BAI SPELLS > *T Na 1 .1 «m uniiiii I a»«ils at toek At Uaaa 1 Ml aa • battta. I aaa Mm II Bwar alM> tat It tar w CARDUI PoU Nagri WHEN I WAS TWENTY-ONE n ioiin 1*11 | "Wt two boy* imlltH MHWta TOD At—Krudi VSm, at ON M> «f IMUf-tM MX wlltwlid irton IB America H* kM rMln4 from tha ataga. but ha kit left behind hint tha rrr«rd j»t a Nrtlllaat caraar. Ma araa Oral Tarawa aa a player la light -per* Mid thru beoamo equally popular aa a dramatic arttat. A ha year* an ha vaa prvaldmi of tha Actors' Malt) aaxortallon uM bta gaMaore lialped la make It tha powerful uryaaiiaiion It now I*. <• fer IWIlr" Xnwm InMoWil Tha people of Aiafcia, a daaart tO la«e in Tripoli. North Afriaa, ara forced to Ut» hi Milargrii—d dwaU la«a. reached by tunaaU throuch tha rock, la order to wkhataad tha tw permtar* of IN dagraaa Pahranhatt. Tha oldaat m*titutk>n of learain* la tha Now World la tha UnhraraKy of San Marcoa at I lata. Pant, found Who Will Settle | ' Your Estate—And How? V What more vitally important ullai can tention than the tton of your estate? Why not enjoy Um ntUaetloi and feel until thia Matter la settled? it »ow—aa you wast It plan* and desiraa in a will, and of the will to carry out yowr >nww. Ton know the riek invotred by delay. Why run that riakT the mhjset now, in MAKE A WILL The Bank of Mount Airy T**rt D.p.rfi.,1 MmM Airy, 4L C. h la omly af nd an aa&ta that • mil; rar*r*JI«rtk» la tt Ity af tha aarkfl valaa of Am ■oat af thaai ara aaM parrhaam. mym tha Matarday Kveatog Put. far tha nld Hai wan cm wtlk aa aanil waata a* ■Ibie wttk little AmaHrana daauod recntorlty af toeat carrfallj rhoaaa aad cor to tha bona. If Ma a parttralarty tw-antlfal painting «r etching. II ahnnid receive Ika place I af prn adnata, lu tract (Mm it* artlMlr nlta of tha picture Itaetf. Hmall plrturea nihj ha grouped aoacaaafully, bat alwajra ahaold ba placed agalaet a wall apart aba if tlw} will not appear ta ba aaarcrowdad. If a ■traag rotor anwral. baag It whera there will br nathlng la favorably wttk Ika Firwt Meter CyU Ika aarUaal known attempt at a | two-wheeled vablcla which woold prft caatf under lt» own power la aaM to I baa* baao made bj W. W. Auatln a( I Wlathrop, Uaaa.. to IMS. It waa pro 0