Wtestan Balam and chairman af Um Civic Mask C—mIII ■ion of the prngroasl»e twin ettjr but la prealdaot of the National Aaaoeia tion of Fublte Schaol Muafc Super visors, and ttw»ton ably qnNM to bring us a worthwhile discussion and demonstration of tka subject. Ho la under bia eapnbla UadauM|i wuadai ■ bar* boon arromptlaked In Winston Saiom in tbo development of public achool moaic. Every dub member la urged to bo the (nest of the manic department on this oceaaien. Jurora For April Com*. The following namaa were drawn from Um Jury boa by the County Commissioners Monday to aw is aa jurors at April term of Hurry Super ior Court, which moots so April ttth for two weeks af criminal and etrll jllUfi. First Week. Nelson Gentry, Herman Gates. D. W. I lemmings, W. L. Seals, C. 0. Davis, A. L. Bin«, W. L. lnman. J. W. Thramer, Joe F. Booker, W. J., B. N. Leftwvh, W. B. Oilloo pie, C. L. Simmons, Beid Snoddy, K. T. Moore. C. B. Lawrence, D. B. Nal son, A. J. Mistt. J. A. J. Boyall, 1. H. Jones, J. B. Htnea, 8. C. Worrell, A. W Shinault, Q. H. Badgett, A. G. Webb. T. A. York. H. F. Laffoon. Sherman Bundy, John Scott, 8 B Bry ant. Sidney Cook, B. E. Creed. B. B. Inmsn, J. C. Gentry, Lee B Sparger, A. Phillips. Second Week. C. B Marion. J. M. Hill. J. H. Cal loway, Alex Collins, C. E. Hiatt, J. A. Sparger, E. H. Cockerham, E. E. Marion. Grady Cooper, B U. Batea. B L Church, H. C. Norman, Geo. W. Bey. J. F. Nixon, C. 8. Bey, N. C Marion, Fred Col hard. M. V. Pete destar. iravawn Sond Itowi. A card from Mr*. Ella HoloMnb and Mrs. C. H. Hajmn, written In Uw city of Jerusalem and mailed on February 15th, reached h«r« on Fri day of last week. The ladies it will be recalled left thi« city on January 22nd for a trip to the Holy Land and other placet of note in the old world. The card brought the news that both ladies are in the beat of health and .•n joying the trip hugely. Mrs. Hol •<>mh ha* been ao well the entire time that (he ha* not missed a meal and Mra. Haynea has been well and en joying the trip with the exception of a short time when she was sea sick. The trip they are on is supposed to end after a time of two months sight seeing over seas. Juniors Pro—I Flag To Franklin School. The local Junior Order of Ameri can Mechanics presented Franklin Ichoot with a large United States (lap with the request that it be pre sented to the class making the larg est percentage of daily attendance for the month of February. This flag was won by the boys and girls of the seventh grade and pre station was made by the principal. Prof. Henry Wolfe, at the opening cxereiaas Wednesday morning. I Henry^Woods to Build Modora Workmen have started excavating the lot i 't >inlng Carl Simmons on North Main Street preparatory la erecting a modern two-story 10-roosa residence f r Henry Woods, at White Plains. It will ha af brick constime itoa and is -'touted la east HMM. The wA is h-teg dene by Osntinstai Matt Mine* Pilot Mountain Sufferd Fire Lom of $50,000 In Big Blaze Claud Iwmwmi ahaat aUda%M T*m buildinga la Wat Moaatoto, Miadtog Um cafe, Um atore rfV. H. Bald aad the HaUtk Dnf atora, ml Um win HmHJ» Mock. Whaa dlaeO»e/ad the which is lacatad la Um Mldlv m*d by Um J outer Of** of PUot Maun tain, but a* there waa m aana of * H*.nl am ka^kaa to praaaat tta aprMtof to adjotoing building*. The first atorjr partitioa latwa^ Um bnlMuia waa of brick bat Um am end atarr «aa wood wark aad aa aaoa u Um In would bara down tha woodaa partittona it would braak oat I to tha adjoining building. aad Umh for ; mora than aa hoar ptapaitj owaara The Mo oat Airy Ira department anawered a call for help aad arrived on thr scene la half an boar bat waa helplans aa tksra waa no way •» which tha Mg engine could cat wator to pwnp. Rat for Um quick work of Um peo ple who aooa gathered the flaaies m.ght have apraad aeroaa Um street, hut fronto af all Um building. op poette Um burning area wera pro tactod by akaata of tin roofing being propped against then and thus pre *aluad at tSfiOO with only (1,000 m on Monday ho ted rod red |MM worth of gnm sosd which wont ap with tte otter rood*. TIm otter baikiiav dslwysd, Dm Junior Ordsr property, had HJN in boildmc His stock wm umiwI when H looted as If Mm An would wis and late in his sters also. It to too sarijr for tte twiwi of tte destroyed property to what ttey win do hat tt all to te rsboilt at aa sarljr with THREE SENT TO STATE PRISON SpMt, Pwiirgrw Ami CkU dr*ae Comvictod m Yadkims ANmM Girt YadkinviUe, March «.