DOAN'S p,g* ► ' I.miujZl0'W*TJ. MARCH PLANTING DAYS AWE HERE -BUT ONLY TEMPORARILY We are ready to aaaiat with professional land* •cape advice, plant mater* ial and planting service. Call U« Today Lindky Nurseries, be POMONA, N. C. RESPONSIBLE TRUSTEESHIP The average wife and mother know* comparatively little afcavt biminaaa and financial matters when thoua and* of dollars are concerned. Hence, for her protec tion and that ft his children, the hunhand and father rhould make proper provision for the le«al admtnistra iion of hia aatate after he has pansd on. Tkk The Bank of Mount Airy Tr Mt DinfiBl KmI AW, N. C Buy EASTER _ Footwear JOIN THE WELL DRESSED EASTER PARADE At JACKSON Brothers ENJOY FOOT COMFORT TO THE LIMIT WALK-OVER SHOES are "Walk Over" VALUES Have complete f"t*!^rrh,n"'t. «nd our patent leath2Io£th .Jul? ^ 'JS"*#***- ?°~ ">««««. *•**•. Monkey Ski r- u»rs, Doth plain and tri»n^d with Gingham .nd Oettoone IriS. in the niftiest Skim. Gray. And the men'* shoes—full of map and (tjrte, col tan laata far the young men and the < all come up ta what you expert WALK OVERS to be. Bee Them. tar the Women'* Fancy Shoe. Now ia U. time to select row shoes for K.ister, while the stack ia complete ia patterns Beautiful shoes in the wanted colors now await you here. I1.M te f 1*.M the Ml'i Oxford* We have la stock, all largest stock of men's style that we have ever offered. Our \ are far below competition, and wa want you to ahare in the i we are offering. $2.M to |M0 Dont forget that >aa have the meet complete stock ta and that ear prices are te ha rksapar than a lot of Sale prfaaa. It will pay yea to aae as flr*t and save time and SPECIAL! Ladies' Hosiery Onxy Pointed Style -707 Serrlee—Sheer Silk to Um $1JS Crawford, Jr., ■ Beautiful Ceremony Hwt at TV BwmH Vetee," trmm Mm. fnd J. IH'I", «f Qnmtoro, Mint of the Mb Mi "A»a Maria" ^ I played aa Um, bridal party entered the JS a™** «*• wremaay. The uahere. Maaara. Limteay Hoi roaab, Grey Bydaor, Wllia Carter and Walter Carter, all of tela Ay, took their stand at tha alter followed by Miaaea Nancy Jo—, af ChathaMt, Va.. aad Elisabeth Morlm, al Wlaetoa Halaai, both wearlag green and car at the alter aad teak their (tend be hind the chancel, followed by two rroomamea, Measra. Willlata 8hep pa rd and Forreat Wright. bath «< I THartiril ffnlir then Miss Helen Smith, of tbia city, aad Miaa Kath i rine Howard, of Greensboro, wear inng pink and carrying pate pte^ roaaa and snapdragona, than Messrs. Charles Norfleet and Mama Wilkin son, of Winston-Satem, they were fol lowed by Miaa Mary Martha Lybrook, of Winston-Salem, and Miai Katb vriae Gregory, of Greanaboro, wear Ing yellow aad carrying Madam But terfly rosea and yellow snapdragons, then came Meeara. Bailey Llipfert and William Roth, of Winston-Salem. Mrs. Herman Blount, of Rocky Mount, wearing her wadding gown of ducbeea satin and lade and carrying ptek roaaa and white sweatpeaa and UUtea | of the valley aerved aa daate of honor and waa followed by Miaa Elisabeth Lynn, of Roanoke, Va., aa maid of honor gowned b orchid aad carrying yellow roaaa aad orchid ateeka, tha I lute flawer gM Miaa Mary Loatee Merritt, of tbte city, preoedad the ; bride aad ware a long drees featuring taffeta rufftea, modeled after the bridesmaids' drosses aad carried a Colonial bouquet of sweetheart roaea. The bride entered