County ot «h* .aha* to! *a NMkr Ml Dm atate M a wlM •Mi htn a tax Wry aqua I ta twtj iim» ta atate. and not a tax rata at 70 MM la Surry and tt eaaU ta aa la now tha ( Surry'i iiywmtatlvt alar toak aa Important fart la tha road la«iala ttoa quaation and on tha laat day of tha Maaion aacurad tha paaaafl* of a tt tha duty of tha Stata Htch ta taha ovar M par WmUlmi af thia M par eaat la to ha by tha pamnta|a of mil* aca that aach county now Kaa on tha The phnu of the SO Million dol lar road bond measure hu a proris- ' la* la pvateet Um counties utinit oafaif distribution of tha funds and ruairas that tha mgaajr ahaU ha al locatad la tha eoaatiaa on tha aaaa] hash that former bond money has haen allocated to tha districts. It 1* estimated that 8wry will receive HUM as har part of thla fund, aad aow that tha cosnmlsslan has tha yaw ar to ail more mileage and tha^maney to caTry aa Ms program there ta ha bo farther reasons advanced for not taking over the Lowgap road and makiag H an Improved staU road. Bath Partita to Haw Equal Numbsr Markara at Polla Tha ballot law for this county was amended by Mr. Folger ao as to give both political parties equal represen tation as to markers at tha palls. As the law will operate at tha next elec tion each |kJit»al party shall ha en titled to a marker far every 100 reg istered voters. Booths of •uitable sias to accommodate three person* will he provided and a Democratic| marker and a Republican marker will ha aasignsd to each booth, and j each marker so aaaigned shall work in that booth and togwther and in (to other booth or with no other marker. Should a voter, an receiving his bal lot, dealt* assistance in marking It he shall proceed to one of these booths and there be instructed how to mark *a ha makes his wishes know* Is tha T of hath the Republican aad Democratic marker. In this w*y tha actio* at either marker cannot ha questioned as thay mast work In tha presence of each other. The aalaa tiee of the markers is made by tha Chalman of tha Board of Beetle* a* usiaaain litlm of tha Chairman at sech political party. Ft** days he foe* the election each Chairmaa shall subaslt a Hat of Ave namae far aaeh marker that the party Is eatHlad ta w**M m»i« 'en" 1 • af n marten tm earl ra ■ • '• Mat af M An iftrt to (in bondewe of former r. I. Eldridf did not MWMd. At "to Mr. Kolfer o»a«id>t»d kae the legiatoture (hrt Mm tkto for Mr. Bldridc wiU have to Elko. mmd PiUt IV tow extending Etkin't ■•to Itaita «u not ■iliilil and en luno lit it will toko to the akoo fao ory, Um furniture factory and a torp •rritorjr north of tko town. Pilot ( Mountain alao »pread kor I unit* out I ind will have kor town comliaatow- < •r» elected for rafytog toma ot trwm I wo to fowr years, waling wkat ie< •ailed a continuing board. TWn waa MM MrttoMt for tko aaao ktod of m ram—»»nl tn Mount Airy krt it loeer gained itnafA aMalint to jot it pot into fore*. || TIm Mount Airy coMMoMn in ,' Ui^cUd to call an ilirtw to allow i a raise the maxlaauai school tax rtto I '• «0 cento. TIm praMtf rate is 18 i •nU. They will also vote oa a pro- < Meal to levy a tax of 10 wnU to tain i IP a (Mcit of nearly MO.OOO that la* beca miM la tha operation of Jto city aehoola. TIm school tax { ilection la exported to bo hold mm*- 1 im» la the ■prlng, sooa aftor tho city,1 election. rUy Waa't Ut Oar C—rt Alniw Smkm Foliar DM It Tltia Tim*. And they won't tot o«r Recorder's Court akoe. Two yoari s#o, (who ■lid it no om will