fe-T ■ i :M¥ DEVOTED TO TOB MOUNT ADIT, MOSTH CAJUXJMA. MARCH 24, 1M7. Oeaa-Up Program To Be Staged Hen W«h af April IM U Mm • mmry ilrtin ef the city to mHm jetn la the sptrtt and w«rk that will h m forth at that tea la make Meant A by oae of the «l»aai«t teams hi the «ate. w* tte'tetoiTIt? thl'lefcHi ■Win tha aynwial and prlaaa will la |liw to theaa far thatr efforta. A priae will ^given to Ha stadant Car tha norasalna, and a priae wUl alao la gireai far tha beet ooeay an tha aohjact: -Mr Part la CJeaamg Up Mewrt Airy." Mr. Waita. Sea. of tha Association, wdhridad support of ail tha ■—abars of tHt ■—oHitinn snd that 1m fin aaaora tha people of the city that tha lutein asa houaee ariU aot lag behind In tha 4aaa-op increment. Tha city's antlro force of hande will ha eanpley ad daring that woah far tha porpaaa of r»mo»tag rubbish and additional faroa, will ha addad if it la found N«*a4 EoUrtainar To VWt Meant Airy. Nut Sunday la thU city oor dtl aana will ha pririlegod to haar that noted entertainer, singer and musical pai former, T. H. Harriett. Par ear oral yaara he waa enraged hi eran goiistic work and la a talented aansi cfcta. Recently he entered the sanpiojr of the Atklna Saw Co., and hia Moat nary hand aaw for hia muaieal tnstru aaont, being able to play mote any piece from that particular carpeaiter'a erery day tool. Mr. Harriett will gtva a short pre grant at Central Msthadiat Sunday School next Sunday at 9:46, and will then go to tite Pint Baptiat Church far tha 11 o'clock sea-rice, and wSI again ha at Central Church at 7 JO. Ha will alao giro a short program at the Moating of the Xiwania Club Fri Am OM Tim* S««n«. Thar* «u quite an unusual fro pw riven at tha Haymore Manor ial Baptiat Ctaitk Sunday availing, March II,when an old time singing waa cftjoyid by P'ti f ona pmant' The auditorium and gallery ware both full and orarftowing with bright and happy facaa. Pint an tha program waa a aang by tha antirc congregation, followed by a wripture reading by tha pastor, which waa appropriate for tha oecas ion. Then a prayer waa rendered by Bar. Mr. Stanley, after which tha offering waa taken and tha announce ment* for the following wok made. The choir from the Calvary Baptiat Church waa preaent and rendered eev J ml (elections and a quartett. Special music waa given by the orchestra. A program lite this wU be given •vary month at this church. Cam and enjoy the music and singing. Ep worth Laafua Institute Meets in Mm. The Mount Airy District League Institute will be held in the Dobeon Methodiat Church beginning Friday evening, March 26, with an all-day session Saturday, and continuing through tha morning hour of wnrabip Sunday at which time the B«v. J. O. Brvin of thia city will preach As Tha principal t h a m a running throughout the program is "Chrle tiaa Stewardship." stewardship of sslf, service and auhataaca. Addiaaa as will be aade by Ear. N. C. WB Baau, at Spray; lav. U B. Abarwsthy, of Klkia; and Rer . W . A. Newell, M Mini Airy. W. A. Baiter, ot High . teatted te attend mf ar all ef the ItMrt Airy WW oafl k • km holidnf vImi an the evenln* * April I. Mr Mmjt weds Mies Owe*. The city's Nurt set la astir this i «wk showering the Md* and bald iag HatMT partiaa for the groan Among t)i* avalanche of coetly prse I nU flowing in upon the bride daily ■n the foilii a >■§; A lot on North Kate iUMt given by Mr. Byeriy; atone (or a Mi-roe* bouee, tha gift of Mr. Sargent; a Oilkinoon Twelve Man by Mr. "SUak" Kiacaaa; a aai. unial bad raw suite by tha Meant Airy Furniture Co.; a mhm'i tot tickat by Mr. Jam** Bray and a In laaa rang* with a tubalwa ova* by Hoicomb A Midktf. Arrangements for tha