with bar father and waa met at the alter by tha grooaa accompanied by hie beet man Dr. Wil liam C. Whitehead, of Rocky Mount, the vows were spoken before Raw. H. K. Boyer. D. D.. of Shelby, who had officiated at the marriage of tha hide's parents, and waa aaaiated by Rev. W. A. Newell, pastor of tha bildt, the impraaaive ring certmaay of the M. E. Church, South, being used. The bride** gown waa of heavy ivory bridal satin elaborately em broidered in Japanese pearla and waa fashioned on straight linea with court train lined with ailver suspended from the shoulders, the veil waa of talle, bordered with ducheae lace made cor onet style the coronet being made of old rose point laea caught at the back with a wreath of orange bloaaoma. The bride's only ornament waa a platinum bracelet sat with diamonds and aapphirea, the gift of the groom. btfi at the bridal party, Mr. aad Mia. O. W. Kochtitikjr, sf Wiieea, Mr. aad Mr*, s. s. me-w, ti iufctegtiw, Mr. S. W. Sparer, *f Dartea, Mr. aad Mn. Fred Iptiw, ef Qwmtm. •nd Mr. t. M. Spargar Receiving hi the hall «w» Dr. aad Mr*. Moir •. Martin, prwidiag over the bride'* book In Um Muaic raaaa wrrr Mia. A lata Bparger, and Wilbur Vochtiuky, Jr., Mrs. N. H. Wright, of Winston-Hales and Mrs. BajraMod Smith usitered the |*wli to Um din >|>K row where Mrs. Jani Yokley and Mrs. C. W. Paddison had chars* of the servlag aasiatad by Miaaas Carolina Whtttsky. of Wilson. Blif* abcth A.hby, Prance. Par, Marian Prathar, Anna Ractor, Alma Yokley, and Evelyn Sprinkle, of Marian, Va. The dining room was decorated with pink, a Venetian Point cloth oov erad the table sriiich baid a law round centarpieoe of pink roaas and whlta swaetpeaa, four crystal candlesticks held lifted pink tapers en the table and niunarous pink candles lighted the rooa* with their soft glow. I era in the for* of wedding balls, •lippars aad hearts war* .sorted with deaoratad r en ice pastry aad decorat ed heart ■ ha pad cate, fancy boaboai and nuts war* piaii in iflw com potes. Later in the evsalag the bride ex changed her bridal rate far a lovely traveling rait of tw* aha da* ef tea, Um eaat being trteaad with Aawi toiioi, am) bride and gyuow motond to Graaaateo to take the train for hi the iAwmm «a the Ml Jwlwr-flwioi Airy of tha i FrWUy *r the Invitation* have I junior cliM of tk to tha to thi »nnnal to hi held in Um of the Blue Ridg« Hotel rrt-l day night beginning at 7:00 o'ctoek. Of The Mount Airy New*. Mount Airy, I N. C., for April 1st. 1947, aa require! by thr Pont Office Department. Publishers—J, E. Johnson A Son, M. C. E. Johnson, Mount Airy,' M Cdito*"T' N. C. Managing Editor—W. M. Johnson,, Mount Airy, N C. Business Manager—W. M. Johnson, Mount Airy, N. C. Owners—J. E. Johnson and W. M. I Johnson, Mount Airy, N. C. Known bondholders or mortgages: I Bahrock Printing Press Mfg. Co., New London, Conn. (signed) W. M. Johnson Sworn to and subscribed before mm I this March 24th, 1M7. E. L Bran nock. Notary Public. , ¥■ * 4 ML Airy, M. C. 26, 1M8 The Amemcak Ageicultubal Chemical Co. GmBabon,N.C, Gentleman: I have sold Zen's "AA Qua! *jr» Fertilizer since 1888 end . u the years have passed, Zell's has grown in popularity and for s number of years it has been the leading brand of fer tilizer in this county. I consider it the best fertil izer for tobacco on the market. Very truly yours, I J. D. Smith i