—A verdict of guilty *>> returned in hi min ute* Tuesday afternoon in the case oi Jonah Speaks, LdUjr PWkIwhim and Garland Child real, charted with sssaalt on a female, and the Ant two war* sentenced to tan yean each in the State priaon and the laat named to eight pan. The prosecuting witness was Miss Edna Speaks. couain of Jonah Speaks, and who is only 14 jraara old. She makes her home with Mr. and Mrs. U. A. Martin near Yadkinville, and it was charged that the throe defend* ante, in a drunken condition, want to the home of Mr. Martin and told the girl that her mother, in upper Yad kin County, waa ill and had sent them for her. Going with them aha was taken to a vacant house in Buck Shoals and kept there until noon next day. Whan she waa ralaaasd she told an awful story of the treatment and torture she had undergone at the hands of the drunken men and of their attempt to criminally aaaault her. She also bora many cute and bruisaa from her awful night in the cabin. The trial here lasted several hours with many witneaaes giving testimony against the trio. The young girl took the stand and made a good witaaaa. Williams A Res vis and J. A. Rous xeau represented the defendants They will be earried to the 8tate prison Muna time this week. Speaks and Pendergrass have had reputa tion" in this section and have been in court a number of times. According to Sir W. Arbuthnot Lane, notad British surgeon, fair hairwd persons are more able to fight atrainst disease than dark-haired ones. MO-POUND WILD HOG K11LED BY HUNTEft Doth of Hug* RasorWck Ends Hat of Mm Hum Two Yoon. U CrtMM, Wis., Fab. ST—A has* wild boar, a sample at the rasorback variety itandlni almoat aa high aa a ■mall cow, ma brought to La Croaaa recently by Percy Eaton, La Croaaa hunter, who killed the animal after an intermittent boat of more than tiro years on aa (aland la the Wineabelk bottom* of the Mississippi near Lias villa, Wis. Th boar measured eight feat eight incbea from saout to tail, stood braaat high to aa average aw whan erect, and ita weight «u cetimated by tbe men who dagged it oat of tbe bottoms an between >80 aad MM pound*. It had tusks ten icbea long. Kagon baa bad aioaeroa* exper iences with tbe old wild bag aad ha* come off second beat la several encounters which, ended with the hunter ap a tree. Socrod CoKtrt Was Highly Music lovers of Moaat Airy arc reldoaa afforded socb a treat aa was furnished Monday evening by the CentaMU-y Men's Chorus directed by Mr. Edgar Clapp and aaaiatel at tbe pipe organ by Mrs. Anne Albertaon Clapp. The entire concert was beau tifully rendered and th* numbers ■elected included soma of the grand old hymns so familiar to church people but sung by these artist* they took on new beauty and charm. The auditorium was packed aad general satisfaction and appreciation for the program was eiptiasad A collection was taken for toe beenflt of the Rockford 8troet Methodist Church for tbe improvement of the church ground*. Happenings Twenty-one Years Ago I Interesting hems Glen nasi From the Files of The Mount Airy Xews J1 Years A$o This Week J. D. Jenkins this week moved Into hi* new residence on Main Street The new home ia situated on a part of what ia known in tkis city aa the Renfro lot. Mr. Jenkins bears the tlUtlnrtioa of being tbe oldest march ant in the city and has bean sailing (food hers mors than M years. Mr. and Mrs G.j T. J ones, of Ash Hill, war* here trading Wednesday. While here th#y took ttae to drive over \i the quarry and see the sights that are truly wonderful to one who has new visited the quarry. They thaniealvea aa helng greatly work that Is fcslwg deoe at Mr. In— la ase at the Boat aos qf the yoasg faimers In t W. jr. Nixon, of Kapps Mill, «u in town Saturday ami teUs as that Mr. John Kapp ii making many valuable improvements OB hi* mill. Hon. J. M. Brwwsr and W. I. Yolk left this city th* past week on a proa P-ctin* taor of the west. They will to to the Indian Territory. Mr. t. B. McCargt> toot ■ good horse in this city Tuesday. Another horse was running away and dashed into Mr. MeCaroe's team drirhtg the shaft into the horse's