brilliant af fair hara ptogiasead to pointa what* una la certain of at leant thro* mala facta. Thara want ha a wensan on! tha ataga. Um aavak, bath hiatra. mantal and vocal, will sa^ssi any thing ever heard from local talent. Tha ooatuma of tha brids and bar maida, scintillating with jawala of rara beauty and Intrinsic worth, and tha elaborate floral Jirmliii will sat a paaa that Monnt Airy's si Ma will emulate far years to nwi. The mala population of tha dty welcome the opportunity to demon strate for all time what a miatnke Nature has made in not permitting j them greater latitude in tha dteptey of their natural charm*. It b their opinion that given the proper dethos they can prove to an admiring public! that in form and limb and fee tar*! they have charms thai will pot to shame a Venus and cauae the tolra's most pulrhritudinoua flappers to hang their heads in shame. Next week a complete'list of thaae ambitious bean ties will be annonncad. Lovers of good music, womsn who wonder why men weren't made mors handsome, men who admirs beautiful women and all who have last the art of laughter, should attend this Woman leas Wedding. N. P. Short Property to Bo SoU At Atactica. Some of the moat desirable piupeitj in Mount Airy will be mU at auctlsa on April 28th when Edw. M. Lta vilta, acting as commiasloner, will •ell the N. F. Short Royalty far division smo«| the hair*. A notice of the sate appears in this paper, which r^es the boundaries of *c dtf property owned by the deceased. This property is located on North Main street and cumprisea a block be tween Orchard and Lebanon, with a -tore house and Ave residences. The i land on'Main Street will be subdivid fd into Iota and sold at auction. The Land Co., of this city, having charge of the auction sale. On April £9th the farm property of .the deceaaad will he sold at suction by the same company. This land comprises a large boundary on Lor-' ill's Creak and Is located mostly In Virginia. IV terms on the property are aas follows: On tha city property, 10 per j cent cash, and 10 per cent every 90 ■lays. On tha fan* land, M par cent cash and balance In one and two year*. Formar Resident Returns to Tkia Section. Traveling in two ears, J. A. Atkins, his wife and six childran arrived la this city Tuesday afternoon after fee* ing on tha road for six day* sa mate bete from their former homo h MUk mond, Ind. Mr. Atkins brought Mi family with him for the raaaoa (tot ha aspacta to asake thia section hia future bane. He left hero foor years ago to look aftar mm large Mai holdings ha tod in lilmie*. Ind, bet to any* there to no place that Laat Sotarday afternoon Mb. hart*. Braanack awl Mr. Oyda WmM MR laarrlil «t the Iinm of Um bride'. parenta, Mr. aad Mrm. frM Brannock at Plpor. Gap. Mia. Im. naek NMtijr raturnyd to bar bom turn Ilflnoia awl Mr. Woodraff baa boon ipiaillat mom tkaM la Um atato of Waakbiftoa F. D. Holcotnb. rayraa—Hwf a largo cunpaay la Ctadaaal#, baa aold • tha quarry. The aaftae wtt ba aaad and to tha eabla Itnee. ft Is of tha 1ateat tjrpa and la aaM ta ba far m>parlor to anything that baa tnwt boon nla.li on tha market. About eight o'clock laat Saturtay night tha alee boaM of Mr. B. T. Sparger oa Franklin Street waa burn ad with a loea of ewer M.000, and Mt. Airy Gradad School Honor Roll far the month ending March 7th ISM. lat Grade A—Carl Jamm. William Long Walter Riaraon, Nlpfred Schafar, Folic Star In*. CtfMi» Taylor. Maude Archibald, Mattie Bridraan, Annia Brown, Alma Bverttt, Eauaa Jonoa, Ida Unabark, Baoak Martin, Eaaie Marrrll, Pearl O'Nr*!, Ida Thorc. ctaJl Spargar, Willis Wotfa. Craad, Myrtle TtHrr. Frad' Johnson, Gay Callaway, UUi