rod RENT—Hmm* m fa* 8 r-t t, Wator and M>wara«a. 4. a Hinw. a* 1uouui t.lItiKKD 6»M»» M Or yingUMi iiudwee, llocM natad. bimUiiiK tiwk aad ana for aala. L ». tudwich, Alt, Airy. N. C. H. t. tfa. FOR RENT—T-MHMa NuaphMr, mZ 2-ttvry hooat both on WllUhr St. Ba.h and On* fr-rooaa House on Hay St. N. W. Pobbim. tfa. ttuiuiihi) 4»o. K hatching ana from Kuika mg h.fh quality. In tfcree diifrren: »hov. ■> 22 bind* won M rib bun* and C »rtver cum. ftOO mala bvutin beat |m-ii. AH Mtr pana bead nil by thia jnir blJB, *4 60 and ii.Ou per Mlttnc. A faw >ock«rala for uw yet.—-Ora Roberta, Mt. Airy. N. C. FOR SALE OK TRADE—OmviwM i imdster. Ford tuurine car, Ford buck. Paul AUred, white FUtni, N. C. 4->-p. FUR RKNT—Four Orchatd and South utrwU. B. Hsynen, Aifmr. DAY OLD ( HICKS—L*ghora lie. each, Reda and ~ lit. each. WiihkxtM ti brooder. Fountain and fxte. W. K and E. C. Beiton, Mt. A try, N C. tfe. FLOWER PLANTS—mt the {errnnials, hardy and au~li and p»t plant* mt fuchia* blooming bogwniaa, impatt anc* plant* and ferns. So* mm for •iit**. L. A. Pool. >17 Taylor St Mt. Airy. tfe. FOR SALE— back, 4 burner _ ^ Practically now, 126.00. Pbon* ML tfe. FKEMH CO, S—I bn I or I tkr fr«*h Joraoy nm for ante. 1. W. | Johntcn, Mount Airy. N. G., Route l_ 4-l>p FOR KENT—FuraMiod bod rmmm mm ftrvt 1'or. IM Rorkford St. 4-lc. COM PL El" ^ Uarafe Oatflt for oak or will exchange for roal estate or will rive terms to responaiblo buyer I Paul ABred, White Plalna, W. C. 4-2p FOR RENT OlT LRASE—1M acre (aim near Mount Airy and Granite Quary. 40 acres rood bottom land, 2 bcustu and 2 tobacco bams J. B. Hayne.t. Adair., of Dr. R W Reoce, dee a«ed. tfe. , THI. •'"OPRIETOR8 ofTbeSaattary Dry Cleaning Co., of Winston-Salem, N. . or c ntemplatinx putting in a; aior1«m dry rl<«ninr plant in thu city as so-.m at a suitable building can be Ine-t <1. The plant will be in quality same a* in the foremost cities In / >». Anv owner of a suitable building fcr rent or for sale or loaae Please communicate with Geo. R., Si-niiai v Dry Cleaning Co., Winstcn-Salem, N. C. 4-lSc. DELCO LIGHT for aab—Praclkally new. Reason tor selling, bar* pu*. in el-ctpcity. Bar (fain price. W. W. Ws Iter. Mount Airy, N. C., rout* 2, near Quarry. 5-lp POSITION AS Nl'RSE—Ry eipcri eiiieti iaiiy, companion for invalid or elderly lady, term* reasonable. Mrs. "8" csr* Mrs. Ferguson, >000 B. Brr"due*d in this country than you an get at our place Tit* prices ar* *«rht. Ranging from $1.26 to |U0 >er setting of 18 eggs. Send as •our orders or still better eome and ee what you can get. Too will *a nv your vis't as rou will Mt >,000 ine bird*. Franklin Poultry Farm 'font Airy FraVF. LISTED WITH m* for sal* s-veral Highland Park lota, wtth el*e"le lights available, prioad right, terms easy. Paul Alfred, Whit* P'a'ns, N. C. FOR SALE Moves, used only ft days, IM * parity earb. W. R. Hayaaor* •oaltry farm or Year* ago. »h— ■ mMw «W •* Iii»»hM> iliM'harsvd ba waa tttarally "Or«m»Ml MRrfik* TtM rafltnivni WM Uaatf «D to ftrt ft II—. w4 Dm offradar pla«l off and ba waa lad <>(T ika raaarvatlan whllr Mm imiid |il«> * ftmaral dlra*' An a|H phraaa. "dramming a man a*t at rai'ip." waa f»uad lla way Into tfc• langungy «f Man raganBaaa of ita Military aignlfli-anca. And lodar N to fraqmntly m...umar»d aaad i Ita KmnHWi SAWS Vtob Brothers Show FO« THI COOtt— I V A man cau lata. y«iu ala't headway with Mm. Oool uke • rareta' knife to nt rich tin down ibv panga of aa»y la worth a lot Mot havla' 'am to light la arorth a to* mora. rOtt THI QAMOKN—' ara aa gloomy whan they look ap at tha aky It only aeeme to tlH>ni Ilka a rt|> to the cloud*. Ton loam wme'in from lha H rraae af ether* But not aa mock aa from failure* Ilkr say othar l*. la brat In -rooMed • CaarrtakLi Tha Mark rat aaperstltloa la ■ 4 tact daacaii Jam of tha day* akM tha CM waa worahlped la KgypC try aa a larky emblem. Aa a Ortaat thaaaaada af yaara ago. aad recent escalations have i It waa similarly aaed aa a ncaamaat by tha Mayaa aad laraa of Ocaaral and ftoatk Amrrtoa handreda Aa a larky emblem It waa aa oriental la«»nd*. where II played a part la rallgtoaa eaatarlaa. Trmity •ach month at 11 a. a Sunday achool at 10 a. a. flrat aad third Soadays aft 1M * m. Holy Graoa Moravian REV. C D. CROUCH. Sunday achooi 9:46 A. M. Morning worship, I! A. M. Evening worahip, 7 P. M. Prayaraacting every Wednaaday night at I.,,. 