body ItdHetint a wound that cawed death hi a few Peter Cartwright, pmwtr M.thodist rvaiifiliii, who itinerated far yiiw (krwik Virginia praaeMa* tbi goepel (ran town U town, la the modal a pun which the present Mex ican Government has founded Ms ayrtem of Itmeraat rural school teacher*, accord in* to Joap Kelly, a Califomian. who for thirty years has been a representative oi the Depart ment of Labor of the Mexican Q#» mmrnl. Mr. Kelly says that in February of IIM, the Callea Government setah lisbed 8.000 rural schools Every teacher has three schools la separate towns and vMagaa. They travel constantly from school to school—to one on Monday and Thurs day, another on Tuesday and Friday, I and the third on Wednesday and Sat urday. Inataad of the saddle bona upon which Peter Cartwright rode, each of theee Mexican teachers la equipped with a Ford car. Mr. Kelly expreaeea the belief that these schools would mean a - new and educated Mexico within twenty years. The member* of the Kiwanis Club of this city will meet with the club in Winston-Salem Thursday evening at 8:30. The party la expected to leave the Blue Ridge Hotel at 4J0 ao as to lie on hand promptly. The occas ion U a tri-city rsthering of the clubs from Mount Alrp, Elkin and North Wilkesboro who will be fBests of the Winston-Salem Club. A large number is expected to attend from all these citiea. Child Falls Through Plato Glaaa. A largo plate glass m the building of Jackson Bros, was broken out Sat urday afternoon while several small children war* playing in front of it. In their playing one, of the children was pushed againat the glaaa earning it to break, and throwing her through it. The child injured was the girl of B. M. Dickoraon and was painfally cut about the face, and thcee who saw the accident manrelod at bar ea- J cape, aa several large pieces of gl*a« struck her. The glaaa waa replaced by the Mount Airy Mirror Co* and was sat Monday afternoon, the window being out of uae only one day.|l jL ' Paper currency now lasts oaly about half aa long aa It did before Mm war. Experts say this ia dae mainly to oil and groaae aoaking lata the paper money at aatomohUe service TUiRf Stay b Wo Story Ty>Tit A Qaiak Way to Gal MwL kw*i MW OMf M. (Mm ef tUi Mta, to ham *a tartr NNlr *i mm n*a Cm 1W K«rr << M MM W MM MM «>a ■»■«! to MM* |II»I|, (Mi Hall >a a goad citiaea and hae a la««a Un« an tha Cmm at Mr. M Oi|i pica MN hMtollif h > pen and tor the vMl toMfij. Tha ihllMan ytt of care and attention and Mack Mat The pork waa atorad away la mm wit and the family enjoyed the rtha and back-bone* and the feat and tha nam and Um mm Maeaga. It waa decided in family mmmH that that could apare two of tha hi—i and yet bare enough to laat until a new mm ply «f Meat rouM ha produced. So two of the big ham* were told a* the Market to aecure fande that tha family needed. And then, m had lack would hare it. Uuit Friday night some akunk a# i citiaen, btaat hie dirty Ufa. waM to that aaMa houar and carried off erary aound of tha Meat, to he accurate ha P* two big haMa. two aide*, two Mhn and a JowL The anew waa an the ground to •fame and tracka leading from tha »w»kack after going near the colored ■nan'a home, thua ahowing that a leliberate effort had bean Made to •ntangie the colored man in trouble. *nd ao, to make the atory complete and the detaila all given. the HaB family waa left with one aide of neat which the thief failed to get. And for their aupply of Meat they muat now provide. If that ia not liard luck, then what ia? Fiddtors' UmitwUm at Flat Rock High School. Fourteen cash prises are offered for violin, banjo, guitar, harp and band players u inducements far hirer numbers of player* to take part n the Old Fiddlers' Convention to ha ield in the now high school at Plat Rock, Friday, .March 11, beginning at fJO P. M., far the benefit of the ichool. The public la invited. Ad nisaion, tSc and 85c. Frustrated in an attempt to fine ill feminine wearers of short hair ind short skirts hi his village, a Spanish mayor has offsred toe pris ts. one for the most beautiful girl nth the longer* shirt and another far Jie meat becomingly trmsi J head of oag hair. he spaas Aram the md of the thumb » Mm sod of the little tap*. The aaatal bant lor •KattMsat,' a vlack hear, is again amtor tray ia the