Adama, Mary Hollingawofth. Nannie Crit*. Mania Jones, Abna Vokl.y, In Kryor. U Smith, Howard Sattarfwld 6tk Grade—Sallie Martin. Mary Franklin Graves, Roy Mitchell 7th rrade—Willie Johnaca. Hair ■ tun Williamson, gallic Hadtoy, Blaneba Holeomb. *th Grade—frank Carter, Nannie Fulton. Lena Hate bar, Anna Payna, Kale Blackburn. I iuie McCarffo. Ora Parker, Alio* Arm field 10th Grade—Stai la Poore. Rom Rat terMd. •d to Hairy Sheriff C. H Haynaa informed The Nrwi reporter that he vai nM up-iii to anuet a yo«ng man a Um nlffhts ago "for no other reaeon on earth than juet bscaaas h» waated to K*t marriad" and ha didn't Ilka the. Jeh. "Think of it," ha eiclaimed, "aa many nice girls aa tharc ara aroundj hart who would marry and make ex-t callent wivaa, and Km whan w* And a man who ia Juet determined to aw- j rjr have to lack him up! It la *j The jmnf man in qneotion, who b a former graduate of the Mount Airy High School, is madly in toeo with a young girt living on ana of the rural rnutaa. whan hl% wooing did not moat with the response ha daairad ha persisted in hia attentions. Laat Thursday night he pruiintid himeaif at the frosrt door rf the girl's haasa and was refused admittance, hot, un disrou raged, he triad t^a kitchen dear and Ainding it unfaptened ha walked in, detonnlnod to continue hia woo ing. Aa he entand at the back the girt ran out at tfct front door and the sheriff wna ■uiamnned to toko charge of the lover who wonld not take "no" for an answer, "I just wanted te marry the girl" Waa bis explanation for persisting fat fearing his attention where it araa not wanted. The sheriff woyld like to aae the young man'a mia-' directed wooing turned in a direction where it would be appreciated and da aired. It ia every man's right to love and to ha loved in return and to mar ty, too, If be wants to do aa. If be can only gat intonated In the right gbrL Central Matfcodfat dnnk KKV. W. A. NKWKLL, ♦ Moraine WaraM* 11 KM A. M. Evening Worship 7:30 P. M j Prayar Sarriea Wad. T:S0 P. M. I Junior Lm|m 1:41 P. M. In>11 ■ l i ».U P. M.' Wor Lnim »m P. M. A Workara' Council will ba haU in tha church dining room at t'JN P. K. | Thursday evening, whaa Sunday school work will ha dtocnaaad and m\ simpla maal will ba aarrad. Svaryi taacber, aubatltuto and aAear la «rf od to ba pnwnt Da tags tea to tha Weatern North Carottna Sunday High Point, March M-M, will ha| at thia ttwa, Thia i ba arttlad to low dala—taa. ana to Many of oar i isiiri will be inter- { eetod to know that the baby found Htr Elkin on February It U grow Inc u4 thriving u all Mtiqr babica should, and whan seen by Welfare Officer Arm field laat week, (few weoki aftor bates found on Um road side) Um little gM bad gained « 1-S pounds. Two days after being found the baby was placed la the boose of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. 80Mars, of Elkin, and H is their purpose at scase later data to legally adept bar. Mr. and Mra. Season are middle aged well-to-do people and bare no children of thsit awn, and tbeee In authority consider It nn Ideal boose for the little rtrt, whom they hare named Doris Fays Homers, and sent eat announcements of her arrival to their friends. v An old provarb says "all the world loves a lovsr;" h most be equally trae that all the civilised world loans a hoasalooo waif, for Mr. Annfletd tells as that he had applications from three eta tea and Ave or sis eoantiee in ear own state from people why wanted to fire the infant girl a home. One application came from Pine Grove, Georgia, and some from nearer-by point* in Virginia. Then there wns a telephone cull from Greensbro, and one couple drovt In to Elkin hoping to be