7:80 P. M. ■■ mil in Under a dead of truat executed by 8. 8. White to aa aa truatoe (or A. D. Folger to aeeure a not* for $700 a part of which la paat due and un paid at the rvqueat of the holder of the nota I will offer for sale at pub lic auction to the highest bidder for cash at the court hooaa door in Dob son on the 13rd day af April, IM7 at aate o'clock P. M, the following lands: Pint tract: Beginning on a reek on tha North bank of Rockford Read and runs N. 7.6 deg. E. lft.ft chs. to a rock in Jack Hall line, thence with his line N. M deg. W. 7.«• chs. to a peat oadt on Wast bank of Dol>»on Road, thence S. with aandday road aa R m randara to Rockford Road, tht-nc* S. TB.r, dec E. to the begin ning. Containing It acree MM. ular near chs. to id tract: Beginning at a pap er the spring and runs E. 11.7ft r®, J-A*a*> Mna, then S. with apM line 4 cha. to a peat oak, origin al corner, then E. 1.2ft cha. to a rock, then 8. with B. Cockerham line to a reek on the bank af the branch, thaat down tha branch to the forks, Big Branch 11 chs. to the r. VL0' Br"~k> tkaa 1 ch. la tha beginaung Containing 40 aeree Mare or lees. Except from the ■fat tract two acrea aald and ms eJJtd bjT'»■ «• Whlto MHO *C HaR. awss--0ssr'-' n*' "* ft "in™* R C. Lawallyn, Trurtea. Total. I i 2ht.74 UABtLrrixa Reaerved tor tasee, mL eat. Circulation AjmM itnikiinc, —.mi hi »iiiiniiMm Amount due atata bankv 4JMMI Certified cka. ouUUn cheek. I mjnw Certifies tea of deposit, T7M17JT Other time deposits. 144.tM.S6 Hills parable. »... 10,000.00 I.. M. the following described property: ■•finning at the comer of Spring Street and Broad Street, nmi sootn 38 lie* SO min. weat 190 feet, t inaha* to an iron stake.tkence north 40 dag. e following real aetata lying and be in Ktdora Tuwaahip, Surry Coua tj, N. C„ ad>>inmjr the land* of Jo# Creed', heirs, K. T. Hnlikaii, II Hir nrnn. Sawyer*, Joe Parker, H. C. Holyfteid, what i» known a* the Deck Hodge place, Cleveland Parker and Banner Brintle. Containing »0 1-2 arm more or 1ea». The name being known aa the tMMKeplaee of Jonathan Parker, >- Termk of sale one-third cash the remander in i^ual payment* * one and two yaara. Thi« th<- 4th dsy of March, Wtl, W. M. Jackson, Cummisaioner. PENALTY Pay Your Taxes Before April 1st and Save the Penalty ALL PROPERTY ADVERTISED FOR TAXES WILL BE SOLD NEXT MONDAY UNLESS PAID THIS WEEK, AND THE PURCHASER WILL RECEIVE 20 per cent AFTER THE SALE, IF LAND IS REDEEM ED. C H. Haynes, Sheriff NOTICEI ■ To S. P. U. Customers AU bills for electrie service, light, heat and power, are payable at the company's office on the ft ret of the month. No discount is allowed after the 10th of the month and it is necessary to discontinue service in each instanee where bills are not paid by the 15th. nam. m. uxville. Kenew Your Health L„ IX , {ft .rinii by niruicaoop Any physician will MB Tow that i»rfWt Purification of it tyrtaai m Natura'a Foa«4attaa ti Putin llnatiK. Why not rid yoaraa4 at rlunati ailawnta that aM 1 <»rmn. iim ymm itahr' PvUjr jrwr •»« tira afatoai by tahiaff a thonm -omrm of OalaUtw, «m or twkc / waak for wmrral waalM ill aw l>. Natar* yea with haaltfi Calm aha ar« tha grfataat of • ■ yataw IhHInIi Oat a family pu aya, wmtainin# full dirwtiaaa. On , » eta At any drug atara, (An. hi II •rd 1. B. Mariaa. alao da»l from U L "th«ri haira at-law of L W'lHiw Marion. Heaeript dfwU rr for rod b for twmnda of •aid tract. Tkia ta rawil* of Mid U> »tart at I1M7.M. Thi March a, inr. ' O. 8. SNOW N»w», II.AO par yam. lym I'HONE 411 Dr. P. W. GREEN Virginia Mules and Howes On* Car Load For Sal* at AUCTION. FRIDAY, APRIL 1ST AT 10 O'CLOCK A. M. At Piedmont Ware! ouse on Moore Street, Mount Airy, N. C. These are good heavy mules and horses, weigh ing from 1,000 to 1,450 pounds. All are broke. SALE RAIN OR SHINE H. A. Charles pour next motor car get the protection of the famous Sealed Chassis BuyaB Each Buick operating unit , is sealed inside a dustprocf water-tigkt housing to protect these vital parts from wear DlVfAWa a V itivers motor to. MARKET STREET MOUNT AIRY, N. C.