admit.) tho naming! of tho Judr* was plwod la tho hands of tho Governor of tho state and tho if no of office rxtepdod to four year*. This time Mr. Folder placod the Judgs sad Solicitor on a sAlftry to bo pdW monthly by the 8urry County Com missioners, •• tho court U for Mount Airy township and not for the city alone. Tha county will in return rs-' coirs all the costs that have foi marly tons to thsoe two oAciaia. The sal ary of the Judge is placod at 91,800 ■ year and tha Solicitor at 91.SOO. Figures last year show that these twa official* received KM* and 91,. ' 624, reoepctirely. Mr. Folder has ooa tendod ytll along that tha faa system as applied to sdministers of justice was intirely wrong and he asys he wss Anally prompted in his actioa at placing the t offices oa a salary by a I decision of the U. S. Buprtmte Court recently rendered which held aa un constitutional any act of a asagiatrate or Judge who rteehror his fee from the defendant. Wa Pay All Straat Coat Now. The past two years baa aosa ae little amount of miaanderatandlng In thla city over tha street paving as j clear oa what portions the property to pay aa* in r has paid for Maw tha [ have to pay for all the Arter thia year North CinHh rill join the other 47 states la Ik nion in Btkinf her auto Ufa run mi January la Jaaaary instead mi uly to July as la the past 1m ta|i this year ariU bo laouod for period of six Mstb on July 1st, nd thon on Jmaasry 1st, IMi, *» srlB rot started oa iko right track aad .11 tar. la tho Uaited States will xplrv on tho Inl of sac Hrt A Light Ob Your W Is th« future all vehicles, dm >y snimal or otherwiee will be re |uir*d to display sosso kind of light rhilr traveling oa tho highways at light. Thia Is to protect the fans >r drayman with his team oat at tight from boing run Into by ears, •specially as cars are passing sa >ther and the drivers are sometim >linded for a brief period by t lights. la that brief parted ssaay i wagon has been swsshed whan a light hung on to tho coupling polo would have prevented the accident. To Hsw A Whaling Big Park. The state is going to spend two million dollars buying up town tains »ut beyoad Ashevills and giving then to Uncle Sam for a national park, to bo known as Smoky Mountain Park. This amount Is to bs matched by private subscriptions from intersst d parties, which it Is said Is already practically |assured. In appropriat ing this money there was some trad ing done to gat It pat across and la the trade the eastern part of tho atate gat a lot of money to dig drainage canals aad mors than a million dollars to build I bridge wms the Cape Psar river at WH miagton. Tawth « Bad Ckstk Law Cm The had. check law was .nd lawyora who ate familiar with to provision say It now h*s "teeth" n It that will bite the raaoal who riee to inaka his way in the world Ny way of the bad shack. Ths law ' miaatos the !• day notice to ths •prit to saake good hta bad rhssh Va 5UII Pay $20 A Cop par. Moat of the oountiee hi ths state tad with Tabs Ommm ht Mm *' *y at I d hi Alia. tm Tkia City—Ckiw It to B* *r'l il Mm ■ tkl* Af. Mn. 1m AIIm. » HN«rfaf*,«(*aMkri»M(lli Mm kwi of a IT-immM hay. Toot »U Kartfa, hIMIi Martin Ma MrW Habitat • faw kaar Mot. Tha bay «n laaftac araaad Mm Imm ting, On the m*M waa a platol bMwctec to Mr. Allan, and Mm bar Mrs. Allan eaatfomd kla to bHl It •tuna aad (• on off aa aba did aot want to ba bothorod with kin. ami K la aaW that tha bay than i»wi< It at Mm. Allan, tha piatol