nble to take the baby home with them. The offers of homes wars net confined to people who ere childless, but several couple* with three or more children still had roam in their henrts and homes for the poor little-dooertod baby. Truly It la a beautiful thought that for one mother and fnther who will deeert their offspring there are dosens of others who will not only shelter and care for their earn but will give their beat effort and ^ind their hnid enrned money to provide for a little helpleee child of whom they know nothing except Ms needs. The baby's foster mother told the welfare oOcer that she wa« afraid the little girl wns going to he red bended. hnne»oi she weald njt give her up even if she did hope H would not be red. Fawcatt Iim m bar Mi* M < Monday. Ctoada W naw to the mr, until to wear at hia ftnt of Hi|i fright, Mid if wrlgr thine, Claude will ahow up to ad vairtafa tha oight of Aula Dmui, aa deaf arrvant, and Annia Paweett aa Miaa Minnie Mayfleld, Ruby , aunt, km excellent art aore to girt gt Tha raat of tha < what burdaoad by wtit hi no-wiae bo aellpaad to par forma nee by tha aforaaaaatfaaad players. Tha balance of tha playara aiata of E. C. William Baurhn. Elbart Hull. Jaekaon, Dorothy Jaekaaa, and Archie With Mia* Powell M MMfimc* mar be aeeured of the fact that wek and mq on* will ha ahla to hoar, aee and feeL Remember her two big uniMii of last year, "The Gjrpajr lew," and "Com Out of the Kitchen." After the plan tation of "The Hidden Guert" there will be three Mr »ucceoec» to re member her by. Caat of character*: John Jiidhtaa, ... E. C. Bel ton Bert Jodktna. ■ college hoy and eoa of John Jadkinv . Claude Monday CI venter Brier*, employed by Jaha Judkiaa, William Tad Wllaon, in collate and a of the Theta Phi Comma .. Wallace Sheiton MrCarty, a polk-eman, Archie Doheon Otto Haboer, . convict Elbert Hull Ruby Mayfiald, a debatanta„ Minnie Mayfteld, Kuhy'i aunt Mr*. Barrington, a NeIHe Trotwood, a eociety fH, , Dorothy Melnnthoria ("Melons"), a Time* M«r» tariy evening in Sep Melville, Cm. Living rou* of Miaa Mayfu ld'i I - "I Cut Do WUkal Hw Nwwa," Smy War VHhw. to Save Hukud Thay pvrhap wif cut bat Wa em faaMa ii _ away In (Mr M ifirtti h tba aal la which tkty *m kapt, (id tWa etr Tbr ■tvi. V day afternoon. ta piataut aay poa •lUa aacapa from tha Jail at HHla tha hardwt l|kt far a Irfa la a 1 jraan wma biaagkt ta • eloaa Wa day atoraiag whan tka jary waa , dccida upon tka fata af Hobart 4 charged with tka aardar af MaradJtk at Ayara' km la O County a (aw waaka ago. tkay aad J. H. Body, with Ayaia Mat by 8. F. Land rath and W. D. Tka atata raliad open tka dying dacUrmtioa of Jaaaa MaradMk that ha was shot wttk tka fatal pit ta! kallat by Hafaart Ayar*. aa ka waa lua ilng tka boaM af Ayara i o'clock aaa It waa wMaat tkat fraaly at tka koaa af Ayars an tkat aigkt, aad oa bath aidaa aaaasad ta ba ! back m*u «f tbay themsahr* rait avan la tka faca af victkm af their fHwda « j Ciearo Ayara la alaa •hooting Meredith la tka with a akot gun. aad will ba triad at aaotkar tana af eaart. Botk tka Ayara daay knowing myth tag af tka killing af MaradHk, Ciearo The surprise of tho Hobert Ayers' wife and took all the killing, itatlai that til* blow* of the mattock that turned on hor and aha grabbed a tol and ahot kirn in aaif Just bow much of this tba jwry «fl believe no one can toll, but lepada ara that she failed to satisfy the praoaeotian's lawyer* in many of the ••tail* that aha related aa taking plana. Lawyer* began arguing the eaao Tuesday and the Jwy perhaps took it day. load conditions between Mt Airy and HUlsriUe are ao bad that it la almost impoeaible to get any i» .-1. •* , .... .,