Artec and tha ballat paaainc through har hand, nach and ranftef down lata har bady. Mm «aa attttec te har thair at Mia ttew wtth har chin raattec upon har hand. Um ballat aa«»aiad tha rpteal t-olunn te har nack aad ia«n< eoaa plata paraljrml* at oata. Tha bay clateM It waa aa aactdaat and that ha had aa tetoaMaa of Artec tha yiatol Ha wm arraatod aad boaad to Jail for trial at Dabaon court ia April. Ik haa a lapuUllaa character. Mr. AUaa U a day laborar in oaa of tha fuialtara faftarlM. inrtadad te tha Itet ad eaaaMaa add wa will eoatteaa to pay a reward of ISO for tha capture af any kind af vaaaal that la ahowa to Kara boon arhlla intozicatad, uadar tha aaw, U ISO Ana or M day* te Jail, or baMi and Mm revocation of tha drirar** Haaaaa for aot laaa tkaa M day*, la law toteto away Mm Hnan far aat laaa than tfcraa aamtha. Children between 14 aad M years »f age mm to employe,I la cotton Mills ud other such UwlriN tar "w eight kwi * day or over 4$ Mm i *Mk. They may Mt work tftor • o'clock la llw svewlag nor tofoie 7 o'clock in the moraine. nry for Umm to work at all. The im.l in loan Is the same as for ■hiidrrn betweea 14 and 16. This the lUtc. defeated oan la the sen ite, brought hack to Ufa after un ravorahla rs—lltsi report aad de feated ea the kor aad finally passsd at the 11th ho«r. It la considered i»ne of the «oat cuHraitlw piecee of tefialatioa passsd thia session. Four smergenry judftta, whole time judges too, two from the eaet and two from the west, were author ised bjr oaa of the last acta of the legislature. Already the Governor has aaaaed them, they being Charley Moore aad Nat Townaead for the eaet and Hoyle Sink and Tarn Bowl* for the weet. Their terms of oAee are for two years each and they draw the salary of the regular lodges of the state. Happenings Twenty-one Years Ago I Interesting Hem* Glen net} From the Fil*s of Th* Mount Airy ATews ?/ Year* Ago Thin Week F. M. Poor* i* adding • aeeond story to kU k(Mhm am WBeon Street and making otho* improve M. L. Dm* has aoM Ma photo rraphar*! ont*t to Levi ltol*rU who will hmto Mar tha <—nj for tha The work is progressing rapidly m tha new ulephona WHIm near Urn post oAee and aho on tha targe three story building opposite the Blue Ridge Inn that la being erected for tha Ann >f F. L Smith Hardware Ok Capt. J. H. Carter this week sold | to W. J. lyaili tha Mater tat on the Reofro HUi. Tha tat tomta abant 100 feet and la 400 feet deep The price paid waa 11.6*8 Mr. Byeriy hooght the tat with the intention of hoildtng a raaUenee en it seme time ta tha htm. A rural free delivery rente hm been established from White Ptalw with Olek Marshall as earlier Marvin ipargrr. stf Cbartatto, h visiting in thia city. aame nUlea part h of this alty h« Old Courthouse at Rockford b Destroyed by Recent Fire MoCow Uaikb To TwmUk M Xmd Gmm T» JUL & A. MaCaw, who «y araaatad laat writ m i charge of tap)| ky Um Hooat 4l*y Ohotv Co, w »tw a yulla^ary haarlag Mm Mp Uwlln to luifhr'i Coart Man dacod by either side, and be woe heand to Dokm court (or Mai. Ma bond twine eet at (MM, Ha waa carried to Pahaua Jail Tviaaday after nooa aa ho waa naabla lo gat ay the bond. 8a Mm two uoeloa la Balk Carolina that it ta laid ha la la taack with hut aa lar Ika kaod hoa aat beaa ariaagid aod M la Mid tka young man boa »e%aod ta Ma fete for th» pmaint and wtt await Ma hoartac at tka April Mm McCaw •» ta laat woek waa kaod bookkaoyar far tka Meoat Airy Chair Co., aod kad fan chare* of tka kaaka ckargad with raialng a (hack tkot k* wrote far Ma aolorjr, ralaing tka ig uraa aflar tka rdlrtala hod ilpal cation In Ma kaaka are aaid to hava baon found, with which ha afll ha rhargod whaai Ma eaaa coatee ay at Dakaaa. Ha kaa .mploy«d WoHa A WoJt* ta daMad hfaa while J. H. in looMac'after their iateraoL Hugh DohMoa. mo of M. m Oak. through tha oadaol of takiag tka Puttmir tnwtxBnit Umnm diyi follon in* a pouihl* lofactloa (na a eat which had eootrarted hyMuyhckia. Tka cat-waa a favorite pat of Mr. DabMna- fteafly. hat aw day lart woak ahow«x] *igna of being mad. at u>* tuna biaag Hock aa lb hand aad face hafora It <«ald ba MM. Mr. RuWrwn waa thai* on • via it at tha time and killed it with a ahot in. Ha than laiilad it out in tha back lot and with an asa cat off IU head sad prepared it far ahipaMn* to RaMfh for esnmiesttee. Dnriaf tha work ha |«l *eaar Uoad aa Ma hand, tat nrror (tvr tha aittn any thoaght until ha emm up tha etreot la tha hoalth o«aa. whoa ha waa adrhnd that ha ana hi aa pnl danger aa tha Dohhina hay. for it waa learned that Mr. »ikiaamf had a analt cut on hi* ftNI»i whiah tha hlaad ffwa tha eat had raaahad. aad ha waa told: that ha waa alaa aahjn I to iafautia^. m ha at onea began to taha tha tmtn«U alao. 11a examination at ItWah ■bun ad tha rat ta hara a wall da Mr. Cm to Build !W Hania. Q. K. Cox haa pnrchaaedi.a lot fa eat ini « fart oa Orchard Straat from R. 6. Dean aad will at oaaa hada tha areatioa of a modem bua^alow which ha will uaa aa hia hoaaa when com pi at ad. Tha lot la located jaak ta tha rear of Mr. Dhaa'a hnaa on (krchard aad Taylor IHiaata. Tha ntm boild ins will ba of ahala fcaiek and modem in every napant. barn aiek for Maw tin* uri there U little hop* of Ma i mwiy. Gail*way to form a atock cwpoay for the pvifoat of organising a coun ty fair at thia |d«t*. Half the ateek ha* boon subscribed ami It ia thought (hat tho other will ho tahaa In a few day* ao wo on haw • fair nozt faU. Tuaaday enroll* ,Mr». Cullen Mrr i itt entertained about 80 af bar friends at her heanr on Rawley Ave nue. The ladtaa amoaed ihawailTte with the new tune called Nation. IJlTlLZSL H. Foiger, ; a young lawyer a# Dobaon, baa eaaae to thia for tho practice of Ma prttfeaaion and ia now aaeoeiatod with Solicitor 8 P. Qiaroa and the mw Am ia known a* Oravaa * Folgor. Mr. Mew ia a aoo of Ho* Thoo Fairer and to know* ai eat of tto mptned tne county ml anal 1US whm the omty of cvt off from flw kwutk TW tot m—t bald at t» B« StM At Atactic*. M««ch 17 «t S;M. Um WimI, Airy Inamrance A Realty Cm. «»H aofl at puttie auction throe nioo IhM loco tod on desirable residen tial streets of thin «itjr. TW ftnt one to bo ooH will bo that aft &. S. on Skat Lelaaon Street, to with aoase vacant Iota adjoto ix« hia property. On Eaat Poplar ■Street the homo of L. F. I^eftwieh viU he aqM at 8 P. M„ and a halt ; hour later the A. S. Allred house « Willow ttroet w« ha offered a* » tion. TW Allred houaa waa form erly owned by It 8. Honeyford and la located an a ptml itiaoi Meaon. Monday and Leftwieh aro moviac to aame point in Weot Vir ginia whoro they will he eat* cod la lino work to* the Applaekiaa Power C*. while Mr. AIM W* mowed to Westfteld, all of which has cauaad tWa property to W placed on the uiaiteC R- R days to I to Plt rWi. Mr. Leonard Wa gone tola the orange *rowin* boaine-ta in ida, having a iron of about 40 i and in tW future expeeta to

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